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RESPONSIVE SUPPORT AROUND THE CLOCK, AROUND THE WORLDSafran Landing Systems’ Customer Support Centers (CSCs) fieldqueries from airlines, MROs and brokers 24/7. Our three CSC centersbased in Europe, Asia and North America work around the clock toprovide seamless 24-hour service in your time zone. Our staff ofleading specialists manage a wide range of customer inquiries,ranging from spares and technical support to AOG assistance,guaranteeing an AOG response rate with four hours.








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ON-WING REPAIRWorld leading landing gear techniciansSafran Landing Systems’ experienced landing geartechnicians are available 24/7 to ensure responsive supportto customers around the world. Our team of serviceengineers support EAME customers from the UK based in Gloucester, Asia Pacific customers from our based in Singapore and Americas customers from ourbased in the USA.

Supporting a comprehensive range of commercial, military,regional and business jet platforms, we are continuouslyadding new capabilities to the portfolio, including theA400M, A350, Sukhoi S100 Superjet, BombardierChallenger CL300, CL350 and Global Express.

ASSET LEASINGAvailable parts with flexible solutions Safran Landing Systems deploys a comprehensive landinggear spares pool in order to maximize dispatch reliabilityfor aircraft. Customers can lease replacement gears orLRUs, which they can retain for as long as required whiletheir own hardware is being repaired.

As an added option, customers can purchase the leased equipment.

PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Keeping your landing gear healthy through the life cycleSafran Landing Systems also offers preventativemaintenance packages to enhance the performance andreliability of landing gear throughout the in-service lifecycle. Procedures such as disassembly and re-greasing ofdynamic components, plus touching-up of damagedcoatings can significantly contribute to maintaining thecondition of the landing gear. Using a preventativemaintenance regime contributes to reducing out-of-scopecosts at overhaul.

Airlines can define the level of preventative maintenanceand regular servicing that they require. This can includelocal restoration of protective coating and treatments.

When an intervention arises with a critical component such as landing gear,operators have the opportunity to rely on a support network that provides fast andeffective solutions. Supporting over 25,000 aircraft in service, Safran LandingSystems’ on-wing support allows you to choose the right level of service requiredto optimize the in-service reliability of your landing gear. We offer a full range ofsolutions, encompassing both scheduled and unscheduled work to keep youraircraft in operation. Preventative maintenance plans are also available to furtherenhance the in-service performance of your equipment and minimize repair andoverhaul costs down the line.

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INCIDENT SUPPORTTake the unexpected cost out of unexpected surprisesUnfortunately incidents during on-ground operationscan cause unexpected damage to your landing gearand generate unexpected cost. In addition to ourlease pool, Safran Landing Systems offers an“Incident Support” package to minimize the impactof in-service incidents such as hard landings, towingincidents or runway excursions.

A tailored spares pool, minimize costs and shorterrepair timescales can be offered to customers underan Agreement with Safran Landing Systems.

These benefits include the replacement landing gear,correct configuration availability, substantially reducedlease fees and expedited repair process throughSafran Landing Systems’ MRO network.

Capability for aircraft types

15Supporting aircraft



Total support when youneed it, where you need it.



CATALOGUESThrough Safran Landing Systems’ spares portal, accessingthe components required for a repair could not besimpler. Over 45,000 P/N are in stock to ensure off theshelf availability.

ORDER ENTRY AND TRACKINGThrough the Safran Landing Systems services portal,customers can track the progress of their order, includingcomponent prices, stock status as well as airway bill data.

OVERHAUL KITSSafran Landing Systems offers overhaul kits forcommercial aircraft programs, such as Airbus single aisleprogram landing gears, enabling MROs to both simplifymaintenance activities and reduce their overhaul costs inone comprehensive package. These kits provide thesystematic replacement items required to complete theoverhaul including up-to-date maintenance data.

CUSTOM KITSSafran Landing Systems can also offer on all programscustomized kits with associated services such asconsignment, sequence of installation, special boxing etc.

