Case Study: Aditi Technologies On Social Media How AliveNow helped a leading B2B organization embrace and leverage social media.

Aditi Technologies : Social media case study by alivenow

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The objective was to showcase the work culture at Aditi and reach out to new talent in the market using social media platforms.Also to establish Aditi Technologies as a thought leader in it’s field of cloud enterprise social and big data.

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Case Study: Aditi Technologies On Social Media

How AliveNow helped a leading B2B organization

embrace and leverage social media.

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Objectives of brand Aditi

• The objective was to showcase the work culture at Aditi and reach out

to new talent in the market using social media platforms. Also to

establish Aditi Technologies as a thought leader in it’s field of cloud establish Aditi Technologies as a thought leader in it’s field of cloud

enterprise social and big data.

• We had to position Aditi for what they believed in, a cool and a geeky

place to work.

• The challenge was how to showcase a strong technology based B2B

company like Aditi as a cool place to work at.

• Spread the word about Aditi Technologies being a leader in Cloud • Spread the word about Aditi Technologies being a leader in Cloud

Computing Solutions.

• Share achievements of Aditi Employees and the various success

stories of the company.

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Strategy on Social Media

• We chose to take the Aditi Technologies brand live on 3 prominent

social platforms: Facebook, Slideshare and Blog.

• On Facebook, we built applications which would help us reach our

goal of positioning Aditi as a cool place to work and get new talent

into Aditi Technologies.

• On the blog, we shared articles on Cloud Computing, Enterprise Social, • On the blog, we shared articles on Cloud Computing, Enterprise Social,

Big Data and more, we designed the blog and made it social media

and search friendly.

• On Slideshare we shared the presentations from Aditi Technologies that

discussed the brand, their work, etc.

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Aditi Technologies - Facebook Page

Engaging Content:

We made regular updates on the Facebook page, keeping the page

active, shared articles from the Aditi Blog and Slideshare channel.active, shared articles from the Aditi Blog and Slideshare channel.

Facebook Applications:

Built unique applications on Facebook, which would showcase the work

culture and attract new talent.

We built various apps on Facebook like the Welcome application, Careers

Application, LEAD application and Culture at Aditi Application. You will

see this more in detail in the following slides.

Targeted Facebook Ads:

We also executed highly targeted Facebook Ads which helped acquiring

new and relevant fans on Aditi Technologies Facebook page.

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Welcome Application - Facebook

We created a Welcome

application, here we talked

about Who, How and What

Aditi was all about.

We also integrated a Video

on the Application, which

goes on over how new

employees at Aditi

Technologies are


When ever a new Fan came When ever a new Fan came

on the Aditi Facebook

page, the landed on the

Welcome Application.

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Lead Application - Facebook

LEAD - Learning,

Engagement &

Development is an Aditi

initiative where Aditi initiative where Aditi

Employees share their

domain expertise with their


It is Open Training platform

from Aditi Technologies.

We wanted to share this

expertise and knowledge

with Facebook Fans. with Facebook Fans.

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Lead Application - Facebook

We embedded

presentations from training

modules in a slideshow

format and shared the format and shared the

same on the application.

We also shared details of

upcoming LEAD events

and the topics which

would be discussed. The

users also had the ability to

view various slideshows.

Check the application here: https://www.facebook.com/AditiTechnologies/app_184770048288790

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Work Culture at Aditi - Facebook

This was one of the cooler

applications we build, where a

really nice e-book which can be

flipped as a physical book was

embedded in a Facebook app.

The objective was to showcase the

Work Culture at Aditi Technologies.

The users had the ability to expand

the e-book to full size and go

through the entire process starting

from how we hire, train, first day of from how we hire, train, first day of

work, a typical Saturday, etc.

Check the application here: https://www.facebook.com/AditiTechnologies/app_185665674865924

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Careers Application - Facebook

We created a comprehensive

Careers application on

Facebook for Aditi


A candidate can apply for a

job in Aditi right from Facebook

in a hassle-free way, and we

had many such candidates

applying through this


Some of the features that we Some of the features that we

had were: The user had the

ability to choose the job by

function, location of the job

and apply for the job right from

Facebook by uploading his


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All the current openings at

Aditi Technologies were listed

on the application with the

description and other

Careers Application - Facebook

description and other


The best part was the backend

of the application where the

HR manager has the ability to

Add a new position or

delete/edit an existing one,

and this would update in real and this would update in real

time on the Facebook


Check the application here: https://www.facebook.com/AditiTechnologies/app_142825142495663

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Slideshare Channel - Aditi Technologies

Besides launching Aditi’s Slideshare channel, we also kept updating it on a

regular basis with related content from Aditi Technologies.

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We created the Slideshare

channel and populated it with

presentations and videos. We

made the Slideshare channel

Slideshare Channel - Aditi Technologies

made the Slideshare channel

SEO friendly by using the right

keywords and by bookmarking

the same.

The Slideshare channel

generated a lot of eye balls and

social sharing. We also shared

many of the slides on Aditi’s


View Aditi’s Slideshare Channel here: http://www.slideshare.net/AditiTechnologies

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Aditi Technologies Blog

Designed, developed and launched the Aditi Technologies blog.

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• We populated the blog with articles from Aditi

Technologies employees on a regular basis.

• The articles were tagged with the appropriate

Aditi Technologies Blog

keywords and we segmented the articles based on

the category, this function made it easier for the user

to navigate between article which were of the

same category.

• The articles were shared on other social networking

sites, the reader had the ability to Like, Tweet or

Share the article on other Social Sites.

• We added various plugins on the blog to make it

more user friendly, for example: Most read articles in

the past 30 days, etc.

Visit Aditi’s Blog:


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Video Case Study - Aditi Technologies

Click here to watch this case study video on YouTube: Click here to watch this case study video on YouTube:


Or search in YouTube: “Aditi Technologies Social Media Case Study”

View this case study and others on AliveNow’s YouTube page:


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Results so far

The results of the social media exercise for Aditi Technologies has been

outstanding so far. Since beginning activities in early 2012, we have

achieved tremendous numbers and we highlight a few below:

• Within a period of 2 months we moved from 0 to 8,000+ fans on Facebook,

with lot of buzz being generated about Aditi and prospective employees

applying for Job Openings. Most importantly, these were very relevant

likes meaning the right audience was joining the Aditi Facebook page.

• On the Slideshare channel there was over 10,000 views within 2 months.

We also saw many downloads and embeds of the case studies. This was

due to the quality of the content that was shared.

• Traffic to the blog was phenomenal. It received a lot of hits and within 2-3

months we crossed 25,000 page views. Monthly page views for the blog

were rising consistently.

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Facebook Likes - Aditi Technologies

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Monthly pageviews on the Aditi Blog

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