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to study the Security issues of security in cloud computing in the malaysian health sector

Research Proposal

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The field of cloud computing is still developing and in Malaysia the scenario is no different. In

Malaysian health care sector there are various organizations that focus on implementing cloud

computing but eventually they fail to do so because of the various security issues involved with

the process. There are also various factors related to adoption of cloud computing such as the

need to adopt new trends in technology, effective cost management, effective cloud computing

management and reliable data being obtained from the application on demand (Abukhousa et al,

2012). However as the server of cloud computing is open, it is often misused for illegal purposes

especially in the health care sector such as to gain information of patients from electronic health


There are various researchers and several organizations that have agreed on the fact that cloud

computing will help in providing definition to a new trend in the coming few years as it will

impact almost all businesses with regard to the way they function. Companies related to creation

of large technologies are investing a large sum on developing their infrastructure, enhancing their

services, looking for tools that can help in cloud computing facilitation along with using cloud

computing in businesses so as to gain benefit out of the process (ENISA, 2009). Cloud

computing in health care businesses of Malaysia has a diversified, complicated and unique

scenario as there are various barriers existing such as health record protection from members and

HIPAA guidelines being followed as established by regulations to monitor federal compliance.

Additionally, the rising healthcare solutions cost has added further to the problem. Actions have

been taken for reducing consumer costs and a major role will be played by IT to achieve and

improve the patient’s clinical outcomes with quality in Malaysia (Eichelberg et al, 2005). It also

becomes intriguing to understand the way in which cloud computing in Malaysian health care

sector needs to be addresses to the security issues of the process. The main aim of this paper has

been justified by exploring the present state and security issues of cloud computing within

Malaysian health care industry in order to present suggestions for negating these security issues.

Keywords: healthcare, security issues, cloud computing, Malaysia, Electronic health records


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Table of Contents


1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................2

1.1 Research Problem.............................................................................................................3

1.2 Research Significance.......................................................................................................3

1.3 Research Question.............................................................................................................4

Main research Question...........................................................................................................4


1.4 Aims and Objectives.........................................................................................................4

2. Literature Review (900 words)................................................................................................4

2.1 Adoption of Cloud computing..........................................................................................4

3. Methodology (300 words).......................................................................................................5

4. Results and Discussion (200 words)........................................................................................5

5. Recommendations and Conclusion (200 words).....................................................................5


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1. Introduction

In the current period, cloud computing is a new technology which organizations use without

much data on the application and so often they end up failing in efficient implementation of the

same. The model of cloud computing consists of wider data rages and several store of

application. Furthermore, the model consists of stored networks through which users through

internet are able to access servers located in distant locations.

However, when companies consider to apply cloud computing, consumers of healthcare have to

have a clear knowledge of the applications benefits and associated risks in order to set

expectation that are realistic with regard to provider of cloud (Disha et al, 2013). Different

models need to be considered such as Infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and

software as a service as every model is responsible to bring several needs and responsibilities.

Models of cloud deployment need to be heavily weighed under decisions made strategically.

Cloud users face challenges of security not only externally but also internally. Most of the

matters of security are involved in cloud protection from barriers externally. In the cloud,

however, the responsibility of information security is shared by several clients (DesRouches et

al, 2008). These clients are inclusive of user of cloud, the CSPs and several other providers of

service on which the customer depends upon for obtaining software security sensitive

configurations in the health sector of Malaysia. The CSP here implies the security provision

given physically and external policies of firewall application.

This research proposal has been based in order to identify and briefly describe the issues in

health care sector of Malaysia in order to establish practical recommendations to deal with these


1.1 Research Problem

The research problem of this thesis will lies in the research statement, “to study the impact of

security issues related to cloud computing in the industry of health care, Malaysia”.

1.2 Research Significance

Users of cloud computing face challenges of security and most of these issues are related to

lesser protected cloud from threats externally existing. In Malaysia health sector, there have been

various examples wherein cloud computing usage has been found risky such as with regard to

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electronic health records. It is important for health care institutions to maintain data

confidentiality and privacy as it involves patient’s individual data that is highly sensitive due to

being personal. There exists a gap in literature mainly because it has yet not been understood that

the infrastructure of cloud computing has the capability of supporting sensitive information

storage without breaking regulations of privacy (Amatayakul, 1999). Systems of cloud

authorization are believed to be strong and authorization can only be attained by correct

username and password but the cloud infrastructure is wide and involves complications posing

security challenges which need to be understood. The significance of this research lies in

understanding and filling this gap and adding relevance to future researches.

1.3 Research Question

Main research Question

What are the security issues associated with cloud computing in the Malaysian health care

industry and how can they be dealt?


What are the challenges faced by Malaysia health sector in association to cloud

computing usage?

Is an improvement possible?

How can recommendations help in solving the security issues?

1.4 Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research lies in understanding completely the problems of cloud computing and

the issues of security involved with it within the industry of Malaysian health care. The objective

of this study on the other hand lies in the following (Buvya et al, 2009):

To study the influence of cloud computing security issues on the industry of Malaysian

health sector.

