Magazine Research Jonah Adshead

Magazine research

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Magazine Research

Jonah Adshead

Vice Magazine

The pages of Vice magazine almost always feature a large image that will take up a lot of the page.It is definitely a very visual magazine and I really like their style of using large images to catch the eye of the reader and back up the articles with photos of the interesting characters or places the stories cover.

Although I would regard the magazine as very visual in terms of the large photographs that feature in the magazine, the text is always just standard black and white.They use very plain drop capitals and bold in headings or to differentiate interviewers questions in interviews but other than this there are no graphical manipulations of the text. I do like this technique, as it allows the text to be read without disruption and the images take control of the aesthetics.

The images and text are almost always separated with a clear line or border. Text very rarely overlaps imagery and there is usually no cut outs or other such things.I like the clear separation of imagery and text that Vice use.

Zug Magazine

Zug magazine is very similar to Vice magazine and text and imagery is almost always clearly separated. There is often more colour in Zug however, and some more text manipulation does occur than in Vice.Sometimes a page will not be white with black text but will be one block of colour with a different colour of text on top. This sometimes adds an interesting quality and as the colour will usually be complimentary to the colour in the image, it draws a stronger relationship between the text and imagery.

This magazine is based in Geneva and so has the English and French translations of each article on the page. Although with most publications it would be unnecessary I think it is cool and adds a unusual feel to the magazine.

Printed Pages Magazine

Printed Pages magazine has more colour and features different typography elements that often incorporating text into the illustrations or images that come with the articles.

Another feature that sets Printed Page magazine away from the ones I have previously analysed are the headings. The headings are often very colorful and ornate, taking up a large portion of the page above the article.

This heading will usually contain the same colours as the photograph or illustration and be themed to match the subject of the article.

Young, Fresh and Relevant Magazine

YFR magazine is again similar, but often takes simplicity and division between text and imagery to the extreme.For example as you can see in the image to the left the image and text are on opposite pages and do not take up their pages and are very clearly separated. The example I have shown is a poem and this sort of presentation for poems is not unusual, but YFR magazine present a lot of their articles in this way.

There is a definite trend in the refined way in which the magazines I like present their articles and images and this is something I would like to re-create in my own work.


Body (adobe Hebrew)

HeadingBody (Century Gothic)

Heading Body (Courier)

For my text I just want a standard, simple and clean font. I will use interesting images that will mean that the reader is not disappointed with the plain font.

Heading Body(HectorRounded)

Heading Body (Helvetica)

Images I Could Use.

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