December 2012 cultural fuel trend report

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Page 3: December 2012 cultural fuel trend report


Page 4: December 2012 cultural fuel trend report

DOGS CRUISING AROUND..."SPCA is an organisation searching for new homes for thousands of homeless dogs. In cooperation with Mini they came up with the „Dogs this smart deserve a home“ campaign, showing dogs behind the wheel, mastering a short track section by car. Porter definitely knows how to look cool when driving...!Via: http://www.adverblog.com/2012/12/11/porter-and-the-driving-dogs/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BWAK0J8Uhzk!

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STICK AND FIND"StickNFind is a very small sticker that you can put on any of the things you donʻt want to lose anymore. For instance you can tag your keys or TV remote control with the sticker and locate them in real time via a radar on your smartphone. To make the search even easier itʻs also possbile to let the sticker buzz or light up. !Another funny use case presented in the StickNFind video is tagging your young kidʻs shoes when going to the playground. The application sends an immediate alert if your child is more than 100 meters away. So itʻs actually a nice tool for young mommies too.!Via: http://www.adverblog.com/2012/12/07/never-lose-your-keys-again/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6lkiblLfkVk#!!

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VACUUM CLEANER TUNNEL"To promote the „monster suction“ of Mieleʻs S8 vacuum cleaner with little media budget, Miele created a billboard that doesnʻt even exist. The video spreaded in the internet and social media and thereby discussions about the existence of the billboard arised. Thus Miele could easily raise awareness on its product without spending a massive budget on out of home advertisement.!Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/11/miele-vacuum-cleaner-tunnel/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YmqKdq2-2o8!

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I AM ON MY WAY"To use the Berlin Marathon as an advertising platform, adidas came up with the „5 stages of a marathon“ idea. Therefore they created billboards for each of the 5 sections within a marathon to describe the different emotional feelings with strong and clear visuals on everybodys way to the finish. Excitement – Flow – Euphoria – Pain and finally, Celebration. !Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/12/berlin-marathon-the-five-stages-of-a-marathon/!

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LEARN TO WRITE"In India over 40% of the country is illiterate. Door Step School is an NGO that aims to encourage people to learn to write. To motivate people, the best way is to let them experience how it feels when you are literate. For this reason Leo Burnett India came up with the idea to turn the symbol of illiteracy into an ink pad with different cut-outs of the Hindiʻs alphabet. Thus people were able to write their name by using their thumb as a writing tool. This experience and joy of being able to write evoked a spirit in peopleʻs mind to join the program of Door Step School.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/dm/door_step_school_ink_pad!

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THE MORNING AFTER PILLOW"The morning after pillow is a funny idea created for Axe in Puerto Rico. To escape from the seductive effects of Axe the morning after, they invented the „Morning After Pillow“ for very clingy women. !Via: http://www.adverblog.com/2012/12/05/axe-morning-after-pillow/!

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Nj_Q5ySp5_U!

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THE HEINEKEN INTERACTIVE WALL"In celebration of its 140th anniversary Heineken came up with the idea to cover the outside wall of the famous Heineken Experience Centre in Amsterdam with 5.000 Heineken bottles with LED lights inside. The best user birthday messages and photos around the globe will be displayed between December 7th and January 2nd. Thereʻs also a broadcast stream on Heinekenʻs facebook page.!Via: http://popsop.com/59843!

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BETTER PARK CAREFULLY"Lately there have been so many different metaphoric visuals to promote the advantage of park assistant technology. But I guess everybody would love to have a park assistant when facing this situation.!You can find two more funny visuals when clicking the link.!Via:http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/11/volkswagen-park-assist-car-jack-glass-truck-technology-portaloo-hearse-technology-bikers-police/!

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PURE EMOTION"Canal+ is a french pay TV channel for entertainment and sport programs. To promote its football channel, a Parisian agency created this very funny spot showing the emotions of true football fans. Does this look familiar to you? To us it definitely does.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/canal_fuel_for_fans!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fSoQ0H5RUx8#!!

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IT JUST WONʻT CLEAN THE DIRT WITHIN..."Even ads for a sponge donʻt have to be boring...Really great insight. The spong cleans all but the „dirt“ that lies in a personʻs mind.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/limppano_porus_bath_sponge_dirty_mind_greed!

