200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 • 781.402.5555 • www.linkageinc.com Atlanta • Boston • New York • San Francisco • Athens • Bangalore • Brussels • Hamilton • Hong Kong • Istanbul • Johannesburg • Kuala Lumpur • Kuwait City • Mexico City • Rome • Seoul • Shanghai • Singapore • Sydney • Vilnius Professional development to do list: find the right skill-building opportunities work towards achieving critical professional goals take the next step in my career development empower my team with tools for success March – September 2011 SAVE 15% when you register by March 31! Call 781-402-5555 for details.

2011 Linkage Training Catalog

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2011 Linkage Training Catalog

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Page 1: 2011 Linkage Training Catalog

200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 • 781.402.5555 • www.linkageinc.com

Atlanta • Boston • New York • San Francisco • Athens • Bangalore • Brussels • Hamilton • Hong Kong • Istanbul • Johannesburg • Kuala Lumpur • Kuwait City • Mexico City • Rome • Seoul • Shanghai • Singapore • Sydney • Vilnius

Professional development to do list:

find the right skill-building opportunities

work towards achieving critical professional goals

take the next step in my career development

empower my team with tools for success

March – September 2011

Save 15% when you re

gister by

March 31! Call 7


for details.

Page 2: 2011 Linkage Training Catalog

Why attend?Linkage Online delivers:

• live, facilitated courses, blended learning solutions, and interactive toolkits

• hands-on learning without leaving your desk

• feedback from Linkage’s consultants and peers on business challenges

• interactive tools to help with action planning

• blended learning and custom options

Current offerings include:• Change Leadership Online—see p. 8

• Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program—see p. 21

• Connecting as a Leader: Communicating for Impact—see p. 28

• Management Skills Online—see p. 29

change & transition management

Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program .....................................................4

Managing Organizational Transition ..........................................................................................5

Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change ..................................................6

Change Leadership Online ........................................................................................................8

organizational development

The Organizational Development Certificate Program ...............................................................10

Introduction to Organizational Development .............................................................................12

Organizational Analysis and Design .........................................................................................12

The OD Lab for Experienced Practitioners ................................................................................13

Consulting Skills ....................................................................................................................15

Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships ........................................................................16

leadership & management development

The Leadership Development Certificate Program ....................................................................18

Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems .........................................................19

Design and Implement Succession Management Systems ........................................................19

High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence ................................................20

Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program .....................................21

Strategic Thinking ..................................................................................................................22

Systems Thinking ...................................................................................................................22

The Coaching Leaders Certification Program............................................................................23

on-site workshops

Change & Transition solutions .................................................................................................24

Leadership & Management solutions .......................................................................................25

virtual and blended learning solutions

Connecting as a Leader: Communicating for Impact .................................................................28

Management Skills Online ......................................................................................................29

table of contents

Linkage Training Programs are approved by the following organizations:

Please visit www.linkageinc.com or call 781-402-5555 for more details.

Available in an open-enrollment format or as private sessions for your teams.

Look for this icon throughout the catalog. Linkage was named a Top 20 Leadership Training

Company by Training Industry in 2009 and 2010.

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t change & transition m


Offered in exclusive partnership with William Bridges & Associates

Managing Organizational Transition

Today’s business challenges require organizations to be prepared for the effects of change. If not managed correctly, even change derived from the best intentions can have an adverse effect on an organiza-tion. The assumption that individuals will automatically learn to adjust to change is false. Experience suggests that if not properly implemented, change has the potential to leave people feeling resent-ful, unmotivated, and confused at a time when commitment to the organization is crucial.

Learn how to facilitate your employees successfully through the chal-lenges of transition, whether in the context of a merger, downsizing, or other organizational change. Walk away with the skills necessary to guide your employees smoothly through the change process.

Who should attend

Managers who are responsible for implementing and facilitating change within their organization

Benefits & outcomes

• Ensure that an adequate change management plan is in place

• Determine where people are in the transition process

• Develop steps for helping people let go of the old way of do-ing things and make clear endings

• Understand the critical difference between managing change and facilitating transition

• Assess the effectiveness of a current change plan

• Create and implement effective strategies to facilitate the endings, the neutral zone, and the beginnings

May 2 CHI ................MOT511*

Tuition: $795

Duration: 1 day

* Special pre-summit workshop at the OD Summit. Register for both and save $100.

Fantastic. Thought provoking, practical, and very


Murdo Mackay // Group HR Manager, Cairn Energy PLC“

Offered in exclusive partnership with William Bridges & Associates

Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program

Even with a change strategy in place, plans are abandoned, implemen-tation is delayed or employee resistance is unexpectedly high. Proper management of the human side of change is the critical missing link in change initiatives. In exclusive partnership with William Bridges & Associates, Linkage offers the highly-acclaimed Three-Phase Transition Model to address the human side of change. William Bridges’ model has provided individuals and organizations across sec-tors with a framework and tools for successfully embracing change.

Who should attend

HR and OD professionals with a background in change management

Benefits & outcomes

• Lead individuals through strategic change initiatives

• Develop coaching skills to help employees deal with change and loss

• Become part of an established network of Certified Bridges Trainers

Program curriculum

This program certifies participants to deliver two skill-building workshops:

• In Managing Organizational Transition, learn to teach leaders the skills to successfully lead others through transition with less disruption and sustained productivity

• In Individual Transition in Organizations, learn to teach individuals how to handle internal transitions caused by change with less disruption and distress to their lives

Complimentary ongoing resources

• Order materials online for your deliveries

• Attend free quarterly webinars on transition topics

Program based on the change and transition work of William and Susan Bridges

For over two decades, William Bridges & Associates has helped organizations and individuals deal more effectively with change. A pioneer and leader in the field of transition management, William Bridges is widely recognized for his breakthrough thinking on how to help people deal productively with change.

Susan Bridges has provided leadership consulting and executive development services to individuals and organizations experiencing transition management issues for over twenty years, partnering with leaders who must initiate change and transition in their organizations.

For large organizational roll-outs, call Linkage at 781-402-5555 to learn about cost effective licensing op-tions.

