Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat A Guide to Best Practices If you want your account to truly deliver, to truly perform at optimum levels, here are the basics any PPC campaign manager needs to know. 2 The experts at Position explain the significance of each best practice. Sneak a peek at their processes. Surround & Intent Marketing Surround & Intent Marketing maximizes customer response through a data-driven understanding of online behavior that predicts intent, and drives action through a dynamic combination of search and social media marketing. Position , 366 Cambridge Avenue. Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA. Phone: 650-618-8900 | Toll-free(US): 800-725-5507 | www.position2.com 2

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Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

If you want your account to truly deliver, to truly perform

at optimum levels, here are the basics any PPC

campaign manager needs to know.

2The experts at Position explain the significance of

each best practice. Sneak a peek at their processes.

Surround & Intent


Surround &

Intent Marketing

maximizes customer response through a data-driven understanding of online behavior that predicts intent, and drives action through a dynamic combination of search and social media marketing.

Position , 366 Cambridge Avenue. Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA.

Phone: 650-618-8900 | Toll-free(US): 800-725-5507 | www.position2.com


Page 2: PPC Best Practices Guide (by Position2)

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

Algorithms aside, successful search engine advertising requires a human touch. Today’s advertising campaign

manager needs to look at significantly more parameters, more frequently than ever before. Gone are the years of the

simple closed-auction where your ad was shown based on the bid price. Search engine algorithms are more

complex, consider many more factors and make the playing field highly dynamic and incredibly unpredictable. And

that makes your campaign more complex.

But one thing remains clear: The more you experiment and practice, the more you engage, the better you get at your

craft. The proof is in the pudding – the metrics that benchmark your campaign efficiency and drive your tactics.

To help you improve those metrics, we have put together this guide to all the best practices we know and use. For the

novice campaign manager, it’s a place to start. For the experienced manager, it’s a place to reflect.

Best practices are a guide to what has been successful and acceptable. But they’re also something to push against

when that unique situation rises up and you find you have to make a judgment call.

We’ll tell you what they are, why they matter, and how to make them work for you.

There are 7 layers of successful PPC campaigns.

Campaign Structure

Campaign Budget

Account Settings

Ad Copywriting


Bid Management

Landing Page Optimization

Where Goals Turn into Plans

Placing the Right Bets in the Right Places

Building a Better Dashboard

Seduction in Three Lines

Entering the Mind of Your Customer

The Technology Platform User Wins the Day

Where Clickers Become Prospects

To illustrate how best to navigate these 7 layers, we have created an imaginary cell phone/PDA website, driven by eCommerce transactions, called www.phonessence.com….

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Page 3: PPC Best Practices Guide (by Position2)

Account Campaign Ad group

Phone Essence



Nokia models

Deals on Nokia



Fig. 1: Example Campaign Structure

Have you had that “goals” conversation yet? Why? Because you really want to have well-defined goals for your PPC campaign before you design your campaign structure. It all begins by clearly defining what you want the end results to be. Once this strategy is firmly in mind – and down on paper – you can turn to building a solid structure to support those goals.

No matter which search engine, your ad campaigns are built on three fundamental principles: Account, Campaign and Ad group.

Campaign Structure: Where Goals Turn into Plans


Your corporate account is the umbrella under which everything in your campaign occurs and is measured. This is

where you inform the search engine about your business and about billing. Typically, one company has one

corporate account. However, in more advanced cases, you can add accounts by working directly with a search

engine sales rep.

In our example, let’s call the account “Phone Essence.”


Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

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Page 4: PPC Best Practices Guide (by Position2)


Each campaign should have 5-8 ad groups. This way you will get better use of your budget across ad groups, a more equal distribution of resources.

The final level is the ad group. Each ad group is associated with multiple keywords. Ideally the ad group should

have keywords relevant to a specific theme. In our example, the ad groups that relate to the Nokia brand

campaign are “Nokia models” and “Deals on Nokia”. For the PDA product campaign, the ad groups are

“Blackberry” and “Samsung”. Each ad group has a set of common ads linked to each keyword.

How you name your elements is vital – campaign names, ad group names – because this provides valuable

information to the search engine algorithm about the theme of the campaign. This parameter impacts quality

score and helps determine where ads are shown in content campaigns.

