Doing Business in South Africa Presented by Name of the Author SAMPLE PRESENTATION © MyAssignmentExpert.com, 2010

Doing Business in South Africa

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Page 1: Doing Business in South Africa

Doing Business in South Africa

Presented byName of the Author

SAMPLE PRESENTATION © MyAssignmentExpert.com, 2010

Page 2: Doing Business in South Africa

• Brief Background of South Africa

• Current issues and their impact on business

• Cultural Background

• Becoming culture smart

Structure of Presentation

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Page 3: Doing Business in South Africa

Brief Description

• GDP – 25th largest• Middle income countrySAMPLE PRESENTATION

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Brief Description: Geography






0 10 20 30 40

Per capita water availability

Per Capita Renewable Water Re-sources

Water Scarcity

Moderate climate during June

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Page 5: Doing Business in South Africa

• Lots of cultural diversity

• Major Languages – Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, English

• Major religion - Christianity

Brief Description: Demography


9% 9%2%

South African population by race

African WhiteColored Asian

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Page 6: Doing Business in South Africa

Current Issues

• High crime rates especially murder and rape

• High Poverty and unemployment among blacks’ community

• Most AIDS cases

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Current Issues

• A culture of strikes and mass protests

• Severe power shortage

• Interruptions to business

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Current Issues

• Issues of race relations and quota regime

• Avoid these issues during conversation

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Page 9: Doing Business in South Africa

Current Issues

• Prides on hosting major sporting events

• Good way to warm up to the clients

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Cultural Background

• Power Distance

• Little higher than Australia’s

• Varies between various races

• Still a patriarchal culture



South AfricaAustralia

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Page 11: Doing Business in South Africa

Cultural Background

• Individualism vs. Collectivism• Less individualism as

compared to Australia

• Closer knit groups, people show cultural traits

• Team work over individual abilities

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Page 12: Doing Business in South Africa

Cultural Background

• Neutral vs. Emotional• Higher emotional index as

compared to Australians

• Healthy work environment

• May affect rational business decisions

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Page 13: Doing Business in South Africa

• Universalism vs. Particularism• More particularistic society than Australia

• Focus on building relationships

• People in same ethnic group treated as same

Cultural Background

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Page 14: Doing Business in South Africa

Be Culture Smart

• Afrikaans speaker tend to use slangs in English

• E.g. braai is for barbeque, dagga for marijuana

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Be Culture Smart

• Hand shake is the common mode of greeting

• Women may nod with a smile

• Talk about personal stuff before getting to business

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Page 16: Doing Business in South Africa

Be Culture Smart

• Differences in interests of different races

• Don’t compare cities

• Don’t talk about sensitive topics

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• Very multicultural society

• Focus on culture specific interests

• Avoid controversial topics

• When in Rome, do as the Romans do• E.g. Business presentation can be translated in Afrikaans

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Cullen, J., & Parboteeah, K. (2008). Multinational Management - A strategic approach 4e. Southern Western College Publishing.

Geert Hofstede™. (2009). Geert Hofstede™ Cultural Dimensions. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Geert Hofstede Web site: http://www.geert-hofstede.com/hofstede_south_africa.shtml

Government of South Africa. (2009, August 11). About South Africa. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from South Africa Government Web site: http://www.info.gov.za/aboutsa/index.htm

McSweeney, D. B. (2002). Hofstede's Model of National Cultural Differences and their consequences: A triumph of faith - A failure of analysis. Human Relations , 55-89.

Reuters. (2008, September 23). Key issues in South Africa. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from IOL Web site: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=13&set_id=1&art_id=nw20080923150258892C227992


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