PRESENTED TO Khan Muhammad Saqiful Alam (Sqi) Lecturer - North South University - summer 2014 Date of submission 13 August 2014

Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

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Page 1: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone


Khan Muhammad Saqiful Alam (Sqi)

Lecturer - North South University - summer 2014

Date of submission 13 August 2014

Page 2: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

Table of contents:

Topics Page

Introduction 1

Company background 2

Operations analysis 3-8

4V Polar and PLC 3-4

Process maps 5-7

Quick wins 8

Operations improvement 9-12

Fishbone 9

Statistical process control 10-11

Waiting line 12

Page 3: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

Executive summary

Findings were remarkable in terms of the current image Grameenphone holds in the

Market.Though known as the market leaders in terms of share , Grameenphones operations

had some major loopholes with regards to time management and stakeholder satisfaction. In

its Human Resource section , starting from entry of a new employee to firing an employee

,some delayed processes are currently are widely practiced that are highlighted in the report.

In addition to that, from the consumer end ,what are the possible shortcomings ,that has also

been focused in the report.Overall in the short span of time under limitations of our survey

and research, our utmost dedication was served with accordance to what we were taught in

the class to make the final report. The most alarming possibilities in future of Grameenphone

were also addressed due to the heavy dominance and entry of diversified business of its

competitors naming Robi ,Banglalink , Airtel Bangladesh and so on. The main goal of this

report was to figure out possible shortcomings that are currently prevalent and should be

taken care of by the authority of Grameenphone. With its futuristic approach ,the report

would suggest some light of hope for the company through competitive recommendations.

Page 4: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone


This report is meant to focus primarily on selected operational improvements of

GRAMEENPHONE TELECOM LTD, BANGLADESH and also endeavours to evaluate the

quality and standards of operations management of this chosen company.GRAMEENPHONE

TELECOM LTD is one of the leading telecommunication companies in Bangladesh which

occupies the top position among its competitors through providing impenetrable network

coverage all over the country.

The main goal of this report is to conduct a quality audit and identify the quality gaps and to

take effective measures to fill those quality gaps of GRAMEENPHONE TELECOM LTD.

The scopes of the improvements are immense considering the vast possibilities of the

company. Not only could these corrections take company to a whole new level of perfection

in terms of its operations, but also it could help them to reduce the recent growing customer

dissatisfaction as a whole.

Since the operations are huge considering its reach in terms of the great population it covers,

working on GrameenPhone has been a challenging task for us due to time constraints and

privacy policy of the respective company. So time and privacy policy have been our



Page 5: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

Company background:

The operations that GrameenPhone deals with are Telephony, Internet, Customer Service

Front End such as, Grameenphone Centers (GPC) , Service Touch Points (STP), and

Franchise (GPCF), Customer Service Back End (The largest Call Center of Bangladesh

which has been continuously providing 121 inbound and outbound service to the customers

24x7 around the country), MobiCash (Utility billings and e-ticketing service) etcetera. Their

internal operations include Human Resource, Marketing, etc. We chose to work with three

processes, Customer service, Complain Handling (HR) and Recruitment of the company .

We chose GrameenPhoneTo dig into the operations and service management of the best

Telco of our country and work with the loopholes. The vast business scape of Grameenphone

gave us bigger scopes to work with. The ever growing Tele Communications industry was a

better option for us to choose to do group work since we had adequate idea through real life

experiences and academic experiences as well. We had convenient access to information and

communication of this company hence we decided to work with GP .


Page 6: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

Operations analysis:

4V Polar diagram and PLC matching:

Customer service, both back and from end of Grameenphone deals with a wide range of

customers as they hold the first position in market share acquiring. They cannot emphasize on

the variety due to the mass demand, hence the variety of their service remains at the lower

end. The variation in problem solving demand from the customer end is pretty low. Their

visibility of service in front end is moderate but the back end hotline services have almost

Zero visibility


Page 7: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

In terms of cost efficiency, Grameenphone follows industry average rates hence the cost

does not give them any competitive advantage. According to last country oriented survey

conducted by BTCL, Gp got 4th position in terms of Dependability. While waiting in the

queue over phone or at the customer care point, the customers do not get any sort of

flexibility from the Grameenphone authority.. Still Grameenphone ensures when a customer

is served, he/she is served with the best possible solution of a problem or a query. So quality

of service is high.. Average call handling time AHT is 1:50 min/call for Consumer &

business CNB customers who are normal end users, for Star users AHT is 2:00 minutes and

for Platinum or the premium users AHT is 2:20 minutes.

