Seafood Importers leading advancement in Globalization www.seafood-trade.com

Seafood importers leading advancement in globalization

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Seafood Importers leading advancement in


Page 2: Seafood importers leading advancement in globalization

Global sourcing became a new arena of growing business worldwide.

It helps to build out your business globally. Nowadays it is a very common word in the business world.

In earlier days, when we did not have packaged food, the varieties of seafood are directed taken from our natural sea and it was absolutely free.

But now, the trend has been changed. People used to search seafood online or they try to

find them in seafood store, restaurants where the pure and processed sea foods are available.

We easily get it from our nearest seafood shops.

Business World in Seafood

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Nowadays, it becomes a trade to import the seafood from other countries.

Since the intake of seafood increases day by day, and the countries which are not rich in seafood they have to take the seafood from other countries.

So, the no. of Seafood importers increases day by day. Seafood is a good that is brought in from another country for sale.

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Under this import and export of goods suppliers plays the main role to supply the seafood to their consumers either buy online or by any other process.

It has its own advantages and disadvantages therefore global sourcing has the both. 

In this import- export the relationship between the countries can stand for a long time.

How to Import and Export

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Both countries are aware about the economic condition of the each other.

In future they can help each other if they anyone of them require any type of help.

This leads to the globalization, which will improve the economy of different countries.

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There could be many reasons of Global sourcing but the basic reason is cost. 

There are many countries from where the import and export of seafood is going on.

Any country can import the seafood from other countries because it is not feasible there.

During import there are many formalities like you have the currency of that country that is going to export you its product.

Global Source

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It has the tax value also. It becomes a costly process for any country who is taking the product of the other country.

One country can take benefit only when it is rich in other product in which the opposite side is lacking behind.

Then they can apply some conditions and improve their business.  

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According to the 2007 US Census Bureau, the seafood is the no. one food product exported from China to the United States especially fish and shellfish.

In the same year, more than $2.013 billion of seafood was imported by the US.

This number includes catfish and shrimps, which are the two of the 10 most demanded seafood and highly consumed seafood products in the country.

This makes China the largest exporter of seafood as well as the second largest in terms of monetary value.

Statistical Data for Seafood

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United States, China, Germany, France, UK are the countries which take the greatest amount of seafood .

Seafood is consumed all over the world. It provides the world's prime source of high-

quality protein, 14–16% of the animal protein consumed world-wide, over 1 billion people rely on seafood as their primary source of animal protein.

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Iceland, Japan is the greatest consumers of seafood in the world.

In these countries the seafood importers are taking benefit.

They are going to develop themselves so that people intake seafood from them.

They can improve economy also but it is again a competition under that country also because suppliers can take seafood from them.

And the quality will matter there. Many of the importers try to preserve the seafood so that it remains fresh for a long time and people can enjoy it.

Economy and Consumption of Seafood