How to start a business with no money

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  • 1. How to Start a Business With No Money the Fast Track Way

2. Only just a few years ago if you had asked someone how to start a business with no money they would have told you to talk to the bank manager. That is fortunately not the case these days as you can easily get an enterprise off the ground and turning a profit in next to no time with no money. The Internet has made this possible as it has erased the need to have a physical premises from which to operate out of. 3. In fact you really don't need much at all to start an online business. You won't even need an office to work from and you won't need to worry about getting a logo designed for you or getting pens or photocopier paper. 4. You can transfer all that stuff to the virtual world. So, learning how to start a business with no money means learning how the Internet works. And guess what that is a minimal amount of information too, as the Web has come a long way even in the few short years that it has been in existence. 5. It used to be the case that the Internet was a technical place to get involved in. You had to know all the coding language and you had to know your way around the hardware and servers and all that stuff. That is not the case now as everything you could possibly need to run a business has been turned into push button interfaces. 6. It gets better as this stuff is all free. You don't have to pay a dime to get a commercial Internet presence. You can get a website for free and you can get all kinds of designs for free. You can get the tools you need to customise your site for nothing. You can even get a free e-commerce store front that will allow you to display your products and take all kinds of payments. 7. Contrast this with the thousands it takes to get an offline business off the ground and profitable. It takes something like an average of $12000 to get a new business started. Who has $12000 lying around? Not too many people I'll bet. So, if you don't have the money to get your business running you will have to go to to the bank and ask for a loan. And that is a whole different ball game. 8. Getting a website up and running, getting some products displayed on it and the getting interested customers to come and look at what you have got. That is how to start a business with no money. There is no need to go through the stress and the strain of taking loans out and putting your house up as collateral. You don't need to risk your whole life savings to do this. Just pick from the many business models there are and get started. It is that simple. 9. The traditional route is nothow to set up a business with no money . Even if you could get someone to just gift you the money remember that having an office or a shop requires a lot more weekly and monthly monetary input than just an Internet connection. 10. This is the fastest and most fun way to do it. The alternative is going massively into debt and risking the failure of everything you dream. Or you could simply do nothing at all and just dream of a better lifestyle. Best not to do that and get your hands on thesethree business plansthat can be started for nothing today. 11. Visit