Effective Email Communication and Appreciating Organization Policies and Procedures

Email policies and good work behavior

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Effective Email Communication and Appreciating Organization Policies and Procedures

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‘Leadership and communication are inseperable. You can’t have one with out the other.’

Claude I. TaylorChairman of the Board, Air Canada

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How effective are your emails?

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• ALL CAPS IS CONSIDERED SHOUTING– So is overpunctuating!!!!!

• Not using capitalization or punctuation makes email hard to read

• Text messaging abbreviations r confusing 2 ur co-wrkrs• Avoid emoticons• Explain Acronyms• Check spelling and grammar before sending• Keep slang to a minimum

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Think before hitting ‘send’• Is your email:

– Needed (Does the recipient need this to do their job)• Timely, Relevant, Complete

– Appropriate• Compliant, Professional, Inoffensive

– Targeted• Limit use of ‘reply all’, limit use of cc/bc • Manage distribution lists• Is email the best channel?

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Format your emails• What would you do if you received this email:

We need to test the upgrade before we proceed with the pilot in Pediatric Otolaryngology. Does the project have the funding to purchase a couple of the hardware upgrades so I can test with in this area? I can provide you a quote from Insight for the upgrade. I need to verify that it works as advertised before we advertise that we can do this for all devices.

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Let’s try this instead:

We need to test the upgrade before we proceed with the pilot in Pediatric Otolaryngology.

Does the project have the funding to purchase a couple of the hardware upgrades so I can test in this area?

I will:1.Provide you a quote from Insight for the upgrade2.Verify that it works as advertised before rolling out the program.

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Paragraphs and bullets clarify your message

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Making email work for you• Build better emails

– Strengthen the subject– Sculpt the body

• Strengthen the subject– Use keywords in the subject line

• Active: Prepare Slides for the Workshop December 13• Info: Update on Email Etiquette Presentation• Confirm: Presentation will be ready for review December

11• Delivery: Slides for December 13 training

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Don’t need a response – use eom



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Sculpt the body of your email

• Break messages into sections– Action summary – what’s the point of the email– Background (but know your audience)

• Key points• Definitions

– Close – next steps or action items

• If there are attachments explain what they are

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Email rules of engagement•3 Volley Rule

If a topic is bounced back and forth more than three times it is time to place a call or schedule a meeting

•24 Hour RuleIt is okay to write a heated e-mail, just wait 24 hour before you send itAvoid ‘flaming’

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Four simple email strategies

• Send fewer emails and you’ll receive fewer emails – Don’t abuse ‘reply all’ and Cc features

• Write better messages– People don’t ‘read’ emails they ‘scan’ them

• Coach frequent senders (and offenders)• File and find information faster

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Following policies and procedures …Even when you don’t agree

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“If the staff lacks policy guidance against which to test decisions, their decisions will be random.”

Donald Rumsfield

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Policies and procedures provide clarity for employees and leaders when dealing with

accountability issues

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Why have policies and procedures

• Policies and procedures link the company vision and the day-to-day operations– Allow employees to understand their roles and

responsibilities– Define limits and boundaries – Guide operations– Limit management intervention

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• General in nature• Identify company rules• Explain why rules exist• Tells when the rule applies• Describes who it covers• Explains enforcement and consequences

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• Identify specific actions• Explain when take action• Describes alternatives• Shows emergency procedures• Includes warnings and cautions• Shows how to complete forms

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Polices and procedures are required when there is a need for consistency in your

day-to-day activities

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What to do if you disagree

• If you disagree with a supervisor about policies or strategies, make sure you understand your supervisor's position– Ask questions – Don't contradict your supervisor in public or in

front of co-workers – Don't make the disagreement into a personal or

emotional issue

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Collaborative disagreement

• Paraphrase your supervisor's position so he knows you understand what he wants. Present your concern or opinion, and then propose a way to address your concern without invalidating your boss's position.

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“I understand you prefer for us to address customers by their first name because it sounds more friendly, but some older customers might be offended by the informality. Would it be all right for me to use last names when it seems appropriate, as long as my sales figures are not negatively affected?”

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When you don’t get your way

• Even if you handle a disagreement in the best possible way, the supervisor still might not change her position.

• After you have done your best to present your own opinion clearly and respectfully, you should embrace whatever your supervisor decides and carry out her wishes to the best of your ability.

• You want your supervisor to see that you can carry out instructions with a good attitude and put in all of your effort even though you disagree.

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Why follow policies and procedures

• Following policies and procedures is essential– Commitment to organization goals– Ensures the department runs smoothly– Your involvement is part of a larger goal

• Sometimes you will disagree– Ask questions, seek clarity– Don’t assume– Embrace the policy and procedure – your

job may be at stake

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Herd Strategies, llc245 East 11th Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202317.641.9073

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