© John Thornhill 2011

Ebay rain money Guide

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Page 1: Ebay rain money Guide

© John Thornhill 2011

Page 2: Ebay rain money Guide


Table of Contents

..............................................................................................................1. Introduction 3.........................................................................................................2. Getting Started 5

..............................................................................................3. Why Sell Information? 6..................................................................................................4. Why Sell On eBay? 7

............................................................................................5. Rules You Must Follow 8..........................................6. What Does It Take To Become An eBay PowerSeller? 11

...............................................................................................7. What You Will Need 13.................................................................................................8. Inventory Required 14

..............................................................................................................9. Listing tips 15......................................................................................10. Importance Of Feedback 17

................................................................................11. The Power of an eBay Store 19...............................................................................................12. PowerSeller Rules 21

..................................................................................13. The Multimedia Experience 22...........................................................................14. Driving Traffic To Your Auctions 24

.....................................................................15. Using Social Media To Drive Traffic 25.......................................................................................16. Templates You Can Use 26

..................................................................................................17. Your Own eBook 27...........................................................................................................18. Going Viral 32

..............................................................................................19. Using PLR Material 33.......................................................................................20. Links To Video Tutorials 37........................................................................................21. Links To Audio Material 38

................................................................................................22. More Useful Links 38

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1. Introduction

Let me introduce myself. My name is John Thornhill and I am a full time Internet Marketer. I trade on eBay under the username planetsms and I have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars selling information products on eBay. Yes, I sell information CD's in their 100s each and every month and I am about to show you how you can do the same.

I am hoping this product inspires you and at least shows you there is serious money to be made online selling information products.

First of all let me ask a question: how do you think the eBay PowerSellers and Top Rated Sellers make their money on eBay?

I'm guessing you think they do it by buying goods in bulk at a low price then selling the same goods individually at a marked up price.

If you said that you'd be sort of right. Most eBay PowerSellers and Top Rated Sellers do buy in bulk and sell for a profit. However, this is a very, very hard way to make money on eBay.

You see once you have any sort of success on eBay the copycats will be watching every move you make. They will find out where to buy wholesale for the same price you do, or worse still for less. Then you find you have competition, and on eBay this can kill your business overnight.

Most of these sellers are at the mercy of eBay and their ever changing rules, plus constant undercutting from the competition. Most don't have a clue about taking the customer away from eBay to sell to again and again.

I prefer to do things differently and make eBay work for me. You see, I don't actually have any competition. I make the competition work for me and I don't care how many copycats there are out there. I'll be covering this in great detail later, but for now if you want to know more about me and how I got started online keep reading.

I left school at 16 with very few qualifications and spent the next 15 years of my life doing mostly unskilled manual labour jobs. I spent the last 10 years of my 'working' life in a car plant. My job was on the production line and involved me doing the same task over and over again in 90 second cycles. Let me tell you when you have a job like that you are always looking for a way out.

In the year 1999 I acquired my first computer and straight away I realized there was money to be made on the Internet. So much so I found myself trying all sorts of programs and products in my quest for online fortunes. But most were either scams or involved so much work for so little reward I quickly found out it was not going to be as easy as first expected.

Fast forward to December 2004. I was casually browsing eBay and came across a collection of eBooks with resale rights on a CD. I bought the CD out of curiosity more than anything else and when it arrived I checked it out. That was my first experience with 'Info Products' and I decided I would have a go at selling my first eBook collection. At first I just tried selling the CD with the eBooks on as I had bought it, but I had little success as that was what everyone else was doing.

Things really started to happen when I decided to sell each eBook individually for a few dollars and deliver them electronically. This was a huge success and I quickly found I was earning $1000 per week from eBook sales alone. This was without even having any form of backend operation in place and I hadn't even written my first eBook. I had no idea what building a mailing list was all about.

However, the best part was I learned to automate the whole process (when digital delivery was still allowed on eBay) and I noticed no one else seemed to be doing this. Almost by complete fluke I had developed my own system and it worked well …

… very very well.

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This was when I decided to teach others how to copy my business. I created my first members website and www.ninetydaypowerseller.com was born. That was way back in 2004 and since then I have never looked back and have created a ton of info products that have helped thousands of people succeed online.

Now you may be wondering why I'm telling you all of this. Well here's why.

I decided I had to do something with my life. I hated my job. I hated leaving my 2 young sons and partner, Tania, to go and do a 12 hour nightshift. I hated the fact we used to live from month to month and never seemed to have any money. We had to borrow money for Christmas, borrow money to go on vacation, borrow money to pay the bills; in fact we were constantly in debt.

However, my story is nothing new. In fact you may even be able to relate to this, and if you can you need to understand one thing. Only one person could do something about my life.


Not my boss, not my family, not the prime minister, not the lottery board, (I wish) but me. This is what you must understand. Only one person can change your life.


Once you grasp this concept things will start to change for the better, if you hate your job, hate having no money, can't work due to poor health or are retired - or whatever situation you find yourself in - it can change, but only you can do it.

Sure, I am here to guide and teach you, but your success is in your hands and nothing can change that. You have to grasp what the Internet - and more importantly the information age - has to offer, i.e. a better life for us all. We are all lucky to be living in this age. Just 10 years ago this sort of lifestyle was not possible, but now it is possible for each and every one of us to become a huge success because of the Internet and the fact people will pay for information. It can only get bigger and better in the future.

The Internet is creating successful, wealthy people on a daily basis. I already know you have what it takes to become a success or you wouldn't be sitting here reading this far down the page. This alone proves you have the desire to succeed and I aim at the very least to put you on that road to success. If there is ever anything I can do to help simply get in touch and I'll do my very best to help.

To your success.

John Thornhill


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2. Getting Started

There is a lot of information to take in I would first suggest you right through this eBook first. This will give you a feel for what you need to do to achieve PowerSeller status. Also, remember that I am here to help you if you come across any problems.

I have also added tons of training videos that can help you learn how to successfully sell on eBay. Please make sure you watch all the videos so you can learn how I operate my eBay business.

Then simply look for products with resale rights that can be added to a CD Rom and sold on eBay. Use the information contained in this CD Rom to create your very own 'info product.'

You can get started right away by purchasing the 90 day PowerSeller Challenge CD, duplicating the CD Rom and selling it yourself. You will be provided with reseller tools. Click HERE for more information.

Then once you become comfortable with selling on eBay you can begin creating your own info products. Again I will teach you all you need to know about creating your own product later.

Important: Please read the chapter on "Rules You Must Follow" before you list your product on eBay.

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3. Why Sell Information?

Information is probably the biggest seller on the Internet. We all have a desire to learn, to better our lives or to solve our problems. The fact you are reading this right now proves that people will pay to learn, and the fact that almost every topic is covered when it comes to selling information products should show you that there is a lot of money to be made selling information.

However, for me the real beauty of selling information is you can create an info product just once and duplicate it over and over again as many times as you like. You don't have to hold a ton of stock and you can create as many new products as you like for minimum cost. Ask yourself how many businesses can be set up on a shoestring budget with the potential to earn millions of dollars?

We are so lucky to be living in the information age. Just 10-15 years ago this sort of lifestyle was not possible. So grasp what the internet and the information age has to offer and you really can change your life.

Another advantage that comes with selling information is that it's harder for other eBay sellers to copy your business, especially when you begin creating your own products. You see on eBay your business is out in the open for all to see and if you have any sort of success selling 'regular' products you will find stiff competition.

However, while this can happen to a degree with info products it's much more unlikely because if you create a product of your own no one else can sell it. (Unless you grant resale rights). Again, how many businesses have the chance to sell with minimum competition? Not many I know.

So as you keep reading think about the information age and what you can do to start selling info products of your own.

