Design for Advertising Developing, producing and evaluating By Emma Taylor

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Design for AdvertisingDeveloping, producing and evaluating

By Emma Taylor

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Initial Ideas

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Mind map(s)

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Mood board(s)

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Copy/Script development

I am going to choose to create an energy drink that will be aimed at a male audience aged 18-25. I will be aiming the product at a British market, as this is what I am most familiar with, as well as aiming at the C2DE market because I want to create something that will easily produced as well as being easily affordable to consumers.I have three ideas that I would like to work with, although they are quite similar so I think this will make it easier to decide a final idea once I test out a few different styles, colour scheme and font. Each of these products would come in a can, so would follow the typical stereotype of an energy drink so is easily recognisable.

1.My first idea is that the name of the product will be called ‘Dark Horse’. I would like the colour scheme to be mainly black,blues and purples are this will link in well with the name of the product and are the sort of colours that would also attractthe male audience. The colour black connotes power, which would be ideal for this as the drink is supposed to give you energy and power, which is why it’s a colour possibility. I would like to have a font that will draw you to it, so it will very large and bold. I would like to link it with the product so I would like to have some jagged or rough edges, as this would make the product individual as current products have a clear font. I currently don’t have a slogan but I think that when it comes to designing the product, it will help me to come up with a good slogan that will appeal to my target audience. If I choose to go with this idea, I would have an image of a horse, but it will drawn in a gaudy way, otherwise I think it would look too feminine for the audience I am aiming at. If this design works out well, I am hoping to incorporate the horse image into the title by replacing the R in horse to the horses’ head as I think this would look very effective. I would definitely want to produce a number of flavours as I think this would expend the market. I am hoping to produce original, berry flavour and maybe an orange flavour. I like the name ‘Dark Horse’ because it sounds mysterious, which I think would be popular with my audience. I would also consider a horse to be a powerful animal, which I have discovered is what most energy drinks are named after, so it would be a good idea to name my product after something like that. I have come up with a possible slogan for this drink. ‘Don’t be left in the dark.’ I think this would be a good slogan because it would link in with the title of ‘Dark Horse’, it would also indicate that if you were to have a drink of this, you wouldn’t be left in the dark of being low, so it would perk you up and give you lots of energy.

2.My second idea would be a product called Resurrection. I think this is a good name because it links in with the energy drink theme because the word resurrection means bringing you back to life, i.e. Your energy. I have an idea on what I would produce for the advert for this product. It would involve a sports person attempting a trick and failing because their energy is low and feel drained, but then they have a drink of Resurrection, they liven up and try the trick again whichthey do perfectly. It will show how the drink will give you energy and bring you back up so you can perform at your best.

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Copy/Script development

The colour scheme for this product will probably include some reds and oranges and well a bit of black so it links in with the title of the drink. The colour orange is ideal because it connotes energy, which is what I want the product to do. The title would be a simple font but with some detail as I want it to be easy to read; as for the imagery I’m not sure I want to include on the packaging so this will take some thinking. The title of the drink would be located at the top half of the can as this is the part that your eye would be drawn to first. I think it would look better is it was all in capital letters so it stands out even more and shows its importance. This would also be good in a number of flavours, and I would change the colour scheme slightly according to what flavour the drink will be. I think that the name speaks for itself as I think it gives an obvious reaction to what type of drink it is without thinking about it too much. ‘Bringing you back to life’ is a possibility for my slogan as it links with my title as well as suggesting what the product does.

3.My third option would be a drink called Black Widow. This is my favourite idea as I think that the other two are weaker competitors and would be less popular than this one. This would also be aimed at the 18-25 age group, because I think that although there are a lot of drinks out there already, this is the age group that is more likely to drink energy drinks. With this drink, I might include an image of a spider and this could result in a good branding technique, as I won’t have to include the title in words, just the image would show you what the product is called. Males are also more likely to buy a product with an image of a spider on it rather than one with a cat or a rabbit as they are seen as feminine animals. The colour scheme on this would include black and reds as these are the colours of a black widow spider so it would be nice to incorporate the into the drink so it would all flow together nicely. The colour red is seen as a dominant colour and also to connote energy along with the colour orange so it would indicate to the customers that they would be getting energy when they drink this. I would want to have a slogan that fits in with my product an have managed to come up with a few suggestions. ‘Life with more bite’ is one suggestion and I think that it fits in well with my product because black widow spiders have a bite, so would link it together. My second slogan idea would be ‘swing from the web’, this also links with my product because of the web aspect. I think that this slogan will make you think that you’ll be able to do ‘amazing’ things, but actually will give you lots of energy to be able to do things. I would like my advert to consist along the lines of an extreme sportsman/woman performing in front of a crowd and they don’t land the trick very well, have a drink of Black Widow then perform the trick again and do it well.

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Font/Colour Scheme developmentThese are some font possibilities for the name of my energy drink. I got these fonts from Dafont.com as this website has a wide range of fonts which is ideal for this kind of project. They all came from the ‘distorted’ category as this was the look I was wanting to achieve with my font. I chose my favourite idea to work with as it would be easier to find the font I want because as it may work for one one, it may not for the other. I wanted to go with the distorted look as I think that this will look really effective with the type of drink I want to produce. I also wanted sharp edges because it looks like it should belong on the side of an energy drink as the spikes give you the feeling of rising, increasing, which links in to your energy as the drink will lift you up. I asked a few of my peers for feedback on which font they liked best after explaining my idea to them and the first font won overall. I also enjoy this font the most so I think it was a good idea to go with this font. The fifth font is my least favourite font because I don’t think it would go well with my idea. It also is difficult to read which wouldn’t appeal much to customers who are wanting to buy an energy drink.

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These are the type of colours I would want to use in my can design. By putting my chosen font onto the background colour, it helps me determine which color looks best.













These are examples of the type of font I would use to write all of the information, ingredients and calorie intake. It would be better in a font like this because it’s simple and easy to read when in a smaller size. It would be written in black as this is the typical colour for ingredients and information to be wrote in. I prefer the top and middle font and I think they are easy to read then the bottom font and they are also more casual.

