Visual composition slideshow- Brady Arden

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Page 2: Visual composition slideshow- Brady Arden


Lines can either be very complex or very simple like the images shown. The bottom picture is a quite simple combination of lines to make up an object, while the top image is very complex and is a very basic element of design but makes the picture immensely moving. Picture 1 was found by searching for “photography for lines” on Google images and is located at: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSozuH_KS1gI3yY20OtWKFXhcmfO_ItLo9c3onDQ0Z-8-h6uXcBbQ Picture 2 was found by searching for “lines” on Google images and is locatedat: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSkuf1tS3ScpDRGa3mWaTsKRH-ffQxN7LQIobpc4TJqsHHqDG1m

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Shape (2D)

The two pictures shown are examples of 2D shapes that can be very simple or very complex. 2D shapes can be any image that has no dimension to it, so it looks flat.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “shape (2D)” on Google images and is located at: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQaXvbq8HJGwVzN0frBCqKoN51Pr0pye7AWLRfl4Kfjyp5TWmxKPicture 2 was found by searching for “interesting 2d shapes” on Google images and is located at: http://turtle.mylittleproject.co.uk/images/screenshots/3.jpg

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Form (3D)

3D photography is the form of photography that involves 3D objects, rather than 2D. These pictures really show great 3D, they are so calm and majestic but yet, so powerful.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “Form (3D)” on Google images and is located at: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDFWBVf0mxZR_m0phDrwV_LDO5pHz332kH0BOT4ZXzuSaKiTbaPicture 2 was found by searching for “form (3d) black and white” on Google images and is located at: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDFWBVf0mxZR_m0phDrwV_LDO5pHz332kH0BOT4ZXzuSaKiTba

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Colour in pictures is what makes it visually appealing and catches your eye, especially when most of the picture is a certain colour and then one object or item or a different colour that is either opposite on the colour wheel or adjacent to each other. I chose these two pictures because they stood out to me and were perfect examples on how colour in pictures can be used effectively.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic colour” on Google images and is located at: http://www.bretculp.com/gallery/archiveColour/content/images/large/BretCulp_TheWall.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “colour photography” on Google images and is located at: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNCke12jpk3EjWVdirmpkStog-4bI-2zAUHK8vPtAlVDiN0SC9pg

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Texture is the visual or the feel of an object or piece. It makes the picture seem more interesting and detailed, it adds to the visual and tactile aspect of a piece. I chose there two pictures because they show a great deal of texture and make the picture seem so much more interesting instead of just a plain flat surface.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic texture” on Google images and is located at: http://digital-photography-school.com/wp-content/side-light-texture.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “photographic texture” on Google images and is located at: http://www.picturecorrect.com/tips/texture-photography-essentials-and-tips/

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Depth (Perspective)

Depth is where one object is more focused in then the others, or where the object the photographer wants you to focus on is clear and close up, or where everything else in the photo is blurred to make the main object to be focused on and make it seem so much more important then everything else. Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic depth” on Google images and is located at: http://imgc.artprintimages.com/images/art-print/sounding-the-depth-at-queenstown-cobh-ireland-_i-G-62-6227-5S83100Z.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “photographic depth” on Google images and is located at: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2l-lSUMLd_NlUR9dbF1a6OXq6gbm3oEOQJWHvexHWU-MZjQ27

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Light and dark spots in an image provide contrast that suggest volume. Things that can affect somebody’s feelings towards an image could be the direction of the light source. Light coming from in front of the object can result in a mysterious shadow behind the object. Also, light coming from above a person or object can result in the picture becoming a lot more dramatic and more visually appealing. Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic light” on Google images and is located at: http://www.ludimaginary.net/img/photographie-nuit/one-step-behind-night-photography.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “photographic light” on Google images and is located at: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM9Z9UpI5QG4CN7sHIKLx7y9VtH4xL6_JV4s3HOkgXk1bhRP3d

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Direction (Motion)

When a person or object that moves past us very quickly, we see things as they appear somewhat blurry to show motion. Since you can not actually show motion in a picture, your mind and the photographer has to rely on tricks that cause the viewer to perceive motion.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “motion in photography” on Google images and is located at: http://media.smashingmagazine.com/images/motion-blur/2642246332_56be9c2578.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “speedy night” on Google images and is located at:http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2135/5762124147_4e5fa787a1.jpg

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Mass (Visual Weight)

Mass in photography shows the actual dimensions in a photo, which are height, weight, width, and depth. These two pictures demonstrate visual weight perfectly because each part of the design have their own mass relative to the whole piece.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “mass in photography” on Google images and is located at: http://verybadfrog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction-Photography.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “mass in photography” on Google images and is located at: http://www.creativeroots.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/3b24427r.jpg

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Tone (Black and White)

In tone the colour of the subject is unimportant, it is defined as the intensity of lightness or darkness in anything this visible. Tone adds great value to the picture itself.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “black and white photography” on Google images and is located at: http://images.photo-visible.com/photo_public/2008/3/800/800_226.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “black and white photography” on Google images and is located at:http://www.annedarlingphotography.com/images/black-and-white-night-photography-3.jpg