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4. Why Sell On eBay?

You may wonder why you would choose to sell information products via eBay at all. I mean, who would want to put up with their constant rule changes, crazy policies and the hassle selling on eBay can bring?

First of all selling on eBay really isn't that bad. If you've heard any horror stories they have usually came from inexperienced sellers, or from sellers who have constantly broken the rules. The truth is that we are not really trying to make money from eBay, we are merely using eBay as a tool to drive traffic to our other offers away from eBay. So let me tell you why you should be selling on eBay...

It's because eBay is visited by buyers

Think about that for a minute. When someone visits Google they are looking for information. Sure they may end up buying something but it's not guaranteed. However, someone browsing eBay is willing to spend money as they are looking for something to buy. Whether they are using eBay search or just browsing this is a huge benefit.

Most people agree that making money online is all about building a list of subscribers and this is true, so if you can use eBay to build these subscribers then you will be building a list of buyers and this is the best kind of list to have. I'll be covering more on this later.

There are also other reasons you should be selling on eBay, such as...

You can take advantage of eBay's huge traffic source

When you list an item on eBay you are plugging it into a massive traffic source. eBay receives a huge amount of traffic and if you do things right, you can drive some of this traffic to your auctions. Google also loves indexing eBay items. How many times have you performed a search on Google and seen an eBay listing on eBay?

These 2 reasons alone are why you should be using eBay.

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5. Rules You Must Follow***New Policy Update: Digital Downloadable Goods in Classified Ads

Format Only***

March 24, 2008 | 01:00PM PST/PT

Brian BurkeHello...This is Brian Burke, Director Global Feedback Policy. Digital goods are often reproduced at little to no cost to the seller. On eBay, this creates the potential for Feedback Manipulation (both real and perceived). To preserve the integrity of the Feedback system, effective March 31 all goods that can be digitally downloaded or transferred electronically must be listed using the Classified Ads format.

Using the Classified Ads format, sellers receive a 30-day ad at a fixed price. This solution enables sellers to continue to market their digital goods on eBay; however, because Classified Ad listings are a lead generation tool and do not result in transactions that go through eBay, Feedback cannot be exchanged between buyer and seller.

Sellers who wish to continue to offer digital goods can do so by selecting the Everything Else>Information Products category in the Sell Your Item form and choosing the Classified Ads format (not auction-style or fixed price). For more information about the Classified Ads format, please read Advertising with Classified Ads.


Brian BurkeDirector, Global Feedback Policy

 ===============================This policy change taught a lot of people a valuable lesson…

The term never put all your eggs in one basket suddenly makes much more sense now doesn't it? And let me tell you I personally don't think this will be the end of some of the changes eBay will make. There may be more bad news on the way, but this is how you should always operate. You should always run your business with a get out clause. By that I mean you should constantly be asking yourself "what if"

• What if eBay bans the selling of information products altogether?• What if PayPal stops allowing payments for digital items?• What if eBay bans classified ads?• What if my eBay account gets shut down? • What if my host shuts me down?

The point I am trying to make here is this rule change was a wake up call for a lot of people, including myself. While I have a lot of income streams in place and eBay only accounts for a small percentage of my income I was lazily moving along when I could have been doing so much more with my eBay business. The thing was I never had to lift a finger as everything was running so smoothly on autopilot and this made me complacent and lazy.

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It's funny, people talk about how eBay does not care for their sellers, how they constantly seem to be working against sellers and how they seem to use them.

Well I like to think that I am a person who uses eBay to my advantage and has done since 2004. You see, I have taken the traffic eBay has given me in exchange for over 15,000 customers and a mailing list over three times that size. Think about that for a minute. If you joined any of my mailing lists as a result of buying this product I don't need eBay to sell to you any more.

Do you understand how powerful that is, and do you know that you can still use eBay in this manner? And it doesn't involve any underhand tactics or rule breaking. So if you are sick of what's happening with eBay maybe now its time you got your own back. Maybe now it's time to make eBay work for you!

Get a system in place and start to make eBay work for you. Use eBay to drive targeted traffic away from eBay and onto your existing websites and products. Use eBay to build your mailing list so you can sell to your subscribers outside of eBay.

Then the next time eBay slaps you with another policy change at least you will be in a position to carry on. Plan your business for a future without eBay. As one day they may be gone forever.

I am about to show you the systems I will be using. I will show you how to use eBay to your advantage. I will show you why this policy change could be one of the biggest opportunities you will ever have to make money online. And that is no exaggeration. I will show you how to revive the eBooks you currently have on your hard drive and make them worth ten times more than they are as a digital item.

While it's been some time since this rule came into place a few people still don't seem to understand it. In fact when I tell people I sell information on eBay some people will say "but that isn't allowed on eBay". The first thing I want to point out is this rule is simple to understand. There are one or two minor exceptions but anything that is delivered digitally over the internet can not be sold via the regular auction platform and must be sold via the classified ad format.

Please don't be confused with the issue as it really is that simple.

Digital delivery = Classified AdPhysical item = Regular auction and/or classified Ad.

If you want to sell digital information products on eBay you have the following options:

Option 1. Convert digital products to physical products.This is the easy option and what I do with most of my products.

Positive+• Higher perceived value. You can charge more for your existing products.• The chance to 'upsell' to your customers increases significantly. • You will earn more on the backend.• The customer experience will be greater.• The chance to sell multiple items increases dramatically.• You can still achieve and retain PowerSeller status

Negative-• Instant delivery is gone. Customer needs to wait for delivery.• You may (depending on the route you take) lose automation.• Higher production costs.

Option 2. Sell your products using the classified ad format.This is another easy option and I also plan to use this method with some of my products.

Positive+• You can generate leads (build a list) • No final value fee (transaction takes place away from eBay)

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• You can still (automate) sell using digital delivery

Negative-• You can't leave or receive feedback• Less exposure• Higher listing fees• Confusing rules and policy's (eBay staff give conflicting reports over what is and is

not allowed)• You can't achieve (or you will lose) PowerSeller status

So there are your options. For me the only option is to convert all of my digital information products into physical multimedia products and this is what you need to do if you want to achieve PowerSeller status.

Please, please, please don't try and break these rules, you will see sellers breaking the rules and you may be tempted to copy. Anyone who breaks eBay rules is a fool who will eventually lose their eBay account and will never ever succeed long term. Stick to the rules and simply follow the guidelines laid out in this product and you can still succeed using eBay. In fact, as you will discover, it is now easier than ever to make money selling information products on eBay.

It's time to adapt, it's time to evolve. It's time for you to start making real money using eBay…

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6. What Does It Take To Become An eBay PowerSeller?

PowerSellers are among the most successful sellers on eBay in product sales and customer satisfaction.

A lot of people think that becoming a PowerSeller is an impossible dream. Well what if I told you it's not hard at all? I'm being serious when I say this. Take a look at the PowerSeller requirements below.

What are the requirements?*

Please note this is always subject to change, you can check out the latest requirements here.

To qualify for the PowerSeller program, sellers need to consistently sell a significant volume of items, provide a high level of service to their buyers, maintain a positive Feedback score, and meet the requirements for detailed seller ratings and eBay Buyer Protection and PayPal Buyer Protection case standards.

You also must...• Be registered with eBay for at least 90 days. • Have an account in good standing. • Maintain a positive Feedback of 98% or higher.• Follow all eBay policies. • Have a minimum of 100 transactions and $3,000 in sales over the past 12


Now if you look at the requirements to become a PowerSeller you will see you need your total sales to be $3000 and have at least 100 sales over a 12 month period. This actually isn't hard at all to do and I will explain the best way to achieve this later.