Safran Landing Systems manages the largest worldwide inventory supporting ourproducts, providing on-line services 24/7 to ensure timely shipment of spares andcomponents to operators. In the event of a critical AOG request, response time isguaranteed within 4 hours.

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Active customerssupported by

Safran Landing Systems

800Number of warehouses



DISTRIBUTIONOur distribution centers are strategically located throughout the world in the UK, France, USA, Singapore and Dubai to ensure timely dispatch of spares when needed, particularly in an AOG situation.

The OEM brand is aguarantee of quality and integrity.


TURNKEY MRO SHOPSSafran Landing Systems can assist in implementing turnkeyMRO shops, giving the customer the capacity and capabilityto maintain their own landing gears and components.

Safran Landing Systems can advise on specifications,industrial equipment and shop layout. We can also,provide all necessary shop means such as tooling, testbenches, electroplating, machine shops, etc. Projectmanagement can be handled by either the customer orSafran Landing Systems.

To enhance capital investment efficiency, customers mayopt to keep only lighter operations such as thedisassembly, re-assembly and testing of the landing gearin-house, whilst working with Safran Landing Systems onmore complex and machine-intensive operations such asspecialized grinding and surface treatments.

GSE TOOLING, LANDING GEAR REMOVAL ANDINSTALLATION TOOLINGAs an OEM, Safran Landing Systems designsmaintenance tooling that optimizes the in-servicehandling of its products. This tooling is designed at theoutset of a landing gear’s development program, so thata full range of OEM-produced mechanical, hydraulic andelectronic tools is available to customers as soon as itenters service. Over 1,000 part numbers are in stock, witha 2-year warranty, including tools for Airbus, Boeing andATR aircraft, as well as military planes and helicopters.

Ground service equipment, including landing gearremoval and installation tooling are available for allequipment manufactured by Safran Landing Systems.

Working closely with our design office, Safran LandingSystems is constantly refining its tooling to accompanyproduct upgrades and standardize equipment to reducecosts for operators and MRO shops.

Types of tooling available:>All mechanical tools>Hoisting device>Electronical tools for braking, steering and TPMS >Hydraulic test sets (NATO case)

For more than twenty years, Safran Landing Systems has been offering a growingrange of turnkey services to support customers that prefer to manage themaintenance of their aircraft equipment in-house. Safran Landing Systems offers amodular approach, ranging from the supply of specific items of equipment throughto full-scale project management and installation. Customers can select the supportoption that best suits the configuration of their landing gear repair activities.


TEST BENCHESA small but important aspect of turnkey services isthe provision of test benches for landing gear repairand overhaul. Most focus on various aspects ofhydraulic supplies to the landing gear. SafranLanding Systems also provides a specific bench totest the Boeing 787 electric brakes. Design andmanufacture of test benches are adapted to SafranLanding Systems equipment such as landing gear,hydraulic components, etc.

First MRO shop implemented by

Safran Landing Systems




Creating the tools thatkeep you flying.


LEASE AND EXCHANGE To minimize your down timeSafran Landing Systems manages a large stock of gearsand LRU rotables to minimize down time and maximize airtime for airlines. We offer lease and exchangearrangements, for temporary use while your gear is beingrepaired or full transfer of ownership. Under the leasescheme, a replacement part is provided until yourequipment is returned to you. Alternatively, for customersthat do not require the same item to be returned, SafranLanding Systems operates an exchange scheme toreplace a component or assembly.

For some landing gears, Safran Landing Systems can offertime-continued parts, which provide an ideal solution forthose airlines that are planning to dispose of their aircraftin the near- to medium-term and do not require a newpart with a full life.

WORLDWIDE REPAIR NETWORK Global coverageSafran Landing Systems provides global coverage throughthe combination of our own MRO shops and those of ourstrategic partners. Bringing together like-mindedorganizations broadens the portfolio of landing gears thatwe can maintain, repair and overhaul. This network offerstraditional MRO services and preventative maintenance,allowing customers to keep their landing gear in topcondition – vital when the recommended interval betweenoverhauls is growing.

