Offshore Outsourcing Advantages

Offshore outsourcing advantages

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Offshore Outsourcing Advantages

What is offshore outsourcing ?

Developed countries across the globe have enjoyed the maximum benefits by offshore outsourcing. It is nothing but offloading non core business activities to an offshore business center to attain increase in profit and reduction in expenditure

Have you tried outsourcing ?

Whether your company has tried with offshore

outsourcing ? Whether you know offshore

outsourcing right for you or not?

Read some of the reasons that your company

might consider offshore outsourcing

Labor costs is reduced

Your over all labor cost is reduced by outsourcing to offshore company. Expect increase in ROI.

When you outsource technical or non technical

needs, you get access to large pool of experienced

and skilled professionals worldwide.

Access to skilled resources

Focus on core competencies

Your team will spend enough time on core business

processes by outsourcing non core processes thereby

increasing business profits.

Efficient project management skills

Offshore employees have a

diverse way of thinking than

regular employees, and the

diversity of mindset results in

a faster reaction time and

efficient project management.

Faster turnaround time

With global offshore professionals, your

company could have more flexibility in

delivering the project in short

turnaround time.

Offshore Outsourcing Success - Tips

Language and cultural differences

You will find many English speaking

offshore employees, but there will be

more intellectual differences in language

and meaning. You need to make sure to

bridge these differences to build strong


When you are hiring offshore talent

across the globe, the time zones will be

different, though that should not be a

barrier for your projects. Plan the meeting

via online or phone call according to the

time convenience of both the parties.

Time zone adjustment

Describe your needs properly

You should clearly explain your

requirements, timeline and particular

deliverables to the offshore company or

individuals to complete the project

according to your expectations

Identify the skill requirements with talent

As you start to look for offshore

outsourcing services, try to identify

the location where you will find the

skilled talents at cost effective

pricing. For ex : India is the most

preferred destination for outsourcing

IT and Non IT related tasks.

keep an eye on your progress closely

Keep track of your offshore company or

employees to ensure the project

accomplishment in successful

manner. Track the work using any

software to ensure the proper project


Treat your offshore employee as your own employee

Provide your offshore employee be it

part time or full time treat them same as

your regular employees with consistent

feedback and encouragement they

deserve .

Communication matters

Regular communication will bring strong

relationship between the offshore

employee and the company.

Don't limit your budget

Major benefit of offshore outsourcing

are lower costs and increase in

productivity. But don't limit or fix your

cost when the project is completed in

tougher deadlines and with greater

technical skills.

Proglobalbusinesssolutions is among the most reputed names in business process outsourcing industry. The offshore company which was ingrained in 2013 provides equal opportunity employment We are among the recognized names providing services across various domains at most competitive pricing, with highest quality and good turnaround time to global customers.

Service inclusions for domestic and international clientele encompasses call center, data entry, graphic designing, eBook conversion, photo editing, animation services, web design and development. Proven track record and diversified portfolio has always allured customers to shake hands with the vibrant team here.

About PGBS

Get in touch with us for all your offshore

outsourcing requirements

Check our outsourcing services

Useful Links

Business Process Outsourcing Enhancing The Growth Of Business BPO services to India-customer concerns and tips Offshore outsourcing to India – the changing face Importance of offshoring in today’s business scenario Common mistakes in outsourcing – a snapshot Main advantages of outsourcing Questions to ask when considering outsourcing

If you are looking for affordable offshore outsourcing solutions. Reach us at Proglobalbusinesssolutions.com