Work Complete And Progress


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Work complete and progress

Complete work

•This is the final draft for my student magazine cover.

Complete work

•This is the final draft for my student magazine contents page.

Work in progress:•This is the first template which I completed in Photoshop for my student magazine.•It includes placements for where I want my article information to go, as space for my medium close up of a student. A draft title, and a small circle for price.•It is a basic template, but that gives much more design to be done later on, which I believe will produce a good result.

Draft 1.1•This is my first draft which included a some of the items of the front cover. The title I believed was good however when coupled with this background it is barely recognisable, so I decided to head in a different direction altogether, as shown in draft 1.2.

Draft 1.2-1.4

•These are my first magazines in the ‘new direction’. I changed the house style, the colour scheme and the title font of the magazine, inserting as well what I believed to be an easier background. It is still true to the template however I still believe it to look semi professional. Not good enough.

Draft 2.1- ideas

•As you can see Here is a new title font I selected based on the elements of the ‘outlines’ on the previous draft (1.2-1.4) A entirely new house style. Which I wanted to make more visually captivating and selling to the audience of students.

Draft 2.1

•By taking out the boxes and instead making the emphasis on text come from the outlines, the style developed, lines and a basic palette of colours helped make this an acceptable draft which I chose to make my final piece.


•I had no drafts for my contents as it was a first time success I believe the trial and error of my front cover enabled me to finish it to the house style in relatively no time. •I believe with a little improvement I have sale worthy products here.