March 29-31 CHI ..................LOT311

April 26-28 BOS ................LOT411

May 17-19 SF ...................LOT511

June 21-23 DC ...................LOT611

September 13-15 CHI ..................LOT911

Tuition: $2,595

Duration: 3 days

Free bOOk!

All attendees receive a free copy of Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change.

Three-Phase TransITIOn MOdel

The Three-Phase Transition Model, developed by William Bridges will serve as a critical tool to help managers their direct reports through the human side of change.

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tChange Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change

Leaders today recognize the imperative to change—yet only a handful are equipped with the right tools to create effective change within their teams, divisions, and organizations—leading to approximately 75% of change initiatives failing. Learn how to apply critical change leadership concepts and tools, and receive a change leadership process to ensure your organization realizes the benefits of real change. Discussions, activities, assessments, simulations, and application to participants’ own real-world changes help embed the learning and ensure skill development.

This program is also offered in a facilitated online format. (see p. 8 for details)

Note: This program is not open to independent consultants or consulting firms.

Who should attend

Leaders and managers charged with driving change, as well as HR/OD professionals

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn a step-by-step process for leading successful change

• Communicate a compelling change message to gain greater commitment

• Unlock resistance and remove obstacles to change

• Assess personal and organizational readiness to take on the challenge of change

March 15-16 SF ..................... CL311

June 15-16 CHI .................... CL611

August 16-17 BOS .................. CL811

Tuition: $1,395

Duration: 2 days

See how coaching can benefit your organization.

Join us for a FREE Coaching Webinar. Visit www.linkageinc.com/freecoachingseries for details.

• CoachingforOrganizationalChangeMarch23,1:00pmEST

• TheArtofCoachingBusinessLeadersJune23,1:00pmEST

• UsingAssessmentsinCoachingSeptember21,1:00pmEST

• MeasuringtheROIofCoachingDecember19,1:00pmEST

Linkage designed three online toolkits to help you and your team successfully manage

change and transition initiatives, and sustain and track progress. These toolkits are a

great fit for large scale organizational roll-outs and support training and development

initiatives related to change and transition.

Change Leadership TooLkiT13 best practice tools and ap-proaches for successfully lead-ing change with your team and within your organization.

A partial list of tools in this toolkit:

• Tool 1—drivers of Change Map A model/template which al-lows leaders to inventory the obvious and surface the less obvious forces that are driv-ing the need for change.

• Tool 2—Pre-Implementation survey A survey that considers how well thought-out the current change initiative is and to plan accordingly.

• Tool 3—business Case for Change A template for constructing a compelling business case for your change initiative.

…and 10 other tools designed to help make your next change intiative a success. Visit www.linkageinc.com/toolkits for more information.

Managing organizaTionaL TransiTions TooLkiTOffered in exclusive partner-ship with William Bridges & Associates

10 tools designed to equip managers with effective meth-ods for helping teams transi-tion through change.

A partial list of tools in this toolkit:

• Tool 1—how “FIT” Is Your Team? A survey of the readiness of your team to deal effectively with a specific change.

• Tool 2—Transition Map A two-part process to enable you to: a) collect observa-tions about the reactions of team members to a specific change and; b) gauge where each of your team members are in relation to their ac-ceptance of the change.

• Tool 3—Personal Impact analysis A framework for consider-ing the impact of a specific change on individuals on your team.

…and 7 other tools to help you manage through transition.

individuaL TransiTion in organizaTions TooLkiTOffered in exclusive partner-ship with William Bridges & Associates

10 tools designed to give em-ployees effective methods for more successfully transitioning through change.

• Tool 1—Individual Transition readiness assessment A two-part assessment that measures your resilience in undertaking a specific change.

• Tool 2—Changes in Your life A template for categoriz-ing and capturing current changes in four key areas of your life.

• Tool 3—resilience building Plan A two-step process for identifying how you are impacted by change and healthy actions that can help you cope.

…and 7 other tools to equip your employees to successfully face transition head-on.

Both transition toolkits are a complement to transition pro-grams offered through Linkage. Call 781-402-5555 to learn how you can use these toolkits to make your next change initia-tive a success.

>> interactive, licensable toolkits.

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On-site Training—Bring one of our expert facilitators to deliver a Linkage program at your site:

• Realize cost savings on travel and program design

• Receive targeted content tailored to your organization’s needs

• Explore proprietary issues while fostering a greater level of communication

• Decide when, where, and how the program should be rolled out for greatest impact

• Flexible half- to multi-day formats available for many of Linkage’s programs

Looking for a world-class curriculum for your managers and leaders?Call to learn more about bringing key programs to your organization. (see p. 24 for details)

Facilitated online offering

Change Leadership Online

Change Leadership Online is a highly participative and collaborative program comprised of seven online facilitated sessions conducted by an expert change consultant from Linkage. This program provides in-depth exposure to critical change leadership concepts and includes pre- and post-program assignments to ensure participants move beyond simply understanding to real application of their learning. Each participant will receive a detailed participant guide and access to models and tools in Linkage’s virtual classroom.

Throughout the program, each participant will create and add to an individual Change Action Plan based on a critical change initiative they are responsible for within their organization. Participants will be able to transform their business through the application of best practices to the development and implementation of their Change Action Plan. This is action learning in its truest form.

Topics explored include: Driving change, making the case for change, securing support, communicating the vision and strategy for change, removing barriers, coaching through change, and measurement.

Note: This program is not open to independent consultants or consulting firms.

Who should attend

Leaders and managers charged with driving change within their organization, as well as HR/OD pro-fessionals responsible for guiding the organization through change; teams are encouraged to attend

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn a step-by-step process for leading successful change

• Unlock resistance and remove obstacles to change

• Assess personal and organizational readiness to take on the challenge of change

• Interact with your classmates in a virtual classroom setting

• Walk away with a powerful Change Action Plan developed throughout the program

Live online sessions are held from 1–2:30pm EST. This date signifies the start date of the series:

6/2 CLW611

Tuition: $1,695

This program is great for teams. Special pricing for teams of 3 or more. Call for details.

Duration: 7 live online sessions up to 90 minutes in length; scheduled on a weekly basis where possible.