As a PowerSeller, you also have the opportunity to qualify for Top-rated seller status, which recognizes sellers who have a proven track record of excellent customer service and sales.

What Does it Take to Become a Top Rated Seller?

Your ultimate goal on eBay is to achieve Top Rated Seller Status. Top-rated sellers are PowerSellers who consistently provide the best buying experiences to their customers. Whether you have a large volume of sales or a smaller volume, you can be a Top-rated seller. As a top rated seller you will pay less in eBay fees and also have better search placement.

The requirements and benefits are the same for most categories, with the exception of Motors vehicle categories.

Top-rated sellers receive the following privileges and benefits: • Priority customer support 20% discount on final value fees (on item price

portion only) • Unpaid item protection, which offers credit for certain listing upgrade fees on

eligible listing formats • Expanded seller protection from PayPal • A badge on listing pages • Improved search standing for fixed price listings in Best Match search results • United Parcel Service (UPS) rate discounts

To become a Top-rated seller you need to:

1. Be a member of the PowerSeller program.

2. Have at least 100 transactions and $3,000 in sales during the last 12 months with US buyers.

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3. Meet the following requirements for detailed seller ratings (DSRs): DSR category Percentage of 1 and 2 ratings Maximum number of occurrences

4. Item as described 0.50% 2 Communication 0.50% 2 Shipping time 0.50% 2 Shipping and handling charges 0.50%

You must also meet the following eBay Buyer Protection and PayPal Buyer Protection cases standards:

• Rates of cases based on Percentage of cases Maximum number of occurrences Opened cases 0.50%

• 2 Closed cases without seller resolution 0.30%

Some of this may seem a little confusing, but all you need to concentrate on is selling 100 items and generating over $3000 in sales while at the same time providing a great service. This really isn't hard to do, especially if you follow my instructions.

*The Requirements on this page are for the ebay.com US site at the time of writing. You should check the requirements for your own country as the requirements may be different.

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7. What You Will Need

This is what you will need to make things run smoothly.

1. An eBay Account

1. I imagine you will already have an eBay account but if your new to eBay Click Here.

2. Some webspace and a domain name.

3. An email account.

4. eBay turbo lister. (Optional)

5. eBay selling manager. (Optional)

6. A PayPal account.

7. HTML Editing Software

8. FTP Software

2. Webspace.

If you're serious about doing this right you will need some webspace to host your sales pages. I have negotiated a special deal that provides you with the best hosting solution at the best price. Here you will find everything you need plus you will receive full support to get you up and running. This service is run by two personal friends, Dan and Paula. Both know the information product business inside out.

Check out what they have to offer at: http://www.d9hosting.com/sms.php

3. An email account.

You need an email account to communicate with your customers. It's much better to use an email account linked to your domain name. e.g.. [email protected] looks more professional than [email protected].

If you use D9 as recommended above you will be able to set up your own professional looking email address.

4. eBay Turbo Lister.

With this clever tool you can upload 100s of items to eBay in minutes. Download it free from eBay by clicking here.

5. Selling manager Pro.

This is a subscription based service eBay provides. If you are selling a lot of items it can take care of invoices, feedback, feedback reminders, auto relisting and a whole lot more. This saves hours a week and is worth the small Monthly fee eBay charge. Check here for details.

6. A PayPal account.

You must have a PayPal account. Without one you will get nowhere. Visit www.paypal.com for details.

7. HTML Editing Software.

This is to edit your sales pages. If you have your own HTML editor that's fine, but in the training videos I am going to use a program called Microsoft Expression Web.

Download a free trial from: http://www.microsoft.com/expression/

8. FTP Software.

You need FTP (file transfer protocol) software to upload your files to your Webspace. In this example I am going to use a program called FileZilla and that can be downloaded free from http://www.download.com

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8. Inventory RequiredThis is what you will need to create an attractive looking multimedia digital product to ship to your customers. Everything on this page can be picked up on eBay, although you may find them a little cheaper at your local computer store, a local computer fair or by searching Google.

1. Writable 'white top' printable CD's (or DVD's if your product is over 700mb in size)

2. DVD Cases, you can use CD cases but DVD cases look better

3. Jiffy Envelopes

4. Card for your covers

5. DVD wrapping (for the professional touch)

6. A printer that is capable of printing to disk

7. Printing Software

1. Writable 'White Top' CDs

These are disks you can print directly to so they have plain 'white' tops. These disks are usually bought in 100s and cost around 15 cents each.

Click here to find these items on eBay

2. DVD Cases

DVD cases come in various sizes, but what you need is the 7mm slimline case that hold 2 disks. One for your main product and one for your upsell. (I will cover this later). These can be purchased for around 15 cents each.

Click here to find these items on eBay

3. JIffy Envelopes

These are the padded style envelope and are perfect for shipping DVD cases. The size you need is 170mm x 245mm (size1) and they only cost around 10 cents each.

Click here to find these items on eBay

4. Card For Your Covers

You can use paper for this, but card looks better and there is less chance of your ink running. Anything between 110 - 180 grams will do the job.

Click here to find these items on eBay

5. DVD Wrapping

This is optional but it does add a classy finishing touch to your product by providing a professional looking cellophane wrap round your DVD cover. These are very, very cheap and only cost about 1 cent each.

Click here to find these items on eBay

6. A Printer That is Capable of Printing to Disk

There are a lot of printers that can do this, but I tend to go for Epson printers as you can buy compatible inks that cost a fraction of the cost of regular ink. Your local computer store will be able to advise you. The printer I am using at the moment is an Epson PX710W. It's wireless, the ink is cheap and it does a great job.

Click here to find these items on eBay

7. Printing Software

You need some software to print to disk and cover, Epson printers come with most of what you need but I'll cover more on this later.

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9. Listing tipsPlease note!

All information products need to be listed in the Everything Else > Information products category. If you list elsewhere your listing may be ended by eBay. If you are unsure

just take a look at any of my auctions.

Once you start to list your items there are a couple of very important things to remember. First of all, appearance is everything so you must make sure your listing looks attractive. If you look at my listings you will notice I have my text inside a nice graphic (known as a mini site) and I have also provided you with a generic template you can use. However if you are really serious about doing this right I would advise you invest in a professionally designed eBay template. I use a company called GFX-1 for all my graphical needs and you can check out their services at www.gfx1graphics.com.

Avoid any 'novelty' items like flashing images, flash graphics, music and anything else that may distract the reader. While you may think they look cool the truth is they look amateurish. Feel free to add high quality pictures and graphics to break up text and make sure they are all displaying correctly.

All people need to know is what your product will do for them so just tell them. There's no need to go over the top and tell people your life story. Just use what is called the K.I.S.S. technique. That stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. Remember that and your listings will be fine.

There is no need to have huge text in your listings. That also just looks amateurish, 12pt Verdana is as big as you need to go for a regular description.

Choosing the title for your listingAlso avoid making all your text bold because as you can see it simply doesn't look nice at all and will make the reader struggle to read what you have to say.

If you need to, make certain words bold and also feel free to underline any words you wish to emphasize.

I would also advise if you are new to selling on eBay that you simply browse eBay and see how other Top Rated Sellers present their products. Look at the images they use, the description and any tools they may be using. I guarantee the sellers making the most sales will have the most attractive listings.

Your auction title is crucial as this is what gets a potential customer to view the item that you are selling. You could be selling the best product ever created, but if no one clicks on your auction title you won't make a cent. So here are a few tips to get your auction title clicked.

You have 55 characters at your disposal when you create your auction title. Try to use them all.

Now ask yourself what keywords you would search for if you were looking for your own product. Write these keywords down and try to create a catchy title.

