Small Business Strategy Development Process Understand Analyze Decide Act Understand Analyze Decide Act

Simple Small Business Strategic Planning Tool

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This presentation was given by Art Helmstetter at a Dayton Chamber of Commerce sponsored workshop to help small businesses learn how to develop a strategic plan for their business. For information or assistance contact www.b2bplanner.com

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Page 1: Simple Small Business Strategic Planning Tool

Small Business Strategy Development Process


Decide Act

Understand AnalyzeDecide


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Art Helmstetter “Large and Small Business”

Managing Director, B2B Planner Ltd. Small Business Development

Director Global Planning and Marketing Quaker Chemical Corporation Strategic Planning

Business Management 25 consecutive years achieving profit goals

Started up four businesses Two start ups survive today Grew two other businesses from 0 to over $25 MM

Education MBA, BS & MS Engineering,

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“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland

“I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination.”

Jimmy Dean

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Strategy Development Agenda

• The case for strategy development.• Why small businesses don’t plan.• Need to respond to a rapidly changing world• A planning model for today• Key Elements of Planning

– Internal Factors– External Factors– SWOT Analysis

• Planning Tools and Templates• The Simple Steps Model

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The Brutal Facts

1. Nothing you do will 100% guarantee success

2. Planning can greatly improve your chance of success

3. Not planning WILL greatly increase your chance of failure

This is confirmed by the large number of companies without business plans that fail within 5 years

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Definition of Strategy Development

A business’s process of • defining its strategy and direction,• and making decisions on allocating its

resources including its capital and people.

Keep It Simple by answering three questions:• "What do we do?"• "For whom do we do it?"• "How do we beat the competition?”

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CreatesA Focal Point

to Grow Your Business

Strategic Planning

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We Live in a “Hyper”World

• Hyper-competitive market– Global competition– Excess capacity in the US

• Hyper-Speed of Change– Accelerating technology development– Digital speed of operation

• Hyper-Uncertainty– Changing economy– Changing government intervention

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Why Businesses Don’tDo A Strategic Plan?

No one makes you “Too expensive” Takes too much time Can’t get the information Don’t know how Doesn’t work Is not fun

What’s Your Reason?

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Planning Is NOT a Do It Yourself Process

• You don’t do it often• You need a process• It takes time• You need perspective

and objectivity• It takes research

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Who Can Help?

• Advisory Committee • Trained Staff Member • SCORE Mentor• Sole Practitioner • Large Consultant

But YOU must OWN the process!

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A Plan Is the Conclusion of Strategy Development

Strategic ThinkingWhat Might Happen Options

Strategic Decision Making What Will We Do

Strategic PlanningHow Will We Do It


Business Plan

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Strategic Plan Business Plan Budget

Serial Planning Model For Stable Conditions

Alternate Business Planning Models

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Customer Behavior

External Factors

Business Plan and Budget

Internal Capabilities

Strategic Thinking and Analysis

Both models use similar elements and analyses, but the process is very different.

Alternate Business Planning Models

Dynamic Planning Model for Changing Conditions

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Customer Behavior

External Factors

Business Plan and Budget

Internal Capabilities

Strategic Thinking and Analysis

Both models use similar elements and analyses, but the process is very different.

Alternate Business Planning Models

Dynamic Planning Model for Changing Conditions

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Elements of StrategyFormulation

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• Market Size• Growth Potential• Customer Needs and Wants

Buyer Behavior Preferences

• Competitive Intelligence

Traditional Market Research

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Focus on your “addressable” microcosm

Focus on YOUR customersWhat do your customers really buy from you? Buyer Behavior PreferencesFind the common characteristicsCan you sell your customers different things?Who do your customers compete with?

Can you sell to them?

Focus on YOUR competitors

Simplified Market Research

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Customers:Who Buys from You

Where Does Your business

come from?