To study the way by which these security issues can be dealt with.

2. Literature Review (900 words)

2.1 Adoption of Cloud computing

The innovation theory of distribution as established by Roger helps in understanding why

innovative cloud computing practices are being adopted by industries all across the world. Cloud

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computing is that model which helps attain convenience, on-demand access to network, shared

configuration of computable resources from resource pools such as servers, applications and

freedom from making efforts in managing the interaction with service provider. The cloud

computing upsurge has opened new doors for Malaysian health care deliver (Alvarez, 2004). The

network model of cloud computing has its basis on the thought of subcontracting the setup of

information technology for several service provides making the facilities and resources of health

care to be available on demand. The main challenge of cloud computing security lies in the fact

that the hardware is not controlled by the owner working on the information (Chhanabhai et al,

2007). Therefore, cloud computing requires a new model of security for Electronic Health

records that can help in distributing the responsible security existence between providers of

cloud services, the users and the clients. More and more researchers have used services of cloud

computing for solving various issues in information technology adoption in Malaysian healthcare

sector but there have been very limited research to integrate the cloud services with EHR (the

significant issue existing). By analyzing the problems of cloud computing integration with regard

to systems of health care such as EHR, several changes can be worked upon to simplify the

health industry operations in Malaysia.

2.2 Cloud Computing and Healthcare:

In a versatile application is created for walking electro-cardio graphic observing focused around

Android and IoS (iPhone Operating System). (Chowdhury, 2014, p. 5478)This application helps

medicinal work force to guide diagnose methodology effectively utilizing their cell phone and

deal with the day by day exercises associating distinctive zones. Kardia board is utilized to

procure ECG information from patient and this information is sent to cell phone (Android

telephone or telephone use Apple IOS).(Chowdhury, 2014) The created application at cell phone

examinations, transforms, and transfers information to remote server in cloud where further

transforming is carried out. The application helps specialists and patients to get to, view and

screen the patient wellbeing status. By utilizing this application, specialists have the capacity get

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ECG waveform from information bases in cell phones which may lead the conclusion to genuine

issues. The disservice is that the created application can be utilized just on Android based

telephone or apple IoS telephone.(Chowdhury, 2014) The creators of have created a wearable –

material stage focused around open equipment and programming that gathers movement and

pulse information and stores them remotely on an open Cloud framework for observing and

further preparing. Sensors are connected to patient body which gathers bio-signal (heart rate,

heartbeat rate, circulatory strain and temperature), movement information of the patient and send

information to the cell phone of patient utilizing Bluetooth link.(Chowdhury, 2014) Cell phone

advances information to Google Cloud Service focus utilizing REST Web administrations.

(Chowdhury, 2014)Creators use java based application in cloud for information transforming and

sending wellbeing caution to patient. In cloud Google diagram is utilized for information

visualization. In paper, creators utilize cloud computing to unite distinctive restorative

foundations at Malaysia to impart therapeutic data. In wellbeing area medicinal applications can

be stacked into cloud's dynamic surroundings and treating the therapeutic gadgets as the piece of

the cloud, where programming modules are consequently sent on interest at the point when

needed with proper assets which can enhance restorative usefulness. (Chowdhury, 2014)

Neighborhood HIMS (Hospital Management Information framework) is facilitated into cloud.

Likewise this framework associate distinctive therapeutic gadgets in cloud to enhance their

handling capacity. TCLOUD proposes a home health awareness framework utilizing cloud

computing. In TCLOUD framework patients, therapeutic staff's and specialists will be associated

with get distinctive administrations. (Chowdhury, 2014)The administrations gave are medication

treatments administration (to enhancing consistence with specialist proposals), rest and light

administration (slumber checking) and physical action administration of patients. (Chowdhury,

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2014)To execute TCLOUD OPENSTACK is utilized as IAAS. Quick segment of open Stack is

utilized to give database usefulness by means of excess stockpiling and NOVA part enables

Virtual machines. Apache is utilized as web server and Mysql as database server. (Chowdhury,

2014) Client speaks with the TCLOUD through a Web Portal and SOAP interface. STRIDE

strategy is utilized for security danger demonstrating. LIDDUN system is utilized for protection

string displaying and gear elicitation.(Chowdhury, 2014)

2.3 Advantages & Disadvantages of Cloud computing in a healthcare setting:

Cloud computing is helpful and decently acknowledged by business group however it is

generally new to the healthcare business. (Siang, 2010)Utilization of this innovation in

healthcare industry is by and large restricted by the concerns of how to classify of the patients'

information. In perspective of an incredible capability of helpful patient information stockpiling

and offering got from this cloud computing abilities, the utilization and the expectation to utilize

the innovation warrant legitimate investigation. (Siang, 2010) Obstruction to the reception of the

innovation needs to be investigated particularly by clinic heads. Customary system for medicinal

record stockpiling is not successful.(Siang, 2010) Paper stockpiling restrains flow of restorative

data due to its mass and the requirement for manual recovery and transportation. There is

additionally stockpiling issue by expanding number of patients with time. In addition, paper-

based medicinal record made duplication of record troublesome. Losing a patient envelope

normally means losing part or the majority of the persistent restorative data permanently. This

missing data will conceivably prompt duplication of unnecessary techniques and examinations.