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Font/Colour Scheme development

After looking at all of the font choices, I decided that this font was the best for my product as it’s clear and easy to read, but it has a bit of edge to it which will look really effective on the can. I previously tested them out on dark background but I also wanted to see how the text would look in different colours. I tested out the same colours I used for the background as I wanted to keep them in the dark spectrum.I think that the blue doesn’t look right with the font because it’s too bright for my idea, nor does the purple. As I am producing a drink aimed at the male market, I think that purple is more of a feminine colour and I don’t think it’ll be very popular in this colour. My favourite colours are the black and red fonts because I think they fit the font and name well. The black colour also links in with the name as it has the word ‘black’ in it. I might incorporate the two colours together to give it an edge as I think that they will work well together and contrast well. I do like the white writing on a black background as it stands out very well so I would also consider using this colour if my background colour on the can is dark.

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Font/Colour Scheme development

I decided to try out my chosen font and colours in different sizes to see if it would still be readable if put into a smaller size depending where I decide to place it on the can. I have chosen various sizes and I think that they are both very readable even at the smaller size. I do think that the black font stands out more than the red font, although the white font looks very effective and even in the smallest font, is still very readable on the black background. The name of my drink is definitely going to be in a large font because I want your eye to be drawn to it and the bigger the better in this case. I need to use black in it somewhere so it will all link together.

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Product packaging development

This is my first design idea. I decided to create a template as this would help me to work out where all the elements would go and would make it easier for me. There is a lot of black on this but it links in with the name of the drink so I think I should incorporate the colour into it somehow. I have made spaces for the front, back and ingredients list so I can arrange everything to the right sizes. At this point it looks very blank because there is a lot of space to fill up and it doesn’t really flow together which wouldn’t make someone pick it up and drink it. I think that on this design, the text is far too small as it needs to stand out and grab your attention which it won’t at this size.




I want to incorporate the spider web as it adds to the design and makes it more interesting than if there was just a spider on it; it also ties the whole drink together from the title and images. I do think that there needs to be more colour in the designas the black and white is quite boring, so I would like to add some red into it because I think it would go well with the design as well as making the can look more interesting and draw you to it more. There is nothing to suggest what flavour it is, so I might want to show that to the consumers, it would go into the blank space, possibly underneath the name so you see it straight away.

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Product packaging development

This is my second design idea. I prefer this one to the first design because there is a lot more going on so it looks more exciting on the eye. I like how the red colour stands out well because it suggests that it’s the original flavour as I will be producing different flavours and changing the red colour accordingly. This will be good because it will get you interested to try the different flavours on offer. I felt like I needed to fill in the blank space that was left on the can, so I made the text a lot bigger so you can clearly read it when it is on an shelf, I also added the red accents to tie everything together. The image in the ‘O’ is a copy of the design on the spider because that is what they look like and I think it flows together well.

The spiders web is carefully placed behind the beginning of the title and as the spider is hanging off the ‘W’ in widow, it looks like the spider has come from the web, crawled across the lettering and hung itself from the letters, which I think looks very effective. I would want to create different design for the different flavours I would want. I think that I would change the red accents to a colour that would be linked in with the flavour I would choose, so it would look more effective.

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Product packaging development

The third design was a tester because I wanted to try my title in a different form. As my previous designs involved the title being across the top of the can, I wanted to try it down the side to see if it would look as effective. From his you can see that it doesn’t look very good because it looks like all the letters have been squashed together so it makes it harder to read. There is also a lot of blank space which would be difficult to fill even if I were to make the lettering larger. I wanted to introduce some red accents into this one, like I have with my other designs, although this one doesn’t look very good because it doesn’t flow and looks like it has been put there without any thought to detail.

With the web, I wanted to do something different and pair it with the spider, rather than as two separate images; it does work, but I think that I would have to change the placement of everything to make it work better. Comparing all three of my designs, I like this one the least because it looks very unprofessional as the lettering are too close together and the details don’t flow together as well as my previous designs. I also haven't included my slogan in this one because I wouldn’t know where it would fit in if the design was to be like this. I definitely prefer my title going across my can.

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Task 6: Advert Development

I decided to go for a simple yet effective advert because I think it would look better for my theme. After looking through similar can adverts, I really loved the concept of the coloured smoke, paint or juice so I wanted to incorporate one of these things into my advert. As this is just a draft of what I want, I placed a plain can where I would want my final product to be so I can place everything around it. I like how the smoke is appearing from the bottom of the can and I think that this looks really effective. I wanted to have something that would look similar to the Monster advert as it’s really bright so it stands out, but is simple yet effective. I wanted to put the name of the can very large so it is very noticeable when the advert is in a newspaper, magazine or on a billboard. The white definitely stands out very well because of the black background and I like how it’s at the side of the advert because it fills in more space. I think that if I were to put the title at the top centre of the advert, I would have to reduce the size of the can significantly, but it would be too small, so I think that with the size it is at, is perfect. The only problem with the title is that the red K doesn’t stand out very well because of the background, so I would have to change thiswhen it comes to creating thefinal product.

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Task 6: Advert Development

I then proceeded to insert my slogan, as this is vital when producing an advert. I wanted a font that would stand out, but with a bit of edge to it so I also put it in a white font because I know that it would stand out, as well as linking with the title too. I think that I have a catchy slogan and think it will go down well with the consumers because it goes with the product because black widow spiders bite; it works very well.Not many products use QR codes much anymore but I wanted to include one in my advert because I think that it helps connect the audience to the product, because they can choose to find out about the product which will give them the possibility to be close with the product. This also goes for the link in the bottom corner as it is a link to a Facebook page which will get customers to view the page which will have various promotional pictures and videos which will get people more interested in the product and what it has to offer. The added spider in the last image is an added bonus because it is detail that will also be on the final can design, so I thought it would also look good on the advert because it will all flow together. I decided to put a white border around the spider because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see it because it’s the same colour as the background. It also fills up the blank space which makes it more appealing on the eye to the audience.