We highly recommend registering for this program a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the start date to begin the pre-work assignments.

The workshop has been a great experience for me

personally. The tools were very practical, and I have

already begun to use some of them in my work.

George Higgins // Organizational Development & Learning, Human Resources, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates

Linkage Training is right in your backyard.

Save on time and travel.Linkage training offers over 35 skill-building workshops in cities across the U.S. including:

• Boston

• Chicago

• Dallas

• New York

• San Francisco

• Washington, D.C.

Want us to come to your city? Call 781-402-5555 for pricing on hosting a program at your site.

See the inside back cover for a complete schedule of workshops available in each city.

Also call to learn more about custom Train-The-Trainer options for select programs.

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t organizational development

Offered in cooperation with DePaul University in Chicago

The Organizational Development Certificate Program

The practice of organizational development—the focus on structures, systems, and processes that impact people and performance—has never been more critical. Organizations that aspire to greatness are increasingly turning to OD practitioners to help them get there.

Who should attend

OD, training, and HR professionals who want to acquire best-in-class OD methodology and techniques to enhance their impact and drive true business results

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn practical OD tools and resources

• Earn enhanced credibility as an OD professional

• Strengthen your own OD platform

• Join an expanded network of OD professionals

Program curriculum

The curriculum is based on Linkage’s Organizational design Wheel™. This model defines the characteristics—organization, direction-setting, people, process, and tools—common to high-performance workplaces:

• Organization: Programs that define how high-performing orga-nizations connect their resources to ensure the utmost levels of productivity

• direction-setting: Programs that help practitioners become business partners on critical is-sues—such as where is the organization heading, who should be leading it, and how the vision should be communicated

• People: Programs to guide practitioners through the methods and tools needed to drive a culture of performance and trust in order to optimize the organization’s capabilities

• Processes & Tools: Programs designed to help facilitate change initiatives that add direct value to the bottom line












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Processes & ToolsPeo


OrganIzaTIOnal desIgn Wheel™














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Core CurriCulum

introduction to Organizational Development (p. 12) X

Organizational Analysis and Design (p. 12) X

The OD Lab for Experienced Practitioners (p. 13) X


Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change (p. 6)* X

Change Leadership Online (p. 8)* X

Organizational Development Summit X

Consulting Skills (p. 15) X

Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships (p. 16) X

Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems (p. 19)* X

Design and Implement Succession Management Systems (p. 19)* X

High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence (p. 20)* X

Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program (p. 21)* X

Strategic Thinking (p. 22) X

Systems Thinking (p. 22) X

*Also a course in The Leadership Development Certificate Program (p. 18)

Certificate curriculum

Based on your career and development interests, select programs in align-ment with the dimensions of the Organizational design Wheel™ that are most relevant to your work.

Certificate length: Four courses (not concurrent), at least one of which must be a core course and the remaining three courses must be chosen from the selected track and/or shared electives; recommended program completion is within 12 months.

Schedule: See individual courses for complete schedule with locations.

Dual certification: If you are interested in The Organizational Development Certificate Program as well as The Leadership Development Certificate Program—see p. 18, you may be able to leverage up to two electives to accelerate the completion of both.

Tuition: $4,895 which repre-sents a 15% discount when paid in full at the time of registra-tion. (Note: There is an additional fee of $180 if you select High Impact Relationships, $450 for the LAI™ Online Certification Program or Change Leadership Online as one of your courses.)

Did you know that Linkage’s Organizational Development Summit is an elective in the Organizational Development Certificate program? Don’t miss this opportunity to receive best practices as part of your curriculum!

Here’s how it works:

1. Call 781-402-5555 to register for the OD Certificate.

2. Attend the Organizational Development Summit in Chicago on May 3–5 and receive credit towards the completion of your OD Certificate.

3. Choose three other OD-related workshops to complete your OD Certificate. www.linkageinc.com/od


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t organizational development

Core offering in the OD Certificate Program

Introduction to Organizational Development

To compete in today’s marketplace, organizations must design and implement the structures, processes, and systems that will allow their people to flourish—and that will spur change and growth. In this program, receive an introduction to the discipline of organizational development, a simple yet effective lens to help you properly view organizational change. You’ll learn how to apply a core OD process to diagnose issues and build momentum for change.

Who should attend

New OD practitioners and anyone with little or no background in OD

Benefits & outcomes

• Connect your OD initiatives to strategic business models

• Use the action research process to diagnose opportunities for improving the organization

• Define critical success factors and target specific interventions for hard-hitting, bottom-line OD

• Articulate your role as an internal OD consultant

• Walk away with practical tools and advice that are immediately applicable to your OD initiatives

Core offering in the OD Certificate Program

Organizational Analysis and Design

The design of an organization can impact everything, from proper work flow to ultimate success at the bottom line. Participants in this program will learn the dynamics, processes, and challenges inherent in analyzing and designing an organization to achieve business results. Explore a systematic approach for guiding an organizational design effort—from problem identification, to design recommendations and planning the transformation.

Who should attend

OD practitioners and anyone with a background in OD methodology

Benefits & outcomes

• Identify problems, key roles, and phases in the organizational analysis and design (OAD) process

• Leverage the two critical domains of OAD work—analyzing the current business model and facili-tating design enhancements

• Ensure your analysis, design, and transformation efforts follow a systemic approach aligned with the organization’s mission and values

March 22-23 CHI ................... OD311

May 17-18 DC .................... OD511

September 13-14 CHI ................... OD911

Tuition: $1,395

Duration: 2 days

March 24-25 CHI ....................DA311

April 19-20 DC .....................DA411

June 22-23 CHI ....................DA611

September 13-14 BOS ..................DA911

Tuition: $1,395

Duration: 2 days

Offered in exclusive partnership with Geoff Bellman and a core offering in the OD Certificate Program

The OD Lab for Experienced Practitioners

Influence and credibility are essential for the experienced consultant to make a strategic organizational impact. In this collaborative learning environment, you will share best practices and discuss real business cases to analyze the effectiveness of your own approach. You will also gain practical insights, based on the work of Geoff Bellman, on the core competencies needed to drive the consulting process. This program will be facilitated by select Linkage faculty.

