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4 Mobile App Marketing that you Must Avoid

If we take a look at the past few years, then mobile comes out as the one thing that has

changed the entire landscape of consumerism. And, mobile app marketing has emerged as

the most powerful tool with which the developers can connect to their potential audience

and make the most of their marketing endeavors.

However, as they say we all make mistakes and so is the case with mobile app development.

So, here I am going to share some of the common mistakes that even the most experienced

developers tend to make. Let us have a look at them one by one –

1. Your mobile is not your desktop; don’t treat your app like a website

Can you put your mobile and desktop under the same category when it comes to usability?

You can’t. Am I Right? So, why treat your mobile apps like they are the smaller versions of

your website, offering the same functionality. Don’t forget that the mobile users are never

going to like a shrunken version of the desktop site put in the app. So keep your focus on

giving the users what matters the most rather than stuffing everything that your desktop

version does.

2. Mobile app marketing requires planning just like everything else does

Success of a mobile app is all about numbers – the number of downloads that it has

received in the app store. But, how exactly can you get maximum number of people to

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download the app? This is where planning comes into the picture. Your mobile app should

be marketable. Spend time in advertising your mobile app and at the same time don’t

neglect the importance of optimizing your mobile app as per the search engine guidelines.

3. Are you giving the users enough reasons to come back to your app?

Did you know that within a period of six months apps lose more than 90% of their users?

Well, this is the hard reality of mobile app marketing. You’ve got to give the users reasons so

that they can come back to your app. People are going to come back to your app only if your

app is going to offer them some value. From design to apps presence on their device to

benefits they are going to get from the app, you’ve got to take care of all these factors!

4. Every app has a set target base. Don’t ignore them

Most important thing that developers need to keep in the back of their mind when it comes

to mobile app marketing, just like any other form of marketing, is that there is a set target

audience for every app. However, the biggest mistake that developers make is to ignore

their audience base. As they say in the industry, creating an app is like two-way

communication between the audience and the developer. And, you’ve got make your

audience feel privileged. After all, that’s what the ultimate motive of every app is!

Believe it or not, but you would also have made these mistakes if you have taken the ordeal

of app marketing seriously. So, the next time you are planning to create an app that can

cater your audience needs, then I am sure you are going to see the downloads flowing and

your app becoming a big hit!

Check for more - http://www.appgo2market.com/