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Task 6: Advert Development

This is the last image in my draft of my advert. I decided to add a small red border at the bottom of the advert as this would draw your eye to the detail at the bottom, it also highlights the Facebook and Twitter links which is important to get across to an audience. I didn’t want it to be big and bright, because otherwise it would attract your eye away from the actual product, so I made it blend in with the black background so it would look more natural and very effective than if there was just a red band at the bottom of the page; it would look very unprofessional.

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Task 6: Advert Development

I decided to try out a completely different advert design as I wanted to test it out to see if I would change my mind for the final advert. I wanted to do a portrait advert as my previous one was in landscape as this would help me to determine how much space I would have on either size and which would be better suited to my product. I wanted something a bit different so I tried it out with a textured background; I thought a spider web would be good because it links in with the product and my theme. I turned the opacity down because it stood out a lot, but I didn’t want it to be the main focus of my advert, so by turning it down, my can would be the focus, which is what I want. I kept the title and slogan the same as this is what links everything together and which makes the product more recognizable when advertised. I don’t really like the title with the background as it looks like there is too much going on; although it does draw your attention, the red K doesn’t work well and you can’t see it very well. I think that this is because it is smaller than on my landscape advert, which makes it more difficult to read. The slogan fits well with this advert because it’s in a large, bold font and the colour stands out too. In the second image of my advert, I decided to put the spider in too as this is a signature of my product. I think that it looks good because again, it looks like it has crawled across the title and landed on the spider web background and I think that it looks really effective. It might look better if it were a bit bigger because it’s not very noticeable at a small size, although this could be the fact that it is black and white like the background, so blends in which doesn’t look very good. With the red accent at the bottom, I wanted to include it as it might bring a bit of colour to the advert, which it does, although I don’t think that it fits in with the advert, but I think this is because of the background. If it were a plain background, it would look very effective, but as it is textured, it looks like there is too much going on.

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Task 6: Advert Development

I also incorporated the QR code and Facebook/Twitter addresses because I would like to include them in my real advert because this will get the audience involved. They are the same size as the ones on my landscape advert as I wanted to compare sizes. For them to fit where I wanted, I had to move my slogan upwards, but I think that it looks cramped up to the can, which I don’t like. If I were to pursue this idea, I would either have to make the QR code smaller, or rearrange my slogan so it fits nicely where I want it.

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Task 6: Advert Development

This is my third advert design. I decided that I liked the portrait shape better than the landscape because there was a lot less blank space to fill which appealed to me. From the two previous advert designs, I preferred the first one because I really liked how the smoke worked with my product. As the smoke from the first design wouldn’t work with a portrait shape, I searched around for a similar one and I eventually found this one which I think looks really good with the shape of the advert. I put the title in a really large font as this is the first thing I want you to see when looking at the advert. I put a small black stroke around the letters as this would make it stand out more against the red smoke. With the red K and the image in the O, I put a grey stroke on the inside as this helps to define them against the red because otherwise it would blend in. I chose a grey because white was a bit too harsh with the lettering and the grey looked more natural. I wanted to include the QR code with the Facebook and Twitter websites in the corner as it will show to my audience that you are able to see and look at the product online so it’ll get you more involved. They will also help to promote the product because you are able to scan the QR code with your phone as you walk past, so it’s quick and easy to check out the websites involved with my product. The white slogan stands out well because I have put it in a bold font as well as in capital letters. The capitals make it stand out and attracts you to it; it makes a statement and it also links in with my product and the spider aspect too. It is also in a softer font as I don’t want it to look like it’s focused on one gender.I kept in spider in because it’s an iconic part of my branding, so I feel like it is necessary and has to be there. Once I have designed my can, it will go in place of the plain can that currently takes its spot. I hope that it will look good on the advert as it will be difficult for me to create a new advert within the time frame given to me. As the can will be black, I might have to put a small glow around it as this will help to bring it out against the background.

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Task 6: Final Advert

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What are the technical qualities of your work?As my advert is not yet finished, it is difficult to identify certain qualities within my work. I think that the red smoke is a technical quality because it makes the advert pop as it gives you something to look at. I had to put the image into Photoshop because it was a slightly different colour to what I wanted, so I had to edit it to tone thecolour down to what I think would go with my advert. The image of the left is the original smokecolour, but you can see that it is pinker than I want, so I introduced some red into it. The title was abit difficult because I had to rearrange it a few times to get the position and size which would beperfect. I decided to add something to the title by putting the K backwards, and in a differentcolour. I did this by writing the words ‘blac widow’ and spacing them out accordingly, then creatinganother text box with the ‘k’ and flipping it so it would fit. This was difficult at first because I had tomake sure the letters were all the same size and placed correctly before adding the ‘k’. It alsoneeded to be symmetrical so thought it looked better with the words ‘Black’ on the top with‘Widow’ at the bottom as this would be my logo throughout my product. Once I had positioned thetext, I realised that you couldn’t see the red K in front of the red smoke, as you can see from thebottom image, which is why I changed the position of the smoke so it was at the left side of theadvert; this was the right decision because you are now able to see the K against the blackbackground. It also doesn’t show the spider very well because its small legs get lost in the smoke,which doesn’t look very good. As my finished can will be black, I am going to have to put a slightglow around the can because otherwise it will get lost into the background, when I want it tostand out. I am going to have to try out different techniques to see which will help my productto stand out on my advert best.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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What are the aesthetic qualities of your work?I think that there are a few aesthetic qualities that make my advert look good. I think that the overall colour scheme fits well with my target audience; as I am aiming mainly at a male audience, the black and red colours are well suited to their tastes. The colour black connotes things like power, strength and authority, which is what males like to think they have, so the colour scheme is ideal in this situation. I think that the pops of red work really well as they are two colours that go welltogether and since red is associated with energy, this colour is also good because it is helping to promote an energy drink so it links in very well. As I wanted the background to primarily in black, I had to use a white text as any othercolour wouldn’t have stood out, but I think that it looks good as it’s very noticeable and your eye woulddefinitely be drawn to it. With the spider, this adds some excitement to the product because it the sort ofanimal that a male audience would prefer, instead of a cat or a dog. It also makes the product recognisablebecause it will be the signature of my product so when you see that image, you will know what product itis, a bit like the product ‘Monster’. I think that with my logo, it’s very effective because you can have it withor without the spider. The spider is there for decoration but I think that it looks very effective because itlooks like it has walked across the title and eventually finished it’s journey on the W and is proceeding tomake a web which also links it to my product.