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DIGITAL WISHES FOR 2013"Publicis Groupe CEO Maurice Lévy sends digital wishes to all of you for 2013. Since last years speeches were said to be too long, this yearʻs video is full of entertaining „easter eggs“ such as changing the ambience when switching to low quality resolution or when decreasing the volume Maurice Lévy whispers his wishes. Great entertainment!!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/user/PublicisGroupe?annotation_id=annotation_79207&feature=iv&src_vid=zl1gG_wgcRk!

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THE TWITTER RACE"To increase engagement of VW Polo followers in the social media space, a Spanish agency developed a digital strategy to make VW Polo the first topic of twitter conversations for a day. Therefore they invented the hashtag „Polowers“, a mixture of „Polo“ and „Followers“. To generate traffic they created a digital race. By using the hashtag in your tweet you could take the lead for the time until someone else used the hashtag. At a random time the race stopped and the current leader won the VW Polo. Within 8 hours VW Polo became the first topic of conversations on twitter. They even beat Justin Bieber and apparently thatʻs quite something!!Via: http://www.adverblog.com/2012/12/12/volkswagen-the-polowers/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pPIzHCh800E#!!

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CHRISTMAS- THE ANNUAL SURPRISE"Most of the people who read this will recognize the situation. The problem is less how to get the gifts to family and friends as opposed to that time is running out und everybody is looking for the perfect present. Maybe this video reminds you to not forget about both- to get and to send the gift.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/fedex_santa!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/fedex_last_minute!

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GIVE A LITTLE MORE LOVE THIS CHRISTMAS"As with every year, one highlight of the christmas advertising are the John Lewis commercials. This year it is about snowman who is on his mission to get his snowwoman a nice gift for christmas. He takes on a difficult journey straight through the countryside to receive her present. Just watch and enjoy!!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/john-lewis-unveils-its-annual-viral-epic-a-10-million-christmas-ad-2012-11!Via: http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2012/john-lewis-the-journey/ !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N8axp9nHNU&feature=player_embedded !

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HELP! I NEED ..."What would we do without google in our daily life? This advertising shows that google is kind of the solution for every questions or any daily problems. So this spot shows how useful the google mobile search app can be. If somebody is on tour with their own smartphone or as is the case wit the mother in this clip in the kitchen- you don´t know what can happen, so have google in your reach to cope with every kind of situation.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/ad-of-the-day-how-google-can-turn-your-daughter-into-martin-van-buren-2012-12 !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyJZqHyKKIw&feature=player_embedded !

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DREAMING OF A HOLIDAY?"Catching yourself daydreaming about a much needed holiday? There isn´t much that needs to be said about this print campaign, a picture speaks a thousand words.!Via: http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2012/kielo-folder-pool/!

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MERRY CHRISTMAS IN AUSTRALIAN"Typical images of Christmas: cold, dark outside with a lot of holiday lights, snow all around the city and so on. But these beliefs aren´t reality everywhere- like in Australia. Most of the people celebrate Christmas at the beach as these Santas are doing in this commercial. They even go surfing in their suits. Aldi therefore wanted to break the christmas conventions and created a new ‚australianʻ christmas icon, the surfing santa.!Via: http://adland.tv/commercials/aldi-surfing-santas-perfect-aussie-christmas-2012-30-australia !

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SH*T HAPPENS!"Bad and stupid things happen all day and it can be so embarassing! I´m sure that everyone who watches this clip will recognize such a situation or something similar. It is a very nice reminder of our daily adventures and that us humans are at our best when things are at their worst. So the big insurance company „Liberty Mutual“ shows that no matter what happens, this company is on your side every time and brings out the best in you.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/liberty_mutual_insurance_humans !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB3oEHzakOw&feature=player_embedded !

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WHAT REALLY MATTERS"At the end of the year Turkish Airlines impresses with a first class testimonial TV spot. Two of the best athletes in the world, Kobe Bryant and Leo Messi and each with an exceptional talent in their own sport are competing for the attention of a little boy. They do tricks with balls, build cardhouses and create balloon animals, but in the end there is just one thing the boy is interested in.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/ad-kobe-bryant-leo-messi-compete-for-little-boys-attention-2012-12 !

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruav0KvQOOg&feature=player_embedded !

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SCENES EVERYBODY KNOWS"The pictures of waiting people in front of an Apple Store always go around the world. For these people, Apple is almost a kind of a religion, whilst others think it´s a silly hype. Samsung pulls Appleʻs leg with this spot, but in a funny and not really disrespectful way.!Via: http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnellett/2012/09/20/3-reasons-samsungs-latest-advertising-poking-apple-is-so-smart/ !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf5-Prx19ZM&feature=player_embedded !

