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how to listening

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Page 1: Listening


Page 2: Listening

Agenda Why listening Levels of listening Bad habits of listening Be a active listening

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Why listening important / purpose The way you

decode/get the information

Seek understand then to be understand / Listen then speak

Find the truth/key Gain friendship and


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Listening Via Ear Eye Body Word Heart Ear ->Hear - Heart

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Levels Hearing Attending Understanding Responding Remembering

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Practice What is the listening level of them

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Bad habits Give no response Negative response (distract ..) Interrupt Tell your own story Criticize Finishing other’s words

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Bad habits More speak Less listening More content Less emotion More aggressive Less patient More passive Less active More subjective Less Objective

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Active listening Pre listening While listening Post listening

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Pre listening Know your speaker Know the purpose Build appropriate atmosphere Blending / Small talk

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While Listening Adapt to speaker Show your interesting Don’t interrupt Involve your whole body Feeling the speaker Give response

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While Listening - Adapt Use speaker’s word’s habit Use common words

Use WE instead of YOU Use Let’s/Shall we instead of Can you Use Why not instead of You should

Adapt to speaker’s style (Rapid, Slow) Adjust your style

Show your acceptance and understanding Synchronize your emotion with speaker Make speaker feel comfortable

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While Listening - Interest Encourage in verbal

That’s interesting Sounds great , tell me more

Be open mind Use your body language

look exciting Change a posture Suddenly look

Use your vocal tone Change your tone

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While listening – don’t interrupt Silence Don’t judge Body language

Nodding … Eye contact

Use appropriate words. Oh ? Em … And ? Go on …

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While listening – body Facing the speaker Eye contact Facial expression

Smile … Serious …

Distance Posture

relaxed or rigid leaning in or away

Remove physical distractions

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Feeling the speaker Focus attention on: facial expressions,

posture, gestures and actions.  Read non-verbal in context of the

conversation.  Note discrepancies between what people say

and how they act. For example, if they say they are happy, do they look and act happy?

 Be aware of your feelings and physical reactions.

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While listening – Reflect listening Paraphrasing Question Summary

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While listening - Paraphrasing Paraphrasing: restates the speakers’ feelings

and content in your own words that demonstrates acceptance and understanding.

• Also called backtracking, mirroring.• Also a form of blending.

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While listening – reflect formula You feel (insert the word or feeling)

because (insert the event or other content that is associated with the feeling).”

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While listening - Question Ask questions for clarification and

understanding. Two kinds of questions

Open Close

Use questions for Seek the result / further information Clarify your doubt Sort out speaker’s idea Lead conversation direction

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While listening - Summarize Benefit

Get key points Get conclusion Gain mutual understanding

Format User 1, 2, 3 Simple Short Concise

Get confirm with speaker Following up or action items if needed

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Post listening Close out

Thanks to the speaker??? Show your acceptance and understanding Get the real meaning Nail the conclusion

Observe the emotional result ( feeling , attitude) Give feedback Take actions to the following up Prepare next conversation if needed