Grameenphone being the market leaders for years now has been facing enormous competition

from the gigantic competitors such as Robi Axiata Ltd, Banglalink, Airtel and so on. In terms

on customer service of both front end and back end,Grameenphone has reached its mature

state in its life cycle, hence likewise the qualifier is supposed to be Cost.

Summing up, the major discrepancy of PLC of Grameenphone to its Polar Diagram shall be,

‘’Cost’’ and ‘’Dependability’’. Although theory suggests that a mature company should be

abided as a dependable one by the customers, but interestingly Gp got 4th position in terms of

‘’Dependability’’ according to last country oriented survey conducted by BTCL. In addition,

‘’Cost’’ does not give a leading edge to the biggest Telecommunication of our country.


Page 8: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

Process Maps:

Existing Process Map1

Improved Process Map 1


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Existing Process Map 2:

Improved Process Map 2:


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Existing process map 3 :

Improved process map 3:


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Quick wins :

Process 1:

o With the introduction of software for assessing candidates through CGPA and other

competencies ,it will reduce time and money for company.

Process 2:

o With the introduction of new hotline number dedicated to only connecting customer

managers,it will reduce the wait time of custoemrs,in return customers will be more

satisfied.Grameen Phone will be able to serve more customers due to increased

service speed.

o Deduction of ‘’language ‘’ will reduce the wait time by 90 seconds approximately

since its not a very important tool, the customer mangers get no different signals for

Bangla and English requests, they set it up while they talk with customers.

Process 3:

o For process 3 we suggest the process of a defendant should end then and there if

he/she is not charged guilty, hence we deduct the ‘memo’ from the process.

o If the person is found not guilty, then there is no point going for additional steps like

memo and request for the file to be closed.


Page 12: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

Operations Improvement:

Fishbone of customer dissatisfaction:

Customer dissatisfaction


Prioritize factors of dissatisfaction.

Through follow ups and survey, customer care should be integrated more ,in return

the dependability should be enhanced

Benchmarking in terms of serving time should be widely practiced

Simplified service for the rural should be enhanced

Charging rate should be reconsidered through introduction of free hours

Redundant steps should be omitted

Lack of simplification

Lack of




Slow Speed of




for the rural


High charge

No advantage on


No stand out service

Lack of follow up


Lack of



Page 13: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

Statistical Process control for Customer Service:

(Specific query: changing the tariff plan)


7-8 pm

Time 1

8-9 pm

Time 2


Time 3

10-11 pm

Time 4

11pm-12 am

Time 5

duration minutes

(rounded up)

4 3 4 3 3

3 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4

4 5 3 6 5

3 5 5 5 6

=4.12 x 1= 3.6 x 2 =4.2 x 3=4 x 4 =4.4 x 5=4.4

= 2.2 1 =1 2 =2 3 =2 4 =3 5 =3

In our case UCL = +2.87 = 4.12+ (2.87X2.2)= 10.934

And LCL= = -2.87 = 4.12- (2.87X2.2) = -1.82

Control chart of

. . . . . .















UCL 10.434












. .


. .


7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12


Page 14: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone

The chart:

C . 0 . 0 . .

LCL = 0.10 X = .10 X 2.2 = 0.22

chart is our quality indicator that tells us how many minutes customers are served with

accordance of their query. Its seen that at around 10 pm and onwards, the number of minutes

spent on an average increases. The average processing time set by GP authority is around 2.2-

2.3 minutes but the graph shows the opposite picture.

From chart, time to quality ration tells us more the pressure increases -range increases, so

processing time increases in sum.

. . . . . .


























7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12


. .

. .




Page 15: Analysis of Operations on Grameenphone


Increase customer service personnel in peak hours

Reduce break times

Set benchmarks

Waiting Line:

For our case GrameenPhone:

Inter Arrival Time of each Call: 2-3 sec

Processing/Activity time: 4.12 min/call

Arrival Rate: 1200/hour

Process Rate: 14.56/hour

So, for our case,

Process time > Inter arrival time

Process Rate < Arrival Rate

Which give us the infinity line for our simple model to find out the Que Time.

So that, the formula:

Time in Que = Activity Tim X Utilization Factor X Variability Factor

It is not suitable for the customer care service of telecommunication industry. Because this

specific formula deals with only one line of customer and it is a simpler model. So for

Telecommunication Industry we need to follow another Waiting Line Model.