Ad group


How many campaigns do you need? You can have more than one. In our illustrated example we have two

campaigns, one for a cell phone brand name, Nokia, and another for a product category, PDA.

But you could get a lot more granular. Several brand name campaigns, for example, iPhone and Blackberry as

well as Nokia. Target group usage would be another way: phones for business and phones for gaming. We are

showing a campaign for a product category – PDAs in this case. But it could also include handhelds. Geo

targeting is another way to create campaigns: you can have a campaign for each country, state or region.

Budgets are set at a campaign level. A better campaign structure ensures optimum budget utilization.


For content campaigns, create ad groups with a maximum of 10-12 focused keywords.

Create separate search and content targeted campaigns.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

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Campaign Budget: Placing the Right Bets in the Right PlacesWhat are you willing and able to pay for any given PPC campaign? That’s your budget. That’s your spend.

Your budgets are set at the campaign level, with daily limits locked in. For example, if your overall budget is $3000, your daily limit might be $100 across all campaigns.

It can get tricky. If you have historic data on clicks and conversions, use those benchmarks to set the budget. Otherwise, there’s the Google Traffic Estimator. You can tweak this tool in any number of ways to test a keyword for Cost Per Click (CPC) and estimated daily budget. It’s a place to start, and you can fine tune from there.

Setting the right budget

The Downside

Bad budgeting hampers the performance of your campaign in three primary ways.

Underutilization. A campaign that doesn’t spend the entire budget allocated to it can negatively impact the overall account. There may be other campaigns not getting a big enough budget. Low bidding on keywords often leads to underutilization. So watch for it and change budget allocations based on actual need.

Underserved. In this case, the budget gets exhausted and your ads stop showing. Increasing the budget may fix the problem, but identify the cause for fast consumption. Look at the keywords getting a lot of clicks and be sure the conversion rate measures up. If not, pause those keywords.

Cannibalization. One or two ad groups devour the entire campaign budget, and other ad groups get little or no exposure.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

Fig. 2: Google Traffic Estimator

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Phone Essence: The Budget

In our example we have two campaigns, “Nokia” and “PDA”, and their ad groups. The Budget/day column shows how the budget has been set for the campaign. The Spend/day column displays the ad group consumption break down—what’s really going on.

Campaign Ad group Budget/day Spend/day


Nokia models

Nokia deals

Nokia offers

Nokia acessories


PDA core

PDA fringe

PDA deals












At a glance

The Nokia campaign is underserved.

The daily budget is exhausted.

Look at the example below on how campaign restructuring can solve budget problems.



Nokia - 2


Ad group Budget/day Spend/day

Nokia models

Nokia deals

Nokia offers

Nokia acessories










Nokia offers $15

Nokia acessories $10

PDA core

PDA fringe

PDA deals




New Campaign



The ad groups “Nokia offers” and

“Nokia accessories” are not getting exposure.

The PDA campaign is underutilizing the

set budget.

At a glance

The overall budget stays the same: $200 a day.

Create a new campaign “Nokia 2” and shift over the ad groups that are not getting exposure.

Reduce the budget for “PDA”, or increase the

keyword position and check the performance.

Scale the daily budget to 10-15% above the prevailing consumption pattern.

For non performing adgroups create separate campaigns with limited budgets.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices


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Account Settings: Building a Better DashboardThe choices you make here define how and where your resources get deployed. If you fine tune your settings

for each campaign, the metrics that come out the other end are going to make a lot more sense, and be a lot

more useful. Be detailed, be precise and be specific here.

Networks – Where your ads are shown

Search: Your ads are shown in the Google search engine and partner networks, like AOL.

Content: Your ads appear in sites that are part of the Google Adsense network. You can not choose the

sites where your ads appear, but you can exclude sites where your ads should not appear.

Managed content/ Site targeted: With this option you can select sites from a list for ad display.

Fig. 3: Google Account Settings Screen

Always set up separate campaigns for Search and Content options.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices


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Maximize your exposure by selecting “All devices”.

Devices – For maximum visibility, be sure your ads appear on mobile devices. More than 60% of webpage views now happen on the go, not in the office.

Desktop and Laptop Computers. Your basic default option.

iPhones and Mobile Devices. Normal text and image ads will appear on devices using a full browser

to access sites.

Ad scheduling – Set the time of day your ads should appear. A very powerful feature, and one you can leverage by analyzing the behaviors of the audience you want to reach.