In addition to our large landing gear capability, we havestrategic locations either through wholly ownedsubsidiaries or joint ventures, which handle smaller landinggears from regional aircraft and business jets in Europe,North America or Asia. Through our global network,Safran Landing Systems has the full range of capabilitiesand resources required to manage the requirements ofdifferent national civil aviation authorities.

AIRWORTHINESS APPROVALSQuality guaranteedAn aircraft’s landing gear is a critical assembly and key tomaintaining the overall aircraft value. At Safran LandingSystems, we ensure that the highest standards ofexcellence and quality are met for all overhauls, workingstrictly with OEM sourced materials and procedures.

We are able to provide customers with reliable, well-documented maintenance services throughout the life ofthe aircraft, supporting traceability of all structural parts.Safran Landing Systems maintains international approvalsfrom all relevant airframers and air worthiness authoritiesfor the entire range of repair and maintenance operationson our own equipment as well as from other leadingmanufacturers. These certifications demonstrate ourcommitment to not only ensuring the welfare and healthof our employees but also to supporting customers andprotecting the environment through IntegratedManagement Systems.

MILITARY REPAIR AND SPARES Safran Landing Systems provides spares and overhaulsfor Dassault aircrafts, Airbus Helicopters and AirbusDefence & Space.

Customers require ‘value for money’ overhaul solutions and we, as an MRO worldleader and OEM, are delivering this. With over 48% of the Airline’s fleet operators, weare working closely with the operational and technical teams to ensure that we matchtheir planning and technical requirements (including ‘back to birth’ traceability).

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COMPREHENSIVE APPROACHWe combine landing and braking system experienceand global coverage to create customized solutions,tailored to meet exacting demanding quality, cost andturn-time needs of an intensely competitive market.

When operators are faced with the choice ofselecting their landing system MRO provider, theylook for the best combination of affordability,expertise and flexibility. Safran Landing Systemsoffers cost-effective repair and replacementsolutions for an exhaustive range of civil and militaryaircraft, including helicopters. Our MRO servicecenters, located in Europe, Asia and the Americasare able to provide the services that best fitcustomer needs and ensure the integrity of ourcustomers’ landing systems equipment.

Number of gearmaintained and

overhauled per year

1,200Airbus landing gearMRO service provider


CAPABILITY LISTWide coverageSafran Landing Systems offers the following services:>Maintenance, repair and overhaul of landing gear equipment, braking systems, wheels and hydraulic equipment

>Comprehensive service packages > Scheduled preventative maintenance programs >Rotable exchange units and leasing of line replaceable units

> “Back to birth” traceability of Safran LandingSystems landing gear parts


Maintaining the value of an aircraft landingsystem throughout its in-service life.


EQUIPMENT DIAGNOSTICSData management solutions for optimal dispatch performanceThanks to an in-depth understanding of our owncomponent performance (more than 600,000 LRUs flyingalone on Airbus aircraft) we are uniquely poised to assistairlines in increasing their overall aircraft dispatchperformance. Safran Landing Systems offers, free ofcharge, an extensive and detailed analysis of theoperational data relating to our components in order todetermine the best equipment maintenance policy andappropriate service plan for your needs.

By correlating various in-service data, Safran LandingSystems provides a clear picture of maintenance and repairtrends of our products within your fleet. Through thisapproach, we can pro-actively make recommendations tooptimize the efficiency of those components.

Depending on the diagnosis, our recommendations mayconcern revised parts inventories, specific technicaltraining, equipment upgrades or preventive maintenance,or improvements to logistics and repair processes.

INITIAL PROVISIONINGOptimizing your IP needsAs an OEM, we also provide assistance in determiningInitial Provisioning needs, based on factors such as fleetsize, usage and known lifespans of individual components.

As an added service, we conduct an annual review of InitialProvisioning levels for each of our customers to ensure themost cost-efficient level of spares for each customer.

UPGRADESStepping up in performance We also offer customers the option of upgrading theirequipment, based on a detailed analysis of factors suchas the age and service history of their fleet. That allows usto develop an upgrade proposal that improve equipmentreliability at a competitive price.

