| EDITION NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 | VOL.9 | IIP Academy documented the ‘PARIVARTAN’ rally with its Photography tool In the series of ‘Parivartan’ rally “Shri Narendra Modi”, The Prime Minister of India has arrived to Moradabad on December 3 to address his 4th ‘Parivartan’ rally for Bhartiya Janata Party. Modi had addressed previously in Kushinagar, Gazipur and Agra. Apart from vote banking the subject of his speech was demonetization. IIP academy has mutely supported this rally with its photography tool. IIPians followed and covered the rally taking pictures. IIP Academy is graced by the invitation to cover the making of 'Parivartan Rallies and to document these in 'Coffee Table Book', presented to Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at Lucknow on The Parivartan Rallies done by Bhartiya Janta Party in Uttar Pradesh. Conceptualised and Curated by IIP Foundation Photography by: IIP students Vaibhav, Soumen Mandal and others | UNSUBSCRIBE | ABOUT | PRESS | CONTACT | STAY CONNECTED | [email protected] | 9015 422 322

IIP Newsletter Nov- Dec 2016

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IIP Academy documented the‘PARIVARTAN’ rally with its

Photography toolIn the series of ‘Parivartan’ rally “Shri Narendra Modi”, The Prime Minister of India has arrived to Moradabad on December 3 to address his 4th ‘Parivartan’ rally for Bhartiya Janata Party. Modi had addressed previously in Kushinagar, Gazipur and Agra. Apart from vote banking

the subject of his speech was demonetization.

IIP academy has mutely supported this rally with its photography tool. IIPians followed and covered the rally taking pictures.

IIP Academy is graced by the invitation to cover the making of 'Parivartan Rallies and to document these in 'Coffee Table Book', presented to Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at Lucknow on The Parivartan Rallies done by Bhartiya Janta Party in Uttar Pradesh.

Conceptualised and Curated by IIP Foundation

Photography by: IIP students Vaibhav, Soumen Mandal and others

| UNSUBSCRIBE | ABOUT | PRESS | CONTACT | STAY CONNECTED | [email protected] | 9015 422 322

People pictures fall into two categories. Portraits and candid. Either can be made with or without your subject's awareness and cooperation. The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. The settings in which you make pictures of people are important because they add to the viewer's understanding of your subject. The room in which a person lives or works, their house, the city street they walk, the place in which they seek relaxation—whatever it is, the setting provides information about people and tells us something about their lives. A great deal of people photography is understanding human nature and being aware of how people usually react in given situations. If someone is sitting in a café he will usually look up when the waiter approaches. Think about the situation you are photographing and how people are likely to act in it. Then prepare yourself for the moment. Children are full of expressions and creativity. Try to capture everyday things but rather than asking your child to pose, let them have fun and do their usual thing. Innocence is one of the things we associate with childhood – why not capture this? It could be an innocent expression or a moment of childish fun. Let the child play, or perhaps talk to them about something that makes them think.


“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”KARL LAGERFELD.

IIP Freedom (Pg 2)

This month, that year (Pg 4)Photography workshop IIP withSmile Foundation (Pg 7, 8)

IIP shooting Star (Pg 9)

IIP Photography Tour (Pg 1, 5, 6)

Photo Review (Pg 2,4)

IIP Online Student (Pg 3)

2 days with snapdeal (Pg 10)

New Launch of IIP (Pg 9)

IIP Celebrate Diwali (Pg 11)CEO’s & Editor’s Desk (Pg 12)


Photo: Sushil Joshi

Tips for shooting wide anglewhat is wide-angle? Simply put, it is any focal length equivalent to 35mm or less on a full frame camera. Wide-angle lenses come in fixed-focal lengths (14, 18, 20, 24, and 28mm are common fixed-focal lengths) and in zooms, such as Nikon’s 12-24mm or Canon’s 16-35mm.

following are tips to try out when shooting with a wide-angle lens.

1) Avoid Distortion: Wide-angle lenses can be good at keeping vertical and horizontal lines straight, but only when the camera is pointed straight ahead. Any slight downward or upward angle can result in distorted lines, particularly along the edges. Keeping the camera level with the horizon, and perpendicular, will provide nice, straight lines that require little or no correction in post processing.

