Ours Agro

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Page 1: Ours Agro
Page 2: Ours Agro

INRODUCTIONIndia is a land of surplus agricultural production with continuous inflation of commodity price. However, in spite of our government’s serious efforts to improve agriculture production and control on commodity price, small farmers are gradually moving out of agriculture due to profit uncertainty and lack of technological expertise.

Traditional crops produced by locally available non-hybrid seed require low input technology which is sustainable. These type of products have define quality specification and more product specific nutrient concentration with taste as compare to hybrids. At the same time natural crops are free from unjustified use of pesticides, chemical, antibiotics and hormones.

local crop is developed by long term natural adaptation procedure without compromising in the quality and is best suitable for local environments.

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Work together and participate for prosperity and nature.To develop marketing linkage and brand endorsement ;for traditional crops.Promotion of traditional crop product by highlighting silent quality feature. Evolve a business model that convert silent quality feature in to the money. Extra generated money evenly distributed into the entire system mainly to the farmers.Promotion and marketing of geographical indicator product.


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IMPORTANCE The well-known conventional crops are easier to grow, manage and sell, and seed availability is not a problem.

“By contrast, the native traditional crops have always been associated with poverty. They don’t look attractive and therefore never end up in the rich consumer’s food basket.”

There is an urgent need to spread knowledge about the heritage, nutrition and calorie values of traditional crops in India and improve their intent beyond local-level markets. Unless money can be made from indigenous crop production, they will disappear … and so will traditional cuisine.

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Financial & Business Services

Farm Inputs Farming Marketing/ Aggregator Processing Logistics

(Food)Retail/ Food


Product Design


MarketingTransport Services/ Infrastructure Quality Control Market Intelligence

Policy Support

Financial & Business Services

Farm Inputs Farming Marketing/ Aggregator Processing Logistics

(Food)Retail/ Food

ServicesFarm Inputs Farming Marketing/

Aggregator Processing Logistics (Food)

Retail/ Food


Product Design



Product Design


MarketingTransport Services/ Infrastructure Quality Control Market Intelligence

Policy Support

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we utilize locally available manpower and resources to optimize our system.

We utilize every linkage of traditional market network for ethical, systamatic and professionals business approach.

Predefined genuine margin will be fixed on every processing points.

Marketing channels will try best to push their product more than their minimum cost price.


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Find out tha area and crop with their business prospects. Assessment of quantam and variety of products, throughout the year.Locally available low cost suitable processing technology will selected for further processing. Preferably existing local Procesure/women entrepreneurs. National standard will follow at every step of processing. Cost of processing includes competitive processing cost plus two to five percent margin on finsh good according to product nature. Marketing channels will try best to push their product more than their minimum cost price.

First Step

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Farmer record must be maintain according to their supply quantity at the site of production.Procurement must be done on prevailing market price.Accordance to product nature, goods can be ship directly to consumer /market via-our's agro.

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Final processing unit will be established nearer to consumption market.Existing suitable processor/ new entrepreneur can be utilize.Grading, packing, branding and logistic support will be provided by processor. Cost of product include processing expenses plus two to five percent margin.Whole unit will monitor by quality controler, appointed by ours agro.

Second Step

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Marketing, sales and promotion division will be control by ours agro.Minimum cost of final product including competitive marketing expenses plus two to five percent margin.Existing retail network will utilize for primary penetration in the market, simultaneously E-marketing and home delivery system evolve to direct contact to consumer.On-line accounting will be maintained and it can seen by participents of ours agro.E-marketing system also use to reach dierectly to consumer.

Third Step

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Agriculture institute participate asIdentification of area for particular crop.Identification of silient quality feature of traditional/natural crop product.Expertise transfer to farmer to enhance their productivity and minimise input cost.For adoptation of sustainable processing technology and method.To guide for adoptation of crop according to soil nature and season.

Your Participation

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Identification of perticular crop and geographic site of production.

Oursagro identified certain product .Chinnor and Jeera rice of Balaghat.Desi peanut of shivpuri (karera).Kalimuch rice of Dabra.Arhar dal of Gadarwara. Dhaniya from Guna. Moong dal and red chilli from Khargone. Mustard oil from Chambal region.Chattri rice from Katni.

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Seed bank

Presently unorganized approach for traditional variety of seed. Required full support from agriculture institute. Oursagro already started procurement, packing and marketing of some product, but we want to create authentic system started from seed to final product.

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Standardization and identification of salient quality character

Oursagro select product on public views, these product have taste and quality. e.g. Desi variety of tomato may contain 200 times higher concentration of lycopin as compare to highly producing hybrid variety.Institute lab can help to standarise.

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"Study on traditional Arhar crop at Maneri village in june2013"Procurement price at processing unit@ 30

After processing 63% dal and 24% chuni and chokerPer kg cost after processing; Lobour and Electricity-@1 misceleneous cost -@1 cost after 2% margin-@1 cost of by [email protected]@3 Net price-@48

Sample Project

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Material recieve at final [email protected] of packing and [email protected] 2%-@1Net price-@51

Material recieve st marketing network-@52Sales and promotion expenses-@2Margin@2%-1.1Net [email protected]

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whole sale price-@65Condumer direct price-@70The whole business procedure generated minimum 10 rs. Extra. 35% of this redistributed to the farmer and rest of money was equally distributed to the whole system.So supply of each kg of raw tur farmer got 2rupees extra.

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PERFORMANCEFukoka consistently got yield equal or better than

those on chemical farms

Natural farming has been adopted and practiced

successfully in various regions , including the tropic and

temperate zone

Due to extremely low labor and capital requirement

profitability is much higher than conventional farming

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WHY STILL UNPOPULAR ?Inertia Commercial force behind input heavy conventional methodsEschews reductionism-not popular academicallyRequire experimentation to optimize for local conditionsNon-control

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The imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man. - Richard Feynman

“It is only by mixed natural/ traditional farming in harmony with Nature that India can sustainably provide abundant wholesome food, and meet every basic need of all – to live in health, dignity and peace.” -Bhaskar Save

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