Cultural probing – a playful and innovative way of carrying out qualitative research - Deutsche Telekom

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  1. 1. Cultural probing a playful and innovative way of carrying outqualitative researchAnnette Bhmer, Senior Insights & Ideation Manager, Berlin, April 2013.
  2. 2. Deutsche Telekom Telekom Innovation Laboratories Creation CenterMe
  3. 3. Creation Center:A pla&orm for crea-ng ideas based on human needs. 3
  4. 4. Creation Center motto:Seeing what everyone else has seen, but thinking what no one has thought!!
  5. 5. Process step 1: Research Its all about getting inspired. Every Crea-on Center process starts with observing the everyday life of people. Based on what we see in the research, we iden-fy opportuni-es. 5
  6. 6. Therefore we give out homework. These cultural probes unveil details of peoples daily life secrets, hidden needs, wishes, frustra-ons 6
  7. 7. What are cultural probes? Hand-made self observa-on kits that help to collect samples from peoples lifes. Origin: Bill Gaver, Tony Dunne, Elena Pacen- introduced this technique in 1999 in the magazine Interac-ons. Deni+on: Cultural probes are samples from other peoples daily lifes vivid, hap-c, colourful, playful, individual and surprising. To get them, the researcher has to create liRle packages , self-observa-on kits. 7
  8. 8. Working with cultural probes: We are inspiring our par-cipants to inspire us. 8
  9. 9. Advantages of cultural probes: Cultural probes are authen-c, tangible and s-cky. Advantages: Authen-c and tangible results Cost & -me ecient compared to home visits Low inuence of researcher High involvement of par-cipant Triggers crea-vity of people to come up with their own ideas We are close to people without being there, even in moments when people want to be leX alone Helps to iden-fy most interes-ng par-cipants for further ethnographic 9deep-dive or co-crea-on workshop
  10. 10. Downsides of cultural probes: Cultural probes are quite -me consuming, you have to be crea-ve! Downsides Requires prepara-on -me Needs graphic skills Might overstrain normal people 10
  11. 11. Creating cultural probes: Invest as much eort as you want the par-cipants to invest. Rules: The more eort you put into crea-ng the self observa-on kits, the more inspira-on you will get Find a playful and unique layout Speak an easy to understand language Use high quality material, pens, s-ckers, etc Guiding Principle: Focus the topic but leave space for surprises! Recommended: Make a pretest 11 Explain the probes face-to-face
  12. 12. Types of cultural probes: Find the right probe-type to record the most interes-ng events. Types of cultural probes: diaries collec-on bags/ jars photo/ video tasks maps tagging of objects love-/ hateleRers issue cards screenshots 12
  13. 13. Example 1: Maps. How can we enhance community interac-on on mobile phones? 13
  14. 14. Example 2: Spontaneous videos. A strong research provides us with personal, spicy, in-mate and undigested stories. We sent tasks by text message for spontaneous reac-ons. 14
  15. 15. Example 3: Video tasks. It provides a universal language that is understandable for all involved in the project. 15
  16. 16. Example 4: Collection jars. Finds from people tell you stories. 16
  17. 17. Example 4: Letters. Let people write leRers they contain their desires, honest opinions. 17
  18. 18. Return of Cultural Probes: Use the cultural probes as inspira-on for an idea-on workshop. Co-Crea+on: Get the probes back several days before the scheduled workshop Invite the most interes-ng persons Let the par-cipants present their probes Extract interes-ng insights together Co-create solu-ons Have fun! 18
  19. 19. Presentation of Cultural Probes: Let the par-cipants present their probes. Presenta+on Challenge: Select the most interes-ng probes for the presenta-on All selected probes should get an addi-onal reward Bonus reward if someone delivers a very interes-ng insight Have fun!
  20. 20. Rewarding of Cultural Probes: Transparent rewarding system helps to enhance the quality of probes. Par+cipants get inven+ve depending on the quality of their probe: Put price tags on every probe Give an example of a probe that was returned by somebody else Make transparent that only complete probes will be rewarded Pay 10-15 per hour 20
  21. 21. More info about the Creation Center Visit our homepage: Check out our book: Like us on facebook: facebook/crea-oncenter Thank You!Annette.Boehmer@ 21