Business Development? Are you satisfied with your overall If not, what are you doing about it ?

Business Development Process

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Are you satisfied with your overall

If not, what are you doing about it ?


• If we agree growth is critical, the next question we have to address is, why do companies have such difficulty adding new and profitable business? In my nearly 40 years of experience I’ve learned there are numerous reasons. In fact I published an eBook, “The Top 11 Barriers to Business Development. You can get a free copy by clicking on the title.

Let’s start with agreeing that all businesses need to grow. If you aren’t growing, adding new customers and new products and services you’re dying. The markets and customers today are changing too rapidly for any business to be stagnant.

IntroductionMy experience, from working with small and mid-sized businesses, has taught me that few have a repeatable process for business development.

For many, BD is a marketing and sales function, and in the worst cases a sales only function.

Too many isolate sales and marketing activity from the balance of the organization.

Real business development doesn’t just grow the top line it builds value for stakeholders.

Repeatable business development requires a process and clear strategy.

There is a process for repeatable business development and growth

Vision It’s not a flowery statement!

• If you can’t articulate your vision clearly how are your employees supposed to be engaged and excited about it?

• You will decide and document:

Where you want to go

What markets and products or services you’ll provide

What you WON’T do

How you’ll measure success

• Deliverable - your target that everything else you do is measured against.

I’ll work with you to develop a clear direction for your business tied to your personal goals. (after all that’s why you’re in business right?)

S.W.O.T. Where are you now?If you think that’s obvious, you haven’t looked hard enough!

• Internal



• External



• You will be required to defend all of your assumptions.

• Deliverable - Critical goals to get you on the road to your vision

Unique Value Proposition

• Business development begins and ends with the value you provide to your customer. If you can’t define it, you’re seen in their eyes as the same as everyone else. If you’re the same as everyone else you compete on price.

• There is a lot of information aimed at your customers, you have to rise above the noise! To do that you have to have something interesting to say and be consistent in delivery.

• You cannot have a compelling marketing message, or an effective sales presentation as a “me too”!

• Deliverable- The core of your future marketing and sales efforts.

Your UVP is the core of your marketing and sales strategy. To learn more get a copy of our free eBook, “How to differentiate your company from 95% of your competition” Click here

Business Development Plan

Define your ideal buyer

• What are their specific needs?

• How you’ll meet those needs better than your competition

• Your lead generation strategy

• Your marketing plan, how you’ll reach them

• Website evaluation and inbound marketing strategy. (make your website an active part of BD)

• Your tactical sales plan

• Your investment strategy (CapEx and human resources to support your strategy)

• Your key performance indicators

• Deliverable- The core of your repeatable business development strategy

After addressing your internal operations, and your external competition and markets,you are now ready for your business Development plan.


All plans are useless without execution.

• We will review key indicators on a regular basis


Marketing effectiveness

Sales performance

Critical goal attainment

Shifts in market or customer trends requiring adjustment

• Deliverable- Accountability, results.

Best Practices

We will evaluate your company using our survey tool. We’ll use this as a roadmap to prioritize and address your needs.

We will introduce you to marketing software that you can use to automate lead generation activities.

• Deliverables- Honest non-threatening feedback, and innovation.

Want to learn more?

Contact us

Measurable Results LLC
