Title Page Design Thinking A Complimentary Approach to Agile Mohinder Khosla Twitter:@mpkhosla Agile Cymru 5-6 July 2016

Mohinder Kohsla Design thinking A complimentary approach to agile

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Design Thinking A Complimentary Approach to AgileMohinder KhoslaTwitter:@mpkhoslaAgile Cymru 5-6 July 2016

We are building software at an alarming rate, in many cases, without realising their impact before release.

All companies want their products hit with their customers so they come back again and again.

The reality, as we see later, is far from the truth.

We are very impatient, we seem to be short on time and we jump to solutions too quickly.

Therefore, we start with a narrower definition of the problem we are solving without understanding the underlying the problems our customers are facing

Ideas are not validated for product/market fit before development starts.

We rush into development fearing that our competitors would get their first.

No wonder we are discovering requirements as we go through product delivery.

We have streamlined the process and used the productivity card to deliver faster. What next?

We need better tools to do our jobs1

Design Thinking Agenda2. Demystify Design Thinking (What do we mean by Design Thinking?)3. Design vs Design Thinking5. Design Thinking Process6. Design Thinking Tools4. When Design Thinking is suitable?7. Design Thinking in actionDesign Thinking Agenda1. Why Design Thinking?

Why Design Thinking?

Random QuotesShort on TimeFear of CompetitorsProduct/Market FitBypass Product DiscoveryArgue FeaturesWhat to build not whyReported QuotesImpatientDiscover new requirements during Delivery Lost our way in Agile

We have streamlined our processes and used the productivity card to deliver faster but not sure what else to try that would give us the edge

We seem to have lost our way in Agile. Instead of focus on people and interactions, we prefer things on the right eg processes and tools


DiscoveryDeliveryIntegrationDeploymentReleaseBacklog PrioritisationProductCustomerBuildTestingImprovementPlanningProductLearningContinuous

Our objective should be to validate our ideas the fastest and cheapest way possible

Building and launching a product idea is the slowest, most expensive way to validate an ideaMarty CaganInspire: How to create products customers loveMarty Cagan quotes

We build stuff hoping that customers would come. So we wait and we wait and they never comeTry A/B testing and all sorts of trick to sell7

6 Most Expensive words

Agile Project Failure Rates39%52%9%SuccessfulChallengedFailedStandish Group2015 Chaos ReportAgile Failure Rates


The resolution of all software projects from EY2011-2015 within the new CHAOS Database segmented by the agile and waterfall method. The total number of software projects is over 10,000Stats Data

50-80 % projects fail to MEET their GOALS 1 in 4 projectsfail to REACH the MARKET1 Product fromA suite FAIL atLAUNCH64 % of the Features NEVERUSEDProduct value realised AFTER DeploymentKey FailuresKey Failures

Top Reasons for FailureLack of Customer InvolvementLack of Management CommitmentsLack of Clear RequirementsLack of ResourcesLack of PlanningUnrealistic Expectations (goals)Key Reasons of Failures

- Rainer Maria RilkeI beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Dont search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.Stay in the QuestionRainer Maria Rilke Quote

We are impatient with ourselves and short on time . we all have a tendency to jump to solution mode far too quickly. Design thinking approaches force you to really live in this unclear, sometimes very muddy place, to get a better understanding. This ends up producing a much better understanding of the problem, and the challenges that you're trying to solveIs time cost or investment?13

it's more about understanding needs. Asking what people want or don't want is an ineffective approach - @jchyip

#Agile is not enough, sure. But nor is any one idea, umbrella term or otherwise @neil_killick

What is Design Thinking?What is design thinking


DesignVsDesign Thinking



Design Thinking-A Practical tool

Collaborative Tools

Empathy - Start by establishing a deep understanding human needsInvention Discover new possibilitiesIteration Use the first solutions as stepping stones for a better oneThese are principle behind Design Thinking17

A Great Design

Golden Gate Bridge

Bay Bridge

Sydney Opera House

Sagrada Familia

Just to give you a feel how a great design looks. Lets look at these examplesGolden Gate Bridge built 79 year ago this year18


- Steve Jobs

Where does Design Thinking Fits in the Scheme of Things?


What Are Modern Thinking Challenges?

The Modern Thinking ChallengeAnalytical ThinkingIntuitive ThinkingManipulations of QuantitiesAppreciation of QualitiesDesign ThinkingComprehensiveConsiderationsSource: Roger Martin, speaking at Scrum Alliance Webinar September 2015Data DrivenJudgement OrientedOmnivorous

Roger Martin, author of The Design for Business and Fixing the Game:the former Dean and current Institute Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto

Organisations are obsessed with analytical techniques.

They are after big wins. The list of ideas under development that take 9-12 months to build and no person can use it. That results in slippage and over budget p 121 MYH

Great American philosopher Charles Sander Peirce (purse) said no new idea in the world has been proven in advance analytically. You cannot prove anything new because there in no data about anything new22

The New Central QuestionWhat is True?What would have to be true?What might be True?

