© Capita Business Services Limited 2012 25 July 2013 Creativity and Innovation for TMP Linda Harris Exceptional people delivering exceptional results Selling your creative talents Ian Richards

How to Sell Your Creative Talents

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Page 1: How to Sell Your Creative Talents

© Capita Business Services Limited 2012

25 July 2013

Creativity and Innovation for TMP

Linda Harris

Exceptional people delivering exceptional results

Selling your creative talents

Ian Richards

Page 2: How to Sell Your Creative Talents

Innovation consists of transforming these ideas into action through a selection and an implementation

“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” - Einstein

Creativity is the generation of ideas while….

So what is Creativity and Innovation


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So why is Creativity

and Innovation Important?



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We need to use lateral thinking techniques to break out of this patterned way of thinking

Pattern Recognition Logic



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► They have the ability to go wrong

► They are inquisitive

► They think innovatively

► They are praised for being creative

► Have they had less time to learn patterns?

“Every Child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up - Pablo Picasso

Who are the most creative people?


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► Do we tend to go with the tried, tested and trusted?

► Is it too risky to look for creative alternatives in case they fail? Are we too afraid of failure?

► Do we think that we don’t have time to be creative?

► Do we think that quirky people are the only ones allowed to be creative?

So what is stifling our creativity?


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Tools Templates

Methodologies Governance

In an effort to standardise our work, have we lost focus of the importance of Creativity and Innovation?

The trend towards standardisation…….



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► Unsure of your creative talent?► Haven't been given opportunities to be creative?► Convinced that you're simply not a creative person?

► Your creativity is a "work in progress?► You've had some success► Interested in how to become more creative?

► Creativity is one of your strengths

Lets take a little look at ourselves…..


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Lets take a little look at ourselves…..


Often the only difference between creative and uncreative people is self-perception

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Keep the warm-up unrelated to the main topic

Ice breakers


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You shouldn't sell this fossil very cheaply because it is a

rare specimen

Ice breakers


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You shouldn't sell this fossil very cheaply because it is a

rare specimen

Ice breakers


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The new law hit everybody's pocketbook pretty hard

Ice breakers


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The new law hit everybody's pocketbook pretty hard

Ice breakers


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They were two of a set of triplets (or quadruplets etc.)

A woman had two sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year.

But they were not twins, and they were not adopted.

How could this be so?

Ice breakers


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► State and scope the opportunity or problem that needs solving

► Get the right people together

► Appoint a skilled facilitator




Acceptance Criteria 1

Acceptance Criteria 2

Acceptance Criteria 3

Understand the Subject Matter


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Being creative may just be a matter of setting aside the time needed to take a step back and allow yourself to ask yourself if there is a better way of doing something

Technique 1: Creative Pause


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There should be no right or wrong Ideas at this stage

Quantity, not Quality

Everyone has equal opportunity

“Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.” - Albert Einstein

Technique: Boardstorming


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To channel your thinking by initially reversing your


lets not make

it very clear to

the customer how

to communicate

with us

lets not make it

clear what our

services deliver

lets not make it

clear what we

need from the

customer to

perform it


Formulate the “reversed” questione.g.: “How can I provide a bad service to my customers?”

Technique: Reversal


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Put to other use



Creativity Technique: Scamper


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What can I substitute to make an improvement to a product or service?


If I swap this, would it appeal to more people?



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What other products or ideas could I use for inspiration to adapt to a different circumstance or environment?


How could I adapt this product to serve another purpose or use?



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What would happen if I sequenced things differently?


What roles could I reverse or swap?



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All ideas should be clear and understood by all participants

Any idea can be improved; any idea is open to interpretation

Be open to different perspectives whilst evaluating the ideas

So now that we have plenty of ideas to analyse….


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Creativity is sterile if action does not follow from it

Innovation – Making ideas a reality


How do we martial our thoughts and ideas?

What ideas make the most sense?

How do we make ideas a practical and commercial reality?

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Evaluation Matrix


Criteria Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Idea 4

Criteria 1 8 6 2 10

Criteria 2 3 3 4.6 4.5

Criteria 3 5 2 4 5

Total 16 11 10.5 19.5

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Process – thinking about thinking. What thinking is needed. Organising the thinking, planning for action

– What do I know? What do I need to find out? How will I get the answers I need?

Feelings – Intuition, hunches, gut instinct.

Creativity – Ideas, alternatives, possibilities.

Cautious – Difficulties, weaknesses, dangers.

Benefits – Positives. Why an idea is useful and why do we need it?

6 Thinking Hats


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“Great ideas pop out of brilliant minds, in feats of imagination well beyond the abilities of mere mortals?”

It is often not a lightening strike of genius, but the result of hard work augmented by a creative human centred discovery process and followed by iterative cycles of prototyping, testing and refinement

Is this what we believe?

Design Thinking – How it Happens!


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Healthier food for childrenFood order in a school canteen

Industrial PollutionReducing pollution for large companies

Generate more organ donorsOrgan donor opt out

Energy Saving in HotelsCard in the slot in hotel room to save energy.

Stop SmokingStop smoking accounts, put cigarette money in a bank, nicotine test and money back otherwise money goes to opposition team



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Creativity is best when participants are focussed, being physical and having fun

Research and immerse themselves in every possible aspect of a new product or service

Examine each product or service from the perspective of clients, consumers and other critical audiences

Design Thinking - IDEO


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Stakeholder Representation



User Journeys

Users become Partners

Visual, creative, expressive

Based on story telling

Playful, embrace ambiguity

Key relationship building activities

Fun and ProductiveCreate a shared

understanding using a shared language



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Lunch and learn Session 1

Take some of my slides and deliver over a lunch and learn session

Lunch and learn Session 2

Take a fun topic and create some fun sessions using the techniques

1. The Wheel has become illegal, what do we do next?

2. Money no longer exists, what do we do next?

Lunch and learn Session 3

Ask the senior leadership team for a business problem that they have that could do

with an injection of creativity and innovation

1. Run through the techniques to solve the business problem

2. Present back to the senior leadership team and ask for feedback

Lunch & Learn Sessions


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Reminder: This is how the funnel should look


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How the funnel looks all too often


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“That is what you asked for, so that is what you've got?” Where is the added value in that?

Isn’t the bad perception of Business Analysis as a result of an army of diligent and dedicated BAs doing precisely what they were asked to do?

So what is the fallback?


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Faster Horses?


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“Your idea of doing it like that was genius!!”

One thing is for sure, without the drive to come up with breakthrough ideas and the confidence that a creative and innovative solution exists, it is

unlikely that one will be found

Added Value


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► Look for opportunities► You'll be surprised by how creative you can be if you give yourself a


► Share your ideas and perspectives with others, and ask them how they view problems.

► Adopt a collaborative approach to problem finding, and work actively with others to create and innovate.

► Don't hide your ability! ► Share your creativity process with others and promote creativity in your

team and organisation. ► You can always be more creative

Corrective Action


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Some of you will identify a need for a slight amendment in

attitude, approach

Take a moment to reflect on the legacy of creativity and innovation that you have left in your wake personally

……..not only with the products and processes that you have contributed to but with the culture you have developed within your teams

So what happens now?


+Some of you already have the right attitude and just haven’t

known how to apply it

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25 July 2013

Creativity and Innovation for TMP

Linda Harris

Exceptional people delivering exceptional results

Selling your creative talents

Ian Richards