Who should attend

OD practitioners who want to strengthen their ability to forge more powerful client partnerships

Benefits & outcomes

• Identify and avoid the most common derailers of your OD initiatives

• Develop your individual action plan to focus your OD approach

• Sharpen the metrics of your OD initiatives to drive business results

Program based on the content and research of Geoff Bellman

Geoff Bellman has been consulting to organizations for forty years. Geoff’s five books are in print and available in ten languages. Titles include Getting Things Done When You Are Not In Charge, The Beauty of the Beast, and The Consultant’s Calling. Geoff helped found the Community Consulting Partnership, a network of consultants who grow by giving their time to the not-for-profit world.

See www.linkageinc.com for fall dates.

Tuition: $1,495

Duration: 2 days

We knoW CoaChing.Linkage has trained over 3,500 executives and leaders on mastering coaching skills.

We work with leaders and teams to drive behavioral change.

We equip them with the insights, strategies, and skills to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

Our coaching solutions include:

• one-on-one coaching

• coaching executive teams

• proven assessment tools

• on-site and open-enrollment coaching programs: The Coaching Leaders Certification Program and Coaching for Business Leaders

Visit www.linkageinc.com/coaching or call 781-402-5555 to learn more.

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organizational development

Consulting Skills

Every day, consulting extends throughout organizations on an informal and formal basis. In its more challenging manifestation, consulting requires the ability to build a trusted relationship and provide advisory services to others. Through this program, learn how to consult effectively from experienced consulting professionals who have developed a process to construct, contract, engage, and gauge consulting relationships from concept to measurable results.

Who should attend

Professionals from any industry including HR and OD, as well as consultants with less than five years of internal or external consulting experience

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn the critical roles a consultant must play (from Linkage’s Compleat Consultant Competency Model™)

• Frame consulting projects and engage participants from the start

• Identify and overcome natural hurdles in the consulting process

• Debrief and refuel yourself for the next consulting challenge that comes your way

• Introduce mutually-agreeable criteria for success from the client’s standpoint

April 26-27 CHI ....................CS411

Tuition: $1,395

Duration: 2 days

Linkage’s targeted assessments drive the bottom line.

✓ Leadership Assessment Instrument™—based on Linkage’s research with Warren Bennis—measure the critical competencies of your leadership team (See our online certification program on p. 21)

✓ C-Sail—Linkage’s powerful 360-degree assessment focused on critical communication abilities and distinctive styles for success as a leader

✓ HiPlay—in-depth assessment of your team to enable them to achieve true, lasting breakthroughs and commit to key actions

✓ Essential Coach™—provides in-depth data on how a coach is performing, building partnerships, and maximizing professional growth

Linkage offers flexible certification options for resellers, and OD and LD professionals. Call 781-402-5555 to learn more.

How will your leaders benefit?

• Learn from world-class faculty

• Compare best practices in teams comprised of high impact leaders

• Develop the competencies and skills necessary to become a better leader

• Receive facilitation, assessments, coaching, activity-based simulations, case studies, and company specific projects

• Become part of the LinkageNetwork—a learning community designed to fast track your high performers’ development

The Linkage Leadership Institute is built on a proven model that has developed leaders in over 60 countries.

Bring this program to your organization or join our open-enrollment offerings. Call to send your team to the March program in Washington, D.C.

Announcing a revolutionary way to accelerate the development of leaders—the Linkage Leadership Institute.

Call 781-402-5555 to learn more.

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tOffered in exclusive partnership with William Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR

Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships

As businesses become more complex and leaders are forced to rise to the occasion during times of uncertainty and change, it is vital that HR does the same. Some HR organizations have gone through the process of fundamentally re-purposing what they do and why they exist, but little has been shared on which organizational design option will effectively achieve strategic goals.

In this program, participants will examine a case study on how HR departments have transformed their resources by employing business and OD skills to become a strategic partner and leader. This program will be facilitated by select Linkage faculty.

Who should attend

HR and OD professionals who want to make their HR team function as strategic business agents

Benefits & outcomes

• Implement a formal plan on how to best configure your HR organization to meet business goals

• Understand key global trends in the workforce that will have the greatest impact on HR

• Transform the role of your HR function at an individual and organizational level

Based on the work of William Rothwell

William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., is recognized globally as an expert on succession planning and management, serving as the national thought leader for a best practices study of succession that examined 18 multinational corporations. Rothwell’s publications include Effective Succession Planning and The Competency Toolkit.

Free bOOk!

All attend-ees receive a free copy of Human Resource Transform-ation.

Visit www.linkageinc.com for fall dates.

Tuition: $1,595

Duration: 2 days

For more information on these events, call 781-402-5555.

Upcoming events

It is clear that Linkage instructors are experts in the

field; they have a sincere desire to impart knowledge

and see others do well; and they have a variety of

new ideas and tools that are practical enough to use

in the “real world.”

Linda Ontiveros // Sr. Manager, Training and Organizational Development, interDigital Communications, LLC


In its 13th year, The Global Institute for Leadership Development (GILD) is a leadership development program that combines the depth of an immersion learning workshop, the reliability and prestige of a university executive education program, and the pace and scale of a world-class conference to provide accelerated, transformational leadership growth.



The Women in Leadership Summit equips women leaders with the strategies and skills to catalyze change, accelerate development, gain visibility, and create sustainable operating results. The event boasts more than 6,000 alumni and hundreds of world-class speakers.



As the nation’s most respected diversity program, The Leading Diversity Summit plays a critical role in creating and sustaining inclusive work environments. The program brings together a dedicated community of over 900 top diversity practitioners and line leaders to exchange best practices and strategies for success.



The Organizational Development Summit addresses the OD practitioner’s highest priorities and challenges with the latest and most pertinent tools and information from thought leaders, practitioners, and world-class keynote speakers.


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ent leadership &


ent development

Core offering in the Leadership Development Certificate Program

Design and Implement Succession Management Systems

Do you know the depth of your organization’s talent pool? In today’s business environment, companies must examine future leadership requirements, assess current capabilities, and determine the steps necessary to close identified gaps. Through this hands-on program, learn about critical decision points and a step-by-step approach to designing and implementing an effective succession management system.

