The journey beyond the trip: Exploring the 5 stages of travel

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A look at the 5 stages of travel, plus where and how a national tourism organization might reach and influence the potential traveller at each stage, towards completing his journey. Unfortunately, I'm unable to include the videos due to limit on file size. Contact me if you need more information - email address included at the end of the presentation.

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  • 25 September 2013 The journey beyond the trip EXPLORING THE 5 STAGES OF TRAVEL

What well cover today The 5 stages of travel Consumer mindset at each stage Marketing task at each stage Relevant tactics/touch-points at each stage Marketing trends and case studies for each stage DREAMING PLANNING BOOKING Information sources used for travel planning to Australia in Singapore compared to average of all countries (2012) Source: BDA Marketing Planning INFORMATION SOURCE Singapore All countries General internet 76% 78% Travel advice websites 69% 54% Friends or relatives who have been to Australia 59% 51% NTO website 51% 50% Guide books 44% 46% Travel booking website 45% 41% Travel agent 30% 38% Brochures 42% 36% Airline 28% 29% Online social networking 28% 26% Friends or relatives who live in Australia 29% 25% Source: TripAdvisor, TripBarometer, January 2013 What are the top information sources triggering Singaporeans desire for a holiday destination? 50% 43% 38% 33% 21% 17% 12% 10% 7% 2% 21% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Cultural influences (heard music, watched movies/drama, Friend/family travelled to this place Friend/family living there Been there before and liked it Read/saw something on social media Heard/read/saw something in mainstream media Airfare promotion Read/saw something on website Read guidebooks/brochures Advertising Others Information sources triggering consideration: Q: Which of the following made you first consider travelling to the next destination you have planned for your vacation? 45% 43% 38% 33% 31% 21% 17% 7% 7% 5% 17% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Cultural influences (heard music, watched movies/drama, tried Friend/family travelled to this place Friend/family living there Airfare promotion I've been there before and liked it Read/saw something in social media Heard/read/saw something on mainstream media Read/saw something on website Advertising Read guidebooks/brochures Others Q: Which of the following made you decide (i.e. take steps to plan/book) to travel to this destination? Information sources influencing decision: Why is our job not done even after the holiday destination has been decided? Q: What was the estimated time between first thinking about travelling to a particular destination to eventually making concrete plans (e.g. booking air tickets)? 1 month to 3 months, 52% Less than a month, 33% 3 to 6 months, 14% Estimated time between dreaming and booking: What is destination Japans key challenge? Q: Did you eventually travel to Japan? 72% 28% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% No Yes Q: Was Japan in your consideration list for the last vacation you took? 41% 60% 0% 50% 100% No Yes High consideration, low conversion: GOAL Ignite interest: Move from thinking to actively considering FOCUS Emotive story-telling to convey destinations main benefit DREAMING Thinking about taking a holiday; open to ideas; weighing up options Where should I travel to? How should I travel? What trip is right for me? What content works in emotive story telling? CHANNELS Positive PR Product placement/sponsorship Branded content Social media Mass media advertising Ambient advertising eDMs Travel agent/airline advertising Source: AC Nielsen What media are Singaporeans consuming? TREND: Ambient + Digital TREND: Newsjacking TREND: Citizen advocacy GOAL Make it achievable and convey value vis--vis competitors FOCUS Emotional & Rational: Demonstrate destinations value PLANNING Decision made; seek recommenda- tions; building itineraries What makes this trip right for me? Duration, availability, locations, unique features? CHANNELS Search Travel websites NTO, STO, RTO websites Airline, hotel, aggregator websites Social media Tactical advertising Travel agents/fairs Guidebook/brochures TREND: Citizen advocacy CASE STUDY: Great Australian Road Trips Itineraries and map integration: Brochure request service: Gamification and socialization of content: TREND: Retargeting Potential traveller Visits NTO site Leaves siteCookies on site Sees trade partners tactical ads Ads capture interest and lead him to partners sites Surfs web to continue planning Makes a booking on a partner site GOAL Make it easy to find the best offers and to book FOCUS Rational: Promote quality trade partners offering savings BOOKING Lock in flights first; book stay and activities as good offers and deals arise Where/how will I book the air tickets? Where/how will I book where I stay? Who can provide the experiences I want? CHANNELS Airlines, hotels (on- and offline) Aggregator websites Trade partners (on- and offline) Travel agents Travel start-ups with disruptive business ideas Proportional use of booking channels to Australia: Singapore compared to average of all countries (2012) Source: TNS Omni TREND: Collaborative economy More on collaborative economy TREND: DIY trip customization GOAL Increase spend in market and inspire return or next visit FOCUS Rational: Provide help to get around Emotional: Maintain positive holiday feeling EXPERIENCING Enjoyment is key; keep it free and easy; social updates on the go What should I do today? Where do the locals hang out? How do I get to where I want to go? CHANNELS Airports Taxis Street advertising Accommodation providers Local tour operators Local attraction operators Other local experience providers The locals Mobile devices and apps Source: TripAdvisor, TripBarometer, January 2013 Source: Australia IVS 2012 53% 19% 17% 16% 16% TNS Digital Life Singapore 2011 Singaporeans share while on their trip in Australia on: CASE STUDY: Handy in SG and HK GOAL Aggregate and amplify positive word of mouth to reach Dreamers FOCUS Emotional: Provide additional opportunities and platforms for story-telling by the consumer SHARING Reliving experience with friends; providing reviews and ratings I want to relive my experience with friends and family; share my knowledge with potential visitors; compare notes with others who have visited. CHANNELS Social networking platforms Photo-sharing platforms Video-sharing platforms Online travel communities/forums CASE STUDY: Tourism Australia Nick Baker Executive General Manager Consumer Marketing Tourism Australia Ultimately, we want our 4 million Facebook fans, the 23 million Australians who live here and the 6.1 million people who visited last year to become part of the world's biggest social media team and ambassadors for our country. Thinking about taking a holiday; open to ideas; weighing up options DREAMING CASE STUDY: Cape Town Tourism Some reminders Prioritize stage of travel to influence Connection planning, not media planning Invest in online/digital channels But dont forget to integrate offline channels Be inspired and have fun! Thank you! TAN WEE HOON