Take an hourly report on campaign performance to identify times of peak interest.

A pattern will emerge. Dial in the schedule for maximum ad impact.

Location – Why advertize where you do not need to? If you do not do business in New Zealand, ads served there will waste your budget. Your location setting alerts the search engine to steer away from IP addresses that do not match your parameters.

Regional campaigns: If you are targeting US and B2C, clone all of your campaigns and

establish dedicated campaigns for each region. As your campaigns pick up, tweak your

budgets according to which regions perform best.

Position preference – Tell the search engine where you want your ad to appear on a given page.

You can choose any position between 1 and 10. As your campaign develops, pay close attention to where

your ad gets the best results. You can set position preference for all keywords at campaign level.

Choose as broad a range of positions as comfort allows because setting the position preference

can dramatically reduce the number of impressions or clicks you receive. Targeting only one or

two positions is not a good strategy.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices





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There is nothing about search marketing that can’t be measured. And that includes your ads. Change your messaging. Test the results. Then change again.

Test, then test again

We’ve built a simple grid to keep track of ads running in two campaigns at Phone Essence. The ad groups are “Nokia Models” and “Nokia Deals”. You’ll see four blocks of ads for each ad group based on keyword themes. Each line of copy displays its character count based on inserted length formulae. You could assign codes to each ad to streamline the tracking.

Use the grid

A customer will encounter your ad if they search with a keyword, or if they’re browsing a content site relevant to your ad placement. There’s one thing you can depend on: Your ad won’t be alone. It will be surrounded. So where’s a potential customer supposed to click? If they do not click on your ad, your campaign effectiveness zeros out.

You only have three lines to work with. The ad title line is limited to 25 characters. The two copy lines and URL line are each limited to 35 characters. So you do not have room to be anything but specific. Keywords count. If a customer uses a keyword to search, and your ad has that word, it will be displayed in bold in your ad. And that may be enough to grab the eyeball and score the click.

Ad Copywriting: Seduction in Three Lines

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

Fig. 4: Ad Creation Template

Looking for Nokia Deals?Get the best deal on Nokia phonesProce comparison available


Top Nokia Deals onlineTop online Nokia seller for over10 years. Free shipping all US!

ThePhoneStore Nokia DealsGet monthly low payment option &accessories worth $25 free! Hurry


Deals on Nokia PhonesChoose from the widest range online$25 in accessories free, buy now!



































AdGroups ----





keywordDest details/compare

Oldest storeFree shipping

Monthly low payment$25 accessories

Wide range$25 accessories

Buy All Nokia ModelsGet the best deal on Nokia phonesProce comparison available


Buy All Nokia ModelsTop online Nokia seller for over10 years. Free shipping all US!


Buy All Nokia ModelsGet monthly low payment option &accessories worth $25 free! Hurry


Buy All Nokia ModelsChoose from the widest range online$25 in accessories free, buy now!



Nokia Models Nokia Deals

1 2

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Page 10: PPC Best Practices Guide (by Position2)


Elements to look for

Keywords: Some keywords are likely to perform better

than others. You are only going to find out by testing all the

variations in all the ad groups. This could get really

confusing really fast, so take your time and understand

how this grid can work to your advantage.

Competition: Your ad will never be alone, and your

competition may be using a similar come-on. You need to

monitor your competition. If you are offering 10% off on a

product, and they are offering 15% off, guess who’s going

to get the click?

UVPs and Benefits: Do not simply scatter unique value

propositions among your ads. Test how each one

performs in each ad group. Make ads for each UVP. And

use the grid to be sure you have covered every possible


Display URL: Those characters you are allowed for each

line of ad copy are like rubies, so be sure to use them. Use

the URL line to your advantage.

Do not have more than 3 or 4 ads in any given ad group at one time. Setting limits will make your testing coherent. If you have more ads, test in phases, replacing the worst performer with a new set.

If an ad performs well, do not edit it. You will lose the quality score associated with the ad.

Customers search with keywords, so ensure keywords are in your headline. They will appear bold, and will make your ad pop with relevance.

Make sure your website content matches your ad. Customers should land on a page that mirrors (or is closely linked to) the message in the ad they have clicked on.

