School based magazine School based magazine Picture evaluation Picture evaluation By Kamar Ali

School based magazine picture evaluation

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Page 1: School based magazine picture evaluation

School based magazine School based magazine Picture evaluation Picture evaluation

By Kamar Ali

Page 2: School based magazine picture evaluation


In this presentation I will be evaluating the pictures that I used in my school based magazine as well as looking at why I used them in the final magazine; and will compare them to my drafts to see if I have stuck to my plans, and explain how some of the drafts assisted me during the photo shoot. I will also go into detail about how each image represents particular social groups within the school.

Page 3: School based magazine picture evaluation

I wanted to do two pictures for the ‘why science’ article in the magazine, the one on the front was the close up to the Bunsen burner with a students hand in sight; and the second was the same picture but from a different perspective so that the student and the Bunsen burner are in sight. As you can see I have stuck to these plans and during the photo shoot I used them as a guide so that I knew what I wanted and we took the pictures fast and efficiently.

Why science picturesWhy science pictures

Page 4: School based magazine picture evaluation

As you can see from this comparison of the first picture, the final image follows the main aim of my draft that I drew for this particular picture; and the draft served as a tool to help me take the picture so that I could get the image I wanted. I used this picture because the Bunsen burner flame is facing directly up, so it was a good show in that sense, and the students hand is in direct proportion to what I drew in my draft. Also the main objects in the show are in focus and the background is slightly blurred out, so that the main objects stand out more.

Why science pictures cont.Why science pictures cont.

Page 5: School based magazine picture evaluation

As you can see from this comparison of the second picture that I used for the ‘why science’ article, and as you can see the final image follows the main conventions of the draft I drew. I chose this particular image because the student looks like he is doing his work as well as enjoying it (as you can tell by his facial expressions), he is also using all the necessary safety equipment and he is sensibly dressed. In some of the pictures the flame from the Bunsen burner couldn't be seen, so I had to look through them so that it can be easily identifies

Why science pictures cont.Why science pictures cont.

Page 6: School based magazine picture evaluation

In the images for the ‘why science?’ article, I took an image of a clean and professional science lab, which shows that the school environment is clean and safe (due to the student using safety equipment). The student used in the picture is smiling which shows that he is enjoying his work and this reflects on for the rest of the school, and he is well dressed to show a good image for the school. I used a coloured person in this picture because I wanted a variety of different students of different ethnicities within the magazine to show the school as a multi cultural environment, with a variety of different students from different ethnicities

Why science pictures social Why science pictures social factorsfactors

Page 7: School based magazine picture evaluation

For this particular article in the magazine I only used one image, and in the draft I wanted a picture of a teacher talking to a student who is also working on one of the computers within the school. While doing the photo shoot I used this draft and it helped me while I was taking the pictures as it helped me with taking the pictures, and when the model looked at the draft they instantly knew what to do.

100% pass rate ICT image100% pass rate ICT image

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As you can see from the images (below) I stuck to my main draft, and I feel this was one of my more successful pictures as it is what I imagined it to be like while drawing the drafts for the pictures that will be used; and I also feel that both of the models did a good job in the photo shoot as we did it quickly and it was easy to get them into place as they looked at the draft and knew what to do. I choose this image because the teacher in the image is engaged in conversation with the student, and the student is listening as well as proceeding with his work.

100% pass rate ICT image cont. 100% pass rate ICT image cont.

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100% pass rate ICT image social 100% pass rate ICT image social factorsfactors

In the image for the ’100% pass rate in ICT’ I wanted to show another class room, and in that image I wanted to show that the school is a clean and positive environment. With the teacher model in the picture I wanted to present the teachers in the school as smart, well dressed and professional as well as into their work; the student also looks well dressed and he looks smart in his uniform, with his tie done up and his uniform in check. I used an English model (teacher) and a polish model (student) within the image to show more ethnicities within the school enviroment.