Modern Thinking TasksAnalysing the PastDemonstratingWhat is/must beTrue?Imagining PossibilitiesChoose the Most PersuasiveWhat would have to be true?Things cannot be other than they are - Aristotle

Aristotle said: things cannot be other than they are Also seems to have been quoted by Voltaires Candide

Challenge for Design thinking is What would have to be true24

Design Process

Before we come to define designing thinking. Lets look at popular view of design process25

Concept?Cash$Design ProcessHair ballTim Brennan Apples Creative Services

Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designers toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.Tim Brown, CEO IDEO

Defining Design Thinking

A Disciplined Process From the world of industrial product Design that involves a deep Understanding of customers and problem they Face, prototyping and experimentations with the users

Defining Design Thinking

An attractive way to describe a new innovation model based on human-centred observation and prototyingDefining Design Thinking

The difference between design thinking and other methodologies such as lean startup is that design start with a challenge whereas others start with an ideaDesign thinking emphasises the importance of study the people and their problems for which we are creating value before we are allowed to generate solutionsThe term design thinking is somewhat controversial, especially the thinking part. Manager get put off because they think they are thinkers. Designers get up some who say that design is much more involved and. specialised activity. There is no consensus whether we should be using this term. There is not inherently different about design thinking. It is another approach and skill set that is complementary to other forms of approaches such as agile. It is not competitive but complementary to other approaches to product developmentThe construct for deign thinking comes from design such a convergent/divergent thinking, prototyping and iterations, ethnographic research that forms the rubric of design thinking30

Concept?Cash$Design Thinking Process4 Questions


Cash$Concept?What is?Design Thinking Process

We start and end with the same place but we untangle the hairball in a manageable process we call design thinking. Despite a lot of fancy vocabulary like Ideation and Co-creation, the design process we follow here deals with by asking four questions that corresponds to the four stages of design thinking processStart with current reality of the customer so we do not frame the problem too narrowHuman centred piece of design thinking


What is?What if?Cash$Concept?Design Thinking Process



Concept?Cash$What is?What if?What wow?Design Process

?$What is?What if?What wow?What works?ConceptCashDesign Thinking Process

Design ThinkingToolbox

?$What is?What if?What wow?What works?ConceptCashDesignBriefDesignCriteriaJourney MappingValue Chain AnalysisMind MappingBrainstormingConcept DevelopmentAssumption testingRapid PrototyingCo-creationLearning LaunchVisualisationNapkin PitchLearning GuideDesign Thinking Process

This is design thinking in a nutshell. Four questions 10 tools


What Problem are We Trying to Solve?

Types of ProblemsPuzzlesMysteriesTameWicked

No amount of data of yesterday will solve the mysteries of tomorrow

Wicked: Harder richer problem

system thinking, prototyping, experimentation


When Design Thinking is Appropriate?Human-centredHow well we understand Problem?Level of UncertaintyDegree of ComplexityAvailability of DataLevel of Curiosity and Influence


Frame A Problem

?$What is?Design BriefDesignBrief

Project DescriptionLaunch tailor-made holidays to European and Asian DestinationsScopeInitial focus on selected European DestinationsFocus on tailor-made holidaysConstraintsComply with European Aviation, ABTA and ATOL regulationsCompetitorsCompanies with similar offerings (America and Europe)Budget Allocation$200KTarget UsersNorth/South America, European and Asians CustomersParticular focus on existing customersExploration QuestionsEuropean Destination Offerings for existing customersOfferings for New European and Asian customersSuccess MetricsCapture 10% of the European market in the first year of the launchProject PlanStart as soon as possible and complete study with 6 months

Design Brief

North Star, 2-3 page document that tells gives directions: why we doing, what to avoid, resources, research plan, how to manage risksYogi Berra:If you dont know where you are goingYou might end up someplace else43

Research PlanWho we will study?Where we will find them?What questions/issues we will exploreHow many contacts?TimelineTeam Member Responsible


VisualisationVisualisationWhat is?What if?What wow?What works??$

Makes ideas visible and concrete

Remove ambiguity

Different way of knowing

What is: mind mapping, journey mapping, personas

What if: concept developmentVisualise things that dont exist, you are using different part of your brain45

What is?Ethnographic Research(Journey Mapping)Value Chain AnalysisMind Mapping

Projection Techniques(journaling, Collage, Pinwheel)

Yogi Berra:It is tough to make predictions, especially about the future46

?$What is?What is?