2) Use Distortion: There are times, however, when some distortion can add to the photo, so try moving the lens about and seeing how it affects the lines along the edges or distorts objects in the foreground. This is very subjective, of course, and not everyone will like the results. I personally prefer to do this very subtly as I’m not trying to mimic a fisheye lens.

3) An Interesting Foreground: As wide-

angle lenses capture more of the scene, it is a good idea to make sure there is something interesting in the foreground for the viewer to look at. This is particularly true of landscape photography. Otherwise there may be too much empty space in the photo and the image can become boring and leave the viewer’s eye wondering, looking for a focal point.

4) Take advantage of the sky: Similar to using an interesting foreground, if you have a beautiful sky, you can also use the wide-angle to take advantage of it. Fill 1/3 to 1/2 of your frame with the sky and the wide-angle will accentuate it because of the added sense of depth that these lenses create. Of course, the foreground still needs to be interesting; you can just have less of it in this case.

5) Use Leading Lines: As wide-angle lenses capture so much of the scene, it is often easy to lose track of what one is looking at in the resulting photo. This being the case, leading lines can be used to draw in the viewer. As wide-angle lenses exaggerate the sense of scale, this can also add to the power of the lines. Training yourself to look for lines and using them in your photos with a wide-angle lens can help you create more dramatic images.

6 Shoot Low: Shooting low, you can include much of the ground in front of you to guide you up to the subject. Whether a garden or a fountain or an intriguingly cracked road, shooting low can provide an interesting subject that can lead the viewer back to the horizon. Because of the extreme width you are using, you can shoot from very low, close-to-the-ground angles and still fit tall subjects and skies into the frame.

7) Frame the shot: Wide-angle lenses can be used to frame subjects in interesting ways. This can include capturing subjects within whole

doorframes or windows, for instance, or finding other interesting ways that can frame your shot. You may not even notice some of the possibilities until you look through the viewfinder and see the world as the wide-angle lens sees it.

8) Keep people out of the corner: Wide-angle lenses distort the most in the corners, so someone in the corner of a photo becomes noticeably distorted. This is particularly true with shorter focal lengths (15mm can distort more than 30mm). In general, always keep people near the center of your frame when

shooting wide-angle. Otherwise, they can appear shorter and wider than they are, which is not a good look.

9) Shoot Vertical: There is a tendency when shooting wide-angle to shoot horizontal, but interesting results can occur when shooting vertically. Tall buildings can be captured in their entirety, for instance, or a feet-to-sky perspective can be achieved. All the concerns mentioned above still need to be considered, especially distorting vertical lines along the edge of your frame, but the results can be quite striking.

Ravindra Tanwar VikasPramesh Sadh

Madhu Latha Harshit Singh Ute Sulger

Photographs of the month by IIP Online Students

Our Vision

IIP Foundation India aims at building an India where every citizen of the country possesses an equal right of living a happy, contended, healthy, secured, unbiased and prosperous life while having access to proper healthcare, quality-oriented education and vocational skills irrespective of class, creed, gender, social status, religion and location.

Our Mission

To broaden and accelerate the development of downtrodden and underprivileged communities by extending a helping hand towards them and enlighten them with knowledge and awareness they need regarding the issues related to their fundamental rights, equality and social dignity.

Photo Review

Certifications of Weekend workshops and Sunday Photography Courses after completion...


You are our shooting starKeep Clicking!!

Photography Simplified...

The eyes have been called the “windows to the soul.” “Nothing could be closer to the truth for portrait photography. You could have the perfect composition and exposure, but if the eyes aren't sharp, the entire image suffers. Seeing eye-to-eye is a great way to make your portraits convey more of the connection you established with the subject.

It starts with the photographer making a distinct effort to connect with the subject so they are at ease with the image-making process. This can often include advance research on your portrait subject and his or her interests. it doesn't take talent to capture a solid portrait. It takes skill and the motivation necessary to master those skills. Portrait photography can be dealt with as an equation; with just a set of rules and guidelines, it's possible to take jaw dropping, natural light portraits.

People tend to forget that a portrait without a real expression does not connect to the viewer. Humankind wants to see genuine emotion and not a posed, cheesy smile. This is more important than location, light and expensive gear. Photographer here has chosen the subject very nicely the subject has a character the viewer can feel the connection here that photographer has with the subject.

