Hamadan Avicenna mausoleum1

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George Sarton (who is considered to have founded the discipline of history of science) called Ibn Sina "the most famous scientist of Islam and one of the most famous of all races, places, and times." His most famous works are The Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine, also known as the Qanun (full title: al-qanun fil-tibb). A new and large mausoleum was built over Avicenna's tomb in 1952, together with a library (which contains approximately 8,000 volumes) and a small museum devoted to his works, in the central Bu Ali Square, in Hamadan, on the occasion of the philosopher's millennial birth anniversary . YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/michaelasanda-1126429-hamadan-avicenna-mausoleum1/

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Avicenna, aka Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina, was a Persian physician, philosopher, and scientist who was born in 980 in Kharmaithen near Bukhara, now in Uzbekistan (then Persia), and died 1037 in Hamadan, Persia (Iran).

Avicenna, aka Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina, a fost un medic persan filozof şi savant, care s-a născut în anul 980 lângă Buhara, acum Uzbechistan, şi a murit în anul 1037 în Hamadan, Persia (Iran)

A new and large mausoleum was built over Avicenna's tomb in 1952, together with a library (which contains approximately 8,000 volumes) and a small museum devoted to his works, in the central Bu Ali Square, in Hamadan, on the occasion of the philosopher's millennial birth anniversary.

Un mausoleu a fost ridicat deasupra mormântului lui Avicenna în anul 1952, îmbreună cu o bibliotecă (care conţine circa 8000 de volume) şi un mic muzeu consacrat muncii sale, în centrul pieţei Bu Ali din Hamadan, în vederea sărbătoririi unui mileniu de la naşterea sa.

The mausoleum is surmounted by a tower intentionally built to resemble the Gunbad-i-Qabus tomb tower in northern Iran (built in 1006) and contains, besides the actual gravestone of the famous physician, the sarcophagus which originally contained the body of Avicenna)

Mausoleul are deasupra un turn asemănător celui de la mormântul lui Qabus din nordul Iranului (construit de acesta în anul1006) şi adăposteşte pe lângă frumoasa lespede de mormânt actuală şi sarcofagul care conţinea iniţial rămăşiţele pământeşti ale savantului

Qabus, one of the Ziyarid rulers of Tabarestan was well-known as a poet, a philosopher, but he was even more famous as a calligrapher, writer, patron of poets and of learned men, (including Ibn Sina) the most eminent of whom was the great AI-Biruni (973-after 1050 AD) who dedicated his encyclopedic Chronology (translated into English in 1879) to him.

Qabus, un domnitor din Tabarestan, era cunoscut ca poet şi filosof dar mai ales ca şi caligraf, scriitor şi paton al poeţilor şi savanţilor (inclusiv al lui Avicenna), dintre care cel mai însemnat a fost Biruni (973-1050) care i-a şi dedicat opera sa enciclopedică Cronologia (tradusă în engleză în anul 1879)

Near the mausoleum a big marble statue of Avicenna can be admired.

Nu departe de mausoleu se află statuia lui Avicenna

Sound: Jalil Shahnaz - Atr Afshan


Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanuwww.slideshare.net/michaelasanda