Maintaining Business Continuity During Your Lab Relocation Triumvirate Environmental presents: Everything you need to know about planning and executing your move

Maintaining Business Continuity During Your Lab Relocation

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Maintaining Business

Continuity During Your

Lab Relocation

Triumvirate Environmental presents:

Everything you need to know about

planning and executing your move

AgendaMaintaining Business Continuity

Building Project Teams

Navigating Soft Infrastructure

Managing Hard Infrastructure

Roundtable Discussion

Poll Question

When is your

next relocation


Relocation Projects are Disruptive

This requires a significant time commitment to properly plan

Soft Infrastructure

• Leases

• Licenses

• Permits

• Plans

• Services

Hard Infrastructure

• Office Equipment

• Furniture

• Lab Equipment

• Hazardous Materials

• Power

Complex Project

• Many Stakeholders

• Critical Path Planning

• Tight budgets

• Tighter timelines

Maintaining Business

Continuity• Build the best team you can

• Break the complex project down into

manageable pieces

• Figure out how it all fits together

• Map out the project using critical path thinking

to minimize business disruption and to make


• Identify and understand risks

• Work through adversity during the planning

and execution phases

AgendaMaintaining Business Continuity

Building Project Teams

Navigating Soft Infrastructure

Managing Hard Infrastructure

Roundtable Discussion

Build Your Project Team:

Stakeholder Map

• Successfully project

• Continuity

• Reliability

• Safety

• Regulatory Compliance

• Research

• Time

• Money

Internal Stakeholders

External Stakeholder



Business Partner/ Vendors

Identify Stakeholders


Stakeholder interests

Align Stakeholder


Pre-Project Planning

• Internal Stakeholders

• External Stakeholders (vendors, consultants…)

Assemble a Move Committee

or Team

• Responsibilities

• Project Time Management

• Logistics Management

• Liability

Common Agenda Items

AgendaMaintaining Business Continuity

Building Project Teams

Navigating Soft Infrastructure

Managing Hard Infrastructure

Roundtable Discussion

Navigating Soft


• Environmental Liability

• Lease Obligations

• Permits, Plans, Programs

• Regulators

• Service Agreements

Managing Environmental

Liability: New Facility

• Request information about prior occupancy

• Request information on how the space was left

• Work with third parties to help navigate this process

What environmental liability you are


• Haz Mat storage,

• licenses and permits,

• existing conditions

• Decommissioning language

What environmental liability are you agreeing to?

Managing Environmental

Liability: Old Facility

• Restoration clauses

• Decontamination requirements

• Reporting and document requirements

• Timelines

What are you obligated to do?

• Just because it’s not written into a lease, doesn’t mean you are not liable

• Broom clean vs ANSI/ AIHA Z9.11-2008 standard

What is your business tolerance to

environmental liability?


Permits, Plans• The process for managing licenses, permits,

and plans will vary significantly depending on

the scenario

• Don’t underestimate the complexity and time

it may take to terminate, transfer, and apply

for a new license, permit, or plan

• Managing licenses, permits, and plans at your

existing facility

• Managing licenses, permits, and plans at your

new facility

Managing Permits

and LicensesOld Facility – Terminate

permits and licenses

• Remove materials

• Notify the regulatory agency of permit/ license termination

• Provide paperwork and documentation to ensure materials were removed

New Facility – Obtain new permits and licenses

• Identify the need for new permits/ licenses

• Establish controls and programs the permit/ license may require

• Apply for the permit prior to moving to the new facility

To Terminate

or To Transfer

• Regulatory authority

• Regional applicability

• Operational applicability

• Existing facility

• New facility

Permits and Licenses

Flammable Storage


Flammable Storage


Source Registration

DEA Controlled

Substances Permits

RCRA Generator


Radioactive Materials


Ionizing Radiation Source


Wastewater Discharge


Laboratory Animal Use


rDNA Permits

Select Agents & Toxins


EH&S Programs and Systems• Plan ahead

• Utilize construction and move budgets to obtain

engineering controls and better material management

• Roll out the new programs and systems as part of the

new operating facility

• Establish expectations and standards from Day 1

• Communicate the new EH&S programs, systems and

expectations through training within the month of moving


Agreements• Identify all service agreements

• Communicate timelines and

expectations with service


• Evaluate need for different or

new service agreements in your

new location

AgendaMaintaining Business Continuity

Building Project Teams

Navigating Soft Infrastructure

Managing Hard Infrastructure

Roundtable Discussion

Managing Hard Infrastructure

• Build a Project Plan

• Project Team

• Project Timeline

• Establish a Budget

• Identify Risk

• Meet routinely


Office Furniture

Lab Equipment

Hazardous Materials

New Facility Engineering

Old Facility Restoration and Decommissioning

Is Your New Facility Ready?

Construction and commissioning




Laboratory engineering controls

Fume hoods

Cold rooms


Chemical cabinets and containment

Waste collection systems

It is vital that the new facility

is ready for all aspects of

your business to operate

prior to moving

Discard Unwanted Materials

Discard materials that are:

• Wastes

• Expired materials

• Irrelevant materials


• Risk of moving material vs. disposing and buying new

• Regulatory obligations for moving and disposing of material

Moving materials that have no impact on the new operations (larger or

smaller) present unnecessary risks and costs

To Be Discarded:






Municipal waste

What Else?

Laboratory Move –

What’s Moving?

Identify the materials and equipment

Regulatory obligations

Risks of moving the material

Coordinate with all stakeholders to reduce down time.

Identify the best person/ vendor to move the material

Identify if certain materials must move before others

Laboratory Move –

Who’s Got What, When?

• Identify who is moving what

• Vendors may have varying levels

of capabilities

• Some capabilities may overlap

• Refer to your critical path planning

and Gantt charts

• Align schedules so that various

movers have enough space and time

to move safely and efficiently

For Your Consideration…

Decommissioning and Closure• Performance standard or ‘how clean is

clean’ should be identified early in the

planning process (lease obligations,

ANSI/AIHA Z9.11–200, liability


• Identify types of spaces and potential


• Leave enough time on your lease to

decon, monitor, and perform any

required restoration or repair

Laboratory Decontamination

Laboratory Surfaces

Type of Lab Space

High Risk


Closure Assessment• Document and ensure the removal of all

hazardous materials and other environmental


• Approve and confirm decontamination methods

of all spaces

• Confirm ‘Clean’ through quantitative methods

• Terminate all permits and licenses

• Document and report the entire closure process

• The facility closure report must be signed and

approved by a qualified individual

AgendaMaintaining Business Continuity

Building Project Teams

Navigating Soft Infrastructure

Managing Hard Infrastructure

Roundtable Discussion

SummaryRelocations are disruptive to your business

They can be very complex projects because they impact everyone at your company and take planning and alignment from many stakeholders

Having a strong team with a good plan will go a long way

Every relocation is different and will present new obstacles or challenges (the team, soft infrastructure, hard infrastructure, etc.)


You Will Receive:

• A copy of this presentation

• A link to a short survey

• An offer to help you get started

with your move

Thank You For Attending!