When writing ad copy, be direct, be concise and be active. This encourages action. If a word isn’t relevant to your business or product, do not use it.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices


Display URL: Use the display URL area for

messaging as well. So in our example, here is

how we could creatively use that extra space.

Fig. 5: Ad Creation Template

Nokia E 71 offers

Get amazing deals on Nokia phones.

$25 worth accessories & Free shipping


Nokia E 71 offers

Get amazing deals on Nokia phones.

Free accessories & Shipping


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Page 11: PPC Best Practices Guide (by Position2)


Keywords: Entering the Mind of Your CustomerKeywords connect you and your product or service or benefit with the seeker. Nothing could be more exciting! The first challenge is to identify potential keywords – you need to think like your customers: what motivates them? What terms do they use when they search for your product or service? What terms are identifiable with your product? The second challenge is to make sure you are one step ahead of your competitors in identifying as many keywords as possible.

There is a method to the madness, and then there’s testing. Do not just think a keyword won’t do you any good: Prove it.

The kinds of keywords

Core keywords: Immediately and obviously relevant to your product/service. Can you summarize the core emphasis of your campaign? “Buy Nokia E72”, or “Nokia deals”, or “Nokia offers” are core keyword examples for the “Nokia” campaign. Core keywords will have high CTR and conversion rates, as well as high competition and higher CPLs. But they are your volume drivers. They also give you visibility that helps in building your brand. So you need to use these.

Fringe keywords: Remotely related to core keywords. Base your fringe keywords on a product category. In the Phone Essence campaign, “Nokia service center” and “phone charger” are fringe keywords that catch a potential customer who isn’t looking to buy a cell phone, but who may be converted. How enticing is your offer? Competition would typically come from service centers. Bid price will be medium, and CTR and conversion rates will be low.

Corporate/ brand keywords: Brand names and trademarks. You can bid on them. Competition, CTR, and conversion rates will all be high, but not as high as core keywords.

Long tail keywords: “Blue-colored Nokia E72”. That’s your basic long tail keyword. Longer than three or more words. It falls within the general context of your campaign, but is so specific that the impression numbers will be very low. But they will also be extremely relevant. As a consequence you get a high CTR and high conversion rate. The bid price on long tail keywords is low. Long tail keywords are best managed with an automated bid management system. Use an automatic keyword generator, then look at the analytics for organic keywords that convert.

Behavior/ benefit related keywords: For the Phone Essence campaign, you would imagine every possible opportunity or reason to buy a cell phone. “Birthday presents for teenagers”. “Email on the move”. Use a process of discovery to generate the first set of behavior keywords, then expand the set using tools. And keep testing, testing, testing.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

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Using terms related to your product/service/brand, see what kinds of organic search results

turn up. Browse for ideas.

Go to your competitors. Search the meta tags on their sites for their keywords.

Use tools to develop variations on keyword themes. Check out the Google Keywords Tool,

MSN Adcenter, Wordtracker, Keyword Discoverer.

Use Google’s advanced search options to explore long tail keyword ideas.

Search and browse Wikipedia and other encyclopedias to expand category and keyword lists.

Search on Ask.com, using the “Narrow Your Search” and “Expand Your Search” options to get a greater variety.

MSN Adlab Keyword Mutation tool helps identify the ways in which keywords can be misspelled.

You can check which keywords your competitors are bidding on at compete.com, spyfu.com, keywordspy.com, and semrush.com.

Check out the Google Wonder Wheel to drill down to the most relevant search terms. In fact, you may want to start here.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices


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Effective bid management is directly linked to your bottom line. That beautifully designed business vehicle you have built into a PPC campaign? Bid management is where the rubber meets the road. You want to get it right. We are talking about setting a bid for each keyword in your account – the right bid – and all too typically, there can be thousands of keywords in an account.

Fortunately, search engines offer a range of tools to help simplify the management process – auto alerts, bulk bid change options, the ability to change bids based on criteria, etc. Here are some best practices to help you sort your way to success.

Set objectives: Before you even begin with bid management, make a list of objectives and define the key performance indicators (KPIs) for your campaign. Where is it you think you are headed, and how will you know when you’ve arrived? KPIs can include cost per conversion, total leads accrued, cost per click. Use a combination of market research for your business, and gut instinct, to come up with a working number. But remember, you aren’t carving in stone. There’s a lot of trial and error in your future, a lot of modification as critical data pours in.