Who should attend

Executive and management development directors, OD practitioners, and HRD executives interested in designing (or redesigning) their succession management processes

Benefits & outcomes

• Craft a business case and blueprint for succession management

• Select options for assessing your talent pool, and identifying and supporting your high potentials

• Set up and execute effective succession planning review meetings

• Integrate succession management with your broader human resource system

Visit www.linkageinc.com for fall dates.

Tuition: $1,395

Duration: 2 days

Core offering in the Leadership Development Certificate Program

Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems

When it comes to developing the leaders within your organization, the stakes are high—and the potential payoff is enormous. Through our hands-on approach, learn how to design and implement the critical elements of a leadership development system that integrates career planning, “fast track” development programs for high potentials and succession management.

Who should attend

HRD specialists as well as HR, training, executive, and management development directors

Benefits & outcomes

• Create a rationale for developing leaders in your organization

• Identify the leadership skills required in the near future, and assess talent gaps

• Determine the most efficient and effective means of developing the talent you need

• Incorporate action learning in your leadership development initiatives

• Create a system that aligns your organization’s leadership programs with elements of strategy, culture, and business initiatives

September 27-28 CHI ..................DLC911

Tuition: $1,395

Duration: 2 days

The Leadership Development Certificate Program

Linkage’s Leadership Development Certificate Program offers an efficient means to develop the critical behaviors and attitudes across leadership levels that will enable your organization to achieve desired business results.

Who should attend

Leadership development, OD and HR professionals as well as mid- to senior-level managers responsible for developing leaders

Benefits & outcomes

• Enhanced ability to develop the behaviors most critical to an organization’s success

• Assess leadership capabilities using proven tools

• Apply techniques to develop winning leadership develop-ment systems that generate success

Program curriculum

The curriculum for The Leadership Development Certificate Program is based on Linkage’s blueprint for leadership development Professionals Model™:

• systems that support the development of your leaders within the context of your business plan

• strategies that close the gaps between business goals and the capabilities of your leaders

• skills that you need as an HR/OD professional to drive leadership development

Element Courses available

Systems Design and implement Leadership Development Systems ($1,185) (p. 19)*

Design and implement Succession Management Systems ($1,185) (p. 19)*

Strategies Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change ($1,185) (p. 6)* or

Change Leadership Online ($1,440) (p. 8)*

Skills Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program ($2,205) (p. 4)

The Coaching Leaders Certification Program ($3,395) (p. 23)

High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence ($1,355) (p. 20)*

Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program ($1,695) (p. 21)*

bold text = core course

Certificate length: Four courses (not con-current), at least one of which must be a core course; recommended program completion is within 12 months.

Schedule: See individual courses for complete schedule with locations.

Tuition: Combined prices of selected programs as identified below. Tuition represents a 15% dis-count from the regular fees when paid in full at registration.

Dual certification: If you are interested in The Leadership Development Certificate Program as well as The Organizational Development Certificate Program (p. 10), you may be able to leverage up to two electives to accelerate the comple-tion of both. Contact us for assistance.

bluePrInT FOr leadershIP develOPMenT PrOFessIOnals MOdel™






*Also a course in The Organizational Development Certificate Program (p. 10)

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ent leadership &


ent development

Offered in partnership with Dr. Arlene Scott

High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence

The ability to build trusting relationships distinguishes those who flourish from those who falter. This program enables leaders to build the emotional intelligence skills they need to create trusting and pro-ductive relationships for greater results. Using an experiential learning approach, adopted from Dr. Scott’s work at Stanford University Graduate School of Business, practice leading-edge tools and relation-ship building techniques—while expanding your influence style.

Who should attend

Leaders, managers, and teams who need to leverage their emotional intelligence to build relationships with colleagues and customers

Benefits & outcomes

• Gain new insight into how you build influence and trust with others

• Influence without being (or being seen as) dominating or controlling

• Give feedback in such a way that it is seriously considered

• Build a group climate in which members raise and address concerns productively


Complete a self-assessment, describe your own influence situation, and read two short articles

May 24-25 DC ...................... HI511

August 23-24 BOS ................... HI811

Tuition: $1,595

Duration: 2 days

Facilitated online offering

Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program

Deliver high impact coaching to clients using Linkage’s world-renowned leadership assessment Instrument™ (laI). This online 360-degree assessment instrument was developed with Warren Bennis and is used by over 50,000 leaders worldwide. Participants become cer-tified to use the assessment and provide feedback to their customers during four facilitated online sessions, a coaching preparation session with a Linkage Master Coach, and pre- and post-work assignments in Linkage’s virtual classroom. This program includes application-based assignments designed to prepare participants to interpret the data to develop and coach leaders at all levels.

Topics include an in-depth overview of the LAI™ model, learning how to coach using the LAI™, applying the instrument to your “live” coaching case, and discussing development options for your custom-ers. All participants will receive reduced pricing to administer the LAI™ Assessment.

This program is a great complement to The Coaching Leaders Certification Program (p. 23).

Who should attend

Internal and external consultants who are experienced coaches; internal leadership development and organizational development professionals; HR generalists

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn how to professionally ad-minister the LAI™ Assessment

• Understand how to interpret the report, administer the LAI™ with a client (your “live” case), and receive feedback

• Coach your clients toward im-proved performance

• Participate in a feedback session with a learning partner from the program to obtain personal LAI™ feedback

• Receive an Implementation Toolkit to begin your internal or external roll-outs

For your roll-outs

Participants can purchase the assessment and distribute to their internal and external clients.

attention consultants: Consider becoming a preferred Linkage reseller of Linkage’s LAI™. Call 781-402-5555 for details.

Live online sessions are held from 1–2:30pm EST. This date signifies the start date of the series:

5/23 LAIW511

Tuition: $1,995

Duration: 4 live online sessions up to 90 minutes in length; sessions are scheduled every two weeks where possible.

hIgh IMPaCT leadershIP MOdel™

The LAI™ measures the key skills and competencies as defined in the High Impact Leadership Model™ (HILM). Feedback is provided through the LAI results.

We recommend registering for this program a minimum of six weeks prior to the start date to begin pre-work.