Are there opportunities for further development of your work?I think there are a lot of opportunities to develop my work as I feel like I could have gone with a differentidea altogether. With my advert, there are various elements that could be done differently. I would haveliked to used more colour because I feel like there is a lot of black throughout, which is very difficult towork with. Although black suits my product, I would have liked to have tried out different backgroundsand colours to see how they compare, although there wasn’t much time to try out everything I wanted to.I would have liked to incorporate my idea as a festival drink, although I didn’t knowwhat I wanted to put into the advert, so it was good that I didn’t go down that route as Idon’t think it will have been as successful as what I ended up producing. I would haveliked to have produced something like this Relentless Energy advert as it shows thefestival life which is something I wanted to try. It looks simple and something I think Icould achieve easily. I also think that I could have developed my font further as I didn’ttest out all my possibilities for the name of my product. I should have looked at all mychosen finalists and tested them in different colours and sizes, then chose from there. Ido like my font, but I think that there are other fonts which would do the same job, Ijust didn’t look at them properly.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation





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Are your final pieces are fit for purpose?I think that my final pieces are well suited for the purpose. This is because I think that I have followed the brief well for this task as I have managed to come up with an advert that is promoting an energy drink. It is important to follow the brief givenas it tells you what you need to do in order to complete it; if you don’t then in some circumstances, you could be removed from the project which means that you would lose money and also have wasted your time, which could have a bad result. This is why I have looked at the brief and followed it specifically to make sure that this wouldn’t happen to me.

What areas of planning and development worked well? I think that when planning and developing my font, colours and product packaging Idid this well because I looked at various possibilities for my can idea and thisinvolved producing different drafts where I would put the elements of my design inseveral places and decide which one would be best suited for my audience. I thinkthat planning your idea is very important as it helps you gain more knowledge aboutwhat you are wanting to produce in the long run. It also helps you to narrow downyour ideas and by producing mind maps, it further helps you to finalise everything.I knew that I wanted a simple advert with some small details but because I wantedthe can to appear on the advert, I knew it had to be simple so that your attentionwould be focused on the just the can which is what I wanted to achieve. Originally,I wanted a landscape advert with the smoke aspect because I had seen this usedon other adverts and wanted to try it out for myself, which gave me ideas of what Iwanted to do, but after completing the first draft, I realised that there was a lot ofblank space even with the smoke as well as wanting it to be simple. I thenproceeded to try an entirely different approach and go for a portrait canvas insteadI found that this worked a lot better although when trying to introduce the samesmoke effect, I didn’t work because when put into a portrait fashion, you lost allthe smoke which was disappointing, so I went to incorporate a spiders web as thetextured background because it was different to try and might add someexcitement. I found this didn’t work very well because the title was very difficult tosee no matter what colour I put it in. In the first two drafts I paced a red border at the bottom. It worked well in the first drafts because I wanted it to outline the QR code as well as the Facebook and Twitter addresses but in the second draft it didn’t flow with the colour scheme. I then went back to the smoke effect but in portrait mode. I found the perfect effect which is simple yet gives detail well. I used the same elements in my first draft, so this was a development from the first one. I managed to come up with a design I am very happy with because I planned out what I wanted to use and developed my ideas further until I was happy with my result.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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What areas of planning and development could have done with more work?I think that I could have done a lot more development on my font and colours than I have currently. This is because I have only looked at a certain colour spectrum when I should have been looking at a wider source as this might have changed my mind on the colour scheme and overall look of the advert. I stayed at the darker end of the spectrum just because I was aiming my product at a male audience, although I want a secondary audience of females, but the colour scheme doesn’t really fit a female pallet, so I could have looked more into a colour scheme that would suit both genders equally. With my font, I should have explored all the possibilities further as I chose one font to work with whereas I should have used all ofmy final fonts and worked with them all first because having a final decision as the font is very masculine. I do think that I could have looked at different ways for the background as each of my developments include a black background. As my can is black, I think that it clashes a lot, although I do like the look of it together, I could have considered different textures and colours as this might have helped make my advert better aesthetically.

What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? I do think that my development stages really helped me come up with my final product because by doing the testing, it helps you to decide what colours and fonts etc would be best suited to the idea that you are wanting to achieve. It helps to put your idea in your head to on the screen. I knew what colour scheme I wanted, but I needed to test them out first, so I could decide which was best and in the end it helped me to come up with a colour scheme that was perfectly suited to my product. With the advert, there was a lot that you could develop on, so it was good that I had the chance to develop the bits that I wanted to because all three of my ideas were different even though all of the elements were the same. You can see that from my development, the smoke idea worked well in the first draft, yet when I changed the background, it didn’t work at all, so when I returned to the smoke, realised that it was the right idea to go with that feature.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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Task 7: Product Development

This is my first draft of my can. I really like the design because it has come out exactly how I had planned on my flat plans. I like how the can has some shine to it, like it would in real life, so it is much easier to see how the product would look when in real. I started off by placing the title as I knew that this would be the hardest part to do, so decided to tackle it first. On my flat plans, the title goes across two sections of the can, the back and the front as I wanted it to be very large so you would be drawn to it. I don’t think that this has worked very well because as you can see from my drafts, it is a little too big because if it were to be placed on a shelf, you would only see half of the title, which certainly wouldn’t attract you to it. This is something that I will change in my next draft. What I do like is the fact that the font does stand out very well, so this would be a positive for my product. With the slogan, it does stand out but not as much as I would like. From the images it looks like it is blurry, and it gets lost in the background. What I will also need to change is the positioning as I think that it needs the curvature that a natural can has which will make it look a lot better. With the nutritional information I think I will type it out as what I have used isn’t the proper way. It will also look better if I write it because it will show that I have taken more time over my product to make it look good. I want my product to look as much like an existing product, so I want to add in things like a barcode, call number and an email address as this adds to the realism of my can. I like how the spider has turned out because it shows up better than I thought it would, which is a good sign because it also shows to consumers that the product would be recognizable if it were to just have the image of the spider.