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JUST A SECOND"What can all happen in a second? Not much, a second is so short, and mostly you won´t miss something important. This could be the most common answer. But the clip promoting the Miami Short Film Festival shows how important every single second is in a very humorous way.!Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/12/miami-short-film-festival-2012-glasses-sneeze/ !

Watch these on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=M1PelPcdKE0! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=y9NoA1GS8Rg !

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MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS"Each child dreams about speaking to Santa once in a lifetime. This dream came true in Brazil thanks to the largest telecom provider in the country, Oi. It wanted to make people believe in the magic of christmas once again, the children that talked to Santa not only got a gift, but also obtained their own little christmas miracle. !Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/12/oi-magical-payphone/ !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oY1he71EoM&feature=player_embedded !

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COLOR YOUR LIFE"This is the new commercial from Lacoste, which showcases the polo shirt of the future, in honor of Lacosteʻs 80th birthday. At a simple swipe of the alligator logo, the shirts are able to change colour which is a very interesting, livid and colorful presentation of how we could experience the polo shirt in the future.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-what-lacoste-polos-will-look-like-in-the-future-the-brief-2012-12 !

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30lKLG6mzNk !

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HAZY MEMORIES"This commercial from the Alzheimer Society of BC displays the illness Alzheimer in such a emotional and poignant way. The screen of the video is a brain in which all the memories take place. A whole life is shown with a marriage and having a child, growing old together until the couple loses their connected hands and also their physical connection with each other. Very powerful!!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/alzheimer_society_of_bc_brain_scan !

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFHgNuS_5XI&feature=player_embedded !

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CHILDREN DON´T LIE"Children have this amazing characteristic to say everything which crosses their mind and speak it out loudly. So why do adults always make simple situations and questions so complicated? How do adults always manage to turn simple questions and opinions into one of the most complicated ones? AT&T has the nation's largest 4G network and as explained by kids, bigger is better. It's not complicated.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/att_tree_house !

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGS90HEbP5U&feature=player_embedded! http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/att_laser_boy ! http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/att_grandma !

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WANT TO BE PERFECT?"These photos show an ordinary woman looking at her reflection. And like most women she finds something she doesn´t like on herself. What to do is the question? On the right sight there is a toolbox similarly to the one that photoshop uses. These photo series encourage us to think about the use of airbrushing and other tools used to to create ʻperfectʼ images that are not achievable in natural ways.!Via: http://www.psfk.com/2012/12/real-life-photoshop.html !

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SAFTY AT NIGHT"In the middle of the night pedestrians have a big problem because they won´t been seen in the dark where cars can easily overlook them and also the traffic signs. In light of their aim to create a ‚smarter planet, in order to make the world work better, IBM came up with the idea to create a flashing zebra crossing.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/ambient/ibm_flashing_zebra_crossing !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5mF4kYQiK8&feature=player_embedded !

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A DIFFERENT KIND OF TEST DRIVE"When someone wants to buy a car, a test drive is of course a common possibility. Nissan chooses to make the most out of this insight in the promotion of the new `Juke Nisimo´ which was launche within the driving game Asphalt 7: Heat. Everyone who plays this game, can therefore simultaneously experience a virtual test drive of the new car. Get ready to start your engines!!Via: http://www.psfk.com/2012/12/nissan-car-video-game.html !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wf5zpEXZ7mw !

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ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE..."Poor guy, he has to replicate the most popular scene from `Lady & the Tramp´ all alone or specifically, with a unhappy looking model from an advertising print campaign out of a magazine. Before you end up as desperate as this guy, use the help of the dating website, amour.com.!Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/12/amour-com-dating-website-spaghetti/ !

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WALL OF SHOES"One of the most common and effective ways to kill insects is a stomp of a shoe. Based on this information the idea of a can of Doom made out of shoes was born and got a lot of attention. On top of it there also existed the challenge to guess how many shoes were needed for the can. A great idea which deserved the success it got.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/outdoor/tiger_brands_doom_wall_of_shoes !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpoKjSCpR2Y&feature=player_embedded !

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WHAT IS YOUR UNLIMITED LOVE?"Let New York know your answer! With the help of the unlimited data courtesy of the Sprint mobile network, this isn´t an issue anymore. Tweet your answer and at the same time read the opinions from other people at the interaction board on Times Square. Share all your unlimited loves in New York City and get new inspirations as to what other people love.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/outdoor/sprint_unlimited_love_billboard !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeQXVgbl2Ic&feature=player_embedded !