Fast track your next generation of leaders with the LinkageNetwork.

What is it? A learning community designed to fast track your high performers’ leadership development.

Who is it for? Individuals that your organization recognizes as top performing leaders.

Call 781-402-5555, email [email protected] or visit www.linkageinc.com/thenetwork.

A one year membership includes:

• In-person Meetings

• Virtual Learning Community

• Thought Leader Broadcasts

• Learning Teams

• Peer Coaching

• Leadership Assessment

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ent development

Strategic Thinking

More than ever, today’s leaders need the ability to execute tactically, as well as work and think strategically. To do this, you must be able to look outside your own area of responsibility for new ideas, discern the true value of the data you collect, and craft solutions with the potential to deliver real strategic value. Discover your capabilities as a strategic thinker, gain an understanding of the key components of strategic thinking, and apply practical tools during an instructional case study.

Who should attend

Leaders and managers who want to think more strategically about their work and its value to the organization

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn practical approaches for identifying key strategic issues and opportunities

• Exercise discipline and build strategic thinking into your work regimen

• Sort through ambiguity and information clutter so that you can focus on what matters strategi-cally

• Acquire the perspective and tools to create an environment in which you, your colleagues, and key players can think and work more strategically

Systems Thinking

To be effective as a leader, making connections between seemingly separate, unconnected events, factors, and processes is imperative. In this interactive program, we help you understand and simplify these complex, dynamic business problems so that you can deal with them at the root of the cause. By using a variety of approaches and tools, including a classic simulation (The beer game™), you experience and master the principles of systems thinking.

Who should attend

Anyone who wants to understand how to break down complex problems to make them easier to solve

Benefits & outcomes

• Demystify systems thinking for yourself and your colleagues

• Enhance your understanding of complex and changing organizational problems

• Develop your capabilities to model and test business assumptions, problems, and decisions

• Diagram the cause-and-effect relationship of problems and decisions

• Walk away equipped to understand and influence complex dynamic systems

April 28-29 Dallas ................ ST411

May 18-19 BOS .................. ST511

June 21-22 CHI .................... ST611

Tuition $1,395

Duration: 2 days

June 7-8 CHI ..................SYS611

Tuition $1,395

Duration: 2 days

The Coaching Leaders Certification Program

Difficult-to-master, coaching is a critical capability that requires prac-tice, support, and continuous learning. Linkage has been specializing in leadership coaching for over twenty years, successfully guiding individuals, teams, and Fortune 500 organizations to drive behavioral change in alignment with their business strategy. The Coaching Leaders Certification Program is based on our extensive work in the field of coaching.

During this intensive program, participants will learn the four stages of Linkage’s proven Coaching leaders Model™. Throughout the pro-gram, coaches will learn how to use key tools to expedite and sustain the coaching process, along with exploring information-gathering techniques and assessments. A detailed coaching simulation on day three allows participants to apply their learnings to a live situation—all while gaining feedback from the Master Coach and peers.

This program is a great complement to the Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program (p. 21).

Who should attend

Internal HR/OD and LD professionals and business coaches

Benefits & outcomes

• Achieve client objectives to systematically develop and retain top talent

• Share best practices and network with other coaches

• Walk away with an assessment of your own skills

• Join the ranks of hundreds of certified Linkage coaching professionals


Complete two key online Linkage assessments including the Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI™) and the Essential Coach which will be examined during the program as well as the completion of a detailed autobiography to set the stage for your coaching experience


• Receive two-and-a-half hours of follow-up coaching with a Master Coach

• Participate in three live developmental webinars on specific, timely coaching topics

• Produce a written case study based on over ten hours of live coaching with a client

For a curriculum to build coaching skills within the leadership ranks, check out Coaching for Business Leaders (p. 25).




The COaChIng leaders MOdel™

May 24-26 CHI ................. COL511

June 7-9 SF .................. COL611

September 20-22 BOS ............... COL911

Tuition: $3,995

Duration: 3 days; recommended post-work completion is within 12 months.

This program is very well thought out. I have grown

tremendously from this work… and I realize how

much future growth is ahead of me. What a powerful


Jude Williamson // Director, Talent Management, Corporate Human Resources, North Shore-LiJ Health System

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Offered in exclusive partnership with William Bridges & Associates

Managing Organizational Transition

If not managed correctly, even change derived from the best of intentions can have an ad-verse effect on an organization. Learn how to facilitate your employees successfully through the challenges of change and transition, whether in the context of a merger, downsiz-ing, or other organizational change. Walk away with the skills necessary to guide your employ-ees smoothly through the change process.

Benefits & outcomes

• Determine where people are in the transi-tion process

• Understand the difference between manag-ing change and facilitating transition

• Implement strategies to facilitate: the end-ings, the neutral zone, and the beginnings

Offered in exclusive partnership with William Bridges & Associates

Individual Transition in Organizations

This program helps individual contributors to grow through times of uncertainty, and regain productivity and high performance. Participants will be introduced to personal survival skills and healthy actions to cope ef-fectively in times of change. The organization will benefit from successful change implemen-tations due to renewed commitment.

Benefits & outcomes

• Describe the critical difference between change and transition

• Manage endings more successfully

• Move through the neutral zone and capital-ize on the creativity of that time

Featuring Linkage’s Agenda for Change™ method-ology

Linkage’s Change Master Certification Program

This Certification Program teaches you how to implement Linkage’s agenda for Change™ process, a tools-based approach that utilizes cross-functional teams to implement orga-nizational change initiatives. This interactive program uses case studies and hands-on application-planning based on participants’ own real life change initiatives.

This program is an excellent for seasoned OD, HR, and leadership development practitioners who have experience with organizational change.

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn to facilitate the agenda for Change™


• Understand the five key principles of suc-cessful organizational change

• Apply a suite of 32 proven tools that sup-port the success of any change process

• Establish credibility as an expert change facilitator focused on results

If you need to train a large population of leaders or managers, consider

bringing one of our programs on-site to your organization.

All of the workshops featured in this catalog, in addition to the best-

selling on-sites featured in this special section, are available in flexible

formats for your convenience.