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Task 7: Product Development

This is my second draft of my product. I think I prefer this design to my first one because there isn’t as much black space and you are also able to see the full name of my drink on one side of the can. I decided to try a different approach and put the name on the side because when you drink it, you will be showing the name of the drink to everybody which is a good tactic to get it promoted. It is something that Coca Cola does as they have the name on the side. I think it also works very well because it is still in the large font I wanted so it was a good decision to try this out. I also wanted to design the information as whichever design I choose, this will have to be a part of it so I wanted to arrange it so I knew where I would put everything. I think that my nutritional information panel came out well because I have managed to put a description about the product as well as the ingredients and calorie intake onto one side of my can, which I think looks really professional because it is all neatly placed and with the addition of the barcode and email address/phone number, it helps to make the can look more realistic as these are the typical elements that you would find on a drinks can. I really like the placement of my details because it fills up a lot of the space on my can, but without looking too crowded at the same time. I think that it was a good decision to go with the white font as this stands out very well against the black; even with the nutritional information, it makes it easier to read because it really stands out. The red accents just gives the can some extra details and helps to tie the concept of the spider to the name and product. Compared to my first design idea, this one is definitely better because it’s a lot more exciting and there are also more details which will draw your eye in more. I definitely have some more details to add onto the information side like a company address and QR code etc, but this won’t take long to do before I have my completed product. Even though I had said in my drafts that I preferred the title going across my can, I didn’t try it on its side, which I think looks really good for my design, so I am glad that I went back to trying it out because I think it turned out well.

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Task 7: Product Development

This is my third draft. I decided to stick with the idea I liked the most, which was my second draft, but I wanted to see how my product would look as a different flavour. This meant changing the colours so you would recognize it as being a different flavour. I decided to go with an orange flavoured drink, so I proceeded to change the red accents to orange instead as this would be the most effective way of showing the different flavours. I will also want to produce a berry flavoured drink which will include purple accents as I want to tie in the colours with the flavours. I think that the orange stands out just as well as the red, which makes it look good. I also experimented with the purple berry colours. I don’t particularly like this one because you can’t see the purple colour because it blends in with the dark, black background. It works well on the information panel, but on the rest of the can, you can’t see it. This is something that I would have to change, whether I put a border around the colour, or change it completely. I am still happy with the placement of everything because there is a lot of details which make my product look good. I think that my product is a bit different to the usual cans you see because they tend to repeat the name on both sides of the can, so it look identical, whereas I have decided to change mine so that it has the name in two different ways, so it looks more exciting, like there is more going on.

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Task 7: Final Packaging

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What are the technical qualities of your work?I think that there are various technical qualities in my work because I have included lots of detail on my product that makesit look ideal for the target audience I am aiming at. I have included elements such as a spider web because I know that this will fit in well with my product. I wanted to incorporate it into the title, because although it does containsome red accents, I think that it would look rather boring if it were to have just the title going down thecan, as you can see from the two images on the right. I don’t think that my can was particularly difficult tomake because all of the elements were very simple and easy to do. I think that the most technical aspectof my product is the information panel because it had to be very precise and I wanted it to look verysimilar to the current products out there. I got a can of Relentless Original and proceeded to come up witha similar design to that one because I know that by looking at an existing product, you are more likely toproduce a better product yourself if you compare it. I started off by writing out the text in which describedthe product, like a blurb as this is what people would read to help to decide whether or not to buy theproduct. I then had to write out the ingredients, so had to choose a font that would be best suited to thisjob. I chose Calibri as this was one of the options I had chosen as a contender for the main body text. Itwas also difficult making the calorie intake on the front of the can because it was very time consuming. Asthey are an odd shape, I had to improvise and make my own, so I took a rounded rectangle shape andbrought the corners in slightly to create a rounded edge. With this, I had to insert small black ovals whichsat to the right hand side like on a conventional calorie intake panel. You can see on my images that it turnedout really well. This is something that I am very happy with because it also helpscreate the illusion that it is a real product. To create the whole product, I decidedto start off with a black can, because I knew that this was the colour I was goingfor, so it made it easier for me to know where to put all my details.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

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What are the aesthetic qualities of your work?I think that overall my product looks aesthetically pleasing because there is a lot going on, without making it look too busy. My product really suits the black can coating because it goes well with my product and any other colourit would look out of place. I like all of my sides because the back is part of my design from my originalidea, so it’s nice to have it on my final can because it shows that I can stick to my original ideas.With that in mind, I think it looks good with different designs on each side because it gives yousomething to look at, compared to a can who just repeats itself on both sides. I also decided to designmy can with other flavours in mind because I wanted to show some development within my product.I wanted an orange flavoured drink and as you can see from the two designs, they are slightly different. Ididn’t want to change them too much because I still wanted them to look like one product, so I changedthe red accents to orange. I think that this looks really good because I haven’t changed much, but youare still able to tell that they are different flavours within my product range. I did have a problem with mythird flavour which was berry because I wanted to go with the theme of making the colours the same aswhat fruit would go into them; so I chose purple for my berry drink. You can see that it doesn’t look verygood because the purple is too dark, so just blends in with the background. The other twodo look good because I think that they have the right blend of colours.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