Let's say we are selling an info product about how to get perfect abs. (Stomach muscles)

What keywords do you think anyone seeking this sort of information would use?

Keep fit, lose weight, 6 pack, sit ups, muscle, body building, diet, healthy are all words we could use. So let's use some of those words.

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Which title appeals to you the most?

1. How to get perfect abs, CD Rom.2. CD Rom. Sit up guide, lose weight. 3. The Secret to ROCK HARD ABS, Get Fit And Lose Weight.

I am hoping you have chosen number 3. If you did there will probably have been 3 words that attracted you to it: ROCK HARD ABS.

The reason you were drawn to these words is because they were capitalized, it's best to capitalize only a few words in your title. This helps them stand out. Also notice I have used words that should be searched for a lot, 'get fit' and 'lose weight' so anyone searching for those terms will see my title and you can guarantee they will want ROCK HARD ABS.

There are many other words you can use to draw visitors to click on your title such as:-

Amazing, fantastic, rare, best on eBay, mint, make money, resell, resale, superb, complete guide. There are many more. Try browsing eBay and looking at what words the big sellers use.

These words work best capitalized, but don't make the whole title capitalized as this won't draw visitors to your keywords.

Remember! Buyers usually find your listing from your title and will stay on your page if you have a like nice looking listing. Then they will check your feedback prior to making a purchase. So get your title figured out, then get your listing looking as attractive as possible. We will move onto taking care of your feedback next.

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10. Importance Of FeedbackKeep your customers happy and protect your feedback.

Your feedback is your biggest selling tool bar none and you must protect this the best way you can.

I have found through experience being polite at all times and in all circumstances goes a very long way in achieving a good rating.

A happy customer is a good customer and you will find many eBayers come back for more if you are polite and efficient.

Customer service is king.

Now that eBay have detailed seller ratings (DSR's) - meaning customers can rate every part of the service they receive from you from item description to dispatch time - I would advise you run your eBay business like a real business and always try to provide the best service possible. Your Detailed Seller Ratings are displayed along with your feedback.

Here's my Detailed Seller Rating

The DSR is actually good for business as the better your ratings are the higher your listing will be displayed at the top of the search results. It's almost impossible to keep this at 5.0 but if you can keep it above 4.80 you will be fine. My ratings stay above 4.90 as I try my very best to provide the best possible service I can.

Also, do your best to reply to any questions you receive within 24 hours. If you have the time check your emails as often as you can as a potential customer will only look somewhere else if you don't respond quickly. If you do reply after 24 hours start your email by apologizing for the delay. If you can, set up an auto responder letting your potential customer know their email has been received.

Start communicating as soon as the sale is made.

As soon as my customers pay for an eBay item I send out an email to them. I always have it look something like:-


Thank you for your order. It will be shipped by first class post within 48 hours.

Please allow at least 72 hours for UK delivery and up to 10 days for international orders.

If you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Once again thank you for your custom and I hope we can do business again in the future.



P.S. If you have not checked out my eBay store why not take a look as I have many more quality products for sale.

(enter the link to your eBay store here)

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Notice how straight away the transaction is off to a friendly start?

I feel this politeness only encourages the customer to leave me nothing but positive feedback. Also, they have been made aware to contact me first before leaving any feedback if there are any problems or concerns. Notice how I have thanked them for their custom and hope to do business again.

This encourages the customer to consider further purchases. Perhaps even clicking on the link to my eBay store and buying more products.

From time to time you will get awkward offensive customers, but try to rise above any war of words and stay calm. If you have to reply always always, always be polite. No matter how rude and offensive they are. I know it can be hard but if you stay polite while someone else is losing it you will feel better once the dust has settled.

There will always be one awkward eBayer who leaves a negative. This will happen no matter how good your service is and in my experience I have found it's normally the newbies who are most likely to leave you a negative. This is also normally done without contacting you first and it can be very frustrating, but don't let the odd negative comment get you down as it happens to us all.

One or two negatives per 500 or so sales won't hurt anyway and if you keep your percentage above 98-99% you will have no problems.

If you do receive a negative comment try to address the issue with your customer. Again be as polite as possible and you may find that the customer will be prepared to revise their feedback and withdraw the negative comment via the Feedback Revision process. This is why it is crucial you are polite at all times. If you abuse your customer, you will find getting feedback removed harder.

Remember this and you will always have good feedback:

Always deliver your eBay items in a timely manner and always be polite to your customers.

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11. The Power of an eBay Store

I often get asked if owning an eBay store is worth the expense. I think if you are serious about your eBay business, owning an eBay store is a no brainer. I will now try to explain the benefits of owning an eBay store.

1. Owning an eBay store gives you your own unique URL to promote.

Ask yourself which link looks more attractive?




I think the answer is obvious. If you were trying to promote your eBay auctions outside of eBay you would not want to use the 2nd link.

2. You look more professional.

If you look like a professional seller you will sell more. Obviously a lot of factors count to looking professional such as excellent feedback, but having an eBay store adds to the professional look. Also, a fully stocked eBay store gives you a professional look and with information products this is easily achieved at low cost.

3. You can sell multiple store items for a few cents per month.

That's right, you can list a product with a 1000 items available and this can cost only a few cents per month. In fact, you could list 1000 different items in your eBay store as store inventory items for around $30 per month. The minimum price to do this with 1000 auctions would be almost 10 times the expense.

4. You get to send out store newsletters.

Yes, you can build your own eBay subscriber database. Every time someone leaves feedback for you on eBay they get asked if they would like you to be added to their favorite sellers list. If they accept they can also subscribe to your store newsletter. This means you can send out mailings to your past customers. Plus you can also set up eBay to send out regular mailings on your behalf every 2 weeks.

There is also the option to add a link to your store newsletter and store favorites in all your auctions. This is a crucial promotion tool eBay provides. Just look at the top right corner of any of my listings to see these links in action. (See picture below) This means you can add people to your eBay mailing list even if they don't initially buy from you.

5. You can 'feature' your most profitable items.

Visit my eBay store at http://stores.ebay.com/PlanetSMS and look at the top of the page and you will see I have 2 featured items. The left item is my high ticket item that costs only a few cents per month to list as a store inventory item (see number 3 above). Just one sale of that item would cover the listing fees for that item for over a year. So 1 sale a year is all I need to see a profit from that item. Of course I will have a lot more :-)

6. You can personalize your eBay store to differ yourself from other eBay users.

With a little HTML experience you can add categories, logo's, graphics, pictures and a lot more to give your eBay store a more personalized, professional look. Even if you are not familiar with HTML you can still create an attractive looking eBay store.

7. You can track sales and traffic.

Depending on your store subscription level you can track a whole host of features such as store traffic, your most viewed items, search terms used in your store, where your visitors came from and a lot more.

8. You can link to your store from all your auctions.

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Look at any of my auctions and you will see no fewer than 10 links to my eBay store. Can you spot them all? If I never had an eBay store I would have 3 or 4 links at the most linking to my other items.

9. Your store and store items will appear in the major search engines.

Google 'planetsms' and you will see my eBay store on the first page of the search results. You can add keywords to your eBay store and there is also more chance of your listings showing on Google.

10. You get to say 'visit my eBay store'.

Sounds silly doesn't it? Well how many times have I asked you to visit my eBay store in the past? In fact, I have done it again in this product. That's what it's all about. Get more visitors to your eBay store and you will sell more and that's a fact no one can deny. You can ask people to visit your store in your auctions, about me page, email signatures, forum signatures, blogs, articles, eBooks, etc etc., etc.

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12. PowerSeller RulesBecome a PowerSeller in 90 days.

If you stick to these simple rules I guarantee you will become a PowerSeller within 90 days. The only exception to this is if your feedback drops below 98%. However, if you look at the 'importance of feedback' page and follow the instructions there your feedback will never drop below 98%.