Repeat Buyers

Occasional Buyers

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Customers: Segmentation

Use common elements to select products and marketing

Identify underserved, high value groupsIncome Career or Industry Current Product Use

Use a segmentation dimensionIndustrial Commercial Consumer

Dividing the market into groups Product they use How they use product When and where used

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Simplified Competitor Research

Focus on YOUR marketGoogle ‘emVisit their websiteSearch in directory listings

Yellow pages digital and print.Google and Yahoo localAngie’s List

Check out their reviewsTalk to their customers, employees, suppliers and competitors


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Supply or Value Chain

Determine your position in the value chainHow far are you from the final user

Produce Raw


Make Parts

Assemble Product

Sell Product

Service Product

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Five Forces of Competitive Intensity


New Entrants

Buyer Power


Supplier Power

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Focus Your Actions Based on your SWOT


OpportunitiesNew MarketsNew ApplicationNew Technology

WeaknessesCostMarketing/salesStaff skills

ThreatsCompetitionEconomyNew Technology

Internal External





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Focus Your SWOT on the “Make or Break” Issues

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Focus Your Actions Based on your SWOT

Confront Avoid

Exploit Search

Internal FactorsStrengths Weaknesses











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Actions To Grow

• Increase reach in existing • Find new markets

Market Expansion

• New business w/customers • New products

Product Expansion

• Products• Application• Processes


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Actions to Improve Performance/Efficiency

• Credit Policy• PricingFinancial

• Capital investment• Improve processesOperations

• ERP systems• Web based sales, marketingIT

• Rewards & recognition• Capability buildingHR

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FOCUS on 1-2 Goals

Goal 1: Strategy 1: Implement the Timeline: Team ________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ Action Items:

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Timeline: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Timeline:


Resources needed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Enabling factors/barriers ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

RESULTS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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1. Executive Summary

2. Goals

3. Objectives

4. Strategies

5. Action items

6. Outcomes/Results

7. Time Lines

8. Champions


Eight Strategic Measures to Monitor and Update

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Why Strategies Fail

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• Inaccurate or biased intelligence gathering

• Failure to identify weaknesses and threats

• The strategy is a poor fit between the external environment and an organizations' resources

• Overly optimistic about resources and abilities

• Inadequate support of others

• Lack of discipline to follow the plan

• Not making timely adjustments when needed


Why Strategies Fail

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Focus on the Future

• Commit to writing a strategy and plan.• Use a proven process, and • An experienced person to facilitate the process.

• Meet with that person monthly to follow up on the strategy and plan

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Now Go for a Ride




Look Ahead

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Thank You!

Understand AnalyzeDecide


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Focus Your Strategy With SCORE’s Simple Steps

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Yesterday’s Paradigm Slow Pace (Years) Many Opportunities Subtle Impact Specialization (Isolation) Agriculture Based Economy Product Based Economy Services Based Economy


WorksheetCurrent Situation (Position)

Current SituationTraditional Model

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Today’s Paradigm Hectic Pace (Months) Few Opportunities Volatile Impact Diversification (Collaboration) Experienced Based Society

Current SituationEmerging Model







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Welcome to the Experience Driven Economy

Experience Loyal Consumers(Unprecedented Consumer Mix)Digital Customers(Connected, Online and Influenced)Interactive Communications(Not Just One-way Advertising)Customer Relationships(Not Just a Sale)Hectic Pace(Immediate not prolonged) Limited Opportunities(To Succeed or Fail)Volatile Impact(Business Outcomes)Diversification(Not specialization)Collaboration(Not isolation)



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Enterprise500 Above







NAICS Classification Code:www.census.gov/epcd/www/naics.html



Small Business Size, Scope and Type of Business

Business Change CyclesAt each of these levels, businesses go through significant transition in

several key areas.

Employees Organization

Investment RevenuesCash flow ExpensesOfferings Facilities

Resources Systems





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Current SituationDevelopment – Start Up

Simple Steps to Starting a Business Establish a viable for-profit business or non-profit organization

Need (Pending motive)

Desire (Feasibility)

Ability (Qualification)

Timing (Opportunity)

Action (Start-up)

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Step 1: Awareness (Concept/Interest)

Step 2: Awareness (Personal Qualification)

Step 3: Evaluation (Business Feasibility)

Step 4: Commitment (Decision/Funding)

Step 5: Implementation (Preparation/Launch)

Simple Steps to Starting a Business - Start-up Track

WorksheetBusiness DevelopmentDecision Process

Advantage SCORE . . .Integrated Business Performance Solutions

Simple Steps Workshop Series Integrated or Segmented Track

Scheduled (Open) Workshops Combined Track

Aligned Mentoring Business Start-up Coaching

SCORE Resources (Network)