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Are there opportunities for further development of your work?I think there is a lot of ways that I could develop my work because I would have liked to have looked at more existing products because this may have influenced me to go down a completely different route. I know that I would have liked to look at some more organic drinks because it would be interesting to create a product like that because I know that there aren’t many organic energy drink products on the market currently. This would have been good because then I could have experimented with a female audience which would involve different colours and I know that this would have been more suited to my pallet because I am a female so know what would attract us to an energy drink. I think that I could have developed my can colour further because unlike Monster, I have decided to keep the same colourthroughout all my can flavours, whereas they have changed the colour scheme depending on what typeof drink they are producing. Their original can is black, but this ‘juiced’ product has a grey washbackground, this might have been something to considered when producing my can, but I didn’t lookinto existing products as much as I should have done, which is why mine are all very similar.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

Are your final pieces are fit for purpose?I do think that my final pieces are fit for purpose because I have managed to design and produce anenergy drink that has a selected audience which looks professional in my opinion. I wanted an audienceof males aged 18-25 because I felt like I could make a product which would appeal to that age group.Although I am not male, I am within that age group so have an idea of what that audience would beinterested in purchasing. As the brief didn’t contain much information about what the company wanted,I had to come up with the whole concept by myself. This had some good and bad points because itmeant that I could use my imagination as much as I wanted, but this also showed me how difficult it canbe if you have limited instructions. With the limited information, I think that I managed to produce arange of good looking products which I think fit the brief well and are what the client would be happywith selling. I had a secondary audience of females the same age which I think goes well because I couldsee some females drinking this because I think that the flavours would appeal to them as there are a range of them. I also think that the detail would make them interested because it’s something exciting to look at.

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What areas of planning and development worked well?I think that my development worked out really well because from my original designs to my final product, you can see how have progressed through them and how they have become better executed after each development and in the end, it helped me to produce a good product. I think that I could have done with planning better because I didn’t do that much research into existing products which is probably what let me down in the design process. With my development, I started off with my first idea of my product looking like the cans on the right, although once Ihad put my design onto the cans, I realised that it would work very well because youaren’t able to see the whole name of the drink if it were on a shelf, which would be aProblem, so I knew that I had to change it. I preferably wanted to keep all the differentelements the same throughout my development stages because I knew what I wantedon my final can product. I did want to have my title going across the top of the can, but Ididn’t want my can to be repetitive, so I put it on one side of the can with all of thedetails you can see on this first design. I had developed my work from one to anotherand I was a lot happier with the positioning of my title on my second design. This is whatsparked me to go back to one of my previous thoughts about having the title going downthe can, which lead me to my current and final design idea.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

What areas of planning and development could have done with more

work?I think that I could have done some better planning because I hadn’t looked enough into existing products which was a mistake because I think that this really could have helped me come up with some designs that might even look better than my current one. I think that I could have planned out other flavours to the ones I already have, as well as a diet one too because this might have helped to get the female audience more interested in my product because females tend to drink diet drink rather than full fat ones. This would have involved different colour schemes which would have been good to develop into. I think that this development really helped me because I originally wanted to do my can design as the image above, but after putting it onto a can, I realised that it wouldn’t look very good when on a shelf, so by doing this first draft, helped me to develop a product that would be better suited.

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What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? It is very important that you do develop your work because it helps you see what ideas work and which don’t. My development definitely helped me because what I thought would be a good idea, didn’t turn out to be one that would look very good as a final product. It also helped me to work out which details would look good in certain places and gave me the chance rearrange them if they didn’t work. I like how I was able to develop my can into different flavours with the design I preferred the most which contributed to my development and shows that I am able to create various designs that all work well together. I have also been able the develop the nutritional information panel on my can, which was tricky because I had to include a lot of ingredients as well as the calorie intake and vitamins etc. I kept on developing this panel because I kept on thinking of information that I should include that would help it look more realistic, for example adding in a recycle iconas well as an email address and phone number for the company. These things are definitely important as they give the audience information about the drink and the company. Even though this can example is written in German, it shows you how they have included the calorie information just as mine does, as well as other details likea barcode and how many ml the drink contains. I had to look at a fewdifferent can backs to make sure I had all the information necessaryto make it look like a proper product.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

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Task 8: Web Banner Development

This is my first idea for my web banner. There isn’t a lot of detail at the moment because I hope to eventually get to make a moving banner. With this idea, I wanted to include my product so that people could see what is being advertised. I would possibly like to include the red smoke that is in my advert, because it helps tie the two products together. This banner is the size of 240x400 pixels because I wanted to design something with a similar shape to my advert. I felt like by choosing this size banner, I would be able to comfortably fit my can on it, which it does. I don’t particularly like this one because it looks too much like my advert; I do want them to link together, but I want to incorporate my details into something else. I would want to make this a moving animation, as previously said, which the spider would descend down the advert with maybe a bit of the smoke curving round at the same time so you have plenty to look at. I think that the spider moving would be a simple task, yet the smoke would take a lot of work because I want it to look like it is travelling around the can. Although there is some blank space on the banner, it will be filled by the spider descending down, so it doesn’t bother me that much. I have decided to include the Facebook and Twitter logos because this will indicate to audiences that you are able to look up the drink on these websites.

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Task 8: Web Banner Development

These are my second banner ideas. I wanted to try something a bit different with the size so went with a 486x60 size. With the top one I have included a spider web because this is part of my can design, so I wanted to see if I could incorporate it into my web banner as it would help tie everything together. I do prefer this design to my first banner idea because I like the look of this better. It has all the elements I need in one and I don’t need to feature the actual product in able to create a banner. The 4 bottom designs are for one banner idea. It involves the spider crawling across the banner, from left to right whilst revealing the slogan for my product. It will have to be an animation but I wanted to show the progress of what would happen when the spider walks across the banner. I do prefer this idea because I think that it is more interesting and audiences will get more excited about this than my first idea. So far, I have included the smoke effect in all my designs, but I think that it helps to bring all my products together. I also like the placement of everything; I prefer the title of my product at the right hand side because again, the spider will walk towards the title, introducing you to the product name, like it’s building up suspense. Your eye will also naturally flow from the left to the right of a page, which is also why I have chosen to present it in this manner.