1. Try to list at least 1 new item every day. If you can set yourself the task of finding and listing a new item every day your inventory will grow each day. Also, by day 90 you will be selling 90 different items and will be well on the way to success.

I initially gained PowerSeller status from only selling about 60 different items. There is nothing to stop you selling even more items than me. The amount of products you can sell is endless.

2. Always re-list unsold items at least once as you get your fees returned if the item sells second time around.

3. Try to offer free shipping. This will keep your DSR high and also help your listings stand out.

4. Open an eBay store and provide a link in all your listings and winning bidder emails.

5. Vary the price of your items. Price some low to get sales up. It's ok if you lose money on the low price items as all we want is sales. Also have some higher priced items in your store as these will put your earnings up. What you are looking for is multiple items at multiple prices in your inventory.

6. Once you hit 300 sales you are almost there. Now the task is to add up the total amount from your 300 sales. You will also be able to see how far away you are from PowerSeller status in your seller dashboard.

Hopefully you have hit $3000 in sales - and if you have congratulations. Look forward to the email from eBay informing you of PowerSeller status. If you haven't reached $3000 in sales don't worry, all is not lost.

Now, let's say you have sold 300 items and have totaled $2000 in sales. This means you would need to sell another $1000 worth of stock to gain PowerSeller status. You now have 2 options.

1. Keep doing what you are doing. PowerSeller status won't be far away.

2. Sell some other items to make up the difference. Maybe you have some items lying round the house you want to sell. Put them on eBay to make up the difference.

Remember, once you reach PowerSeller status you are set for the next 12 months and it is easy once you reach this stage. Also remember that once you hit PowerSeller you will almost certainly be at Top Rated Seller status and once this happens your fees are reduced and sales will increase as you are now an established Top Rated Seller.

That's it.

These simple rules will ensure PowerSeller (and Top Rated Seller) status is achieved in the shortest possible time

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13. The Multimedia ExperienceI would urge you to put everything you can into creating the best looking multimedia product you possibly can as this will mean you stand more chance of success.

Let me give you an example.

John has a dog called Rex. He is a lovely dog, but he can be a nuisance at times. He chews the furniture, barks constantly, runs off when out for a walk and generally causes John problems. One day John is browsing eBay and he just happens to spot a product explaining how to turn a nuisance dog into the perfect companion. He quickly places his order and a few days later...

Scenario one.

A plain envelope arrives at John's home. He opens the envelope to find a cheap CD that he knows can be picked up for a few cents at the local computer hardware store. He then puts the disc into his PC and after locating his disk drive he proceeds to open the PDF file. His initial thoughts are: 'is that it?'.

Scenario two.

A padded envelope arrives at John's home. Inside is a lovely looking DVD case wrapped in cellophane. He excitedly unwraps the cellophane and checks out his lovely DVD case. On the cover is the title of the product he bought plus a lovely picture of a German Shepherd. He checks out the back of the cover to see a list of contents and how to load the disc onto his computer.

He then proceeds to put the professionally looking printed disc into his CD tray and is greeted by a beautiful menu that loads automatically. He browses the disc to find the material he is looking for. He then checks out the bonus items section to find there are even more products related to dogs. There are more eBooks and there are videos he can watch. He watches the videos and discovers he can watch even more if he visits …

… The upsell is made.

John is delighted, he has all the information and material he needs…

But wait… He then notices he can receive even more information on dog training. All he needs to do is enter his name and email …

… The lead capture is made.

And the difference between scenario one and two is about 50 cents and a little bit of work…

This is the most crucial thing you need to understand here. I really can't stress how important the customer experience is when it comes to selling physical information. If your product looks cheap you have lost any chance you had of gaining further business. And remember that this is ultimately what this is all about.

You can make professional looking discs for under a dollar. Just browse eBay and you will see all the material you need.

And it needn't stop there. Give your customers a full-on multimedia experience. Many products can include worksheets, checklists, booklets and other information that can be printed. I know I have a ton of ideas and some of my products will be made into printed booklets. So far the best service I have seen for this purpose is:


So get creative and create the best possible multimedia experience for your customers and you will be rewarded. That I can guarantee.

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Delivering Your Multimedia Products

You have two choices when it comes to delivering your physical products. You can deliver your products yourself or use a fulfillment company to deliver your products on your behalf.

Option 1. Deliver your product yourself.

Positive+• You are in full control.• Costs should (depending where you live and ship to) be cheaper.• The customer experience will be greater.

Negative-• Task is not 100% automated.

Option 2. Use a fulfillment company.

Positive+• Your business is still 100% automated.

Negative-• You lose control.• Costs will probably (depending where you live and ship to) be higher.• Your eBay feedback is out of your hands.

Now both options obviously have their advantages and disadvantages. And the choice you take will ultimately depend on how you wish to operate your business and the costs involved.

If you wish to use a fulfillment company the two companies that I have constantly seen recommended are:



Personally, I deliver my products myself and the main reason is because I want full control of my business. Of course I am not for one minute saying you shouldn't use a fulfillment company and I have already stated that it's entirely up to you how you choose to deliver your products.

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14. Driving Traffic To Your AuctionsGenerate visitors to your eBay™ store.

If you are serious about making money on eBay you need to have an eBay store. This gives you your own unique URL that you can use to promote your store.

Now it doesn't take a genius to work this formula out. More visitors = more sales.

Here are 10 easy ways to promote your eBay store and gain extra traffic that in turn will lead to more bids.

1. Make sure you provide a link to your eBay store from every auction you run. If someone is not interested in your auction they may be interested in something else you are selling in your eBay store.

Make sure you ask people to click on your link and they will. How many times have you seen the term 'please view my other auctions' or 'visit my eBay store for more bargains' I bet you've clicked on those links sometimes too? I know I have. It's all about encouraging the person to do what you want. After all, if they don't click on your link what have you lost? Nothing.

2. Include a simple email signature in all outgoing emails. Make sure you use a catchy headline to attract visitors. Again, ask people to click your link.

3. Include a link to your store in all winning bidder emails you send to your eBay customers. Just a simple line of text explaining you have many more quality items in your store will do.

4. If you use eBay to automatically invoice your customers make sure you mention your eBay store and provide a link.

5. If you take part in forum discussions and are allowed a signature make sure you provide a link to your eBay store in all forum posts you make.

6. Look for forums related to what you sell, offer advice and take part in discussions and make sure you mention your eBay store wherever possible.

7. If you can set up an auto responder for your customer emails have it say something like:-

"Hi. Thanks for getting in touch, I have received your email and will respond soon" - then include your signature.

8. Write at least one article per week related to your eBay business and include a link to your eBay store. Submit this article to as many directories such as http://ezinearticles.com/ as possible.

9. Create an eBay about me page and make sure you mention your eBay store. Again, ask people to click your link and they will.

10. Consider upgrading your store to the featured level. If you are a high volume seller the extra cost will be worth it.

There you have it, 10 simple steps to ensure you gain more visitors to your auctions. If you implement these steps into your eBay business you will receive more visitors and in turn more bids.

Under no circumstances should you spam any past customers. I'm pretty sure you hate receiving spam (unsolicited emails) and so will your past customers, and by spamming them you will probably have the opposite effect of gaining more custom. You may also be reported to your internet service provider or eBay.

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15. Using Social Media To Drive TrafficYou don't need me to tell you how big Facebook and Twitter have become, but are you taking advantage of the massive traffic potential these sites can provide? Let me give you an example.


I have a Facebook page for this product - you can check it out here. Now on this page I provide updates to any people that are fans of my page. I can also provide links to affiliated offers and other offers. When I make a post to my wall, it appears on everyone's profile who has 'liked' my page. This is another excellent way to help my product go viral.

