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My Challenge - Day 17 In Your Network Marketing Homebased Business Avoid Mediocrity At All Costs!

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http://bit.ly/Z2Chzk You ever know people that just settle in life? They give up on their dreams and throw in the towel? I'm telling you that's not the life you were meant for. Especially not in your network marketing homebased business. Find out in today's post on how to kick laziness in the butt. And as always for more network marketing homebased business insights, check out my blog at http://KevinKLau.com http://youtu.be/tRDw3K2TLs8

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Page 1: My Challenge - Day 17 In Your Network Marketing Homebased Business Avoid Mediocrity At All Costs!


In Your Network Marketing Homebased Business

Avoid Mediocrity At All Costs!

Page 2: My Challenge - Day 17 In Your Network Marketing Homebased Business Avoid Mediocrity At All Costs!

We’ve covered a lot of great topics so far; lots of

insights that should help you build your business and

become influential.

Today I want to elaborate on a few topics we’ve

already covered. It basically covers your belief and

purpose. Why are you doing things? How do you deal with


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A lot of times we tend to shy away from certain

things because we’re often conditioned to think that doing

something easy without much effort is the best way of

doing it. We as human beings like to do things that require

the least amount of effort. It won’t stretch us outside our

comfort zone.

From personal experience, I can tell you that you

need to get rid of your comfort zone. It’s a thing that

prevents you from achieving any type of greatness or


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I’m actually taking a 90 day fitness challenge with

Julian Michaels. It’s a personal struggle when I’m trying to

lose about 20-25 pounds. I’ve been doing it for a while.

What’s interesting is she is constantly pushing you.

She will yell at you, swear at you to move your ass and get

to work. I remember one particular exercise where she

literally said, “Your comfort zone is something that is

holding you back. It’s a place that is keeping you in

mediocrity. You’ll never get better in your comfort zone.”

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I can say in exercise, that’s very true. When it gets

too difficult and you’re on the ground gasping for air, you

really don’t want to push yourself. You’re already tired. The

key is if you just go that extra little inch or mile, you’ll be

astounded by how much you’re able to accomplish.

I think the same thing can be said with how you

operate your business. Do you do things half-assed or

whole hearted? That’s the question we need to ask

ourselves continuously.

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It’s not just something that we do once and that’s it.

It’s something we have to develop and continue to do over

and over again. We’re often challenged with these same

principles every single day. Every day is a challenge to

avoid mediocrity and push ourselves to become better.

The people that are able to achieve greatness know

that. They go through the process and own it. It’s not

always the most glorious and fun thing to do; often it’s

rather mundane.

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One book that I really got a lot of insights from is

Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. He talks about how his

Dad would do dead lifts just about every day at 6am and it

would wake him up. He was unrelenting about it and had a

strict discipline. Although he was in great shape, he applied

that same discipline in his business. He hit top sales and

become financially independent.

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We usually attribute this kind of success to one huge

act of bravery or the ability to do something phenomenal.

It’s not just these little one time flashy shows. It’s the effort

of consistent dedication and work. Work ethic needs to

drive you to greatness. When you want to do that for

building an online business, it’s actually pretty simple.

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At Empower Network, we focus on getting two customers a day. Also, we attend all of the events. Those are the simple things, but they’re easy to forget or neglect. I’ve ignored some of these things myself early on because I took it for granted.

It’s all about consistent work ethic. It’s easy to do, but it’s also easy not to do. That’s usually what our biggest fears or struggles are. We have a hard time being consistent in any avenue. Until we can really tap into our inner greatness and believe in the fact that we can do it, that’s when all of the barriers break down. Things will start to magically come about.

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Sometimes you hear stories of one time success. But, if you ask them what they did on a daily basis, it’s structured on doing 3-4 habits consistently. That’s the difference between successful and unsuccessful people. They’re willing to do it regardless of how they feel or act.

That’s a personal struggle I’m going through with diet and fitness. I can exercise 6 days a week, but I find it hard to eat healthy. I’m working on it constantly because I’m trying to remove temptations. My biggest one is junk food, chips. I can eat healthy for a couple of days, then one day out of the week I just binge eat. That’s definitely a problem for me. I started to see how eating affected my moods and productivity.

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We all have our personal struggles. The end result is

that we have a goal to accomplish. It’s not going to be easy,

but you have to stay accountable. Make a video or a blog

post to let the world know about what you’re trying to do.

That way you can stay consistent with your actions.