Coaching for Business Leaders

This program is designed to equip business directors and front-line managers with coach-ing techniques to effectively guide members of their team to reach organizational expectations and improve bottom line results. This program includes participation in Linkage’s Online Essential Coach Assessment as pre-work, in addi-tion to attendance at select “live” developmen-tal webinars on critical coaching subjects.

Benefits & outcomes

• Implement immediate plans that will move low performers up or out and accelerate, motivate, and retain your high potentials

• Support individuals’ personal developmental goals and organizational objectives through consistent performance feedback

• Identify the specific competencies needed to help your staff reach and exceed their goals

Offered in exclusive partnership with Innosight, founded by Clayton Christensen

Driving Innovation

With market conditions shifting rapidly, organizations are challenged to find new ways to compete in today’s economy. The key lies in successful product, service, and process innovation—in the core business and in new markets. Use practical tools and real-life case studies to learn a predictable and repeatable process for driving growth. This program is based on the research of Clayton Christensen, a world-renowned expert in managing innova-tion and creating new growth markets.

This program is also available as a Train-The-Trainer program on-site for large roll-outs.

Benefits & outcomes

• Connect more deeply with customers to gain competitive advantage

• Shorten the time between idea development and idea implementation

• Introduce innovative product solutions

Achieving Results: Winning Through Alignment and Flawless Execution

It’s a long way from winning strategies to genuine results. Great companies and great leaders distinguish themselves by more consis-tently executing against their plans—whether those plans are for priority initiatives, critical projects, or fixes to recurring problems. In such organizations, managers take a disciplined approach to ensuring that the work gets done. Learn the culture-shaping leadership behav-iors, practices, and tools that enable greater commitment up front, stronger decision mak-ing as the work unfolds, and more consistent follow through to achieve desired results.

Benefits & outcomes

• Clarify the work requirements of your team and the capabilities critical to execution

• Learn the five disciplines of the results-oriented leader

• Walk away ready to carry out priority work with greater speed and fewer hassles

Leading Across Organizational Boundaries: Finding Common Ground

As a leader, you need to break through organi-zational barriers in order to achieve business objectives. Finding common ground and reach-ing agreements with people from other areas of the business that have other competing priorities requires that you communicate fully and effectively, negotiate when necessary, and manage conflict. Participants will increase their sensitivity to the cross-business systems and interpersonal issues that impact the ability to get things accomplished.

Benefits & outcomes

• Increase your sensitivity to the systems and interpersonal issues that impact your ability to get things accomplished

• Learn how to “see” boundaries of all kinds through the application of the LEGO® Serious Play™ methodology

• Walk away with tools to engage and influ-ence others


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on-site workshops: leadership &


entChange & Transition solutions Leadership & Management solutions

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Linkage Leadership Academy

The Leadership Academy is a signature leader-ship development approach that leverages best learning practices in order to increase the number of great leaders in your organization and to prepare them for higher-level leadership positions. This accelerated learning experience includes assessment, classroom instruction, business case assignments, simulations, group exercises, coaching, and on-the-job applica-tion to ensure that all participants master the responsibilities, skills, and competencies that are proven to distinguish superior leaders from average leaders.

Benefits & outcomes

• Enhance the skills of the team members leading your organization

• Empower participants to constantly assess their own and their business performance

• Retain high potentials and current leaders

Enhancing Your Management Skills

Managing is all about driving performance. But how do you elicit the level of performance needed from your staff to produce bottom-line results and visible success for you and your team? Learn the critical success factors of goal alignment, coaching for performance, and driv-ing team results. Receive practical, state-of-the-art techniques for holding conversations that set clear expectations, providing focused feedback, and generating trust and commit-ment through challenging times.

Benefits & outcomes

• Develop a clear, aligned leadership agenda

• Set work expectations for others that in-crease efficiency, effectiveness, and bottom-line impact

• Lead high performance teams to solid results

Check out Management Skills Online for an alter-native solution (see p. 29 for details).

Powerful Conversations for Building Commitment

What if you could learn to engage yourself and others in conversations that are perceived to be difficult because of differing points of view? Those very dialogues and negotiations, when successfully maneuvered, offer the opportunity to forge powerful solutions and resolutions to long-standing and unresolved differences. This program provides field-tested tools and a straightforward, proven methodology for engaging in and facilitating authentic and constructive conversations, based on the work of Linkage CEO Phil Harkins.

Benefits & outcomes

• Address and resolve differing points of view constructively

• Discover how to proactively discuss the top-ics that empower you to succeed

• Communicate in a clear, consistent and forward-moving manner

Leading Teams

Organizations that want to accomplish mis-sion-critical work and drive significant change are increasingly relying on teams. Skilled team leadership is the essential ingredient for suc-cess. Learn the practical skills, tools, tech-niques, and requirements involved with high performance team leadership. Participants will learn how effective team leaders achieve results through a balance of consensus and direction, individual coaching and team building skills, processes, and results.

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn how to apply tools to match your team’s structure and composition for maxi-mum effectiveness

• Assess your team leadership capabilities and determine areas for development

• Leverage techniques to increase your team’s effectiveness on a daily basis


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tMaximizing Your Influence: A Program Designed for Women Leaders

Women bring specific strengths and face a unique set of challenges in leadership posi-tions. After determining your influence styles, strengths, and developmental opportunities, this program will explore differences in gender communication, ways to make your voice heard, and how to adapt your approach with-out surrendering your personal integrity.

Benefits & outcomes

• Practice skills and assertive behaviors in challenging interpersonal and group situa-tions

• Learn to interpret and surface conventional assumptions, perceptions, and communica-tion patterns of men and women

• Identify the most effective influence strat-egy in any given situation

Decisive Leadership: Using Creativity, Experimentation and Data in Decision Making

Today’s leaders face increasing pressure to make decisions more often and more quickly. These decisions can carry serious consequenc-es. To make tough choices, leaders may need to operate outside their decision-making comfort zone. In this program, leaders will learn how to differentiate between decision types, and to apply appropriate methods and tools. Become an expert decision-maker equipped to build capacity by making a practice of capturing and sharing learning from key decisions.