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Task 8: Web Banner Development

This is my third idea for my web banner. I went for 160x600 pixels for this design. This design is very different to the other two, yet have the same elements because I have included the spider, the can and the slogan. I think that this banner is a good representation of my product because it shows what it’s all about. I still wanted to include the animation of the spider, so I decided to have it descending down from the top of the banner and then it will land in its designated place on the can, where it is included in the design, which I think is really clever. After that, the slogan will appear at the top of the banner, so that it will fill up the space and to also grab your attention. I like that it is simple because it has a plain background, but because of the animation, it will look like there is more going on.

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Task 8: Final Web Banner

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What are the technical qualities of your work?There are a few technical qualities within this piece of work. I started off by opening my Photoshop document which had my unanimated web banner in. I then proceeded to make the spider move; I found this difficult because I even though I made many frames, when I moved the spider for the next frame, it would also move it from the previous frame, which was not what I wanted. I ended up using something called ‘tween’ whichallowed me to get the spider moving how I wanted it to, withoutany complications. ‘Tweening’ is the process where you make afirst and a last frame, then clicking the ‘tween’ button where youchoose how my frames you are wanting in your animationand this depends how smoothly you want your animation tobe, then this attaches all of the frames together to create arolling animation. After figuring out how the spider wouldmove, I then had to tackle the slogan that would appear after thespider walks from left to right. I had my slogan on all of the slides,but I needed to cut them out as individual words so that it wouldlook a lot better when revealed. As the spider walked over the letter, I clicked on the ‘eye’ which allowedthe word ‘life’ to show up on this slide. I revealed the letters when needed and because the spiderwas big enough to cover up the whole letter, it was able to hide the letters that didn’t need to be onshow at those moments. Once completed, I wanted it to flow as smoothly as possible so I changedthe time settings to 0 seconds which meant that the frames would have no delay when moving on tothe next frame. In the end, I used 22 different frames to create my animation and I think that it turnedout very well because it runs smoothly and reveals the letters in just the right places without anydisruption. I wanted to keep my web banner simple because I thought that this would look better on acomputer screen than a really busy one. I also wanted to include most of the elements of my product inthe web banner because I want the audience to know what was being advertised and by using the samecolour scheme, font and detail, it helps you to recognise that this will be linked to the Black Widowenergy drink.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

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What are the aesthetic qualities of your work?I think that my web banner is aesthetically pleasing because it follows the same font and colour scheme as my other products, which shows to audiences that they are all linked together which makes it more noticeable in the media. I think that it would appeal to my target audience because there are elements like the spider which bring the banner to life and would make you want to look at it more. I do think that the spider could look better because its legs don’t look smooth, which would have made the web banner look even better; this is because I have had to shrink it down a lot, which makes the quality worse, hence why it doesn’t lookvery clear. The spider definitely needed anoutline otherwise it would have been verydifficult to see it. I felt like grey would be moreeffective because when I put a white border, it looked very fake and it didn’t make the banner flow together. Grey also makes it more subtle because I want the title and slogan to be the main focus of this banner and the grey helps to tone down the spider so it is not the thing you are focusing your eye on. What I do like is the fact that the colour scheme suits this web banner because it is the same colour scheme I have used throughout my other products. The white writing helps the banner to stand out when on the web because your eye is immediately drawn to it. Although I have used the same font and style for the title of the product, I decided to keep it all one colour; this is because I felt like there would be too muchgoing on as well as the animation. Also, if I had put in the red ‘K’, it would have just blended into the background because of the red smoke, so you wouldn’t have been able to see it.As the banner will be smaller on the web than the image on this page, it will look a lot clearer which will make it look moreprofessional, as you can’t have a banner that is blurry. I think that by introducing the element of animation, it makes the banner look better because there is more excitement to it than a plain banner. An animation will draw your eye in because you will see something happening in the corner, which will make you want to look at it and then become interested in what the product is, which may make you search it on the web.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

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Are there opportunities for further development of your work?I think that I have managed to develop my work very well because I managed to come up with three very different ideas that included the same elements throughout. I think that there may have been some possibility to develop my work further, although this might have included making something completely different which wouldn’t suit my product. As my web banner is promoting my drink, I could have made various banners to promote the different flavours. My main banner has the red smoke, which would fit in with the ‘original’ flavour, yet I could have made one with an orange smoke, which would have promoted the ‘orange’ flavour drink. This is something I could have definitely looked into for a development, although at this time, I was only focusing on my original flavour. It would have been nice if I had added in the Facebook and Twitter logos as this would indicate to audiences that you are able to look up my product on these websites and as they are on my advert, it also links everything together because I am trying to promote my product more.

Are your final pieces are fit for purpose?My final piece fits the purpose because I have managed to design and produce a web banner that promotes my energy drink. My audience is males aged 18-25 and I feel like my product is worthy to come under this age and gender category because by using certain colours and fonts, it helps to appeal to a niche audience. By using red and black, this is stereotyped as male colours, which is why I chose to use them in my products; I felt like these colours would be perfect because I knew that the with the idea I wanted to produce, they would suit it well. My web banner is ideal to be online because it’s small enough that it won’t get in your way when browsing the web, as well as including pictures and text which isn’t offensive to the public.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

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What areas of planning and development worked well?I think that I managed to develop my work well because I tried out different shapes and sizes of banner until I found one which I thought would look best for my idea. I did keep all of the essential elements in each development because those were what I wanted to include in my final web banner so it made it easier to come up with several designs that included these elements. Each of my designs had the spider descending or moving within the banner, I just had to decide which movement would look best for my product. I knew that I wanted to do a moving animation as I felt like these would be the ones that would draw you in most because you would be able to see it in the corner of your eye when browsing the web. I think that after producing a design with my can in the banner, and one without, I felt like the one without would be better because this would get people looking up the product to see what it is, which would help to promote my product. I also thought that because my can was in my advert, it would be good to produce something that didn’t have my can in it as it shows that I can develop my work to make all my work link together without having the can product on show.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

What areas of planning and development could have done with more work?As mentioned in a previous question, there is some development that could have done with more work, such as changing the colour scheme slightly to fit in with the different flavours of my drink. I think that this would have been a good thing to pursue because it would have added to my development massively and also linked my other products together. I could have looked at doing a different idea completely which could have involved producing a banner that changes colour on a constant reel, or doing something with the contents of the drink, like making it burst out the drink.