Journey MappingEthnographic Research


Ethnographic ResearchSocial SciencesHuman cultures and PeopleReveal and understand user needsSystematic and Descriptive ApproachQualitative DataObservation and Interviewing

Social Sciences: Sociology, AnthropologyHuman cultures and PeopleRevealing and understanding user needs requires sensitivity and empathy that can be found within ethnographyDescriptiveCollect qualitative data to understand their problems and their viewpointsWe go to find new information not to prove a idea or hypothesisSystematic approachTools: Observation and Interviewing (open-ended questions)- we have no ideaVideo the session (watch from behind how they use product but also front to capture emotions)Apart from cultural studies and social work, it is also used in design, computer science, human factors and ergonomicsSmoking cessation:


12345672A JourneyA Touch PointA Moment of TruthCustomer Journey+-1Press Snooze Button2Use Bathroom3Make Breakfast

Design Thinking Emotional JourneyAnxietyOptimismProblemFramingExplorationIdeationPrototyingIteration/ImplementationProject DurationCredit: Jump Associate LLC

What is?Ethnographic Research (Journey Mapping)Value Chain AnalysisMind Mapping

?$What is?Value Chain AnalysisValue Chain Analysis

What is?Ethnographic Research (Journey Mapping)Value Chain Analysis Mind Mapping

?$What is?Mind MappingMindmapping

?$What is?DesignCriteriaDesign CriteriaDesign GoalsUser PerceptionsPhysical AttributesFunctional AttributesConstraints

What if?BrainstormingConcept Development

What if??$BrainstormingBrainstorming

BrainstormingRight peopleRight Stimuli ( Trigger Questions)Right ChallengeRight Facilitator60-90 Min90% Preparation -10% Execution

fireworks display, lulls and then bursts. Bursts seem to beget other bursts. When dust settle there appears to be a mess to clean up. After the brainstorming are the raw materials for several innovative concepts (nuggests)Right Challenge (design brief/criteria)Right people (small, diverse free from political considerations)Right Stimuli (trigger questions)Right facilitation (ground rules: blue-card, write silently, use trigger questions, one voice at a time, withhold judgement)

Kodak asked What if question 20 years ago, What if 90% of our customers switch to digital photography but didnt take it any further and lost the digital revolution in photography

No judgement same goes with Ethnographic research


What if?Brainstorming Concept Development

Concept DevelopmentConcept DevelopmentWhat if??$



AnchorsBring-Build-BuyForced ConnectionsCombinatorial Play

What if??$Napkin PitchNapkin Pitch

Napkin PitchConcept NameNeedWhat is the unmet need we are addressing?For what customersApproachWhat is our approach to meeting that need?Who is it for?What are key features of the approach? What are the different ways that the service could meet the need?BenefitHow does the customer benefit?Other Service ProvidersWhat competition will we face and what advantage will we have?What other providers are essential for the concepts success?


What Wows?Assumption TestingRapid Prototyping

Immerse yourselfin Customer Data

Conduct Experiment

Surface Assumptions

Generate IdeasAssumption Testing

Assumptions Disproven

Revise IdeaTable


Assumptions Proven

The value test: customers will buy it at a price that generate revenueExecution test: You can deliver at a cost that works for youScale test: you can build in volume that it is worthwhileThe defensibility test: you can beat the competition66

What Wows?Assumption Testing ExerciseBuild a website (www.instructions.com) of universal portal of instruction manuals of all sorts of games, toys, gadgets and appliances

What Wows?Assumption Testing Rapid Prototyping

What wow?Rapid PrototyingRapid Prototyping?$

Power of Play

Rapid PrototypesFlow ChartPowerpoint Storyboard (Screen shots, photos, sketches, speech bubbles)Comic Strip CardsPostersVideoRole Playing

Fake it before you build itHospitality suite for frequent travellers: smiley face, Frowny face, yellow stickers. You are observing customers not only what they did but also what they didnt. If they move cards/stickers around take note


Western Town Concept


What works??$Learning GuideLearning Guide

What works?Co-CreationLearning Launch

What works??$Co-CreationCo-creation

What works?Co-Creation Learning Launch

What works?Learning LaunchLearning Launch?$

Launch into the Unknown

A learning launch is a fast cheap experimentThe purpose is to learn and go test78

Learning Launch DesignKey AssumptionWhoHowTimelineCost

Learning Launch ProcessState your HypothesisState key AssumptionsPrioritise key AssumptionsDesign Test for key AssumptionsDo the TestValue Creation Execution Defensibility ScalabilityConfirming DataDisconfirming DataContinue DevelopmentPivottrash/table

Innovation PracticesWhat do I know?What do I not know?What I need to know? How do I learn what I need to know?Constantly ask the following four questions

What can we take away from Design Thinking?

?$What is?What if?What wow?What works?ConceptCashDesignBriefDesignCriteriaJourney MappingValue Chain AnalysisMind MappingBrainstormingConcept DevelopmentAssumption testingRapid PrototyingCo-creationLearning LaunchVisualisationNapkin PitchLearning GuideDesign Thinking Process

This is design thinking in a nutshell. Four questions 10 tools


Material Resourced from

Nordstrom Experiment-Prototyping & Assumption Testing