LANDING PAGES THAT HELP YOUR ONLINE MARKETING TAKE OFF Converting Visitors to Prospects in Three Steps MID ATLANTIC 14073 Crown Court | Woodbridge, VA 22193 T. 703.494.7888 | F. 703.494.7955 | 888.205.8899 NEW ENGLAND PO Box 305 | Barrington, RI 02806 T. 401.289.2500 | F. 401.289.2503 | 888.205.8899

Landing pageshelpmarketingtakeoff

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This white paper outlines how you can create landing pages that will move online visitors to prospects in three steps.

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Page 1: Landing pageshelpmarketingtakeoff



TAKE OFFConverting Visitors to

Prospects in Three Steps

MID ATLANTIC14073 Crown Court | Woodbridge, VA 22193

T. 703.494.7888 | F. 703.494.7955 | 888.205.8899

NEW ENGLANDPO Box 305 | Barrington, RI 02806

T. 401.289.2500 | F. 401.289.2503 | 888.205.8899

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Landing Pages That Help YourOnline Marketing Take OffConverting Visitors to Prospects in Three Steps

Studies have shown that building targeted online landing pages can

improve a campaign’s conversion rate by upwards of 50 percent.

Yet, most companies targeting the 50+ market do not achieve maximum

return because their online strategy stops at the ads. This is the pitfall of

many otherwise well-planned online marketing programs.

As markets continue to fragment and consumers find increasingly cunning

ways to avoid advertising, consumers are beginning to ignore all but the most

personal and relevant marketing. By customizing landing pages specific to

each target audience, companies can improve this level of relevance and keep

prospects moving down the path towards a sale, while collecting valuable

information about the effectiveness of their organization’s marketing efforts.

This white paper outlines how you can create landing pages that will

move online visitors to prospects in three steps.

TestingOne of the most significant benefits of online

marketing is the ability to monitor and adjust in real

time. The most simplistic way to evaluate alternatives

is to use an A/B test. Just as the name describes,

serve half of the visitors concept A, serve the other

half concept B. Using the metrics gathered from

the analytics, an advertiser can see which version is

more successful. Elements easily tested in the A/B

format include overall design, offers, the positioning of

elements on a page, and even desired outcomes.

Keep in mind that the fewer variations between your

A and B concepts, the more actionable your findings

will be. Too many changes/differences will leave you

wondering what was responsible for the differing

response levels.

The level of marketing investment will dictate how

much testing and how often monitoring should occur,

but the findings can pay great dividends.

There are dozens of additional opportunities to

improve the effectiveness of digital marketing

through the use of landing pages. Alternative testing

options, personal URLs, social elements, dynamic

content and real-time communication - all are

achievable with today’s technologies.

To find out more about these options and how Creating Results can help improve your digital marketing efforts, visit www.CreatingResults.com/smoothlandings.

Creating Results provides clients with a strategic approach for marketing to adult consumers seeking

a higher quality of life. We have earned praise, referrals and awards for our successful marketing and

unique understanding of adults. From the initial research through the strategy and creative development,

and on into the complete implementation and ongoing performance analysis, we strive to make our

clients stand out in a crowded marketplace.

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This decision needs to take into account the characteristics of the end user

and the true value of the offer or product being promoted. Likely desired

outcomes include downloading information, online registration or simply

following a link to another page within the site.

If your target is a mature consumer, remember that the 50+ market is more

apt to call a sales center from a website and are more protective of their

personal information than their younger counterparts. Whatever the desired

outcome, it will only be effective if the prospect believes the opportunity is

worth the effort.


Content If they’ve made it to the landing page, prospects want to learn more. Take

this opportunity to provide only relevant, straight forward information that is

valuable and dripping with credibility.

According to Marketing Experiments

Journal, clarity of the value proposition

is the most important factor in

determining whether a customer buys

or not. The mature audience responds

best to straight talk, so avoid the fluff.

If the goal is to have someone call

a sales associate, ask for the action

outright, but clearly explain what is in it

for them.

Make it as personal as possible.