The more people that click 'like' the more exposure my product receives, and so on. Now setting this page up wasn't hard to do and I actually use a piece of software that I created with my good friend Dave Nicholson. The software is called Liker Page Builder and you can check out how it works here.

Do not ignore the power of Facebook as this is one of the biggest promotional tools out there. You can have your very own Facebook page set up in minutes and for free with Liker Page Builder.

I would recommend you set up a page for your eBay account as this will help generate visitors to your other auctions. So what are you waiting for? Set up your very own Facebook page now.


Twitter is another phenomenon that has taken off in a big way, I also use Twitter to drive traffic to my eBay auctions. You can check out my dedicated eBay related Twitter account here. (Don't forget to follow me)

You will notice I have many thousands of followers. That means every time I 'tweet' all of my followers receive my message. Using Twitter successfully is all about having as many followers as possible and everything I do on Twitter is automated.

To learn more about using Twitter effectively check out Tweet Dynamite. This is another product created by Dave Nicholson and is the only product you need to succeed with Twitter.

Do not underestimate the power of Social Media. Facebook and Twitter are getting bigger each day and if you don't include both in your traffic generation techniques then you are missing out.

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16. Templates You Can UseFeel free to use the templates mentioned in the links below to get you started. Then once you become established, you may want your own personal template. You can get your own personal templates created by clicking here.

CD Rom Templates

CD Rom Template DVD Covers CD Covers(right click - save as)

Watch me create an interactive CD using supplied CD template

Listing Templates

Digital Media Blue(right click - save as)

Watch me list an item on eBay using turbo lister

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17. Your Own eBookThis could be the most important page of information you may ever read.

Please take the time to read it thoroughly.

Have you ever thought of writing your own eBook? Yes, your very own eBook that you own the copyright for, that no one but you is selling. If it has never crossed your mind you need to start thinking about it now. This is where you will start to make serious money. I am talking $1000s per month. Look at it this way, this product is like one big eBook, it contains information you want. You have paid me for the privilege to be here right now reading this. Others will pay you the same to read your info product.

Now I bet you're thinking, I have nothing to write about. Nonsense, I bet by the time you read this page you will have about 10 eBook ideas in your head. Why? Because I'm going to show you how. Even if you can't write I will show you how to create your own info product.

I am going to show you how to create your own eBook, one that you own the copyright to and no one else.. Your own eBook can bring you in thousands a month eventually.

This is serious money... Your own self written 'INFO PRODUCT' will be in huge demand!!!

It will create you a permanent income with financial security. The auctions are so easy to set up and once you learn how YOU CAN SET UP AS MANY AS YOU LIKE, and if you do it right you will earn at least $50 - $100 profit on each and every one of them PER AUCTION.

There are 2 ways to sell your eBook. With or without resale rights. I am going to show you the benefits of both, then you decide for yourself which way you want to go. The best method I have found is to sell a low priced eBook with resale rights that generates sales of your high priced eBooks without resale rights. Along with the eBooks on this site you will be bringing in $1000s per month.

OK first we will start by stating the benefits of selling an eBook with resale rights.

These will generate sales of all your products in your eBay store, plus you will earn commission through affiliate links. What's an affiliate link I hear you say? An affiliate link is where you send a visitor to a website. Then if the visitor goes on to make a purchase from that website you earn a commission. This can be as much as 75%.

Many links in my eBooks link to eBay. Now you may not realize this but they are affiliate links. If you then go on to bid or buy an item anywhere on eBay, I will earn a commission. Usually only a few pennies but if it's an eBook getting viewed a few times a day it soon mounts up.

But it's not just the links to eBay that can earn you money. If I were selling you a gambling product and I gave you a list of gambling websites and you joined any of these sites I could earn up to $100 per sale.

Or I could be an expert gardener selling an eBook on gardening. In this book I would provide links to gardening websites for people to buy their plants and tools from. Or I could be selling a health eBook linking to health websites. You get the picture? Also, in this eBook I would have links to my eBay store, affiliate links of course. Now as well as generating extra sales I would be earning commission too.

For more info on affiliates visit cj.com this is the leading affiliate website and it is worldwide based.

Now lets say for example you are selling an eBook on 'how to play poker' - you would include a link to poker websites. Some will offer as much as $100 just for joining. In your eBook you would mention these sites that the visitor would go to and get 'free chips'. When they sign up you would receive your commission which can be as much as $40 per site registration.

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Now here's where the beauty of resale rights comes in!

You sell this eBook with resale rights. Now most people who buy it will also be thinking of reselling it. Imagine after a few months how many people will be looking at your eBook. Even if only 1% were to sign up for a poker website you would be earning some serious money. And this is for only one product. This product will never expire because it will always be getting sold on eBay by other users. It will continue to earn you money for years to come.

These are the benefits of selling an eBook with resale rights.

Also, the point of any eBook you sell with resale rights is to get people to buy your high priced items. I sell an eBook with resale rights explaining how I sell eBooks, in this eBook I tell them about my website. That's how you may have found me. I can now even stop selling this product if I wanted to because other people are selling it for me. They make money from selling it and I make money from my affiliate links, store sales and memberships to this site. Everyone is happy.

Now what about selling an eBook without resale rights.

These are totally different and these are what earn the big money.

This product is unique to me and this is what I call my niche market. This is what I do best: sell eBooks and tell people how I do it. That's why you bought this product. Now you need to think of what you are good at. And don't think you can't write about anything because you can. To write an eBook is easy, you just need to do some research and sell the info. Here are a few examples. These are just examples off the top of my head.

You or someone you know is a travel agent. Ask them how you would go about getting a cheap holiday. Do some research on the internet and there you have it - an eBook on how to save money on your next holiday. Maybe you have just got married. How about an eBook on how to plan the perfect wedding? Maybe you have a hobby collecting antiques. People would pay to know how to go about buying and selling antiques for profit... Get the picture? The list is endless.

However, by far the best sellers are usually about the following:-

1. Getting things for free

2. Gambling

3. Making Money

4. Saving money

5. Improving your health

6. Working from Home

7. eBay

8. How to guides

9. Learning a new skill

10.Improve appearance

11.To be entertained

12.Have a better lifestyle

Now you don't need to be an expert in any of these fields to write an eBook on any of the above subjects. You just need to do some research and compile all the info to create your own product. Plus you can still have affiliate links in these products. However, this is not where you will make most of your money You will make money from these products because you will be selling them for at least $10 or more.

If you look at the business and information categories on eBay you will see loads of people telling you how you can make money from gambling and starting your own business, Most of the successful sellers will be selling their own product at a high price.

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The reason it sells at a high price is because only they are selling it. It is their own unique product not available anywhere else.

This is where you create your own unique product. Just like the 90Day PowerSeller is my own unique product and no one else is selling it, your product is only available from you. Just like this product is only available from me. This is why people will pay big money for your product. You must tell people they cannot get it anywhere else.


Research anything you like on the subject from the internet, or buy an eBook. Get the main facts from it and add your own thoughts and ideas. If you read the eBook and do your own research, then write an eBook of your own on the same subject so there's no infringement of copyright.

You can legitimately sell it as your own work. Because it IS.

This is the secret of producing and writing your own valuable eBook and selling it on your own EBAY AUCTION. As soon as you adapt and improve all this excellent information, it will instantly become YOURS. You will now own the copyright, including SOLE rights over the eBook.

You, being the copyright owner, are fully entitled under eBay rules to sell... sell... sell.