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ZOOM IN"The first impression of this picture could be: beautiful, detailed or amazing- just simply through the talent of the artist. But behind that it is so much more: all the lines and shadings are made out of signatures! The purpose of the campaign is to make sure that the connection between the `March of Dimes´ organization that improves the health of mothers and babies and their biggest fundraiser `Signature Chefs Auction´ is highlighted. More specifically, that a signature can mean so much.!Via: http://www.welovead.com/en/works/details/70dEhlxE !

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HELP NOW"In Germany, one in every four women is threatened and beaten by her partner, as stated at the beginning of the video. But statistics like this are just numbers we hear daily. However the cooperation between `BFF´(Women against Violence Organization ) and the magazine `Vogue´ reveals the issue by making use of the manner with which we interact with the iPad. As you flick through the Vogue images, the sweeping hand motion has quite a different effect on one of the images....check it out!!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/online/frauen_gegen_gewalt_beating_facts !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDke5_t2Wkw&feature=player_embedded !

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LET´S LIGHT A CANDLE!"In the video you can see a huge christmas tree made out auf tealights which looks beautiful and festive when the tree is lit. But the main idea behind this picture is that everyone can light a candle on their website, you just have to log into facebook. For every burning tealight the Danish red cross spends money.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/online/adtomic_communications_agency_christmas_card_for_charity !

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gEKV601jybM !

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BETTER EARLIER THAN LATER"Drinking and driving- there exist plenty of videos, ambient installations and print campaigns regarding prevention. And despite these people still keep doing it. The Red cross thought that they have to step in earlier - meaning before people can even start. They put a protection advise directly on the bottle. Letʻs hope that this direct marketing approach will make a difference.!Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/12/roadcross-dont-drink-and-drive/ !

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NOTHING MATTERS"In these busy times it isn´t easy to just sit down, relax and read a newspaper without hesitation. But when you get time youʻre in your own world and often donʻt notice what is going on around them- no matter how unbelievable it is. The simple reason for this complete absorption is the power of newspapers, showcasing that newspapers are in fact capable of holding their readersʻ attention.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/ambient/newspaperswork_6_things_you_can_miss_while_reading_a_newspaper !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e512_OxFWyM&feature=player_embedded !

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ONE OF A KIND"Normally advertising for cars are about the benefits, saving and showing how beautiful the car looks. But this advertising isn´t the ordinary kind, it is about you- the person who should buy this car, it is about the people who are all different individuals because: `You are you. One of a kind, outstanding, amazing, a single mind!ʻ and you need a car that is as unique as you. !!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/opelvauxhall_adam_one_of_a_kind !

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbkUJMCZ0c8&feature=player_embedded !

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SOCIAL CURRENCY"Kellogs has opened its first Tweet Shop in London. To promote the new Special K Cracker Crisps people can buy a bag of chips paying via tweets and therefore increasing Kellogʻs viral spread. Definitely a great futuristic advertising model, since existing studies prove that user recommendations in social media lead to a higher and more credible advertising effect. Seems like we will see those social currency models more and more.!Via: http://www.adverblog.com/2012/12/07/brands-cashing-in-social-currency/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KWSRRLFPCYk!

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KEEP IT WARM"In winter everyone has got hats, caps or earflaps. But this hat is one which no one other will have. So if you try to shine out this is your accessoire must-have for this season. But this style also shows that it it doesn´t matter to look like the other this hat is about the individuality, own creativity and that the `just me´matters- like in a lot of new advertising.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-gifts-2012-11#beanie-with-a-beard-for-29-beardo-is-the-worlds-only-beanie-with-a-built-in-beard-made-from-soft-acrylic-this-tightly-knit-cap-and-face-warmer-is-perfect-for-skiing-snowboarding-hiking-or-making-the-rounds-at-the-grocery-store-the-detachable-beard-can-be-adjusted-if-you-have-a-larger-head-or-need-double-warmth-over-your-real-beard--beard-adjustment-ranges-up-to-55-5!

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SORRY, I JUST SING UNDER THE SHOWER!"A lot of people hate to sing in front of others, so the sentence in the headline is one of the most used excuses. But singing under the shower with no music? Or singing under the shower and cranking up the volume at the radio in the bath to annoy the neighbours? Never again! The new showerhead with wireless speakers take the music right under the shower so you can perform a little private concert or practice for an emergency situation- like karaoke. The mainpoint of this gadget is: It adapts in your world and our life. Do what you want at the time that you want.!Via: http://www.getthefive.com/articles/the-idealist/the-moxie-showerhead-wireless-speaker-because-we-a/ !