For the sake of argument, let’s say we are ready to pay $50 for a sale. Our cost per conversion, then, is $50. With a conversion rate of 5%, the base CPC is $2.50. This is the kind of data you use to launch campaigns.

Bid Management: The Technology Platform User Wins the Day

In the first 30 days…

Review account and keywords every day and adjust bids. Start with high bids that get the keywords into the top 3 positions, avoid the expensive position 1.

Step 1

Look for first page bid alert

Belowfirst page

bidRaise its bid.

Rank by Avg. Position and

perform following actions

If the first page bid is extraordinarily high -- $5 or more – Google Ad

Words thinks the keyword shouldn’t be in the ad group. Change the

keyword match type from “Broad” to “Phrase” and see if this lowers

the minimum bid. If not, try “Exact Match”. These keywords are more

expensive than broad or phrase match type. Search numbers for

exact match keywords are low, but the traffic they drive is relevant.

Take a final call based on bid price, position, spend, and conversion.

If the keyword first page bid is still too high, check relevancy and bid


1.0 to 1.5

3.1 to 3.4

3.5 to 4.5

4.6 - 10

10 - 20

If avg. CPC greater

than 2x the target CPL.

Inc. bid so they are in position 1.5 - 3.0

Inc.bid marginally

Inc. bid more

Inc. bid substantially

While doing this be

sure of your keyword

relevancy. And keep

track of your spends.

If you’re dealing with

very broad keywords,

bidding high on them

might cost you all the

ad spends.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

Abovefirst page


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Page 14: PPC Best Practices Guide (by Position2)


Step 2

Active keywords, look

for the following:

With conversions

Increase bids

Conversions can be registrations, sales, transactions, etc., based

on your objectives. If the average cost per transaction is within an

acceptable range for the cost per action, increase the bid to bring the

keyword to average position 1.5-3.0. Look at the cumulative cost per

conversion to strike a balance between expensive and cheap

keywords. If a keyword produces transactions, but the cost per

action is too high, check the relevancy and decide whether or not to

delete it.

With high impressions, but 0 clicks


These will hurt your quality score, so keep your eye on them for the

first few days, and delete them quickly. Some keywords may get a

thousand impressions but no clicks. If they are relevant move them

to a different ad group, using the top searched keywords in the ad


With high costs but 0


Sort keywords by cost and mark for deletion any of the top keywords

showing zero conversions. Test keywords in all match types. If the

keywords are active in all three match types, bid high for exact

match keywords. The possibility of conversion is high and the

keyword with the higher bid will get preference, if the keyword still

has high costs.

Low CTR (under 1%)

and no conversions.

If the CTR is less than 1% move the keyword to a different ad group

with a similar click count and focused ads. See if the CTR improves

and also leads to conversions.

Check for relevancy. If they are core keywords and have been

grouped with broad keywords, they may be underexposed. Broad

keywords tend to eat up the budget. Rather than deleting, re-cluster

them in a different campaign with focused ads and budgets.

There is an exception to this rule of thumb. You will sometimes have

a keyword with low CTR, but a high number of clicks. This happens

when the keyword is too broad. Change the match type and test. If

the keyword still has low CTR, eliminate it.



Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

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Identifies optimum budget allocation to keyword




Identifies optimum CPAfor each keyword

Predicts conversion rate




Conversion rate


Automated Bid Management2 You might want to consider a technology platform like the Position AutoBid Recommendations Engine to ease

your pain. The basic idea is to simulate the search engine bidding environment to arrive at optimum bid values for each keyword, and automatically change bids using APIs.

2The Position AutoBid Recommendations Engine uses complex algorithms that simulate the search engine environment specific to your account to predict and identify the optimum bid for every keyword based on ROI. And it does this daily. You identify the keyword, the ad message, and the landing. AutoBid does the rest – for every keyword. Here's how:

Fig. 6: Illustration of how the AutoBid engine identifies the best bid. It does this for every keyword. Imagine the performance you can achieve!




Plots curve of expected clicks

It looks at your existing bids and plots the curve that helps identify clicks at various cost points

Conversion rate is modeled based on algorithms


et C



Identifies optimum CPA!

Optimum bid for target CPA is identified. Optimum CPA for each keyword is identified.

Overall budget allocation for optimum performance is identified and bid changes recommended based on this.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

To see if the tool can make a difference,

take it for a fast drive and see how your

campaign is performing.