WorksheetQualification andFeasibility Guide

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Shaped by Marketplace

Disrupted by Industry

Majority and Laggards

Declining or Survival

Involuntary Disruption

Current SituationRecovery – Tactical

Simple Steps to Business RecoveryNeed to move the business out of the current situation

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Simple Steps to RecoveryDefense Track- Tactical

Step 1: Awareness (External Perspectives)

Step 2: Discovery (Internal Insights)

Step 3: Evaluation (Sustainable Business Model) Isolate Challenges

Step 4: Commitment (Solution Recommendations) Prioritize Initiatives

Step 5: Implementation (Execute and Management)

Step 6: Measurement (Measure Results and Repeat)

Advantage SCORE . . .Integrated Business Performance Solutions

Simple Steps Workshop Series Integrated or Segmented Track

Scheduled (Open) Workshops Combined Track

Aligned Mentoring Business Recovery Coaching

SCORE Resources (Network)

WorksheetBusiness Recovery

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Simple Steps to Business ExpansionWant to move the business to the next level

Current SituationVoluntary Transition

Shaping Marketplace

Disrupting Industry

Innovators/Early Adaptors

Competing Aggressively

Steady Growth

Voluntary Evolution

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Simple Steps to ExpansionOffense - Strategic

Step 1: Awareness (External Perspectives)

Step 2: Discovery (Internal Insights)

Step 3: Evaluation (Sustainable Business Model) Isolate Challenges

Step 4: Commitment (Solution Recommendations) Prioritize Initiatives

Step 5: Implementation (Execute and Management)

Step 6: Measurement (Measure Results and Repeat)

Advantage SCORE . . . Integrated Business Performance Solutions

Simple Steps Workshop Series Integrated or Segmented Track

Scheduled (Open) Workshops Combined Track

Aligned Mentoring Business Expansion Coaching

SCORE Resources (Network)

WorksheetBusiness Transition

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DevelopmentStart-up TrackEntrepreneur (BP) DNALeadership Priorities (Balance)Start-up Leadership AlignmentDevelopment Process (5 Steps)Development Challenges Start-up Problems Start-up Needs Start-up OpportunitiesBuild Business Model Business Performance Priorities Business Operations Priorities Foundation (Scheduled) InitiativesEvaluate External ForcesResource IdentificationDevelopment Funding Sources

DefenseRecovery TrackBusiness Operations DNALeadership Balance (Priorities)Recovery Leadership AlignmentRecovery Process (6 Steps)Survival Challenges Survival Problems Recovery Needs

Fix Business Model Business Performance Priorities Business Operations PrioritiesTactical (Immediate) InitiativesManage External ForcesResource AllocationRecovery Funding Sources

OffenseExpansion TrackBusiness Performance DNALeadership Balance (Priorities)Transition Leadership AlignmentTransition Process (6 Steps)Growth Challenges Competitive Needs Growth Opportunities

Expand Business Model Business Performance Priorities Business Operations PrioritiesStrategic (Planned) InitiativesLeverage External ForcesResource CommitmentExpansion Funding Sources

Common Concepts – Different Execution

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Targeted Marketplace (Geographic Segment)The Demand Side

Targeted Marketplace (Geographic Segment)The Demand Side

Leadership (Stake Holder) DNALeadership Allocation (Self) or Balance (Team

Leadership Lifecycle Alignment

A Sustainable Organization ModelExternal versus Internal Balance

Targeted ConsumerCommunities

(Customer Segments)

Stakeholders - Community,

Media and Other Communities



The Supply SideSupply Chain

Partner, AllianceProfessionalCommunities

The Supply SideSupply Chain

Partner, AllianceProfessionalCommunities







External Forcesof Business


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Today’s volatile business climate is a lot like a tennis match, challenges come at you pretty fast. Whether you are winning, losing or just starting out in business, SCORE can help you match point and win.

Regardless of business size, scope, type, or current situation, seasoned SCORE professionals leverage integrated solutions with years of life/work experience to give you an “advantage” in today’s challenging business environment.

Advantage SCORE . . .From Challenges to Solutions


The fastest tennis serve on record for menis 156MPH and 139MPH for women