Reference the page from which they

were referred, recap the offer in the

advertisement they clicked, tap the

behavioral and demographic data from

the sites, search engines or internal

databases. Use whatever is available to

show visitors that time has been invested to learn about them. This will help

develop the client / seller relationship that is sought by this mature audience.

Design When designing the appearance of a landing page, do not spend

even a pixel promoting anything beyond the brand, offer and specific

desired outcome.

While the 50+ market is quite comfortable online, they are more likely

to make navigation errors. Therefore the look, feel and language needs to

match that of the advertising. This includes colors, fonts, imagery, use of

white space and graphic treatments. Precious seconds are saved by quickly

assuring visitors they have navigated to the right place.

Content should be arranged in a clear hierarchy, keeping text to a

minimum. A single, engaging photo is superior to multiple, smaller images.

If there is a registration form, keep the number of fields to seven or fewer.

Even the navigation bar should be eliminated. On a standard webpage, this

navigation helps visitors find where they want to go on the site. With a

landing page, it should be assumed that they have already arrived. Finally, if

the preliminary design requires any amount of scrolling, start over.


Creating Results gives this landing page a “good” rating - it is very focused and draws on demographic data from the referring site.

Don’t make this mistake: Allstate didn’t create a landing page. As a result, there is no reference to the offer that brought prospects here and far too many ways to leave the site, fast.

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Steps to Ensure a Successful Landing


Understand Online BehaviorWhen planning a landing page, it is vital to understand the specific online

behaviors of your specific target markets. Start with the segmenting used to

place digital advertising and then research each profile’s internet habits.

As experts in marketing to Baby Boomers and Beyond, Creating

Results recognizes and stresses that each segment will be different.

However, a unifying characteristic of the online population is

impatience. Regardless of an online user’s age, the average digital ad is

lucky to get two seconds of attention.

Time-of-attention only increases to

eight seconds for landing pages.

Do not expect visitors to scroll,

peruse a laundry list of navigation

options or even read the copy.

Animation, flashing elements and

background music do nothing but

distract the mature audience and

rob your site of precious seconds of

attention. You can only expect that

mature (40+) visitors will evaluate a

site’s merit on their initial impression

of the overall design and maybe

skimming of the headlines.

Landing pages need to match visitors’ expectations, preferences and

tastes before the content will be reviewed. Otherwise, “bouncing”

occurs, or visitors quickly leave the site without any interaction. No

clicks, no registration, no activity of any kind, and thus, no opportunity

for future sales.

Setting ObjectivesAs time is of the essence, a landing page only has the ability to focus

on a single business objective. The advertiser must identify the “desired

outcome” of a landing page visit. This is the prospect’s single on-site activity

that will provide the greatest benefit.


Monitoring Prior to launching a series of landing pages, make sure that a

monitoring tool is in place. Many analytics tools are freely available

and are quite user-friendly. Minimally, ensure that unique visitors, click-

throughs and conversions are tracked. Time-of-visit, session duration,

repeat visitors, geographic locations and click-tracking can also

provide invaluable information.


Focus on one clear desired outcome. This page design was ranked “best” by Creating Results’ team for the engaging photo and the clear call to action.

While this white paper focuses

on online advertising, the value of

landing pages is much greater. As

part of an integrated marketing

program, well-executed landing

pages can boost the effectiveness

of the whole campaign.

Creating Results has directed

prospects to special landing pages

from a variety of off- and on-line

mediums, including newsletters,

direct mail, email, signage and

traditional advertising.

For Westminster at Lake Ridge,

a Continuing Care Retirement

Community outside of Washington,

DC, a landing page became the

vehicle to invite prospects for

a “test drive.” Westminster is

targeting people in their 70’s,

an age group still motivated by

newspapers. A special insert

offered an overnight stay to get a

feel for the community. It drove

those interested in “packing their

pajamas” to a special landing page –


As with online advertising, emails

can get prospects to a landing page

with just one click. The National Museum of Americans at War

sent an email soliciting feedback

from a target group, driving traffic

to a landing page with survey
