Music adverts are a means of bringing an album release to the audience’s attention and ensuring we are all aware and so are able to purchase their album. Things we would expect to see on a music poster include: •The name of the artist/band. •The name of the album. •An image. •A release date. •Possibly quotes from an album review. •Logo of the record label.

Analysis Of Magazine Adverts

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Page 1: Analysis Of Magazine Adverts

Music adverts are a means of bringing an album release to the audience’s attention and ensuring we are all aware and so are able to purchase their album. Things we would expect to see on a music poster include:•The name of the artist/band.•The name of the album.•An image.•A release date.•Possibly quotes from an album review.•Logo of the record label.

Page 2: Analysis Of Magazine Adverts

The font looks to be little circles. This symbolises as if their name is in lights- suggesting fame.

“ALL THE GREATEST HITS” is written in bold and all in capital letters. This suggests that they have had many successful tracks and, once again, induces this image of fame.

The use of The Royal Albert hall and the colour purple give the poster a grand feel to it. The queen’s annual concert is held here and so there is a strong link to royalty and the image is central so that we do not miss this.

The use of palm trees injects an image of holiday and hence, fun into the poster.

A lot of The Killers’ videos are set in the desert. By using a cactus in the corner of the poster, they are making reference to their other tracks and videos.

Page 3: Analysis Of Magazine Adverts

Continuity of the title in all their products. This ensures that the band has a recognisable identity. The yellow font stands out against the black background and draws the consumers eyes in.

Mention of a shop where we can purchase their album. This is an extra incentive, as they are making it easier for us to purchase the DVD. There is also a website mentioned for this shop, making the purchase even easier, as we do not even have to leave our house in order to buy the album.

The use of a dramatic image. The guitarist jumping gives the band a childish and fun atmosphere- a convention often seen in indie, such as the Mystery Jets- “Young Love” video.

The date is in a bold and a large font. This ensures that we are completely sure of the date on which we can purchase the DVD. The bold font also helps to stress the importance of the date.

The use of the word “legendary” sets the DVD up as an experience that the audience should not miss. It ensures the audience feel as if they should already be knowledgeable on the subject of Nirvana and their “1992 performance.”

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Intertextuality. The term “Keep Calm and Carry On” was written on posters during the war as an attempt to reassure and calm people. By using this, the band have produced an image of themselves as calm individuals, as if their music will soothe and reassure you.

The use of the term “Brand New” suggests to the audience that this has never been heard before and that they would be part of an elite minority if they were to buy this album. It is ensuring the audience feel as if they are at an advantage if they own this album.

The name of the band’s website is written at the bottom of the poster. This is in a small font, as it is not the most important aspect of advertising the album. However, this still ensures that the audience are able to research further into the band and invest in merchandise or other material produced by the band.

The image is not confined to a box, it covers the whole surface of the poster, with the font written over the top. The band look pensive and calm- fitting in with the title of the album and also playing on the indie convention of the band being carefree- as explored in our research into the indie genre.