Therefore your unique eBooks will also sell for a much higher price. They will easily sell for over $10 a time. Your product will be in huge demand because no one will be able to get it anywhere else. There are countless eBooks out there for research and many of them FREE. You can create money out of NOTHING.

Set yourself up for life. You could sell at $5 each and people will run over each other to get a new "unseen before" eBook for $5 on eBay. You will be the only person selling this so they will have to pay whatever price you ask. If you only charge $5 however and sell three a day this will bring in $100 a week. For a unique eBook on eBay this is not a problem if it's done correctly.

OK, so where do you start?

1. Find your subject.

Take a look at the featured auctions in the information and business categories and look for info products.

Go to a listing and watch the item till it ends. If the seller has loads of buyers you just know that it is a good seller. If the eBook is reasonably priced buy it and use for your research. You now have your subject.

2. Write your eBook using a program such as Microsoft word or Open Office.

Go to your own favorite search Engine and find more relevant info on the subject. Try to write your eBook from scratch, that way it's all your own work.

Stop you think you have enough relevant information for your eBook. Usually at least 10 pages is good, but of course the more pages.. .the better the value and, of course, you can charge all the more. You can add pictures, bold text, links to other websites etc., to make it interesting.

Use all the good information that's been given to you. You will need to spend a while researching your eBook. The eBook only needs to be between 10 and 20 pages long to sell for between $5 and $30.

Try to include links to relevant sites that can add more information to the info included in the eBook. These can be affiliate links that will earn you even more.

Also maybe add a few relevant free eBooks that they would be able to resell. It makes the package bigger and creates more value for money. Give a few away to create a 'package' Just as long as they know that they cannot resell yours.

If you have any websites or any other product to sell use a link. You could get more sales from it. Always have an affiliate link to your eBay store. CLICK HERE for more info on eBay's affiliate program. You are almost finished.

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3. Compiling your eBook.

You now have to convert your word file to an eBook, using either an eBook compiler or converting them to .pdf (portable document format). The best program for this is the Adobe Acrobat writer program as most PC's have Adobe Acrobat Reader already on their PC. You can also security password it so no one can edit it or steal it by copying it.

There are some FREE or low cost services that can convert your Word or any word processor document to pdf format for you.

Such as:

http://www.openoffice.org/ (Recommended)



You could sell it as a Word file, but as there is no security. Word to PDF is by far the easiest route to take. You only have to convert your document to PDF format once.

You can also download other types of eBook compilers from the net. Many are free and have good security. Just do a search for eBook creators on the internet.

4. List your eBook on eBay.

Follow the instructions in the rest of this product. Get the title right and spend time getting the listing looking right. Try to use a HTML editor or try using some of the templates on my site for ideas, your listing must look good in order to sell


This is totally up to you and, as a guide, never sell your unique eBook too cheaply unless you're going to grant resale rights. If you don't grant resale rights you must price your eBook at a minimum price of $4.99. however, I would price higher, at least $9.99 for the first time just in case you have created a best seller. You never know until you launch it.

Once you have got back your eBay listing fees you are in profit because the eBook costs you nothing to produce... How many businesses can say that their stock costs nothing...?. So price it at $5 and sell just 3 per day and you've got your $100 a week profit to start. Once it's up and running, start again and create your second eBook.

Remember! There is no price that can be placed on what you know. You now have to create the eBook and pass that wealth of knowledge on. It's so easy. What is needed are new ideas all the time. YOUR IDEAS.

If your eBook can help push people on by giving them your invaluable knowledge, you've got a topic for a successful hugely profitable eBook.

If you want to get an idea for your next eBook think about what you do best:• What skill do you have that you are especially proud of?• Does your job involve skills that you could pass on to others?• What are your hobbies?

Now, how would you communicate that skill to someone else? Write down what you just thought of and you have the outline for your next eBook.

Share your unique knowledge with the world today and make a great living from it. Just as I am doing and have been doing since 2004.

Remember! People are out there waiting to buy your product, just like you bought mine. Don't miss out.

Remember! You only have to write your eBook once and then it can be sold over and over and over again.

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So there you have it. Your own money making machine. I urge you to try it and see for yourself. Once you start writing your first eBook you will find it hard to stop. To go with resell or not resell rights is your decision.

However, if you feel the product you are selling is strong, I would not grant resale rights and price it high.

One more thing, don't think you can't do it and don't think your eBook won't sell. If you think like that you will get nowhere. Because I now sell information, my life has changed for the better. Information is the biggest seller on the internet. Think about it, when you log onto the internet what are you looking for? Information. You need to provide the information and start making money from it.

You can do it! Good luck.

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18. Going ViralIn my opinion, you are far better off using eBay to help your products go viral. By this I mean having others sell your products. If you do this correctly you will have an army of people promoting your products and services. Think about this for a minute. Why have you paid such a low price for this product? It's because I want to put it into as many hands as possible and this means granting resale rights.

I have created a PDF MindMap that explains the sales flow of a typical information product sold via eBay.

However, it's not just a case of allowing people to resell your products, there is a lot more to it than that.

Here are a few tips that can help your product go viral.

1. Include a sales page. This is the biggest mistake I see made. Most of us simply don't have the time to create a sales page for your product. You know your product better than anyone else so include a well written sales page. Without a sales page it probably won't end up going viral.

2. Include graphics. A good sales page will have good quality graphics, including at least one eCover. Try to include many different variations if possible. If you need help with graphics check out GFX1 Graphics as they can create any graphics that you may require.

3. Don't have a minimum sales price. Some will disagree with this, but if you have a minimum selling price this will prevent others selling your product.

4. Don't put any restrictions on distribution. Some people say their products cannot be sold on auction sites or can't be added to membership sites. I know the reason is to keep the value of your product up, but what's the point of creating something with resale rights that can earn you a backend income if you are going to restrict distribution? Allow it to be given away, added to membership sites, added to compilations, etc, etc.

5. Create a quality product others will want to sell. If your product is good quality it will go viral all on its own. If your product is poor no one will sell it so take your time and make it the best you can. Remember, you can get all the help you need from me.

6. If possible allow some links to be branded. If you gave me a good quality product that could earn me money AFTER I have sold it, do you think you will have more chance of my adding it to my eBay inventory? Of course you would so if possible try to create products/eBooks that can be branded. As long as some links still benefit you it will still make you money.

7. Work with other eBay sellers. We are probably one of the largest collection of information sellers on the internet. We can all help each other by selling each others viral eBooks and products. Work with other eBay members to promote each others products. We all have the same goal... To make money.

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19. Using PLR Material Private Label Tips.

Watch a Video Showing You How to Effectively Use PLR Material Here

There are two types of resale products that I am a really big fan of: Private label and brandable. First we will talk about brandable products.

With brandable products you cannot change the content other than usually put your name on it and maybe add a few affiliate links. The author is always in control of the content. However this means there is something in it for you as the product gets distributed around eBay and the internet and contains either an affiliate link that will pay you for any sales generated or a link back to your website.

There will also be something in it for the author, probably a link back to a high priced product. Or the author may charge for branding the product. If you're selling info products on eBay you are better off having something that links back to your network. Then even if you are promoting someone else's product there is something in it for you after the sale has been complete.

Now I will let you into a little secret here. I don't write most of my eBooks. Yes, some I have wrote 100% myself but most are simply bought as private label content.

A private label product is not a finished ready-to-sell item like most eBooks are. Instead it will be the raw source material that you can use to produce a finished item. These will be in a word processor format, like MS Word. You can usually modify the content and even put your name as the author. You can basically do what you like with it.

You need to understand there are many websites providing private label content and many have their own terms and conditions. Be sure to check out these terms before you start.

Here's what I usually do with private label content. This method earns me $1000s every Month.

First of all you need a private label product.

