E-Commerce and E- Business Group 3

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Omis 22nd Febraury

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  • 1.Group 3

2. E-Commerce and E-BusinessE-CommerceE-Business Buying and selling of Spin-off of E-commercegoods and services on-line Involves more of the business(Transaction)processes (Exchange of- Online shoppingInformation)- Online purchasing-Buying-Selling-TradingExample: Buy a Shirt online -Working with businessand try to return it to the partnersretailer 3. Phases to Becoming an E-BusinessHires outsideStarting to company integrate(mostlychannels but notinformationalquite there yet) Does not understand Starts some E-Integrating all the Internet Commercechannels EveryoneActivitiesuses web to conductbusiness 4. Four E-Business Models Business to Business (B2B) Business to Consumer (B2C) Consumer to Business (C2B) Consumer to Consumer (C2C)- Each model must be approached differently and the business mustmake sure that they have the appropriate tools to successful implementdifferent strategies. 5. Business to Business (B2B) Buying, selling, and other business transactions amongbusinesses Commonly referred to as E-marketplace Business have to make sure that they work with otherbusinesses that supports their strategy (productquality, price, time)- Car Manufactures (Glasses and Tires)- Dell Computer (Computer Components) 6. Business to Consumer (B2C) Selling of products/services to consumers E-shopping On-line stores represents the same brand image as physicalstores if they exist. Pure Play (Internet only), Click and Mortar (Internet andPhysical Store), and Brick and Mortar (Physical StoreOnly)- 7. Consumer to Business (C2B) Consumers selling to a business Individual are creating value for the firm Growing Trend-Surveys-Blogs-Customer Reviews 8. Consumer to Consumer (C2C) Consumers conducting business between each other Companies can help to facilitate transaction-Online Auctions(Craigs List, EBay, and Angies List) 9. Marketing 10. Impacts on Marketing Individuals can stay at home and buy Less time consuming Less costly More research can be done Anytime access to information Click-through Viral content Mobile computing 11. Click-Through The process of clicking through an onlineadvertisement to the advertisers destination Can track: Where the individual clicked from Which pages were visited Which links were interesting enough to click through 12. Viral Content Viral videos get viewed more often than regular bannerads Viewers pass on interesting or humerous content toothers Relatively cheap advertising word of mouth Use of social networks Increases the chances of making a video go viral 13. Mobile Computing Can advertise anywhere to a target market 50% more effective than TV 130% more effective than radio Hasnt boomed yet, but will very soon Developed by phone companies and Google The next form on personalized advertising 14. Benefits to Marketing Bi-directional flow of information Decreased time lag for customer service Organization is reachable at any time Decreased cost of customer service Personalized advertisements More information on customers 15. Fords E-Business Virtual store and information center coupled withphysical car dealerships Average of $24,000 on an initial purchase Average of $68,000 spent in total throughout the life ofthe car More time is spent on the life of the car than the initialpruchase E-business maintains customer intamacy for life 16. Finance E-business decreases transaction costs E-business can provide easy acces to international customers Organizations may not know how to deal withinternational currencies which may increase transactioncosts a little Increased customer service and sales revenues 17. Finance 24-hour online access requires 24-hour orderprocessing Increases sales Online payment methods Pay pal, Credit cards, Electronic cash Funding for Data acquisition and security 18. Supply Chain Management Mass production to demand driven Increased supply chain performance Shorten the supply chain Cut costs Can eliminate the bullwhip effect 19. E-Commerce and E-BusinessAdvantagesDisadvantages Shortens the supply chain Increased transportation Reduced facility costscosts Decreased processing time Start-up costs Lower inventory levels More personalized buyingexperience More potential customers Increased financial data andsales Eliminate the bullwhip effect 20. Case Study: BHP and BHP Steel Broken Hill Proprietary manufacturing firm Industries: minerals, copper, petroleum, andengineering 60,000 employees in 60 countries BHP Steel $7.6 billion revenues Complex structure BHP considered leader in E-commerce 21. E-commerce Implementationand Benefits Stage 1: Early Implementation-Electronic DataInterchange Send/receive business documents/orders Stage 2: Electronic Trading Gateway Centralize all trading Stage 3: Internet Site Serve Small customers 22. Obstacles Stage 1: Management Commitment and Lack oftechnical knowledge. 1st EDI in Australia Stage 2: Technology issues (no standards) and lack ofcustomers participation Stage 3: immaturity standards internet and readinessof third parties 23. Factors Affecting Implementation Commitment Trading partner participation Supplier vs. Customer Technology/Media Hype Business Value Training and Education Rapid technology change + Complexity/Compatibility (technology and processes) 24. Management of Information Systems and E-business IT Audit Information Flow Analysis Manufacturing Software Selection IT Project Management Data Security Audit 25. Global Implications Cater to international customers. Follow international customs procedures, currencies,taxes and regulations Customize to local taste Knowing the global rules for shipment Make payment easy for international customers 26. Future of E-Commerce and E-Business Information Marketing M-Commerce New Jobs and Business Opportunities 27. Ethical Issues Similar to ethical issues surrounding other facets ofbusiness life Relative anonymity, speed of information createspecial issues 28. Ethical Issues Intellectual Property Concerns Privacy Concerns Computer Crimes Consumer Protection 29. Ethical Issues Adware Key Logging Bait and Switch Email Spoofing URL Hijacking 30. Recommendation Implement E-Commerce and E-Business Advantages outweigh disadvantages 31. Questions?