Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or change forms and convections of real media products AS Media Studies Evaluation

Media evaluation q1x

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Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or change forms and convections of real

media products

AS Media StudiesEvaluation

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Front cover

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Cover image The front cover consist of a photographic close up image of my the artist,

it is normally positioned at the center of the page, though I positioned my artist on the left side of the page so that I could easily present text clearly and easily readable. It covers the majority of it, acting as the back ground but also it instantly gives the reader some insight about the main artist.

The contrast of the image has been increased which makes enhances the light’s reflection, creating a more bright and luxurious image, by doing this makes the cover look less dull

The artist is wearing a slightly dark blue hoodie which was used to help indicate to the reader the magazine’s genre of music, the color of the hoodie was of a brighter color than the background to ensure that the artist would stand out, since the image of the artist is the main focal point of a magazine cover, it needs to be ensured that the artist is easily noticeable. The artist is also wearing head phones, this gimmick/prop is to further indicate that that this is a music magazine,

The artist is making direct contact with the camera to follow magazine conventions but also to help catch the readers attention by creating a connection and thus making the reader interested and motivated to read the magazine. The facial expression of the reader is intimidating giving a serious feeling to the magazine.

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The font of the Masthead is of a large font size that fills the top section of the page, it is the largest text size present on the page, to make it easily and instantly noticeable

The masthead is unique due to the font, it need to be unique so that it stands out from the other magazine brands, the font is of Tipo Capital1 St, It consist of an enlarged first letter, which is of a larger size than the rest of the text, there are lines at the top and bottom of the text, this is to help the text stand out more

The Masthead is of a modern style, the definition is merged, joined or united which signifies the different styles of rap music

The Masthead is of a color white, it is a bright color so that it stands out from the dark background, making it easily readable

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Strap line

The strapline is located at the top of the magazine cover, above the masthead, it is used to summarize what the brand stands for , it is short (preferably around five words) so that it is easily remembered.

The strapline is colored white so that it stands out from the dark background, I used a superlatives such as “special” and “Best” to peak the interest of the reader and persuade the reader to read the magazine.

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Cover lines The cover lines are positioned and are aligned on the right

side of the magazine where the text can be seen with ease, by doing this the reader is able to appreciate the image of the artist as well as read the cover lines clearly.

Since the magazine is a rap magazine the artists featured are only rap artists

The name of the artists are slightly of a larger text size than the other cover lines, this is so that it stands out from the other content on the page and catch the attention of the reader. The names listed are names of famous and well known artists, this is to help gain a wider audience, with each of the names listed having their own fan base, this ensures that the magazines reaches its full potential of loyal customers buying the magazine just to stay up to date with the latest news of their favorite artist.

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The headline on the front cover is the name of my artist, it is the second largest font on the page and is positioned near the bottom, the headline helps to pre select the audience through the recognition of the character, it also makes the character more memorable.

It is colored in red so that it stands out from the other content, the text has a stroke line as well out more as well as a white drop down shadow to make the headline stand out and look more aesthetically pleasing. The headline’s purpose is to attract and quickly draw the readers attention to the main story, so it is important that it stands out form the rest of the content.

A quote form the artist is below the headline, this is to help inform the reader of what the main story will be about, in this case the quote briefly indicates that the main story will be about an event of major significance. The quote is to help attract the readers attention and make them interested in finding out more about the featured artist.

The quote is colored white so that it stands out form the background with ease, making it easily noticeable as well as easily readable.

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Selling line

The selling line is a description of the titles main marketing point, it gives insight to what the magazine Is going to be about. This strapline talks about the struggles the artist is facing.

The selling line is colored white to ensure that it is easily readable but also it is a simple but affective color scheme, the selling line is underlined, as a unique aspect to help catch the readers attention. The size of the text is one of the largest on the page, to ensure that the.

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Contents Page

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Column layout The contents page has been split into 2 columns, lots of

content has been presented to ensure good value for money for the customer.

The column on the left contains the featured contents, lists of page numbers regarding top news in the rap music industry, some of the most famous and well known rap artists are included to ensure that their loyal fans/audience will buy the magazine to get the latest information. The page numbers are in uneven proportion so that there would be room for advertisements and sponsor ship.

The featured columns are in bright colours to stand out from the dark background, the titles and page numbers are of a larger text than the description and they are in a red rectangle so that they stand out more than the description. The text below the each title and page numbers is the description, which gives some information to the story.

The column on the right is of a picture of my artist, it has the page number at the top which directs the reader to the main story of the magazine. Next to the artist is his quote, which is used to inspire people.

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Title and date line

Using the same font as the masthead keeps a visual consistency, by showing too many different fonts may look unappealing to the reader. Also just like he masthead , the title is the largest text on the page, this is to help attract the reader. Both the title and date line are of white font colour is to ensure that it is readable. The date is included so that the reader is aware that it is not outdated and that they are reading the latest news. To ensure that the reader is able to see the date instantly.

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Article Page

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The headline is positioned at the top left of the article, its one of the largest text on the page. It is in a black rectangle to add contrast and make the text look attractive and easily readable.

The fonts used are the same as the fonts on the front cover to keep a visual consistency, by doing this keeps a simple aesthetical appeal.

The stage name of my artist is presented to make the artist more recognisable, as well as memorable. The text has a drop down shadow to make it stand out more. Like the front cover it has a red font to symbolize the rap and serious feel.

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Pull Quote

The pull up quote is positioned next to the artist, it relates to the headline and briefly talks about the article which is his “rise to fame”. The quote is also used to inspire and motivate people to not give up there dreams. The quote is coloured in white so that it is easily readable and noticeable from the dark background.

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Photo-shoot Image

The photo-shoot image covers the whole of the second page, it is a mid shot. Like the front cover and the contents page, the dark background of the artist is maintained to keep a visual consistency. The facial expression of the artist is intimidating and quite arrogant, to express that he has accomplished his dreams, which also relate to the headline.

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Developing Ideas

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Front Cover

Like the XX And The Source magazine, I used the idea of having the photo of the artist in one side and the cover lines on the other opposite side, I will also have the other text at the bottom of the page, by doing this the reader is able to read the text clearly and easily due to how the different colours of the photograph wont affect the visibility of the text.

I used the idea of having the masthead in front of the artist, from The Source magazine, I like this idea, due to how you could read the title clearly without the artist blocking it.

By not mixing text and images, the reader will be able to appreciate looking at the photograph as well as reading the text. Like the two magazines I also used red boxes to make some of the text stand out more.

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Contents Page Like the XXL magazine uses the idea of

having the artist on one side of the page and the features on the other, by doing this will make it easier to read the text as well as appreciate the image of the artist.

The title will be presented at the top, it will have its own section like the XXL magazine, like the Masthead it needs to at the top where it easily seen so that the reader knows

My artist doesn’t look at the camera, though this is not conventional, by doing this will make it look unique. I have the page number next to my artist like the second magazine example so that the reader knows which page the main story will be.

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Article Like both of the article examples, I had

the image of my artist presented on a full page, and the writing on the other page. Due to the quantity of text it will be difficult to read the text, since the background colours of the image will affect the visibility of the text.

I decided to have the title of the article presented, so that the reader has a brief insight of what the article will be about. It is located at the top so the reader will see it instantly as they scroll through the pages.