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Steps to a Successful Online Marketing Campaign

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Page 1: Steps to a Successful Online Marketing Campaign


A planned, organized online marketing campaign with turing through a variety of select sites is

not hard to harmonize, does not need to cost a great deal of money and can generate tansport and

sales faster than Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and/or social media marketing efforts.

The Ice Bucket Challenge was the past year's best use of Facebook marketing, according to the

social network, which just announce its ad award winners. It's no shock the viral campaign got so

much praise—Mark Zuckerberg even participated. Zuckerberg was one of the millions of people

to douse themselves in ice water to raise awareness for ALS in what became a powerful moment

for online marketing.



Before beginning any marketing campaign you need to spend some time considering branding.

You won’t need to get out your cowboy boots and wrangle cattle, but the concept is remarkably

similar. The concept of branding is to create a specific, unique look that is easily identified as

yours. Just like in an old western where an escaped cow could be identified by the brand it

carried, your company should have a ‘brand’ – a look – to tie your company and marketing

metter together. It may include a logo, a color scheme or an idea that reflects the personality of

your company.

Page 2: Steps to a Successful Online Marketing Campaign

DEVELOP BRAND NAME AND IMAGE BEFORE STARTING COMMUNICATIONS It is important to develop your brand name and image privious to starting your online marketing

campaign. Is your company colorful and playful? Modern and stylish? Traditional? Begin

succeed a look that you want to return the ideals and culture of your company. Using your

ideas, merge with your company name and logo, you have the beginnings of a brand that will be

representative of who your company is. You’ll use your company branding to tie your online

marketing campaign together. It will surround web design, social media and other online

techniques, and can carry over into other media movement – giving your company a complete

marketing look.

SETTING THE OBJECTIVE FOR THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN Once you have established a brand, consider what you want your marketing campaign to do. Are

you promoting a new product or service? Do you want to lift awareness of your company? Is

there an upcoming event that your company is join in? Identifying the key goals of the marketing

campaign will help narrow your focus and protect that your efforts are used in the right areas.

Spend some time final on one or two specific goals that you want your marketing move to

address, and then cog your efforts towards reaching those goals.

STUDY YOUR COMPETITORS It may seem counterproductive to study what ‘the competition’ is doing, but that is exactly what

you need to do before starting a marketing campaign. If you aren’t sure who your competition is,

perform a simple internet search for businesses similar to yours. Even if a company isn’t in your

local area, you can study the type of marketing that they are using. Is their online marketing

successful? What types of online marketing are they unavailable in? Do they seem to be winning

the media campaign war? Or are they a glaring example of what not to do? When it comes to

online marketing, the adage, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” has validity.

Keep an eye on what the competition is doing.

STUDY THE MARKET While you’re performing research on your competition, do some evaluation of your market. Who

is your target market? How can you best reach those individuals? Do you notice any trends

among your customers about how they interact with your company? If your target market is

adults over the age of 65, your online marketing campaign is going to include different elements

than a campaign geared towards 25 year olds. Knowing your market is essential when

developing marketing materials

For The more information Of Market :-Click Here

After you’ve developed your company brand, determined the goal of the marketing campaign,

probe the competition and identified your market, it’s time to begin selecting the strategies that

will best meet your needs. It can be profuse to know which approach to use and how to best

leverage the power of the internet for marketing. One of the best ways to get a feel for a

successful marketing campaign is to study what your competition is doing – and then mimic their


Steps to a Successful Online Marketing Campaign

Page 3: Steps to a Successful Online Marketing Campaign

o Define Your Customer

Defining your customer is as important as defining your products or naming your business. If

you have not yet done a marketing plan within your business plan, then you need to do this

exercise. (Here's how to create a complete marketing plan, from your Unique Selling Proposition

through advertising and promotions planning. And if you are starting from square one and need

to write a business plan, this Business Plan Outline will lead you through the process step by


o Choose Your Targets

Now, where are you going to post your ads? A coordinated effort across several sites and place

commonly attend by your customers is the most effective marketing campaign. If you are seen in

several places your visibility and surprising message is much stronger.

Interdependent sites that you can help cross-promote to your caller, who will then see you there

too, will provide excellent increase of your message. Holiday specific sites that are well

promoted are excellent areas to consider.

When considering a website, social media network or newsletter for your ad, look at factors such

as traffic, search engine placement, external linking (how many places link to it), quality of

current ads and types of messages being presented in current ads.

o Budget

While some people think this should be the first step, realistically you can better create the

budget for your online marketing plan when you have a good idea of the costs involved. That can

only be done once you've figured out your targets.

You probably already have a figure in mind of how much you can really spend, so go back to

your marketing campaign sheet and total the costs of all the ad spots you'd like to do. Chances

are that total will exceed your overall spending limit. See also: Social Media Bud

o Creating Your Ad Content

Online marketing works best when you focus only on one or two things. You may have a variety

of products but pick one or two items that are good sellers and have a solid appeal to your target

market for your marketing campaign.

Next ask yourself, "What am I selling"? It's rarely the product or service. You are selling a

benefit, something that registers at the emotional level. If you are selling fishing rods, for

example, you're selling the excitement of successfully landing that monster in the lake. If you are

selling cosmetics, you're selling beauty.

The most successful ads use words that relate to the customer. Use You and Yours and never put

the focus on Me, Mine, Our, My or We. Create several emotional words associated with the

product - fun, comforting, relaxing, stimulating, addictive - and use at least one of them in the ad.

Page 4: Steps to a Successful Online Marketing Campaign

Coupons are also an effective marketing tool. They can be easily tracked either manually or by

an automated shopping cart system. Use different codes for different advertising locations and

you'll quickly see which ones get the best attention.

o Tracking & Monitoring Your Ads

Tracking and reacting to your campaign's successes are critical in maintaining an effective

marketing campaign. From your website stats to PPC stats, there are many ways to determine

what is working and what isn't. By paying attention you'll learn volumes about your ads and how

to hone them for best results.

Tracking tricks include using specific coupon or sales codes for each ad placement, setting up

separate entry pages on your site for each ad, and utilizing a service that helps track activity.

There are advertising management services that help you to track ad performance, such as

Google's DFP Small Business, a free service that is relatively easy to implement and gives

powerful ad tracking management and support. Some venues, such as Facebook ads, provide

their own reports..

For More information of Nino Joseph Mihilli