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on the either side of it”Edward Steichen

Photo Coutsey : Ranjan ( DDPC Sec B)

Photo Coutsey : Willington ( DDPC Sec B)

We've all had the experience: Driving through a beautiful landscape, you stop at every scenic overlook to make photographs sure to capture the grandeur of what you see. When we look at a landscape, our eyes travel over it and selectively focus on the elements that we find appealing.

Time is the most important investment you can make in getting good landscape pictures. When you arrive in a place you've never visited before, spend time scouting—driving or hiking to different locations, finding different vantage points. This can take some practice because you also have to look at where the light will not be falling.

For example, you might see that the west wall will be beautifully lit in the early morning, if the canyon is deep, however, the east wall will be in such complete shadow that your camera will be capable of rendering it only as a great black blob. Unless this is the effect you want, you'll either have to modify your composition, shoot it later in the day, or plan to return on an overcast day when both sides will be photographable.

Photographing forests presents a different set of challenges. First, think about the character of the forest you want to shoot and the feeling you want to convey in your image. Should it feel dark and brooding, or light and airy.

As with any photograph, find a point of interest. It might be one slightly different tree trunk, a path winding through, or a splash of color on a flowering vine. Whatever it is, compose in such a way to lead the viewer to it. Look for shafts of light penetrating the canopy or one spot on the forest floor directly lit by the sun.

Whether you are shooting toward a forest or shooting from inside it, look for patterns, lines, and other compositional elements you can use. Try both wide and telephoto lenses. A wide lens looking up at the trees will make them soar; a telephoto will compress a row of trunks. Lie down and look straight up through the branches; climb a tree to look down the path.

“It is the photographer, not the camera, that is the instrument.”Eve Arnold

Landscape photography is a form of landscape art.

Landscapes may be a popular subject among photographers, but it takes a lot of mastery, patience, and a certain frame of mind to capture imagery that will really stir the viewers' emotions and mind.

When you are taking a landscape photograph, try creating a sense of depth by keeping all the different elements of the image in focus.

To get to the most obscure landscapes, you have to go where there is nothing to guide you. To find such a landscape, it is all but necessary to be in a wild location.

Painters work by continually applying brush strokes until their piece is complete. This additive process is actually quite different from how photographers compose images.

Through the lens, we're tasked to remove any unnecessary elements in order to best express our vision, a method of subtraction that may seem counterintuitive at first.

As Paulo Coelho said, “Elegance is achieved when all that is superfluous has been discarded and the human being discovers simplicity and concentration: the simpler and more sober the posture, the more beautiful it will be.”

Photo Coutsey : Willington ( DDPC Sec B)

“There are no rule for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”Anonymous

Photo Review

This month. That Year

The Blue Marble is a photograph of the Earth, taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft, at a distance of about 45,000 kilometres. It is one of the most reproduced images in human history.

This was the first time the Apollo trajectory made it possible to photograph the south polar ice cap, despite the Southern Hemisphere being heavily covered in clouds.

The photograph was taken about 5 hours and 6 minutes after launch of the Apollo 17 mission, and about 1 hour 54 minutes after the spacecraft left its parking orbit around the Earth, to begin its trajectory to the Moon.

The photographer used a 70-millimeter Hasselblad camera with an 80-millimeter Zeiss lens. NASA credits the image to the entire Apollo 17 crew—Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans and Jack Schmitt—all of whom took photographs during the mission with the on-board Hasselblad, although evidence examined after the mission suggests that Jack Schmitt was the photographer.

Apollo 17 was the last manned lunar mission. No human since has been far enough from Earth to photograph a whole-Earth image such as The Blue Marble, but whole-Earth images have been taken by many unmanned spacecraft missions.

“The Blue Marble” Last clicked by Manned Lunar Mission

Celebrating Over 10,000 student, innovation in education, collaborations and much more.

100 years old Pushkar Mela is a pride and joy of Rajasthan. IIP Academy students also became the eyewitness of stunning cultural carnival. They enjoyed a lot capturing the pictures of beautiful decked up camels, array of musicians, cultural dancers, colorful turbans and a lot.

After spending a peaceful time in Aranyani, IIP academy planned for something vibrant. So students were given the challenge to cover the place totally different than their previous trip. The place was heavily loaded with the color of tradition and feeling of devotion. Students were free broadening their mental imagery to show their talent and creativity they learned in IIP. Taking full advantage of this opportunity every student kept their heart and soul in taking pictures. And result was just awesome.

