
Beautiful Landscape Designs In California

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Skipping a weekly mowing.

This seems harmless but can cause lastingdamage. Extended gaps betweenmowings allow lawns to grow tall andshaggy rather than thick and dense. Ifdone repeatedly, fewer blades of grass willgrow because tall grass will block out thesun. When that tall grass finally is mowed,the gaps between the blades will be largeenough for weeds to take hold.


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Excess fertilizer could seriously dehydrategrass, something known as “burning” thelawn. And even if a lawn escapes this fate,the excess fertilizer could make the grassgrow faster than normal, potentially leadingto scalping of the lawn when it is mowed,as discussed earlier.


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Not knowing what type of grass you have.

Do you want to have a great lawn and youneed to know what type of grass you have.After all, things like fertilization, water use,mowing height and frequency, as well asweed and pest control treatments may bedependent upon what type of grass isgrowing on your lawn. If you incorrectlyidentify your grass, you could inadvertentlyend up using the wrong type of treatment.

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Overwatering And Bagging grass

Watering your mature, healthy lawn every day, or even every other day, is the definition of overwatering. This is wrong no matter what other people tell you or what your neighbors do! What is wrong with watering like this?

•Overwatering wastes time and money and contributes to pollution

•Excessive fertilizer applications are needed

•Shallowly rooted plants are easily stressed

•Overwatered lawns have more weeds

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Ignoring a new home’s special lawn needs.

When a home is built, the surrounding landoften is reshaped to encourage water to runaway from the structure. One unintendedconsequence when the lawn is first plantedis that it might be planted in soil that untilvery recently was subsoil, not topsoil. Subsoilhas not had plants growing in it—then dyingand decaying in it—so it lacks the nutrientsthat grass needs to thrive.

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