Signs & Codes Of Television

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  • 1. Signs of Television Semiotics

2. Semiotics as a Science

  • Swiss linguist Saussure (1857 - 1913)
  • Charles Sanders Peirce (pronounced purse), (1839 1914)

3. Central concerns of Semiotics

  • The relationship between a sign and its meaning
  • The way signs are combined into codes

4. Signifier + Signified = Sign The signifier is a physical object, eg- a sound, printed word or image. The Signified is a mental concept (bearing no necessary relationship to the signifier) The sign is the associated total which relates the two together 5.

  • The 3 elements are determined by our culture or are in some sense, man made

6. Iconic, Motivated Signs Portraits - photographs are iconic 7. 8. 9. The form of the signifier determined by either the signified or by convention

  • The form of the photograph is determined by the appearance
  • The form of the generalised car on a traffic sign is determined by convention

motivated arbitrary 10. Arbitrary, unmotivated signs 11. Three orders of signification 12. Second-order signs 1: myths 13. Second order signifiers 14. 15. Second-order signs II Connotation (denotation) 16. 17. 18. Metaphor and Metonymy The Crown A dish Players on the World Stage 19. 20. Paradigms and Syntagms Selective/associative (or paradigmatic) dimension (metaphor) Combinative/syntagmatic dimension (metonymy) 21. paradigmatic syntagmatic 22. Media and Genre Paragigms 23.