Gcsv2011 training busy staff to work with volunteers-t. bishop and k. kraemer

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This document was created by an individual or individuals who submitted a proposal so he / she / they may present at the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiative’s 2011 Conference on Service and Volunteerism (GCSV11). This proposal was approved by the Indiana Commission on Community Service and Volunteerism (ICCSV) and other community partners. Sharing this document is a courtesy extended by the OFBCI to conference attendees who may want to reference materials covered at the GCSV11, and the OFBCI in no way not responsible for specific content within.

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Training Busy Staff to

Succeed with Volunteers

Tricia Bishop, CVA and Kristin Kraemer, CVA

Staff Personalities Those who want volunteers and know how to

engage them Those who want volunteers and think they

know how to engage them Those who want volunteers but do not know

how to engage them Those who do not want volunteers

Why is it important to train staff? Develop understanding as to why organization

wants volunteers Staff involvement = commitment to program Alleviate misunderstanding, fears, and

concerns of staff Build teamwork Bolster support of program, each other Review key aspects of supervision – how to

supervise Review volunteer policies and procedures Allow staff to provide feedback

Benefits to Staff Successful completion of work Build teamwork More services rendered to clients Assure greater potential for retention Reduce conflict Alleviate fears, misunderstandings, and

concerns Help avoid friction between staff and

volunteers (clarifies roles and responsibilities) Help avoid opposition, resistance, and

inability to achieve creative engagement of the volunteer

Benefits to Volunteers Receive better training and supervision Are part of the team Feel welcomed and wanted Time utilized effectively and efficiently Needs for challenges, social interaction,

direction, feedback and appreciation are more likely to be met

Role Playing A volunteer doesn’t report for his assignment

for two months. An area staff member sees the Volunteer Coordinator in the hallway and asks where the volunteer is. The Volunteer Coordinator doesn’t know anything about it. What could have prevented this situation?

A new volunteer complains to the Volunteer Office that their training isn’t going well. The volunteer has worked with three different staff people on three different days and is given three different sets of instructions. How could this situation have been prevented?

A volunteer was recently placed in a new assignment. After two days, the area staff complain that the volunteer doesn’t follow directions. The staff don’t want to work with the volunteer anymore. How do you prevent this from happening again?

Two employees are having difficulties with another co-worker. The two are discussing their personal problems in the presence of a long-term volunteer. Should you have a discussion with the employees and, if so, what do you say to them?

A staff member has an acquaintance who started volunteering without going through the Volunteer Office. The staff member thought they were “helping” the Volunteer Office Staff fill a necessary position. What do you tell the staff person?

A staff member requests six volunteers to help with an event in less than two weeks. You are unable to fill any of the positions. How do you respond to the person requesting the volunteers?

A volunteer complains that they have to do unpleasant tasks every week that paid staff never seem to do. How can this be prevented?

A staff member complains that they have a volunteer they no longer want to work with. The staff person says the volunteer has not worked out well for over six months and hasn’t shown improvement. Can you remove this volunteer with only this information and how can you prevent it from happening again?

Training New Employees New Employee Orientation Basic Overview of Volunteer Program Review policies and procedures

Build Rapport With Staff Maintain regular communication Ask staff for input/suggestions Host informational gatherings Recognize staff to their supervisors Staff commitment to program

Financial Costs of Volunteers Determine cost of a new volunteer Attrition Staff time/training

Know Volunteer Jobs Inside and Out! Clear job descriptions Review job descriptions annually Be a Volunteer! Write supervision of volunteers into staff job


Volunteer Supervision Increased Professionalism Evaluations annually Staff Liaisons/chain of command

Leadership/Coaching of Paid Staff How to Help Volunteers meet their goals Clear communications Ask open ended questions Self-evaluations