They also enjoyed the activities there and all were overwhelmed in the color of Indian tradition. They have been witnessing of Matka phod , longest Moustache , Bridal competition, Balloon festival, Camel and Horse dance which were the main attractions for tourists and photographers

IIPians witnessed Pushkar Mela

IIP has taken DDPC Batch to visit an Exhibition "The Surface of Things I Photography in Process" at "Galerie Romain Rolland, Alliance Francaise de Delhi" located in Lodhi Estate, New Delhi. This was running from 25th November to 13th December 2016.

“The Surface of Things” showcased the works of 4 contemporary artists - Uzma Mohsin, Srinivas Kuruganti, Sukanya Ghosh and Edson Dias. This Exhibition invoked the birth of an analogue visual form through a process oriented exhibit.

IIPian's visit to Photography Exhibition is a part of the regular learning in IIP as its vision is, creativity can not be taught in classroom.

DDPC batch has become the witness of “The Surface of Things. Photography in Process”

Celebrating Over 10,000 student, innovation in education, collaborations and much more.

Three Year Degree (UGC Recognised)

Celebrating Over 10,000 student, innovation in education, collaborations and much more.








Samantha Kaplan in IIPIIPians felt great with the presence and mentorship of Samantha Kaplan in IIP workshop "Editorial & Interiors" on 10th Dec.2016 in IIP academy.

Samantha Kaplan is a freelance photojournalist and documentary photographer from San Diego, California. She has a strong passion for human rights and the environment and a special concern for the world’s most vulnerable populations.

She educated IIPians and shared her photography knowledge and experience to the students.

IIP academy was grateful on her mentorship to IIPians. She was given the Certificate of Appreciation in return.

Indian Institute of Photography held a 2 days Basic Photography Workshop at The Golden Oak, Mg Road, Raipur on 3rd and 4th December. Workshop was successful under the guidance of IIP Mentor Mr. Jatin Jain. He taught the participants and students the various aspects of Photography.

Day-1 was the interactive tutorials where students and participants were taught the photography techniques and image manipulation from the meaning of photography to using layers and filters.

Day-2 was the practical shoot and photo review by the faculty.

The aim of IIP for the basic photography workshop is to convert you from an amateur photographer to a professional one.

Looking at the overwhelming participation, IIP has decided to arrange similar workshops on regular basis.

Basic Photography workshop in Raipur by IIP


(An IIP FOUNDATION Initiative)

Association for a Cause – IIP Academy partnered withIndia's Biggest Celebration on Good Cinema.

Siffcy (Smile International Film Festival for Children and Youth) has showcased award winning stories of the world to Indian audiences and celebrated International Film Festival in Siri fort Auditorium, New Delhi Since 5th December to 11th December 2016. Cause was to bring changes in the society through the magic of cinema.

IIP, in association with Siffcy worked there as photography knowledge partner. Cause was to bring sense and emotions to the surroundings through the magic of Photography.

IIP’s Mentors and Volunteers have contributed their effort to teach the underprivileged children through the basic photography techniques. Children’s were handed over the camera to frame their imagination.

A seven-days celebration was over with the happy mood. Mr. Rajesh Goyal, The Founder and Director of Indian Institute of Photography received SIFFCY Trophy for participating and supporting in the Biggest Celebration of Good Cinema. Mr. Shailesh Goyal, Director of Sepia Advertising was also present there to adorn of the event.

Title: In a series of “Documentation of Indian Culture & Heritage”

Kannur visit

IIP visited Kannur in the state of Kerala in a series of Documentation of our rich Indian Culture and Heritage.

Kannur district is known as the land of Looms and Lores. It is famous for its pristine beaches like Payyambalam Beach and more, native performing art, handloom industry and one of its best the Theyyam.

Tellicherry fort also has an important presence in Kannur which was established in 1708 by “The British East India Company” and now it is under the preservation of “Archaeological Survey of India.”

Handlooms of Kannur are as famous as its natural sceneries. For export of handloom products Kerala mainly depending upon the products from Kannur. The main products are shirting, Made-ups, Sateen sheets Crepe and Lungies etc. Kannur Mundu is a popular variety among these.

Theyyam is a divine dance and can be considered as a form of worship. The best thing about Theyyam is that it is not an arranged show or stage program but a dance ritual through which the gods are appeased and honored.