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Value in photography is normally where a photographer purposely edits a photo or choses a dark background to make the main focus, and whoever is viewing the photo knows what the photographer wanted as the center of attention, such as the two pictures here.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic value” on Google images and is located at: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VVbkMeE8GTo/TK-LlmMArEI/AAAAAAAAAek/pbuYO_Sk8rM/s1600/20091003-IMG_0413.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “photographic value” on Google images and is located at: http://www.pbase.com/image/28785722/medium.jpg

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Space (Positive and Negative)

Space is the area in or around an object that is there or occupies for a specific reason. In the top picture the positive space is represented by the arch and the negative space is used to represent the pyramid in the background and put great emphasis on what you can see through the arch. In the bottom picture the positive space is represented by the space between the two faces and the outlines of the faces, the negative space is represented by the heads themselves and you are not able to see any detail but the outlines of the blackPicture 1 was found by searching for “photographic

space (positive and negative)” on Google images and is located at: http://farm1.staticflickr.com/147/351442724_ab875fdd73.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “photographic space (positive and negative)” on Google images and is located at: http://www.dzineblog360.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/rubin-vase.jpg

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Symmetrical balance is a mirrored image or almost close to identical, it is quite affective in adding visual effect. Asymmetrical design like in the bottom picture is normally off-center with an odd or mismatched number of different components and this has basically the same affect just slightly off center.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic balance” on Google images and is located at: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-luONeRJYFnc/UClTQJ_zDYI/AAAAAAAAABY/Pxc6sAXnIiI/s640/asymmetricalbalance..jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “water reflection photography” on Google images and is located at: http://photoity.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Colorful-Water-Reflection-Photography.jpg

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Photographic emphasis is where the photographer blurs the background the put on emphasis on the main object. It is mainly a tactic used to make the element that is most important stand out in the design such as these two pictures herePicture 1 was found by searching for

“photographic emphasis” on Google images and is located at: http://www.harrynowell.com/workshops/David%20Picture_2.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “pictures” on Google images and is located at: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aL7kRBCxN0U/UN8SZBLq-NI/AAAAAAAAD9w/4cqDUKpRPRg/s1600/snow_leopard_pictures_1.jpg

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Proportion (Scale)

Proportion in photography is where an object may be really small but the photographer used a low camera angle to make it appear big, but on the other hand, he or she could find a very large object and use a high camera angle to make it appear quite a bit smaller then it actually is. It’s meant to show that something small can be actually meant to be perceived as big or the opposite.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “low camera angle” on Google images and is located at: http://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/upload/q11086297.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “very high camera angle” on Google images and is located at: http://www.myfilmstories.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/High-angle-shot.jpeg

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Repetition (Rhythm)

Repetition in photography can really add essence to a photo. Repetition refers to rhythm, when an element in a photo is repeated more then once it has an important meaning. Can also be used to tie a work together.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic repetition” on Google images and is located at: http://unlock80.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/repitition.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “photographic repetition” on Google images and is located at: http://pcdn.500px.net/4236374/849bf8c1f19ffedc8dca50e9faa2c54df1b873c1/4.jpg

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Unity is where objects in a piece seem that they are some how related to each other. This can be achieved by proximity; making objects appear to belong together by grouping them closely together.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic unity” on Google images and is located at: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_megmyz9kjH1r7u6l5o1_1280.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “photographic unity” on Google images and is located at: http://m7.i.pbase.com/o6/74/450574/1/70628467.GjxXxdfm.elnido100.jpg

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Contrast occurs when two things in a photo are different. The bigger then difference, the greater the contrast becomes. The difference has obvious for it to be effective. It can be mostly be done by using two completely different and contrasting colours. Contrast adds interest and emphasizes what is important.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic contrast” on Google images and is located at: http://www.spudooli.com/images/20060607172748_dsc_4587.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “contrast” on Google images and is located at: http://wallpaperdev.com/stock/yellow-contrast-flower-hd-wallpaper.jpg

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Harmony is where the photo is visually satisfying and combines similar, related elements. This can be done with adjacent colours on the colour wheel and similar shapes. The overall goal is create a pleasing image.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “photographic harmony” on Google images and is located at: http://dpshots.com/images/new_zealand_photography/photography-new-zealand-Harmony-in-Pink.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “harmony” on Google images and is located at: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-J9KVvbe3x6U/UCUi4XQrk8I/AAAAAAAAAMw/yk7j_vxJrM0/s1600/what_is_harmony.jpg

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Promixity is very easy way to create visual structure with an image. It gives the photo an organized feel by there relation to one another. It means that related items should appear close together. In this way, by spacing them a little bit serves as a visual clue as to what’s related and as to where one piece of information stops and starts.

Picture 1 was found by searching for “proximity in photography” on Google images and is located at: http://img2.etsystatic.com/000/0/5211017/il_fullxfull.57172478.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “proximity in photography” on Google images and is located at: http://banhup.com/wordpress2/wp-content/gallery/my-gallery/proximity.jpg

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Variety is the compliment to unity and is quite important in creating visual interest. An image can be dull and uninteresting without variety. Great design in created by adding variety, the elements need to be unique. Variety can be achieved through lines; thinness, thickness, value, color, angle, length. Also can be achieved through shape; size, color, orientation and texture, type

Picture 1 was found by searching for “variety in photography” on Google images and is located at: https://phillzdesigns.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/abstract-17.jpgPicture 2 was found by searching for “variety in photography” on Google images and is located at: http://justcreative.com/wp-content/gallery/elements-of-photography/coloursquare2.jpg