Local Food Summit grassroots definitions for a local agroecomony

Local Food Summit

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Local Food SummitAnn Arbor, MIJanuary 2009Presentation to New World Agriculture and Ecology GroupUniversity of MichiganFebruary 2009

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Local Food Summit

grassroots definitions for a local agroecomony

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Who is HomeGrownBirth of the Local Food SummitParticipants ExercisesSpeakersMealsWorkshopsExamples Impressions

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A group of impatient activists wanted to celebrate local food and local business

So they organized a festival.

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Late one bar night...

A summit is born.

Shannon Brines convinces the rest of the HomeGrown Festival board of directors to host a summit.

Organizers: Erica Kempter, presidentShannon BrinesKim BayerDeirdra StockmannJason Frenzel   facilitated by Lisa Brush.

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Farmers GardenersChefsVendorsCity DeptsStudentsActivistsNonprofits MediaFarmers Market Managers"Eaters"Business OwnersDistribution Managers

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Summit Format

"Local Food" topic. No further breakdown given by committee.

Gather Public Opinion: "Think privately for 2 min about what a 'local food system' means to you" Then...Exercise 1: Everyone writes sticky notes about our "Assets"

Exercise 2: Everyone discusses missing links, or "Needs"

Exercise 3: Everyone gets in groups to decide on "Actions"

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Categories for Exercise 1

        ⁃ Producers        Retail⁃        Distribution⁃        Policy⁃        Communication⁃        Education⁃        Outreach⁃        Promotion⁃        People Resources⁃        natural Resources⁃        Heritage⁃        Who Should Be here??⁃        consumers⁃        natural resources⁃        local programs⁃

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Categories determined for Needs

    A.    Resources for young/new farmers    B.    database network to existing assets    C.    food policy/legistlation    D.    distribution    E.    collaboration    F.    increase production    G.    education    H.    accessibility/justice/food security    I.    simplify direct purchasing/bringing pruducers and           purchasers together    J.    processing    K.    systems/infrastructure    L.    communication    M.    standards/labeling    N.    community self reliance

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Patty Cantrell from Michigan Land Use Institute    Topics: Grow Jobs, Build Health, Save Land    www.localdifference.org Mrs. Fran Alexander from Alexander Resource Consulting    Topics: Food Security Study for Washtenaw                Growing Hope and Food Gatherers effortsChris Bedford from Sweetwater Local Foods Market, Muskegon    Topics: Farm to School as an Economic Recovery plan     http://www.chrisbedfordfilms.com/

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Breakfast - Zingerman's    zingermans.com

Lunch - A Knife's Work    aknifeswork.com

snacks    brought by participants

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People picked which one of the Exercise 2 categories to attend.

Each team required to come up with:• action/project• point person• future meeting time• email lists of all present

 13 different meetings came out of those sessions, with future projects.

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Example: The Data Clearinghouse

One of the most common "Needs" mentioned was a place or procedure to share information and connect similar efforts. 

I created/joined a group that focuses on creating solutions to information problems. 

Items created so far:• google group for internal organization• 3 wiki pages on ArborWiki (rough) to document Summit• aggregate calendar of local food events

 this last is live, hosted at http://agrarianist.org

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Very well facilitated Good mixture of public involvement and organized leadership Format empowered participants Good representation of interests b/c of zero narrowing of topic                    = High likelihood of followthrough

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Should we add the NWAEG calendar to the local food calendar?

Do we want to get involved in any efforts?