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What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? My development stages definitely helped me to decide on my final product because I had to try out various templates that were different sizes and this helped me to plan out where all my elements would go on the banner. By developing my work, it helped me to decide which idea would look better than the others and which would actually work as an animation. I had trouble deciding which banner would look better out if my last two ideas, so I made an animation for both of them and the one that I though would look better, turned out the be the weaker banner. The development really helped me because if I had gone with the banner I thought looked better before animating, it would have turned out worse than the one I ended up finalising. It also helped me to decide whether to include the can in my web banner or not; I decided not to because I wanted to something different as my advert included my can so I thought that producing my web banner without the can would make it more interesting. I think that because I had my can and my advert to look at and come up with a design for my web banner, it was easier to develop it because I had similar elements that I could use from my previous work to help me with my banner.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

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Task 9: Storyboard development

These are the first three panels for my storyboard. I wanted to go with a storyboard that would show an extreme sportsperson doing a stunt that didn’t go as they planned. I wanted them to have a drink of my product which would give them a bit more energy and focus, that ended up helping them to complete the stunt perfectly second time round. I think that this is a good idea for my product because as it is aimed at males, they would be interested in extreme sports more than females, which might spark them to drink my product as if they want to go into this profession, the drink might help them to do that.

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Task 9: Storyboard development

I decided to recreate my idea in Photoshop to see how it would compare. I like this one because I am able to use my product and also real bikes and people because this shows me how it will look to scale in the storyboard. I do think my previous storyboard is more detailed though because it has things like the music notes and crows in the background. Overall, I think that I prefer the first design because it looks a lot more fun and there is also more details in that one.

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Task 9: Storyboard development

This is a second idea for my storyboard. I decided to go with a festival themed one because I could see my drink being drunk at a festival. In this case, I think that the drink would be aimed at both males and females because both genders will go to a music festival, but this helps to get a wider audience.Out of the two ideas, I prefer the first one because it is aimed more at my target audience and I have also put a lot more planning into the first one so I know exactly what I want to achieve in it.

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Are there opportunities for further development of your work?I think that there is opportunity to develop my work because I felt like I stuck with the typical storyboard theme by choosing to associate my drink with extreme sports and festivals. I do think that I could of gone down a different route because I think that if I did this, it would have been interesting to see the responses I get from ding something different. I also think that I could have designed the storyboards in Photoshop more because in this case, I would have been able to get real people and the objects I needed to make it look more realistic. With this I could have rotascoped the objects and change colour and make them how I want them to be. You can see that the images on the right are of the same frame, except one is done through Photoshop. With the Photoshop one, you can easily see what is trying to be achieved because you are able to make out the details in the bike. With the cartoon one at the bottom, thee are limited images that are available on that website, so it is difficult to get across what you want to achieve because on this frame, I have had to use something that looks like a go-kart instead of a bike. I think that by developing my idea in Photoshop, I am able to create a storyboard that would look more realistic and include lots of detail.

Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation

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Are your final pieces are fit for purpose?I definitely think that my storyboard is fit for purpose because I have designed and illustrated something that is easy to understand and produce. I have managed to illustrate the images well by talking about the camera angles, background music etc. as this helps you to imagine what it would look when it is to be produced for real. You can see that my storyboard fits in with the rest of my products because I want to include the drink product at the end so audiences can see what is being promoted. The can is on my advert which is the image below, so you are also able to link them together as they include the same product throughout my work.I think that my storyboard is ideal because it will appeal to my target audience because of the content as males would be more interested in extreme sports than females would be. I have also managed to make it so that it is family friendly and doesn’t contain any rude language or offensive images.

What areas of planning and development worked well? I already knew what I wanted my storyboard to be because I had thought about it from the beginning of the project, so when it came to producing it, I knew exactly what I wanted to put onto it. I wanted to include as much detail as possible because this would help you to understand what I want in the real product. By illustrating the details, it helps to to fully imagine the product and you are also able to add more details if you think of them along the way. From the images in the cartoon strip, you can see how I have blurred some of the object; I did this because it helps to create depth in the storyboard and rather than just describing that music is playing, it’s good to introduce the music notes because it helps add to it. I know that when I was doing my storyboard, I kept thinking of more things to add, which was good because it helped me visualise what I wanted even more.

Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation

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What areas of planning and development could have done with more work?I think that I could have done a lot more development but I think that it is difficult to as with a storyboard, you tend to haveone idea so you are limited to what development you can do. I think that this task was different to the previous tasks because it didn’t have a lot to work with and I think that if I had more time and resources, it would have turned out a lot better. I could have wrote down the timing for each frame and this would have helped me to plan the storyboard out better because I might have to add more slides because I want it to last around 30 seconds and without the timing, I won’t know how long it really lasts. On the Photoshop one, I could have added more detail, but I didn’t have enough time, so I would definitely have to time myself in future because I want to be able to finish the product right. I think that I should have considered my colour scheme more into the storyboard as this would help to tie all my finished products together. I should have done a colour version because it would look more appealing too.

What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product?I think that the development stages definitely helped with my work because it helped me to see which bits would work and which wouldn’t. It helped to decided whether I liked the Photoshop or the cartoon version of my storyboard best as one had more detail than the other. The development stages help you to link all your products together via colour scheme and design.Overall, I think that my products look aesthetically pleasing because I have been very consistent with each product by using the same font and colour scheme as this links all of my products together so it is easily recognisable with any of my products you see. By looking at all my previous products, it helped me to come up with a storyboard that would be best suited for my target audience.

Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation

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Final Advert

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Final Can Design

Front Back Information

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Final Web Banner

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Final Storyboard

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