Measure Your Efforts

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The most important part of any digital marketing strategy is measurement. Detailed measurements will provide a guide for future campaigns.

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Keeping track of what you are doing with your website and how it is working is essential to understanding it’s direct effect on your business. Also, being able to easily identify what is working and what is not will save you time and money in the long run.

Website Analytics

Studying the behavior of your site visitors will help provide you with a better understanding of what is working and what is not. Web analytics provide you with web traffic reports, which will tell you who is coming to your site, where they are being referred from, and when they visited.

They can also show you what each visitor spends the most time looking at. Discovering where visitors are being referred from will help you learn which search engines and key-phrases are working for you, and what changes need to be made.

Applying This Information

After you start getting the analytical data for your website, it is important that you review this information at regular intervals so that you become familiar with the web trends. You will also become very focused on what is happening with your website in relationship to the KPI’s for your site. This consistent focus on your website’s analytics will then help you make informed decisions as to the future needs and direction of your site, including where to invest future development or design budgets.


In addition to web analytics and KPI’s, the use of statistics will add another dimension to the goals of your website, without becoming overwhelmed by too many types of data and which data is of the utmost importance.

The following types of statistics are some of the most important factors to keep track of in order to continually upgrade your site and meet the needs of your visitors.


These are the pages that a visitor was at prior to coming to your site. This means that the previous page has incorporated a link to your site. You will definitely want to know who is linking to your site.

Keeping track of your referring sites will also allow you to determine if your marketing campaign is working or not.

Browser / Platform

This information will tell you what type of browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, etc.) your visitors are using to access your site. Not all browsers work the same way, so this will help you determine if changes need to be made to your website, for example, whether or not your site should utilize Flash or be JavaScript heavy.

Most visited pages

This information is a great indicator of what is working well for your site. This will tell you what pages are heavily trafficked on your site. This feature will also allow you to determine what pages the visitor is arriving at and leaving from.

Unique visitor and repeat visitors

This type of data involves keeping track of the first time a visitor accessed your site and how many times they return. The most common way to keep track of this type of information is to monitor the

user’s IP address when they access your site. However, this type of data is not always accurate, as most people do not have static or fixed IP addresses. Another way to track this data is to utilize cookies. This involves the placement of a small file onto your visitor’s computer that monitors their activity while at your site.

These types of statistics can be a great help in determining what is working best for your site and what needs to be changed.

About 3Sixty Interactive3Sixty Interactive is a professional agency with

over ten years of experience in the digital world.

They offer a variety of digital marketing solutions

that include search engine optimization, digital

advertising, email marketing, social media,

customized strategy reports, analytics and

maintenance of your marketing plan.

Learn more about 3Sixty Interactive at www.

3sixtyinteractive.com or by calling us at
