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Pte5013 Green Sum07

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Chambers Library

Education Resources

Page 2: Pte5013 Green Sum07

Library Resources

Databases Search for articles in periodicals (journals,

magazines and newspapers)

UCO Library Catalog Search for materials located in our library

(books, DVD’s, government publications, etc.)

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Written for the general public

Written by staff reporters or free lance writers

No or minimal documentation

No original research – secondary literature

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Trade Journals

Written for professionals in a specific field

Written by staff, free lance or contributing professional

Little documentation No original research –

secondary literature

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Scholarly Journals

Written for academia Written by an expert or

credentialed researcher Full documentation Original or primary research

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Peer Reviewed vs. Non-peer reviewed

Peer-reviewed or refereed journals articles have been reviewed by other experts

in the field before publication Non-peer reviewed

Articles have NOT been reviewed by experts

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ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center)

Subject Guides >Family & Child Development > Databases

Articles from education related journals

ERIC documents – non-journal resources such as lesson plans, technical reports, case studies and conference proceedings

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Effective Searching

Have a topic in mind Treatment options for stuttering

Think of good keywords to describe your topic Treatment - therapy Stuttering - disfluency

Combine keywords for best results

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Boolean Operators

and - Combine keywords using and to narrow your search stuttering and treatment disfluency and therapy

or - Combine synonyms using or to broaden your search

stuttering or disfluency treatment or therapy

Nest terms in parentheses to get specific results (stuttering or disfluency) and (treatment or therapy)

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Truncate keywords with an asterisk * to get alternate endings














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Ulrich’s Periodical Directory Find Articles (Databases) > U > Ulrich’s

Publishing information on serials Does not have articles Check for type of publication

Journal Academic/Scholarly Trade

Newsletters, magazines, proceedings, etc.

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Other EBSCOhost Databases Subject Guides > Family & Child Development > Databases

Professional Development Collection Full-text of 500 journals in education, 300 peer

reviewed PsychInfo

Full-text, citations and abstracts to articles, books, and other materials related to psychology

SocIndex Full-text and citations to articles, books, and

conference papers in sociology

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Speech/Language Databases

Medline Subject Guides > Health and Medicine >

Databases Largest medical database – over six million

citations Communication & Mass Media

Communications > Communication & Mass Media > Databases

Communication, journalism and mass media