Job search, Resume, and Cover Letter

Job searching process

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Job search, Resume, and Cover Letter

Page 2: Job searching process

The job searchOpportunity for finding a job that satisfies both personal and professional needs increase by implementing a job search strategy.

job seeking is directly related to one’s success and happiness.

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Job search process include following

Building a Network Contacts.

Identifying Appropriate Job.

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Building a Network of contactsOne can begin the job search long before one is ready to find employment.

In fact one can do it now by building a network of contacts by building relation with people who can help you find work when you need it. Such people include classmates, professors, businesspeople.

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Building a Network of contacts

Broaden your friends circle: At present, you should broaden your circle of friends. As a

result, in future you may want to make career change, they may hold such position.

Know your professors: Sometimes professors may become a valuable source of

giving you a job opportunity. Students can take this opportunity by making a good grade and demonstrating their behavior in classroom.

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Building a Network of contacts

Meet executives: Obviously, meeting key business executives also can

lead to employment contacts. Broadening your relationships among businesspeople would be helpful for finding good job.

Make contacts through internships: If your school offers internships, you can make good

career contacts through them. In fact, if you perform well, your internship could turn into full time employment.

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Identifying appropriate jobTo find the right job, you need to investigate both internal and external factors.

The best fit occurs when you have carefully looked at yourself: your education, personal qualities, experience, and any special qualifications.

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Identifying appropriate job Analyzing personal characteristics:

When you are ready to search for a job, you should begin the effort by analyzing yourself. When you seek employment, you are really selling your ability to work to do things for an employer.

Education: In analyzing your education, you should look at

the quality of your record grades, projects honors special recognitions

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Identifying appropriate job Speaking.

Personal qualities.

Work experience.

Knowledge in computer.

Analyzing outside factor.

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ResumeResume is seeking employment by sending data sheet with an application letter, which is always appropriate.

The resume can be most important for job-

hunting tool.

The resume should be clear, concise and factual summery of the applicants background and qualifications.

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How can you prepare an effective/good resume? Appearance.


Correctness and neatness.


Parallelism: We should be consistent in wording, arranging, headings,

spacing, underlining, and capitalizing.

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Types of Resume

There are several basic types of resumes used

to apply for job openings.

Functional resume.

Combination resume.

Chronological resume.

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The Parts of a Resume


Career Objective and/or Summary of Qualifications.


Employment Experience.