How to measure your blog

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How tomeasureyour blog.

Number of backlinksGoogle measure a site’s credibility based on the number of backlinks, so the more backlinks, the higher your site ranks.

Number of commentsWhen someone remarks on your blog it conrms your presence, in shorter words, your content was worth a response.

Number of postsPosting severel times a day is not a good idea, but once a week is a bare minimum.

Number of visitorsGoogle Analytics has the best tools for measuring visitors behavoiur, both in your blog and Twitter acount.

where your vistors are coming from and which platform and browser they usedwhich referring sites contributes the best traffic

which keywords have the highest CTR ratewhich articles have the lowest bounce rate

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Reference: Deckers, Erik., & Lacy, Kyle (2013). Branding yourself: How to use social media to invent or reinvent yourself. 2. ed. Indianapolis: Que Publishing. (p. 238-239).

