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Page 1: Presentation1

Filming Space

Gianluca, Olivia & Jake

Page 2: Presentation1

The Shed

Here you can see where we will be setting our cameras up for filming the performance. We have the Red D3300 as back up and for Slow-Motion footage. The camcorders will be static and pointing at our subject (The Stage) and the DSLR will be handheld. Our interview space will be in the basement and we will be using the same set up for the cameras.

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The Maze

At The Maze we have a lot of space to walk around a film footage. Above you can see where we would like to set our cameras up. The two camcorders will be static and the DSLR will be handheld. We also have the Red D3300 for our Slow-Motion footage which we will swap out for the other DSLR. We will mostly be filming the stage as that is where our act will be.

Page 4: Presentation1

Mark’s House

This is our set up for the interview with Mark at his house. We would like Mark to be sat down on his sofa, and we will be standing in front with cameras pointing at him at different angles. We know that Mark has a few instruments and we would like these to be exposed in the shot also.