Click here for more information:

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Landing Pages: Where Clickers Become ProspectsAfter all is said and done, after the campaign has been designed and defined, the ad groups established, the keywords selected, the ads written, the budgets set, the bids managed – it all comes down to the landing page. It's the zone of do or die, and should anyone drop in, you have under 10 seconds in which to work your magic. It's conversion time. You have to be absolutely clear and simple so your prospect does exactly what you would like, almost without thinking. No looking about. No clicking around.

Whether you lead them to your website or a product page or a dedicated landing page depends on what your objectives are. Website works best for branding, but for lead generation you need to take users to the page where the action occurs.

In the ideal scenario you should have a dedicated landing page for each campaign – essentially one for each product or service. An easy way to build this is by creating a standard template, and then modify text and image to match the campaign offers and objectives. We share an example of such a custom landing page. If you see, the design is the same, the elements in the page are different.

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

Fig. 7: Example of using one template with multiple versions, for the same campaign.

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And test, test, test.

Test multiple varaiations against each other to find the best performers. Simple A/B tests can be set up using Google Web Optimizer. The example below shows three tested versions of the same landing page where the only changes are placement of critical elements. Here, finding the best placement yielded a 40% conversion rate increase.

Conversion rate = 5.2% Conversion rate = 5.9% Conversion rate = 7.3%

Twelve questions to ask yourself before your landing page goes live:

Does it clearly explain the product or service, and match the user’s search terms?

Are there obvious links that lead users to other pages? (Ideally, there should not be any)

Do you have customer testimonials to display?

Are there stock images of people matching your target group profile on the landing page?

If there’s an offer, is it obvious?

Are there photos of the product?

Is the cost listed, and have three values or benefits been clearly articulated?

Do customers understand what they get when they fill out the form? What about a

confirmation email?

Is the form as short as possible?

Is there a clearly visible call to action?

Do you earn your visitor’s trust with social proofs, endorsements, and trust marks/symbols?

Are all critical elements above the fold?

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices


Fig. 8: Landing page A/B test illustrations

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2About Position

2Position is a leading Search & Social Media Marketing firm that delivers continuous growth for its customers through its proprietary “Surround & Intent Marketing” methodology. The company's adaptive technology solutions are customizable to customers' evolving marketing needs. It delivers integrated Search & Social Media Marketing solutions that engages prospects at multiple touch-points in the online environment. This results in measurably improved marketing performance.

2The Position SIMKIT™ consists of three product suites that include Online Brand Solutions, Customer Acquisition Solutions and Technology Solutions.

Brand Defender™

Manage your online brand perception

with this 24/7 brand reputation

tracking & management system

Brand Touchpoint Manager™

Maximize visibility for your brand and

manage customer interactions

across online channels

PR Maximizer™

Plans, launches & optimizes your

PRs online for maximum ROI and


Website Calibrator™

39 Point diagnostic audit on your

website for search & marketing


Online Brand Solutions Customer Acquisition Solutions Technology Solutions

Performance Leads™

Acquire leads at optimum cost,

volume & quality from across search

engines & display sites

Social Leads™

Acquire leads at optimum cost,

volumes & quality from social


Trial Calibrator™

Calibrate online acquisition

parameters for newly launched

products & services

Organic Rank Optimizer™

Tracks and optimizes your site

towards organic traffic or leads-

driven objectives

TM Brand MonitorMonitor news and social media, track sentiment and respond to conversations

AutoBid Recommendations Engine™Automatically manages bids for improved performance with less costs & higher volumes

Analytics Configurator™ Actionable insights & recommendations on performance improvement at your website

Conversion Optimizer™ Optimizes conversion paths at your website & helps achieve better online marketing ROI

Your PPC Campaigns: How to Turn Up the Heat

A Guide to Best Practices

Surround and Intent Marketing – Knowledge Series | © Position 2

Position , 366 Cambridge Avenue. Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA.

Phone: 650-618-8900 | Toll-free(US): 800-725-5507 | www.position2.com



Shweta Gaonkar, Manager PPC group

Ajesh Bojanapalli, Team Leader PPC group

Manisha Singh, Team Leader PPC group

Sajjan Kanukolanu, Head Client Management – India

Vinod Nambiar, Director Global Delivery