Watch it on: http://www.us.kohler.com/us/Moxie%E2%84%A2-Showerhead-+-Wireless-Speaker/content/CNT16200089.htm !

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AESTHETIC AND PRAGMATIC"This gadget which looks like a bonsai tree isn´t just art for the office, it also gathers solar power. With this new product which as been launched at Kickstarter you are able to charge the battery of smartphones, iPhones or iPads. The role model which inspired one of the three creators Vivien Muller was nature, which has got the best capture of solar energy. A great way to make renewable energy options visually pleasing!!Via: http://www.zurmat.com/2012/12/01/solar-powered-electric-bonsai-tree-–-electree-charges-your-electronics/ !

Watch it on: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/electree/electree-the-electric-bonsai-tree-for-your-home-or-0 !

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ALL-ROUNDER"Plenty of furniture isn´t suitable with little flats- such as mattress. So it is always a challenge when somebody is sleeping over and a comfortable sleeping option has to be found. But with the chairbed there are two furnitures in one and all the problems will never happen again. We can expect more of these multi-functional furniture pieces to pop up given their versatility and money as well as space saving properties. !Via: http://www.zurmat.com/2012/12/06/the-paq-chairbed/ !

Watch on: http://vimeo.com/28350027 !

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STORE 3.0 - SEAMLESS SHOPPING EXPERIENCES"Over the last years the experiences of shopping ran through significant changes. Conditioned by the birth of the internet and social media platforms, todayʻs shopping is driven by a higher social component due to all the reviews, ratings and recommendations you can find in the internet and social media. This so-called „digital word of mouth“ has proven to be stronger than classic advertising.!As a matter of fact people still search for a physical shopping experience, but with a seamless integration of online worlds. According to Deloitte analysts this seamless model is called Store 3.0 – and is the future of retail.!

Via: http://popsop.com/59674!

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I KNOW YOU!"Everyone should know that all the information from facebook, twitter and surveys are saved and that today people are similar to glass- namely transparent. Nowadays it has nothing to do with super powers to know everything about a person. This video reveals what goes on behind the scenes, drawing peopleʻs attention to the fact that their entire life can be found online. Itʻs a powerful reminder to everyone to be careful. Maybe think twice because every information will and can be used and perhaps you don´t want every information to be puplic... .!Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2012/12/febelfin-amazing-mind-reader/ !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7pYHN9iC9I&feature=player_embedded !

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HOW MUCH DOES THE END OF THE WORLD COST?"Dec. 21, the Mayan Calendar´s end date have dominated the media and plenty of theories about what will really happen have scattered. But the interesting part about this phenomen is how much money people can make with the end of the world. `End of the world packages´ which includes hotel or Mayan inspired spa treatments were made for people who believe in the end of the world and also want to experience this event. But also people who didn´t believe in the apocalypse didn´t pass up a golden opportunity to celebrate a party. Doomsday really was this yearʻs best marketing opportunity.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/marketers-and-advertisers-apocalypse-2012-12 !

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BRANDS THAT WILL MAKE THEIR MARK IN 2013"In this interesting article below, John Nunziato gives a forecast on brands with a high potential to make their mark in 2013. One of his first picks is the notorious car marker Jaguar, that is about to play a big role in the luxury carmaker category this year. It is hitting the market with its iconic but also innovative design and new fuel efficient technologies. Another interesting brand to watch in 2013 is the shoe maker „Clarks Shoes“, that stands for simplicity, solid old world style and affordable pricing. Having a great celebrity fan base with stars like Robert Pattinson having their back, 2013 could really turn into a wake-up call for this quieter brand. !The whole article is found here: http://popsop.com/60128!

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ANNUALLY THE SAME"Every year on the 31st of December people are asked about their intentions and changes for the next year. But has it always to be the start of the year to restart issues or unlearn bad habits? Making changes can happen all the time- if you really want to! For example: One of the most intentions for the next year is to lose weight. When the spring begins many people do the `spring cleaning.´ So why don´t brands which advertise diet products or fitness studios use this time to change peopleʻs lifes too, as opposed to focusing on the 1st of January? Maybe under the slogan: ‚Spring clean yourselfʻ. Following on from this food for thought..... ! ! !!

! ! ! !HAPPY NEW YEAR! !

http://www.travelproducts.com/blog/kids-new-years-destinations/ !

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Released by Planning Department FrankfurtDecember 2012 For submission of interesting news, inspiration and comments please submit to [email protected]