SUPPORT BY THE HOURGuaranteed support, when and where you need it Having access to spares is vital and airlines may not wantto hold large stocks of spares themselves. Safran LandingSystems’ support by the hour offers our customers an‘insurance policy’ for quick component availability 24/7.We offer a flat rate, per hour of flight, freeing customersfrom having to cover unexpected spares expenses whenan issue arises, providing visibility and predictability onfuture maintenance costs.

Equipment covered by the contract is delivered to thecustomer within 24 hours, or within four hours in anAOG situation.

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DEDICATED ASSET POOLINGFull access to spares, less inventory management We guarantee customers access to our stock 24/7through a dedicated asset pool. Clients benefit fromrapid spares availability available when and wherethey need it.

In addition, tailored inventory plans will evolve ascustomer requirements change.

If an airline does not want to have the monthlyoutgoings associated with pooling, it can sign up toSafran Landing Systems’ loan and exchange schemes,where it pays for the supply – temporary or permanent– of spares as and when these are required. This rangeof options gives our customers the flexibility to choosewhichever best suits their needs.

Best A380 operationalinterruption rateachieved through our SBH contract



In today’s cutthroat economic environment, airlines are continually seeking new waysto optimize in-service dispatch, in order to maintain on-time performance and lowercosts. As an OEM supporting more than 25,000 aircraft in service, Safran LandingSystems provides unique data management solutions and customized servicepackages to help airlines monitor and service Safran Landing Systems-manufacturedproducts both safely and cost-efficiently. We ensure a full array of solutions fornewly introduced or mature aircraft fleets.

It is all about keeping aircraft in operation.


TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONSA single source for all Safran Landing Systemsdocumentation, fast CSCs provide all technical publications enabling MROsand airlines to maintain aircraft fitted with our equipmentat the maximum levels of safety, security and efficiency.Our documentation services cover all Safran LandingSystems products, including landing gears, brakes andbraking avionics. Access to service bulletins, componentmaintenance manuals, service letters and servicebulletins is available on-line through our web portal.

IN-SERVICE EXPERIENCELeveraging shared experience to enhance product performanceBased on the shared knowledge between customers andSafran Landing Systems, we issue in-service experiencereports which provide insight on in-service evolutionsand recommendations from our technical specialists tomaintain optimal performance of our products. Byleveraging feedback from operators and combining itwith our own support and MRO expertise, we are able toprovide a more comprehensive overview of our productperformance and assist customers in minimizingpotential in-service issues that can impact aircraft.

Available on our web portal, In-Service Experiencedocumentation is updated regularly to ensure the mostup to date information available.

BACK-TO-BIRTH TRACEABILITYTrusted maintenance record managementWe hold extensive records on our own equipment andtherefore Safran Landing Systems can assist operators inretrieving missing data relating to landing gearmaintenance records. We offer an exclusive service whichenables customers to access online full ‘back to birth’traceability of OE records for our landing gears up untilentry into service. This facility is available for the entirefamily of Safran Landing Systems landing gear products,both military and civil programs.

OFF-WING REPAIR SOLUTIONSReliable solutions for out-of-scope queriesWhen a third-party repair shop wants to carry out an ‘outof scope’ fix, Safran Landing Systems, can offer alternativerepair solutions that remain within the design limits of thepart, thus preserving its operational integrity.

Safran Landing Systems’ Customer Support Centers (CSCs) field queries fromairlines, MROs and other operators. Our three CSC centers based in Europe, Asiaand North America work around the clock to provide seamless 24-hour service inyour time zone. Our staff of leading specialists manage a wide range of customerinquiries, ranging from spares and technical support to AOG assistance,guaranteeing an AOG response rate within four hours.


Access to specialists


Responsive supportaround the clock, around the world.


Safran Landing Systems

Registered Office: Société par Actions simplifiée (S.A.S.), a capital of €83,707,455 - 712 019 538 RCS Versailles

APE 3030Z - Inovel Parc Sud - 7 rue Général Valérie André - 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay - France

T: +33 (0) 1 46 29 81 00


Photographs copyright: Pascal Le Doaré, Mike Hall and Molyneux Associates