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Page 1: Inspiration


Page 2: Inspiration

Porcelain – Frusciante Music video

• The song already has a video, though it’s not technically an official video. It’s made by one of the band members and can be found on his YouTube channel.

• I really like this shot for its creativity. I like how it creates a sense of disorientation, using an extreme canted angle. The girl’s hair reinforces the obscure angle due to the direction it falls in.

Page 3: Inspiration

Euan Baker (former Wyke student work)

• I like the shots of the ink drops as I think they make a really aesthetically pleasing shot. It could also connote drug use, as it has implications of chemicals entering the blood stream i.e. drugs.

• There are also some extreme slow motion shots which I think are very good for putting focus on the aesthetic of a shot, and the movement within a shot as it gives the viewer more time to analyse it.

Page 4: Inspiration

Submarine- film by Richard Ayoade

• This type of ‘kaleidoscope’ effect would be good for portraying 1st person views of the protagonist if she is hallucinating/reminiscing

• Achieved by filming through a kaleidoscopic lens

Page 5: Inspiration

Purity Ring - Fineshrine

• This shot makes the bed appear like it’s sinking downwards – as if it’s swallowed the person that was sleeping there

• This effect was achieved was through filming the cushion and mattress go back to their original size after someone had laid on it, then in post production, playing the footage backwards to give the opposite effect.

• This has helped me to develop an idea of mine; the protagonist falls back onto the pillow and her head shatters.

• Obviously I have limited skills and resources, so using CGI to achieve this effect would have been near on impossible.

• However I could film the girl falling back onto the pillow, then the moment she hits it, have a shot of something abstract to assimilate her hallucination, then have the same angle shot with this technique applied, however with shattered porcelain on the pillow; implying that her head has ‘shattered’ on impact

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Lorde – 400 Luxe

• This extreme close up of a (possibly use of a macro lens) cigarette puts an emphasis on the use of substances

• This would be a good type of shot to use in my video due to the theme of drug use

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Pulp Fiction

• More shots to use as inspiration

• Probable use of a macro lens

• Places emphasis on substance use

• memorable shots from an iconic film – may help my video to be more memorable

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Youth Lagoon - Mute

• I like this because it gives quite a lot of information to the viewer in one shot.

• We can see what the person is seeing, and we can also see how the person is responding to that

• This is a good type of technique to use in a music video due to the limited amount of time that there is to portray a narrative

• This could be applied to my video if I decide to show the protagonist

Page 9: Inspiration

Li Hui – photographer

• I like the style of this artist’s work, in particular the colours she uses and the simplicity of her images

• I hope to emulate the pastel shades of her work through my music video

• This will be a visual representation of ‘porcelain’

• I also hope to take inspiration from the simplicity of her shots and use a simple approach when it comes to framing and mise-en-scene (not including too much in the shot)