Now as an example we are going to imagine the private label product we have acquired is all about 'training your dog'. It really makes no difference what the subject is.

Now I would first read the eBook to get a feel for the subject. Then I would spend an hour or so researching the topic on the internet. Finding out all I can about training dogs.

Once I've done this I make a list of points I want to make in my own version of my eBook, I read through it again and start editing the content so it says what I want it to say, I cut and paste to copy sections into the right place. Now I look at the way my draft reads and see if it fits my style of writing, my personality and my business.

This puts my 'spin' on it and makes it 100% unique to me. As long as I have rearranged, edited, removed, added and made the product unique to me I can do whatever I want with it.

Next I would go to Google and search for relevant affiliate links. I have not looked. but I know there will be 100s of dog related products I could promote. I would include these affiliate links in the text of the eBook. Here is an example.

"The planetsms training lead supplied by the planetsms dog training company is probably the best on the market and has been proven to help train your puppy. The best way to use this lead is to blah blah blah..."

The above links would be affiliate links to your related product. You would also provide affiliate links to high priced dog training eBooks that would be sold on Clickbank

At this point I would tweak it, proofread it, (get someone else to do this) and then go ahead and publish it. There are many free word to PDF publishers on the net, try http://www.openoffice.org/

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Now here is what I do.

I grant master resale rights. I sell it on eBay and make it as easy as possible for anyone that wants to sell it themselves by providing a sales page, eCover graphics and I even provide everything required to distribute the product such as a file ready to burn to CD.

I want as many people as possible viewing my eBook, the reason being it will generate me an affiliate income and it will bring visitors to my eBay store and my website and this is where I sell my higher priced items - my membership packages, my complete packages, my coaching packages and anything else I am selling.

Create brandable content.

Why not make your own brandable eBooks from private label content? This can be extremely profitable for two reasons.

1, You would have at least one link on the product main page that would link back to your products or services.

2, You could charge people to brand your product, thus generating 2 forms of income from one product. Notice how I can let you resell this product or pay to brand it? This is the exact process I am talking about here.

This is how you would do it.

Again, on the same subject let's imagine the private label product we have acquired is all about 'training your dog.'

Now you need to think about the links you will allow to be edited. This would usually be a link to the buyer's website and/or eBay listings. This will encourage the buyer to promote your product. Remember, your product would still contain your affiliate links and a link to your website.

On the products main page you could have the following links

1. This product is brought to you by www.buyersdomainname.com2. Visit my about me page. CLICK HERE.3. View my eBay auctions. CLICK HERE.4 . Get even more FREE eBooks. CLICK HERE.

The CLICK HERE links and www.buyersdomainname.com above could be branded.

Now as you can see there are 4 clickable links. You would let your customers edit links 1, 2 and 3. Link 4 would link to YOUR website or offer. This would never change.

Here's where it gets exciting.

You could either offer free branding or sell the branding rights. If you offer free branding rights make sure you at least capture a subscriber email address. However, you're better off charging, then you're sure the buyer will want to distribute the eBook as they have invested in it. Now this is what happens...

Let's say in 1 month you have sold 50 copies of your product. You now have 50 possible buyers of your branded version; let's say 5 buy branding rights. You now have 5 people actively selling your product as there is something in it for them. However, in all of these products you have the 'free eBooks' link, or whatever link you choose and you still have any regular affiliate links you have added to your product as you compiled/wrote it.

Plus out of the 50 original buyers, many will be selling your product as it is with all your links intact plus your original ad to brand your product.

In time your product will be all over eBay and the internet. Each one linking back to your website like a homing beacon. Once this viral method kicks in you simply can't stop it.

Ok, so how would we do this?

First of all you need some content. You could write your own or use private label content.

Now you need some eBook branding software. The branding software I use for creating brandable PDF eBooks is called Instant PDF Profits. This software is excellent and you

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can try it out at a massive discount. The beauty of this software is everything is run on auto pilot. Although it can be quite difficult to set up there is a step-by-step video tutorial included with the software. Just follow the videos and you will be fine. You could also simply let your buyers send you the links they want and you could add the links manually, but of course that involves more work so I wouldn't recommend it.

After your eBook is complete always, always, always include a sales page. This makes it easier for the eBook to be resold and the easier it is to resell means the more it will be sold.

Once you have sold a few copies things should start to happen. When it does you're off and running, now simply do it all again. Go and create another stream. The beauty of private label eBooks is you can set up a product in a matter of hours and create a product that will earn you money for years to come. It really is that simple, so take action and start earning.

My Biggest Private Label Secret is out!

The information I am about to present to you now has made me $1000s and I am about to reveal exactly how I achieved it. First of all, you need to make sure the private label content you are using can be resold and the company you have acquired the eBook from has an affiliate program.

In this example I am going to use a company called PLR Monthly. What they basically do is let you have 3 private label products each month for a monthly fee. They also provide ready made eBay sales pages which are great for helping your product go viral.

So what I do is everything I have just explained in this chapter. I edit the content and add my affiliate links and other links to my products/services. Now here's where it gets interesting. At the start of the eBook I add this:

Thank you for your purchase!

You have master resale rights to this eBook; you may resell it and keep 100% of the profits as long as you do not modify the


If you would like to get more FREE eBooks that you can resell


If you would like to see the premium eBooks I have on offer


eBook content provided by PLR Monthly

If you want content to create your own eBooks


As well as promoting my eBay store and website, notice how I promote PLR Monthly. Well I am promoting them through my affiliate link. This method alone has earned me $1000s and I do it with many different companies.

As you can see, this method makes me a lot of money as there are so many people selling my eBooks with the above links in, not just on eBay but on the Internet. The beauty of this particular method is I have a ready made product each month. All I have to do is spend a few hours editing the content and adding my affiliate links. I would also like to mention my affiliate earnings for this particular method is growing each month.

Another way you can do this is to buy a collection of private label material that allows unrestricted rights. What this basically means is you can do whatever you want with the content, including granting resale rights to others. Then all you have to do is add the link 'Content provided by' and link this back to your sales page containing a collection of private label material. If you do it this way you get to keep 100% of any sales.

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I know there is a lot to take in but the information presented here is responsible for me earning thousands of dollars online.

To make a start and see how this works first hand visit my resources page.


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20. Links To Video TutorialsWelcome to the video tutorial section.

Watch me list an item on eBay using turbo lister (very detailed)

Watch me create an interactive CD using supplied CD template

Watch me print a DVD cover (download the software I use here)

Learn to triple you CD Rom Sales on eBay (taken from PlanetSMS Digital Mentorship Monthly)

Using PLR Material (This video was created by my good friend Daniel Sumner)

Please note! Some of these videos are from version 3.0 and the graphics used in the videos are different. However, the step by step process is still exactly the same.

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21. Links To Audio Material


Listen in as John Thornhill and Daniel Sumner have an informal chat about eBay's policy change regarding downloadable media and how you can benefit.

Part 1(right click - save as)

Bonus AudiosPlease note! The bonus audio's were created before the eBay digital delivery ban.

Interview with Ted Chan. The call lasted 2 hours and I revealed everything about how I run my eBay business. The call is divided into 5 parts.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5(right click - save as)

You can also download a transcript of the call by clicking here.(right click - save as)


Recorded Consultations.

The consultations below are simply informal consultations between John and some of his students. Most are about Internet Marketing in general and all contain valuable

information that can help your business grow.

Andy Michaels

Graham Birdsall

Gregory Hyne

Jerry Holliday

Marcus Passey

Martyn Boaden

Patti Massullo

Robert Deveau

Steve Troutman

22. More Useful Links90 Day PowerSeller Challenge Facebook Page


Let me Mentor You to Success in 31 Days