Erroneous medicine may happen and this is the primary preventable therapeutic lapse which

spares life. (Siang, 2010)Making patient restorative record accessible whenever and anyplace by

means of innovation advancement permits specialist to settle on precise choice. In any case, there

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are likewise burdens which join the appropriation of the cloud innovation.(Siang, 2010) The

merchants serve huge customer base with institutionalized item. Certain peculiarities which are

discriminating to the association may not be accessible and the doctor's facility is thinking that it

exceptionally hard to work around with the condition without a group of in-house IT specialists

since the administration has been outsourced. This condition constrains the control of the

doctor's facility's IT assets. (Siang, 2010)

As of late, the traditionalist open financed healthcare framework in United Kingdom- National

Health System (NHS) reported the plan to move its restorative database to cloud. (Siang, 2010)

An organization called Flexient has been designated to begin the pilot venture. (Siang,

2010)Presently, with the cloud computing, NHS's patient can expect better correspondence

between their General Practitioner (GP) and the healing facility advisors, but in the meantime

they have complete control over who ought to be permitted to view their therapeutic record.

(Siang, 2010) The move highlighted the vital part of the innovation in future healthcare.

3. Methodology Research Design

The research has been designed in a mixed way. Both primary as well as secondary sources will

be reviewed in the course of this research. By Secondary sources, we mean work done by

previous researches on the subject, including, but not limited to various journals, articles, reports

and white papers by eminent scholars. The primary research will be conducted in various health

care settings in Malaysia, with the aim to identify the problems in cloud computing and the

problems faced by healthcare professionals or institutions with respect to Cloud Computing,

especially the security risks involved.

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Data Collection

Data collection will be carried out in five top hospitals in Malaysia, all of which used Cloud Computing. A questionnaire which has been prepared [attached below] will be uploaded on Surveymonkey.com and the participants shall be asked to answer some open ended as well as close ended questions.

Sample population

The general population for the purpose of this study is all the healthcare professionals in

Malaysia, who may be medical doctors, nurses, clinic specialists etc.

As it is not possible to survey the entire population, a smaller sample has been chosen, which

comprises of 100 healthcare professionals and administrative staff working in 5 hospitals over


Data Analysis instrument (interviews or questionnaire)

Sample Questionnaire:

1. Work done at the hospital:

Medical Professional

Lab Assistant


2. Age:



Above 45

3. Technology makes most tasks easy

Strongly Agree


Do not know


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Strongly Disagree

4. Do you have any experience in using any form of electronic medical record?



5. Have you ever used Cloud Computing for medical records?






6. Use of cloud computing or any other electronic form of medical records shall:

Make my work easier

Have no effect on my work

Make my work more difficult

7. What is your opinion of the Cloud Computing for medical records?

8. What problems do you face while using the Cloud Computing System?

9. Do you prefer any other system than Cloud Computing? If Yes, Please mention which and why.

10. Additional comments that you may have.


4. Results and DiscussionThe results of the primary research will be classified according to the work done by the

respondents. That is, it will be initially divided according to Health care professionals, Lab

Assistants and Administration Staff. A propensity toward the use of technology shall be

measured. Respondents with a low propensity will be weighted 1, and ones with a high

propensity toward technology will be weighted 5. Similarly other respondents will be weighted

2, 3 or 4 as per their propensity toward technology. The logic of using weights is to try and

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negate the biases some people have towards technology. In the analysis using multivariate

techniques, it is important that there is a test of normality. Hence, we will assume the distribution

to be normal when it comes to dependency on variables.

5. Recommendations and Conclusion With the study, at slightest the analyst will likely have more thought what are the primary

concerns of potential end client. The worry is essential as it may be the potential hindrance of

item buy and selection. The consequence of the study is essential in controlling the configuration

of the engineering and its peculiarities. It's additionally essential in managing outline of

showcasing project to advance the use. The study would expect end client of cloud computing

base EMR will in any event be less impervious to the beginning selection if a percentage of the

essential concerns are tended to. On the other hand, consequent use and its joining into every day

work without getting around the innovation will be difficult to be anticipated with the aftereffect

of the study. The gimmicks of the innovation also how it fit into the work process and cognitive

methodology of therapeutic experts will be critical. Dissimilar to other engineering for instance

cell telephone and web keeping money, the methodologies that took care of by the innovation is

less difficult and the client is primarily overall population. Cloud based EMR engineering is

diverse as it is considerably more unpredictable and the end client is medicinal experts The study

populace is decently instructed and the majority of them have great information about machine

and web.

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