2) How does your media product represent particular social groups? By Olivia Mullen

2) how does your media product represent

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2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

By Olivia Mullen

Social Groups As my opening scene is focused on a young student aged 17 it is

representing a teenager. We associate teenagers with being rebellious, negative and rude

and potentially the most likely social group to commit crimes. However I wanted to challenge this particular social group and do the opposite for my protagonist Jess as I wanted her to come across completely innocent but driven and focused on work at the same time.

Research From research many films show this negative stereotype of teenagers

which is partly one of the reasons I went against it. I also thought my story would be much more interesting having a naive sweet girl get stalked over a rebellious one that it doesn’t affect as much.

One film I have done research on was Eden Lake which is about a young couple on a romantic weekend who confront a gang of loutish youths with terrifyingly brutal consequences.

Further Film Research Eden Lake in particular helped me decided on how I wanted my

antagonist to appear as he is a few years older age 19 with a mental illness.

The antagonist probably fits the stereotypical stereotype of teenagers however he is slightly more miss understood which is why I went on to research about another film ‘We need to talk about Kevin’. Jasper the antagonist fits very well with the character Kevin as all his problems were all triggered off by his childhood which is what I wanted Jasper to have also. This film is a thriller however it does have physiological conventions which is why I chose to use it as a base for my plot line.

Conclusion You could say my opening scene conveys a counter type as

the teenager Jess isn’t what we would expect her to be like in a thriller however I did this to help stand out to the audience and engage them to think why I have done this?

Possibly to make the storyline more relate able and realistic which is key when trying to connect with an audience. As my target audience is the younger generation I included particular things to show that I am addressing them and that I have taken time into researching what they use, the main one being the use of social media in my opening scene.

To elaborate on this at the beginning of the scene Jasper the antagonist is research the protagonist Jess on facebook, I think this has been cleverly used as it will make the audience more intrigued as this is an everyday situation that could occur not something that is over the top and un-realistic.