Evaluation Question 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? One of my media products was creating the film poster for Snowflake; this was one of the ancillary texts. Creating the Film Poster was one probably one of my most favourite moments during this entire production of Snowflake. I had created the film poster after Snowflake (film/ main product) was created, and seeing the poster coming to life as I worked on it more and more was great. Below is the final film poster. Snowflake Film Poster:

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Evaluation Question 2How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

One of my media products was creating the film poster for Snowflake; this was one of the ancillary texts. Creating the Film Poster was one probably one of my most favourite moments during this entire production of Snowflake. I had created the film poster after Snowflake (film/ main product) was created, and seeing the poster coming to life as I worked on it more and more was great. Below is the final film poster.

Snowflake Film Poster:

As you can see, The film poster is mainly black/ white, this portrays the sense of darkness and a very sinister look for the audience to judge the film as being a horror/ thriller genre.

The tagline “A clear and innocent conscience has nothing to FEAR” is in all capitals, this is to ensure that the audience reads the tagline, allowing them to interpret the film that ‘fear’ is certainly involved in Snowflake.

The Snow-globe shown on the film poster will truly stand out to the audience, making them wonder could this be a very important/ vital object in Snowflake, and question as to what it could mean.

Again, black and white was used in the film poster, but now it was used the title. The majority of the Title is in white, in contrast with the black which seems to being overcome by the white. Possibly meaning that the ‘darkness’ will/ can be overcome by the ‘light’.

How was it linked to the film?The film poster I had created was specifically designed to be linked to the film I had done this through using similar features and elements, and most importantly similar conventions of the Thriller/ Mystery genre that would usually be used in film posters. In order to ensure that I was always considering the film in the production of the film poster I frequently referred back to the film and watched it over, to gain ideas and remind myself of the main elements that was used in Snowflake. For example, I had included elements such as having a character from the film within the poster just added to the similarities between the film and poster, linking the two by having candidate that is involved with taking this ‘test’ whilst this new ‘regime’ was taking place. The film poster is covered in black and white, this was done intentionally. Black and white is pretty much the theme of Snowflake, in the sense of ‘innocence’ will prevail against the ‘darkness’, therefore this meant that the colours I was able to stick to was primarily black and white to create a linked symbolic image between the poster and the film.

How does it promote the film?When creating the film poster, I always considered the film (snowflake) in mind, I made sure I was always referring back and watching the film plenty of times over to ensure that the 'feel' was being portrayed by the film poster, a few seconds ago i showed you my film poster for snowflake, did you notice how dark the film poster was? well this was done purposely to contrast against as well as with the film between the 'darkness' and 'light'. if you are familiar with our film 'snowflake' you would have notice the lighting varies between one minute being very dark and the next being in the lightest of rooms.

Images:I had used an image of a candidate which was cantered in the middle of the poster, thrillers tend to often have a main character on the front of the film poster, usually facing towards you. i however went against this typical convention and put my candidate facing away from the audience in order to signify to the audience this is no ordinary thriller.

Fonts: The font i had used within the film poster are very typical fonts that are used commonly for the genre of thriller. it was called 'SF movie poster' this font was appropriate for snowflake as it was clear and precise. The font I have chosen for the film poster were chosen specifically to represent the leniency of the film, therefore I chose a clear, sharp and easily readable font.

Colours:The majority of the film poster was black and white, much like other film posters within the Thriller genre, this gave the poster a very sinister look and did look effective.

Tagline:The tagline was 'A clear and innocence conscience has nothing to fear' this was a highly relevant tagline that suited snowflakes film poster perfectly, once you have watched snowflake you will

understand exactly what this tagline means.

How does the film poster convey genre?The Snowflake film poster can be questioned as to what genre the film could belong to, but if you think precisely on the features of the film poster you can establish what genre it belongs to, As Snowflake is a hybrid genre of Thriller/ Mystery, you expect to see the film poster and have questions raised in your mind, My film poster generates a thought in the viewer/ readers mind from each individually aspect that I have thoroughly thought through, The Snow-globe for instance, this is the same Snow-globe that is used in the film, however the audience have no clue as to what the Snow-globe even has to do with the film, as a result making the audience think deeply and assuming that the film is a mystery.