Kannur is not only these but a lot which cannot be concluded in a brief.

IIP academy partnered with“Top Model India” Season-2 in a series of Model Hunt

The wondrous “Top Model India” Season 2 left its impactful memory with more glitter of grandiosity than ever at Fortune Select Global, MG road, Gurgaon on 10th December 2016.

"Top Model India" Grand Finale in a series of Model Hunt is a platform which encompasses all those who are interested or associated with the fashion industry. The founder and National Director of IEP, the glam Rajni Subba has adorned to this beautiful event with her phenomenal presence.

IIP academy partnered with Model Hunt has scattered its vigor. IIPians were clicking every moves of the models. With their continual effort no moments were left uncaptured.

Mr. Rajesh Goyal, Founder and Director of Indian Institute of Photography, was the Guest of Honour in grand finale of TOP MODEL INDIA.

The Finale celebrated a grand success as the participant’s energy and judges’ zeal were much enough to make it successful.

Winners in Photography competition held after Basic Photography teaching in SIFFCY by IIP. Cause was to encourage the underprivileged children.


IIPians witnessed Pushkar Mela

Abhiram DDPC Section-B

Arnav Rastogi

Jan Mohammad

Sumant Roy

Abhishek Puri DDPC SEC- B

Chetan Sharma DDPC Sec-C

Pranav Joshi (DDP-B Batch)

Vaibhavjeet Sec-B -DDPC


Dinesh Chauhan(DDPC Weekend batch)

Prateek Taparia (DDPC)

Vikas Taneja DDPC Sec-C

Aman Kori

Rohit Verma - DDPC section A

Jan Mohammad

Andrew Lepcha

Himanshu Section C- DDPC

Samiran Baruah

Jan Mohammad

Jan Mohammad

| UNSUBSCRIBE | ABOUT | PRESS | CONTACT | STAY CONNECTED | [email protected] | 9015 422 322

Dear friends,

In this edition of IIP Mount you will find articles on photography workshops and with great knowledge with pictorial depictions. We have received tremendous response last time and hope for the same in future as well.

In case you wish to contribute or be associated with IIP Foundation in any way, do write to us at [email protected] or call 9015-422-322. Do not forget to explore our new sections of the IIP websites where you can avail some attractive offers & deals on IIP courses and much more.




CEOs Desk

Rajesh Goyal

Greetings from IIP!

It is a proud moment for me to present September and October edition of IIP Mount, these two months were full of festivals, photo tourism cum study tour to The Aranyani near Nainital, various workshops corporate, weekend and with siffcy IIP photography for smile Foundation NGO children in various parts in Delhi NCR. This was special when Alumni IIPian Sudhanshu Kesarwani took the under privileged students workshops in Ghaziabad and Gurgaon.

IIP Family celebrates Diwali with decoration in its offices and academy by making Rangolies, decorations and gave Gifts and sweets to all working for vision of IIP Foundation. This was an awesome time.

I congratulate the passed batch students and specially to IIPian Jatin Jain hold position no.1 in the complete batch. Congratulation to IIPian Vaibhavjeet to win photography contest ‘FREEDOM’ that was being organised by IIP Foundation on the occasion of Independence day 2016. Congratulation to all the students who have enrolled with us in our SPC and ASPC batches, I hope all these aspiring photographers will enjoy their passion for life. I thank SNAPDEAL for organising workshop in their premises where over 50 executives have attended IIPs two days photography workshops. In totality this edition of IIP MOUNT is full of photography learning and hope you will like it. Please share your views with us to improve the standards of IIP.

Best regards

Rajesh Goyal | CEO & Director Academics

Editorial Board

Content: Bhavya Goyal, Shahjahan Khan

Artwork: Sepia Advertising

Web design and PromotionSepia Digital

Picture Courtesy: IIPians

Special Thanks: Smile Foundation

Circulation: Print 500nos.Online - SMO

Broadcasted from: Sepia Digital

Printed at: Rajdhani Art PressOkhla Phase 2, Delhi


Affiliated with UGC recognized University

Courses Offered• Sunday Photography Courses

• Weekend Fashion Photography Classes• Multicity Weekend

Photography Workshops• School/Corporate Workshops

• Various Online Photography Courses• Photo Tours




Photo: Dev Chauhan

Photo: Pavitra Rao

Wildlife Workshop