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn creative approaches to enhance the quality of your decisions

• Assess your decision-making preferences, and identify traps and biases

• Consider the impact of your organization’s culture on your decision-making process

How Leaders Connect: Crafting and Delivering Impactful Presentations

Leaders must speak well under pressure—in board presentations, marketing presentations, executive committee meetings, new product announcements, annual sales meetings, and user group conferences. The listeners interpret the information and ideas presented depend-ing on their interaction and reaction to the speaker. This program, offered in partnership with Nick Washienko, a leading expert in busi-ness presentations, gives leaders the knowl-edge, skills, and attitude necessary to deliver impactful messages.

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn how to shift your thinking from the classical to a conversational model

• Project the ‘quiet confidence’ that is a sign of a real leader

• Create a ‘teachable point of view’ that informs your communications

Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI™) Certification Program

Linkage’s world-renowned Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI)™ is an online 360-degree tool that was developed with Warren Bennis and is used by over 50,000 leaders worldwide. Participants become certified to use the assessment and provide feedback to their internal employees or ex-ternal clients. This program includes applica-tion-based assignments designed to prepare participants to interpret the data to develop and coach leaders at all levels. All participants will receive special discounts to administer the LAI™ Assessment.

Benefits & outcomes

• Learn how to professionally administer the LAI™ Assessment

• Understand how to interpret the report and provide feedback to those participating in the assessment process

• Receive an Implementation Toolkit to begin your roll-outs

on-site workshops: leadership &



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virtual and blended learning solutionsFacilitated online offering

Management Skills Online

This highly participative program is comprised of five, online facili-tated sessions conducted by an experienced consultant from Linkage. This program provides in-depth exposure to critical management skills concepts and includes intensive pre- and post-program assignments to ensure participants move beyond simply understanding to real ap-plication of their learning.

Each participant will complete a detailed online assessment that defines their management profile. Throughout the program, each participant will then create and add to an individual Management Development Action Plan targeted to their own development goals. Topics explored include: management versus leadership, creating an aligned agenda, coaching for performance, developing and retaining talent, and building a high performing team.

Who should attend

Managers who want to improve how they manage others. This course is not intended for those who do not have direct reports; teams are encouraged to attend

Benefits & outcomes

• Identify and commit to a developmental “plate” of responsibilities

• Align your agenda with organizational strategy for greater impact

• Learn to give challenging feedback in coaching conversations

• Transform your business through the application of best practices to manage others

For additional online options for your team, check out:

• Change Leadership Online (p. 8)

• Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program (p. 21)

Call to discuss custom online and blended solutions as well.

Call to arrange a private session for your intact team.

Great scalable solution for your management training.

Duration: 5 live online sessions up to 90 minutes in length; sessions are scheduled on a weekly basis where possible.

Blended learning offerings combine the best of virtual learning and in-person facilitation

Connecting as a Leader: Communicating for Impact

Effective leaders use every conversation to highlight their points of view, achieve goals, influence change, impact behaviors, and strengthen relationships. This accelerated blended learning program leverages a two-day face-to-face program, along with our virtual classroom to help leaders improve their communication strategies, maximize the impact of every interaction, and achieve business results. This unique format combines face-to-face and online learning for the optimal learning experi-ence.

Who should attend

Leaders who need to gain trust and commitment through effective communication tactics

Benefits & outcomes

• Receive a personalized 360-degree assessment report and confidential one-on-one coaching

• Benefit from proven techniques to implement essen-tial communication principles

• Practice and receive coaching on the delivery of your real-life change message

• Use verbal and nonverbal communication to drive change, build trust, and have powerful conversations

Program curriculum

blended online—pre-work

• Complete Linkage’s comprehensive 360-degree C-SAIL™ assessment (see the Five Communication Style Dimensions Model™)

• Develop a leadership message based on a real-life critical message you need to communicate

Two-day program

• Day 1—get to know your communication style as a leader

• Day 2—practice developing and delivering an impactful leadership message

blended online—post-work

• Participate in a virtual coaching session to target your development areas as identified in your C-SAIL™ results

• Receive feedback on a recorded delivery of your actual leadership message (from pre-work)

• Participate in two development webinars on communication challenges such as Building Trust and Commitment and Overcoming Communication Barriers

• Walk away with an Interactive Communication Toolkit to help you prepare for future messages
















FIve COMMunICaTIOn sTYle dIMensIOns MOdel™

Call to arrange a private session for your intact team.

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calendar of events

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produCing resuLTs

dr. atul gawande

May 25, 2011

ConCepTuaL Thinking

Charlene Li

June 16, 2011


steve Johnson

april 26, 2011

Leading TeaMs

adrian gostick

March 23, 2011

lIve and on-demand leadership broadcasts via webcast, satellite, dvd, or lMs

March – September 2011

Northeast Region


Central Region


Southern Region

Dallas, Washington, D.C.

Western Region

San Francisco

change & transition management

Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program

BOS 4/26-28 CHI 3/29-31, 9/13-15

DC 6/21-23 SF 5/17-19

Managing Organizational Transition (co-located at Linkage’s OD Summit)

CHI 5/2

Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change

BOS 8/16-17 CHI 6/15-16 SF 3/15-16

organizational development

Introduction to Organizational Development

CHI 3/22-23, 9/13-14

DC 5/17-18

Organizational Analysis and Design

BOS 9/13-14 CHI 3/24-25, 6/22-23

DC 4/19-20

Consulting Skills CHI 4/26-27

leadership & management development

Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems

CHI 9/27-28

High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence

BOS 8/23-24 DC 5/24-25

Strategic Thinking BOS 5/18-19 CHI 6/21-22 DAL 4/28-29

Systems Thinking CHI 6/7-8

The Coaching Leaders Certification Program

BOS 9/20-22 CHI 5/24-26 SF 6/7-9

Why Smart Leaders put People before Numbers

World-class leadership training.

For more information on the 2011 LIVE series or on our 90+ on-demand titles, call 781-402-5555 or visit www.linkageinc.com/tls.

Bill Conaty

Senior VP for Human Resources at GE

September 14, 2011

Spring 2011 line-up

Anytime. Anywhere.

Coming in fall of 2011

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