As I mentioned earlier, Colours. Colours can be a great help as to judging what film genre a film poster belongs to, though it may not always be the correct guess, but it could be. My film poster heavily revolves around black and white; these two colours are colours common in thriller. Thrillers are very intense, they can go from being in a scene which is bright and sunny and the next into a dark room of which the audience will have no idea what will happen next.

What audience does the film poster target?My film poster would most definitely target the age range between 16-25, The reason as to why the film poster applies to the minimal age of 16 is purely because the film poster does in fact have a sinister look to it, this will most definitely not be suitable for the younger audience as not only would it not appeal to children, but parents may also be concerned as to whether the film would be appropriate at all for their child. My film poster could also attract mystery/ thriller film fans, as the poster does a really good job of being effective in the sense of intriguing the audience to actually want to know what these features that were intentionally put on the film poster means.

Did the audience feedback support the film poster?You’d be surprised as to how much audience feedback helped to produce the final film poster, I had used audience feedback to improve the film poster to make it appeal to the audience more, with audience feedback it allowed me to adjust and make changes, and to as a result be an effective reflection of the film (Snowflake). For the final film poster I had gained feedback from students of my class, which allowed them to point out things that stood out to them, features they could make connections to and with the film and also what they think could’ve been improved. Before the final film poster, I had created drafts for the film poster of Snowflake, and of course they were not as professional looking as the final product of the film poster but obviously that was because they were hand drawn sketches, which I also had gained feedback for each of the three drafts sketches, I had asked a variety of demographics varying from ages 12-18, as well as teacher feedback. If you would like to look more into the feedback visit -https://mahbubulkshorts2014.wordpress.com/2015/02/03/poster-drafts/

The other product of Snowflake was the Film Review; this was the second ancillary text alongside the Film Poster. Creating the film review was actually quite fun, it allowed me to think deeply about Snowflake and create a vague summary of Snowflake in such a way that it doesn’t give away the film, whilst including the positives and negatives of the film, purely as my opinion.

Snowflake Film Review:

Was Little White Lies appropriate for Snowflake?Little white lies was the perfect publication for snowflake, the audience that little white lies reaches out to would be the most suitable for Snowflake as the audience is mainly middle aged working class citizens. LWL does also publish film reviews on blockbuster films, but it also does film reviews for independent films, Snowflake fits perfectly in-between the two.

How does the Review promote the film?

The film review does a good job of letting the Little White Lies audience know a little about the film; its genre, sound, mise en scene and actors alongside the positives and negatives of the film. The reviews main objective is to interest the reader and make them want to see it. “Enough of a reason to watch the film I suppose” the opinion added at the end is a final conclusion on whether the audience should watch the film or not.

What aspects of the film does the film review focus on?The film review focuses on the whole concept of there being a ‘psychological test’ involving 5 candidates battling each other. The review then mentions there being a candidate that stands out from all the other candidates, but remaining at the ‘heart of this film’.

How far does your review reflect the real strengths and weaknesses of your film?Firstly, the review does contain both strengths and weaknesses to the film. It seems the film seems to have a balanced amount of either one. One strength being ‘Ravishing visuals by cinematography Mahbubul Karim’ this was most definitely true as Snowflake contains a variety of shots from different angles that help make the film overall very effective and intriguing for the audience. On the other hand it seems sound was a weakness for Snowflake, “the lack of synchronisation of fictional

sounds” which was in fact pretty evident from the film as the fictional noise added did seem very unrealistic.

SummaryAll three products (Film, Film Poster and film review) work extremely well together and are very effective. They clearly can be identified by the audience to sharing the same concept. With the support of the similarities of colours, theme and fonts it had made the combination of all three products seem well created alongside the iconography of the Snow-globe which helped make the film and film poster very interesting, which could to attract the audience.

The film poster and film review especially, follow various different features from both genres of thriller/ mystery, both complement one another to allow the audience to build up an image using the audiences imagination as to what the film could be about, by putting little information extracted from both the ancillary texts as one and allow them to assume that the film revolves around a test of which a candidate is the key to all of it.