June 2017 90 Day Plans Hack Unleash Your Higher Power http://www.uqpower.com.au/higher-power-leaders

Hack Your Strategic Plan

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Page 1: Hack Your Strategic Plan

June 2017

90 Day Plans Hack

Unleash Your Higher Powerhttp://www.uqpower.com.au/higher-power-leaders

Page 2: Hack Your Strategic Plan

We’ve been fortunate to work with many leaders looking for a better way of doing business for the wellbeing of people and planet.

We’ve worked with dozens of businesses who are passionate about redefining work for the future so that people can love their work everyday.

Better Way To Do Business


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Think back just 16 short years ago to the year 2000.- we’d all been bitten by the Y2K bug- Google just moved out of their garage in California- Apple was considered to be on the skids- YouTube, SnapChat, Twitter and Instagram hadn’t been invented yet- Facebook’s creator Mark Zuckerberg was still in high school

What a difference 16 years can make in the tools we use for productivity in the workplace and for living our day to day lives.Would you have predicted these changes and is there any reason to believe that the changes over the next 10-15 years won’t be just as profound?

In the same way the physical environments in which we work and the decisions and process to hire, develop and promote people are about to change radically too.

Tomorrow’s workplace is being shaped today. Are you ready?

The Future is Now

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““Heidi we’ve seen more Heidi we’ve seen more change in the last change in the last 33 years years

than in the last than in the last 3030..How do I lead now?” How do I lead now?”

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Change is happening exponentially

But people think lineally


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We are moving into a decade

of disruption.

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• Where are we going?• What needs to be


• Do we have the right resources in the right places?

• What will we measure?

• What environment will support our strategy?• What values will steer our behaviours?• How do we lead and embed our culture?

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• It’s not about the strategic plan – that’s the old way to do business.

• What you need now is to build the right culture for your future business model.

• The market is changing, your business model therefore has to change.

• And the innovation you need now and in the future isn’t a product or tool – it’s your culture!

• It’s an inside out job!


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Key Planning Components

10 year vision

3 year strategy

1 year plan

90 Day Actions – Big Rocks

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Your next 90 days