Developing Licence Models JISC Collections 3 July 2022 | SCA Scotland Forum | Slide 1 Developing Licence Models Facilitating wider access to online information

Sca Scotland Forum 210508 Liam Earney: Licences

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Liam Earney's presentation on licences givent at the SCA Scotland Forum 21.05.08

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Developing Licence Models

JISC Collections 12 April 2023 | SCA Scotland Forum | Slide 1

Developing Licence ModelsFacilitating wider access to online information

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Developing Licence Models

Facilitating wider access to online information

Liam Earney

JISC Collections Team Manager

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Developing Licence Models

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The existing model

Challenges to the model

Developing, Strengthening and Changing the Model

– Knowledge Exchange

– Business and Community Engagement

– Universal Access Model

– Cross Sectoral Collaboration




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The existing model

JISC Collections licenses online resources on behalf of UK Higher and Further Education Institutions and the Research Councils

Emphasis is on widest possible access and widest possible range of educational uses

Licenses e-journals, e-books, bibliographic databases, archival and full text collections, film, images, sound, and any other stuff

The JISC model licence and the agreements based on it rest on two assumptions:

1. Individual institutions decide whether to participate in any specific agreement

2. Individual institutions have a direct link with and can take full responsibility for their Authorised Users

JISC Collections Agreements have been designed on the basis of one institution with a defined user community

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Challenges to the existing model

Political, Social, Economic, Legal and Technological pressures

The licence as impediment to access and use?

Sectoral and cross-sectoral pressures for access to content and numerous levels:

– Transnational, National, Regional consortia

– Discipline/Subject based consortia

– Sub-Institutional access to niche resources

– Schools, NHS, Public Libraries, Colleges, Museums, Local Government

– Overseas partner organisations

– Knowledge transfer and commercial exploitation of services and IPR

Technology facilitates widespread dissemination and use of content, information, data etc

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Developing, changing and strengthening the existing model

Tension in the (Scholarly) Information Structure

There has never been so much content available to users

There has never been so much desire for wider access to that content

Significant part of that content is owned and will continue to be owned by third parties licensing that data to the public sector

What steps can the public sector take to maximise easy, sustainable and long term access to this content?

Working to build upon established models to create an overarching model where ‘universal access’ is the main objective

Recognise that such access may be achieved in steps, working with consortia to pool funding and leverage economies of scale.

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The Knowledge Exchange

Partnership between 4 national ICT bodies to license online resources across national borders


– Netherlands – SURFfoundation

– Germany – DFG

– Denmark – DEFF

Aim of leveraging greater economies of scale in the licensing of online content on behalf of their communities and to develop new and innovative business models

Important to introduce transparency and efficiency to the licensing process

Publishers selected by a joint tender process run by the Knowledge Exchange through the EU competitive tender process

Discounts on pricing are based on levels of take up from each partner country

For further information: www.knowledge-exchange.info

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Business and Community Engagement

Government policy and institutional strategy are transforming the external relations of universities:

– Partner organisations in the UK and overseas

– Small and medium sized enterprises ‘incubated’ by the institution and undertaking commercial research

Previous versions of the model licence weren’t developed for this

JISC Collections updated the definition of an authorised user to allow

– access for those staff not employed by an institution but teaching its students

– Access for retired members of staff

New framework licences to allow institutions to upgrade existing subscriptions to cover partner organisations in the UK and Overseas for Educational and Commercial Purposes

Recent survey received over 128 responses

– Revealed difficulties with institutional implementation of the new licences

Commissioning report to examine the role of JISC Collections in this area

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Universal Access Model - Superbands

Weaknesses of the ‘opt-in’ model

– uneven access to core resources

– dependent on the institutional collections building policy

– dependent on the institutional budgets

Impedes leveraging of spending power by institutions to maximise availability of resources

Developing a model that allows both existing and ad-hoc consortia to come together to license collections - Superbands

Like JISC banding, Superbands are based on the public funding of the member organisations

Consortia ‘Superband’ derived from the total public funding of the members of the consortium

Superbands provide a transparent framework for negotiation of consortia agreements

Based on existing JISC Banded pricing for JISC Collections agreements

Currently consulting with SHEDL, CURL and institutions in Wales

Further consultation to come

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Cross Sectoral Collaboration

JISC Collections for Schools

– Pilot project funded by Becta to extend central licensing and negotiation to schools in England – Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales can participate in agreements

– Banding model based on FTE – higher the FTE higher the discount

– Model allows individual schools, ad hoc groups of schools, Regional Broadband Consortia, Local Authorities and Devolved Administrations to license resources

London Museum Libraries and Archives Group

– Pilot licensing project funded by MLA

– Banding model based on number of research staff in Museums

– Specially developed version of JISC Model licence to take account of museum requirements

Scottish Library and Information Council

– JISC Collections responsible for negotiating extensions to existing SLIC agreements

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Reflections and future activities 1

What have we learnt?

– Hard work

– Aligning different structures, ambitions, goals

– How does each sector value different resources?

– JISC Model Licence has acted as a sold basis for agreements with publishers across sectors

When has it worked well?

– Close working relationship between the partners

– Understanding of different needs of different sectors

– When all sides have had time

What challenges have we faced?

– Similar but not the same – not targeting the same goals

– Sectoral politics

– Finding metrics that work in different sectors

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Reflections and future activities 2

Licences are only as good as the ability to implement them

– Access management

– Machine readable licences

– Institutional understanding of licensing

Licences are only as good as the weakest licence

– Standard clauses adopted by all publishers

Paid for content is only part (and a shrinking part) of the overall content mix

– Open Access – SCOAP3

– Need to make sure that we maximise access to the content we own rights in

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Thank you for listening

Liam EarneyCollections Team ManagerEmail: [email protected]: 020 3006 6002