Page 10: School based magazine picture evaluation

This was the main image on the magazine, and it supports the main article ‘new year sixth form’ in the draft I wanted to get a range of sixth form students leaning over the sixth form balcony looking down towards to camera, all looking smart and enjoying their education. I chose this image because everyone fits the criteria within this image and it was difficult using so many models and getting them all to look down, and making sure that none of them had their eyes closed, or were frowning within the picture. To make this picture better I feel that all the models could have been more ‘into’ the image and make sure that they are all looking over the balcony, as some of them look like they are ‘hiding’ in a sense. Before the photo shoot I showed all the models the draft for the image so that they had a basic idea of what the finished image would look like and how they should look in the image.

New year new sixth form imageNew year new sixth form image

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As you can see from the draft and the final image, I tried to get the image to fit the draft, and even though I feel that not all the models are leaning over and looking over the balcony I think that it more or less fits the drafts I drew, as I got the location right and got the right amount of models. I choose this image because all the models look happy and smart, and none of them are blinking or frowning.

New year new sixth form imageNew year new sixth form image

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In this image I tried to get a mixture of different students, girls and boys of different ethnicities on the balcony looking down all looking smart and smiling. This proved difficult because a lot of people didn't want to be in the picture so I had to make do with the models that I had available, but I feel that I got a few different ethnicities as well as a ‘decent’ mix of boys and girls, as more girls were willing to be in the image than boys. All the models are dressed smart and look happy about their education which presents the school as a middle class school were the students enjoy themselves; also were the students are it looks like a nice and clean environment. The sixth formers look friendly and happy which portrays the school as a friendly and happy school

New year new sixth form image New year new sixth form image social factorssocial factors

Page 13: School based magazine picture evaluation

This is the image for the ‘mental maths’ article, there isn't much to this image apart from the wall itself and in the image it captures a different side to maths rather than numbers and hard sums, as you can see by the drawn patterns in the image.

While in the maths area I had seen this wall before and while doing my drafts I thought this would have been a good idea so I decided to draw this as one of my drafts as it was an image that I could take easily as it required no models, and it suits the article title.

Mental maths imageMental maths image

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Theirs not much you can say about the social factors for this image, apart from the appearance, which is in good order and the mental maths poster is in good condition and well presented; which portrays the school as a organized, clean and professional place. If the mental maths poster had ‘bits’ hanging off, and there was graffiti all over the wall and it was presented poorly then it would give us the impression that the rest of the school is like this; so that is why the presentation of the poster itself is key to presenting the school as clean, organized and professional.

Mental maths image social factors Mental maths image social factors

Page 15: School based magazine picture evaluation

In this image for the article ‘knife crime don't do it’ there is an image of the schools anti knife crime campaign poster which is now up in one of the corridors. In the image it has a picture of a knife inside a no sign. I have walked through this corridor a many times and while drafting I felt that this would be a good article to include as it is about a school project that happened and it is promoting a good cause.

In my draft I planned on only getting a direct shot of the poster itself, but when taking the picture I felt it would look better if I included half the corridor, so some of the other posters can be seen, as well as a bit of the school corridor.

Knife crime don't do it imageKnife crime don't do it image

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This image presents the school as a nice and clean environment (as you can tell from the corridor within the shot) as well as a school that promotes peace and tries to make the students aware of dangerous crimes that can be easily committed and easily land them in prison; it represents the school as one that gets involved with the public and one that promotes safety and warns against the dangers of such crimes like knife crime.

Knife crime don't do it image Knife crime don't do it image social factors social factors

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Canteen food petition imageCanteen food petition image

In this image for the article ‘canteen food petition’ I took an image of the canteen as I felt that the article was related to the canteen so I would get an image of the canteen.

The final image is what I planned in my draft, but if I could make changes to the image I would take an image of one of the canteen workers serving food to a student, as now that I reflect back I feel that an image such as that would have been more appropriate to the article.

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Canteen food petition image social Canteen food petition image social factors factors

In this image it shows the school canteen, and by looking at it you can see that it a clean environment that looks nice, which would reflect onto the rest of the school. But if there was food all over the tables and rubbish on the floor it would make the school look dirty and tacky, so in this particular image it represents the school in a positive way which would appeal to most people of all classes but mainly middle/upper as they know the school is a professional place that is clean and positive.